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2 Arkkitehtuurin laitos ARK Arkkitehtuuritutkimuksen perusteet, 3 op Architectural Research, Basics, 3 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Pekka Passinmäki OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelijalle on muodostunut yleiskäsitys arkkitehtuuritutkimuksesta ja hänellä on perusvalmiudet tieteelliseen kirjoittamiseen. SISÄLTÖ: - Opintojakso antaa perustiedot tutkijan työstä, tieteellisestä kirjoittamisesta sekä arkkitehtuurista tutkimuskohteena. Opintojaksolla käydään läpi tutkimusprosessin eri vaiheet tutkimuksen valmistelusta tekstin julkaisemiseen. Tietojen soveltamista harjoitellaan pienimuotoisessa kirjoitelmassa SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Aktiivinen osallistuminen luentojaksolle ja hyväksytysti tehty harjoitustyö. LISÄTIEDOT: Kurssi on tarkoitettu erityisesti niille opiskelijoille, joilla on tarkoitus tehdä diplomityönään kirjallinen tutkielma ja/tai suorittaa perustutkinnon jälkeisiä jatko-opintoja. Opintojakso luennoidaan joka toinen vuosi. Soveltuu jatko-opinnoiksi. Ei luennoida lukuvuonna ARK Modernin kaupunkisuunnittelun historia ja teoria, 5 op History and Theory of Modern Urban Planning, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Minna Chudoba OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija pystyy selittämään modernin kaupunkisuunnittelun kehitysvaiheet ja tärkeimmät teoriat puutarhakaupungeista nykypäivään. Opiskelija pystyy esittämään suullisesti ja kirjallisesti jonkin valitun tai annetun tapausesimerkin taustat sekä tulkitsemaan itsenäisesti sen merkityksen kaupunkisuunnittelun kehitykselle. SISÄLTÖ: - Modernin kaupunki- ja yhdyskuntasuunnittelun historian lisäksi kurssilla avataan teoreettisia näkökulmia urbanismista muilta tieteenaloilta. Kurssin lopussa opiskelija ymmärtää kuinka kaupungit kasvavat. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Kurssi suoritetaan kunakin vuonna erikseen annettavan kirjallisuusluettelon pohjalta, omakohtaisena pohdiskelevana kirjoitelmana. Kurssiin voi sisältyä workshop-osuuksia tai luentojen yhteydessä ryhmissä suoritettavia osatehtäviä. ARK Arkkitehtuurin laitoksen vaihtuva kurssi, 1-10 op School of Architecture's Varying Topics Course, 1-10 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Olli-Paavo Koponen SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Arkkitehtuurin laitoksen vaihtuvan kurssit toteutuskerrat eroavat toisistaan suoritusvaatimusten, sisällön ja tavoitteiden ja opintopistemäärän osalta ARK School of Architecture's Varying Topics Course, 1-10 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Olli-Paavo Koponen LEARNING OUTCOMES: Course's different impelmentations introduce student in architecture in general as well as in various aspects of architect's range of work as for example architecture competitions and specific material related design tasks REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: The course's implementations differ on their requirements, content, goals and credit amounts. ARK Postgraduate Seminar of the School of Architecture, 8 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Pekka Passinmäki Seminar 8 h/per +8 h/per +8 h/per +8 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: After the course the student is able to present and defend his/her own research and to critique other students' researches in a scientifically sound manner. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - The course consists of discussion and critique sessions that are held about once a month during semesters. In these sessions, students present their own researches and comment on other students' presentations. The course includes guest lectures that support research work. The main language of the seminar is English, but the presentation may also be held in Finnish. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Two presentations on own research and active participation in sessions during one academic year. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It is possible to join the course in the middle of the semester, too. Suitable for postgraduate studies ARK Methodology of Research in Architecture, 8 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Pekka Passinmäki, Minna Chudoba Lectures 2 h/week Excercises 1 h/week LEARNING OUTCOMES: After the course the student is able to recognize various research methods, and knows how to use them in his/her own research. 2

3 CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Knowledge of various research methods and their suitability to architectural research. The aim of the lectures and course task is to aid the student in finding the research method for his/her own dissertation. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Lectures and the tasks given during the course. ARK Kirjallisuus, 1-10 op Literature, 1-10 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Hannu Tikka, Panu Lehtovuori, Markku Hedman, Olli-Paavo Koponen, Ari Hynynen, Ilmari Lahdelma OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa selittää, analysoida ja ottaa käyttöön valitun kirjallisuuden SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Hyväksytysti suoritettu kirjallisuustehtävä. ARK Literature, 1-10 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Panu Lehtovuori, Hannu Tikka, Markku Hedman, Olli- Paavo Koponen, Ari Hynynen, Ilmari Lahdelma LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the Course student is able to explain, analyze and use the selected literature. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Reading the literature selected by the Scientific Supervisor and related to student's own research and Doctoral Thesis. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Approved literature assignment. ARK Arkkitehtuurin teoria, 8 op Theory of Architecture, 8 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Pekka Passinmäki Luennot 35 h/per Harjoitukset 35 h/per OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa selittää modernismin ja nykyarkkitehtuurin keskeisimpien teoreettisten suuntausten peruslähtökohdat ja kykenee tulkitsemaan niiden liittymistä laajempiin kulttuurisiin ilmentymiin. Hän on saanut perusvalmiudet teorioiden ja suunnittelun välisten suhteiden ymmärtämiseen ja arkkitehtuuriteoreettisen kirjallisuuden lukemiseen. SISÄLTÖ: - Opintojaksolla tarkastellaan arkkitehtuurin modernismin ja nykyarkkitehtuurin teorioita ja teorioiden historiallisia, filosofisia ja maailmankuvallisia taustoja. Kirjallisen ja kuvallisen esimerkkiaineiston pohjalta syvennetään ymmärrystä teorioiden ja suunnittelun välisestä suhteesta. Luennot koostuvat teemapäivistä, jotka on nimetty arkkitehtuuriteoreettisten suuntausten mukaan. Seminaarijaksolla käydään läpi opiskelijoiden tekemät harjoitustyöt ja keskustellaan niiden pohjalta. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Aktiivinen osallistuminen luento- ja seminaarijaksolle ja harjoitustehtävän esittely ja luovuttaminen. LISÄTIEDOT: Kirjallisuus ilmoitetaan luennolla. Opintojakso luennoidaan joka toinen vuosi. Soveltuu jatko-opinnoiksi ARK Johdatus arkkitehtuurin filosofiaan, 5 op Introduction to Philosophy of Architecture, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Pekka Passinmäki Luennot 21 h/per Harjoitukset 21 h/per OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa filosofisen argumentoinnin alkeet ja hänelle on muodostunut kuva filosofian tehtävästä ja merkityksestä arkkitehtuurissa. Hän tuntee keskeisimpien arkkitehtuurifilosofisten käsitteiden historian ja niiden tulkinnat arkkitehtuurin nykytilanteessa. Opiskelija kykenee laatimaan lyhyen arkkitehtuurifilosofisen tekstin ja pystyy puolustamaan siinä esittämiään näkökantoja. Samoin hän kykenee suullisesti kritisoimaan toisen kirjoittajan työtä. SISÄLTÖ: - Opintojaksolla tarkastellaan filosofian tehtävää ja merkitystä arkkitehtuurissa ja tutustuaan arkkitehtuurifilosofian keskeisiin käsitteisiin ja ajankohtaisiin ongelmanasetteluihin. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Aktiivinen osallistuminen luento- ja seminaarijaksoille. Tutkielma sovitusta aiheesta ja toisen opiskelijan tutkielman opponointi. LISÄTIEDOT: Opintojakso luennoidaan joka toinen vuosi. Soveltuu jatko-opinnoiksi ARK Classic Readings of Urbanism, 4 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Minna Chudoba Lectures 1 h/week Excercises 1 h/week Assignment 1 h/week LEARNING OUTCOMES: After the course the student has a grasp of some of the most influential or innovative urban planning ideas throughout history, as expressed in certain chosen classic readings. The student has been able to analyze the ideas expressed in one or some of the books in an essay/research paper, from a contemporary viewpoint. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - General knowledge of chosen influential urban planning ideas through history. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Participation in lectures and discussions, written essay/research paper. 3

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5 Elektroniikan ja tietoliikennetekniikan laitos ELT Mikrokontrollerit, 5 op Microcontrollers, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Jukka Vanhala Luennot 2 h/vko +2 h/vko Harjoitukset 2 h/vko +2 h/vko Harjoitustyöt 2 h/per +2 h/per OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa tunnistaa mikro-ohjaimen yleisimmät lohkot ja selittää niiden toiminnan. Hän osaa esittää mikro-ohjaimen IO-liityntöjen rakenteen ja osaa liittää mikro-ohjaimeen oheislaitteita, kuten AD- ja DA- muuntimia, näyttöjä, painonappeja sekä erilaisia antureita. Opiskelija tunnistaa oheislaitteisiin ja antureihin liittyviä peruskäsitteitä sekä epäideaalisuuksia ja osaa selittää yleisimpien oheislaitteiden toimintaperiaatteet. Hän tunnistaa yleisimmät tiedonsiirtoväylät ja johtokoodit sekä osaa selittää niiden toimintaperiaatteet. Opiskelija tunnistaa laitteistonläheisen ohjelmoinnin vaatimukset ja osaa kehittää sulautetun ohjelmiston käyttäen C- ja assembler kieliä. Opintojakson harjoitustyön suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa suunnitella ja rakentaa yksinkertaisen mikro-ohjainta käyttävän sulautetun järjestelmän sekä tuottaa sen vaatiman ohjelmiston. SISÄLTÖ: - Mikro-ohjainten sisäinen rakenne: Mikro-ohjaimen ydin sekä käskyjen suorittaminen mikro-ohjaimessa. Mikro-ohjainten yleisimmät lohkot ja niiden toiminta sekä lohkojen ohjaaminen. Mikro-ohjainten IO-liitynnät, niiden rakenne ja niihin liittyminen oheislaitteilla. Erilaisilla jännitetasoilla toimivien laitteiden/komponenttien liittämien samaan järjestelmään. - Mikro-ohjainten oheislaitteet: AD/DA-muuntimet, niihin liittyviä peruskäsitteitä (LSB, referenssi jännite, resoluutio, SAH) ja epäideaalisuuksia (kvantisointivirhe, offsetvirhe, epälineaarisuus) sekä yleisimpien muuntimien toimintaperiaatteet. Näytöt, niihin liittyviä peruskäsitteitä, sekä yksinkertaisten näyttöjen liittäminen mikro-ohjaimeen. HD44780 rajapinta alphanumeeristen näyttöjen liittämisessä. Käyttöliittymien liittäminen mikro-ohjaimeen, yksinkertaiset painonapit ja näppäinmatriisit. - Mittaus ja ohjaus: Mittausjärjestelmän yleinen rakenne sekä analogisen mittaussignaalin muokkaaminen digitaaliseen muotoon ja siinä muodostuvat virheet. Yleisimpiä antureita, kaksitila-anturit, lämpötila-anturit, asema-anturit. Anturien ominaisuuksia kuten erottelukyky, mittausalue,tarkkuus ja toistettavuus sekä mittausvirheet. Toimilaitteita, AC- ja DC- moottoreiden toimintaperiaatteet sekä ominaisuuksia ja niiden liittäminen mikro-ohjaimeen. Askelmoottorien perustyypit, ominaisuuksia sekä ohjausta. Takaisinkytkentä moottorien ohjauksessa. - Sulautetun järjestelmän ohjelmisto: Mikro-ohjaimen ohjelmoimien C- ja assembler kielillä sekä näiden kielien käyttäminen samassa projektissa. Laitteiston läheinen ohjelmointi eli yksittäisten bittien tilan asettaminen ja tutkiminen. Käsitys siitä millaisia laskutoimituksia mikro-ohjaimella on järkevää toteuttaa. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Hyväksytysti suoritettu harjoitustyö ja tentti. 5 OPPIMATERIAALI: Programming and Customizing the AVR microcontroller, Dhananjay V. (Kirja), Luentokalvot (Luentokalvot) ELT Sovelletun elektroniikan erityiskysymyksiä, 5-6 op Special Topics in Applied Electronics, 5-6 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Lauri Sydänheimo OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Elektroniikan kehitystrendejä seuraava vaihtuva-aiheinen opintojakso, jonka tavoitteena on perehdyttää opiskelijat ajankohtaiseen elektroniikan aihepiiriin ja siihen liittyvän osaamisen käytännön sovelluksiin. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Hyväksytysti suoritetut seminaariesitelmät ja/tai harjoitustyö sekä hyväksytysti suoritettu tentti sekä aktiivinen osallistuminen seminaareihin. OPPIMATERIAALI: (Kirja), (Muu kirjallisuus) ELT Elektroniikan luotettavuus, 5 op Electronics Reliability, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Kati Kokko Luennot 2 h/vko +2 h/vko Harjoitustyöt 16 h/per +16 h/per OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija tunnistaa luotettavuuden merkityksen elektroniikassa. Hän osaa selittää keskeisimmät luotettavuuden määrittämiseen ja parantamiseen tähtäävät menetelmät ja osaa käyttää niitä elektroniikan luotettavuuden arvioinnissa. Opiskelija osaa valita elektroniikkatuotteelle sopivat luotettavuustestimenetelmät ja hän osaa määritellä yleisimmät vikaantumismekanismit sekä syyt vikaantumisiin. SISÄLTÖ: - Luotettavuuden konsepti ja määritelmä sekä keskeisimmät mittarit - Tyypillisimmät elektroniikan vikaantumismekanismit ja syyt niihin - Luotettavuustestimenetelmät ja niiden antama informaatio laitteen tai osakokoonpanon luotettavuudesta - Menetelmät luotettavuuden kehittämiseen SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Hyväksytysti suoritettu tentti ja muut pakolliset tehtävät/harjoitustyöt. OPPIMATERIAALI: Design and Analysis of Accelerated Tests for Mission Critical Reliability, Michael J. LuValle (Kirja) Reliability in Microtechnology: Interconnect, Devices and Systems, Liu, Salmela, Särkkä, Morris, Tegehall, Andersson (Kirja), Reliability, Yield and Stress burn-in, W. Kuo et al. (Kirja), Statistical Methods for Reliability Data (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), William Q. Meeker and Luis A. Escobar (Kirja) Luentomateriaali (Luentokalvot) Opiskelijoiden tuottama harjoitustyömateriaali, N.N. (Muu kirjallisuus) ESITIEDOT:

6 ELT Elektroniikkalaitteen tuotesuunnittelu Pakollinen 1 1. Esitieto-opintojakso ELE-2350 Elektroniikkalaitteen tuotesuunnittelu on vaihtoehtoinen jo poistetun opintojakson ELE-2150 Integroitujen piirien perusteet kanssa. ELT Elektroniikan materiaalit, 5 op Electronics Materials, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Donald Lupo OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa selittää atomin rakenteen. Hän tunnistaa atomien ja molekyylien väliset sidokset ja osaa selittää kuinka ne vaikuttavat materiaalin rakenteeseen. Opiskelija osaa määritellä perusmateriaaliryhmät: metallit, keraamit, polymeerit ja komposiitit. Hän tunnistaa millaisia mekaanisia, termisiä sekä kemiallisia ominaisuuksia näillä materiaaleilla on ja kuinka ne vaikuttavat niiden käyttöön elektroniikkasovelluksissa. Hän osaa selittää mitä ovat johteet, puolijohteet ja eristeet. Hän tuntee puolijohteiden toimintaperiaatteen ja yleisimmät puolijohde materiaalit. Lisäksi opiskelija tunnistaa yleisesti elektroniikassa käytetyt liitos-, piirilevy-, pinnoite- sekä kotelointimateriaalit. Opiskelija osaa määritellä miten materiaaleja valitaan erilaisiin elektroniikan sovelluksiin ja kuinka nämä vaikuttavat tuotteen ominaisuuksiin, toimintaan sekä luotettavuuteen. Hän tunnistaa materiaalien perusvalmistusmenetelmät. SISÄLTÖ: - Perusmateriaalien ominaisuuksien tuntemus: puolijohde-, johde- ja eristemateriaalit. - Elektroniikan materiaalien käytön ja valmistustapojen tuntemus - Liitosalustamateriaalit sekä niiden mekaaniset ja sähköiset ominaisuudet. Liittämisen materiaalit: juotteet ja liimat. - Materiaalien valinta erilaisiin sovelluksiin. Valinnan vaikutus luotettavuuteen. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Hyväksytysti suoritetut harjoitukset ja tentti. OPPIMATERIAALI: Electronic Materials & Processes Handbook, Charles A. Harper (Kirja), Materials Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Ian P. Jones (Kirja), Kurssin luenotkalvot, Laura Frisk (Luentokalvot). Ei luennoida lukuvuonna ELT Advanced Electronics Production Technologies, 4 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Matti Mäntysalo LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course the student is able to classify the most common printing and direct writing methods, explain the basic differences between these methods and compare the applicability of the methods based on their properties. After completing the course the student is able to describe the most important ink properties related to the printing method. The student is able to name the most common materials used in printed electronics and name their classification principles. After completing the course the student is also able to list the most applications for printed electronics and construct a simple printed electronics structure. The student also knows how to conduct correctly in the laboratory and how to handle chemicals according to their regulations. 6 CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Printing methods (screen, gravure, flexographic, offset and inkjet printing) and their differences. - Inks and their parameters. - Materials used in printed electronics and their classifications. - Printed electronics applications. - Direct writing methods. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Passed final examination and assignment. STUDY MATERIAL: Lecture notes (Lecture slides) Will not be lectured year ELT Electronics Miniaturisation, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Matti Mäntysalo Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Seminar 2 h/week LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, the student knows the most common electronic miniturization and packaging technologies. He is familiar with different integration approaches, and can compare qualities and benefits of different techniques and approaches. Student knows the driving forces behind miniaturization. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Miniturization approaches of entire system (SoP vs SoC). - Microelectronic packaging technologies used in miniaturization (CSP, Wafer level, TSV) - Integration of passive components (integration to chip, integration to PWB, passive arrays). - Multilayer wiring, substrate technologies, microvias REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Passed final examination and seminar work STUDY MATERIAL: Introduction to System-on-Package (SOP): Miniaturization of the Entire System, Rao R. Tummala (Book), lecture notes (Lecture slides) Kurssin seminaarityöt (Other literature), Scientific articles (Other literature) ELT Semiconductor Device Physics, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Donald Lupo Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Excercises 2 h/week +2 h/week LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, the student can explain the fundamentals of semiconductor physics (energy bands, charge carriers, doping, conductivity, mobility, junctions between conductors, semiconductors, dielectrics) The student is also able to explain the operating principles of the key semiconduc-

7 tor devices (e.g. p-n junction, Schottky and tunnel diodes, junction and field effect transistors, photovoltaic devices) and the materials parameters affecting these. The student develops a physical understanding that can be applied to novel devices (e.g. bulk heterojunction devices), materials (e.g. metal oxides, organics) or processes (e.g. printing). CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Materials physics: energy bands, charge carriers, doping - Junctions: metal-semiconductor, p-n, tunnel - Devices: Schottky diode, p-n junction diode, tunnel diode, junction transistor, field effect transistor, photovoltaic devices REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Passed final examination. Students may optionally also obtain credit for homework assignments. FYS-6106 Basic Semiconductor Technology Mandatory ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT FYS-6106 Basic Semiconductor Technology or equivalent knowledge is required as a prerequisite. ELT Sulautettujen järjestelmien tuotteistaminen, 5 op Embedded Systems Production, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Jukka Vanhala Luennot 2 h/vko Harjoitukset 2 h/vko Harjoitustyöt 2 h/vko OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Opintojakson suorittanut opiskelija tuntee monimutkaisen teknisen järjestelmän kehitys- ja tuotantoprosessin eri vaiheet ja osaa soveltaa tietoa käytännössä. SISÄLTÖ: - History and overview Documentation and specification Productization project management Subcontracting process, agreements, financial planning Laws and regulations - CRM, ERP and product configurations management Productization phasing and scheduling Prototypes, zero batch, mass production - Component and services sourcing PCB and mechanics co-design Factory testing EC and conformance testing Logistics and delivery planning SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Hyväksytysti suoritettu tentti ja harjoitustyö ESITIEDOT: ELT Mikrokontrollerit Pakollinen ELT Näyttöjärjestelmät, 5 op Display Systems, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Jukka Vanhala OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Oppia näyttötekniikoihin liittyvät perusasiat. Saada käsitys näyttötekniikoiden soveltamisesta. SISÄLTÖ: - Näyttöjen käyttö, sovellukset ja markkinat. - Eri näyttötekniikat mukaanlukien: CRT, LCD, emissiiviset näytöt, mikronäytöt, virtuaalinäytöt, projektionäytöt ja paperinkaltaiset näytöt. - Näyttöjen kuvanlaatu ja käytettävyys. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Osallistuminen luennoille, harjoitustyö ja tentti. OPPIMATERIAALI: Flat Panel Displays, Jiu-Haw Lee et al (Kirja), (Luentokalvot), Ajankohtaisia artikkeleita (Muu kirjallisuus). Ei luennoida lukuvuonna ELT Henkilökohtaisen elektroniikan tohtoriseminaari, 5 op PhD Seminar on Personal Electronics, 5 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Jukka Vanhala OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Tavoitteena on ymmärtää syvällisesti jonkin ajankohtaisen elektroniikan alueen ilmiöitä. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Säännöllinen osallistuminen seminaariin, suullinen ja kirjallinen seminaariesitys sekä tentti. OPPIMATERIAALI: vaihtuva (Kirja) ELT Sovelletun elektroniikan tohtoriseminaari, 5-8 op PhD Seminar on Applied Electronics, 5-8 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Lauri Sydänheimo OSAAMISTAVOITTEET: Täydentää ja syventää pääaineopintoja elektroniikan keskeisillä aihealueilla. SUORITUSVAATIMUKSET: Hyväksytysti suoritetut seminaariesitelmät ja/tai harjoitustyö sekä hyväksytysti suoritettu tentti. OPPIMATERIAALI: (Kirja), (Muu kirjallisuus) ELT PhD Seminar on Applied Electronics, 5-8 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Donald Lupo LEARNING OUTCOMES: The seminar focuses on selected, current research topics. After completing the course, the student has gained expertise knowledge in the selected research topic. The student will be able to explain, present and discuss current topics in the research field. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Active participation in the seminars, accepted seminar work and/or passed final examination. Completion parts must belong to the same implementation ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is a PhD seminar with varying, selected research topics. M.Sc. students may also participate in the course contingent on approval from the person responsible. Suitable for postgraduate studies 7

8 ELT Elektroniikan jatko-opinnot, 1-15 op Post Graduate Studies in Electronics, 1-15 cr VASTUUHENKILÖ: Lauri Sydänheimo ELT Spread Spectrum Techniques, 5-7 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Toni Huovinen, Elena-Simona Lohan, Markku Renfors LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course focuses on the principles and theory of spread spectrum communications with emphasis on CDMA. After the course, a student has in-depth knowledge about CDMA techniques and their applications in wireless communications. This course is tought every second year; not taught during Spring CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Basics of spread spectrum techniques, spreading, multiple access, DS-CDMA basics, multi-access interference. - Spreading sequences, shift registers, spreading code families and their properties (m-sequences, Gold, Kasami, orthogonal codes). - Code acquisition and tracking, search strategies, mean acquisition time analysis. Multipath propagation and impact on code synchronization; Feedback and feedforward code tracking structures - Conventional single-user detection, performance analysis in AWGN, fading and single/multi-user channels, gaussian approximations, diversity reception, rake receiver, near-far resistance and multiuser efficiency. - Optimal multi-user detection: decision strategies and performance analysis, optimal near-far resistance. Sub-optimum multi-user detection: decorrelating and MMSE detection, iterative detection, parallel and successice interference cancellation. - Satellite-based positioning systems; focus on CDMA satellite navigation; acquisition and tracking - specific structures for navigation; challenges in satellite navigation; differences with CDMA communication systems. - Fundamentals of Satellite Navigation; Position Determination Using PRN Codes; REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Exam (5 cr). Possibility for up to 7 cr by completing a Matlab project. STUDY MATERIAL: A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver; Single- Frequency Approach., Kai Borre (Book), CDMA Principles of Spread Spectrum Communications, Viterbi (Book), Introduction to spread spectrum communications, Peterson, Ziemer, Borth (Book), Multiuser detection, Verdu (Book) Understanding GPS Principles and Applications,, E.D. Kaplan (Book) Spread Spectrum Techniques, Tapani Ristaniemi (Lecture slides) ELT Digital Transmission Mandatory ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Course www-page: The course will be lectured every second year, next time during (during Spring 2014, an alternative course, 'Signal Processing for Mobile Positioning' will be offered). 8 Suitable for postgraduate studies Will not be lectured year ELT Advanced Course in Digital Transmission, 5-7 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Markku Renfors Lectures 3 h/week +3 h/week Assignment 7 h/per +14 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: The goal is to strengthen the communication theoretic basis for advanced wireless system development. After completing the course, a student has gained in-depth expertise in selected timely topics in the field of wireless communication waveforms and signal processing functions. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Review of linear digital modulation methods using the signal space concepts. Frequency-domain equalization methods. - Basics of statistical signal processing and detection and estimation theory with application in channel estimation and equalization. - Diversity concepts. Multiantenna and MIMO system concepts. - Iterative detection and decoding methods and receiver structures; multiuser detection, turbo codes, LDPC codes. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: 5 cr: exam and small project/homework solutions 6 or 7 cr: more extensive project/literature study STUDY MATERIAL: Digital Communication, J.R. Barry, E. A. Lee and D. G. Messerschmitt (Book), Digital Communications, J.G Proakis (Book) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Course is lectured every second year, lectured next time in fall Course home page: Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Receiver Architectures and Signal Processing, 5-7 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Markku Renfors LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, a student has good understanding of the key RF-functionalities and related performance issues when designing the analog and digital signal processing blocks for communications receivers and transmitters. She/he can also explain the possibilities and challenges of increased use of digital signal processing algorithms for implementing or enhancing the RF functionalities. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - RECEIVER ARCHITECTURES: - Basic architectures of communications receivers: superheterodyne, direct-conversion, low-if; - Effects of non-idealities in practical analog implementations: I/Q imbalance, nonlinearities, noise, phase noise, spurious responses; - System calculation principles; - The significance of RF specifications of mobile communication systems on the specs of the signal processing blocks; - Flexible multistandard receiver structures and flexible spectrum use, software defined radio and cognitive radio concepts. - MULTIRATE DSP: - Principles of multirate signal processing and extensions to bandpass and complex (I/Q) cases; - Review of efficient realization structures: polyphase structure, CIC filters; - Continuous-time, discrete-time, and multirate

9 signal processing in case of complex (I/Q) and bandpass signals; - Sampling of bandpass signals and I/Q signals, sampling and ADC requirements regarding resolution and sampling jitter; - Efficient DSP algorithms for communications receivers. - SYNCHRONIZATION: - Requirements and methods for carrier and symbol synchronization; - Maximum Likelihood estimation theory in synchronization; - Alldigital synchronization principles; - Principle of polynomial interpolation and its applications in communications signal processing. - ADAPTIVE COMPENSATION METHODS: - Use of statistical DSP for compensation of certain non-idealities of the analog parts (I/Q imbalance, nonlinearities). - FREQUENCY SYNTHESIS: - The principles and analysis of key performance characteristics of main frequency synthesis methods; - Direct digital synthesis. - TRANSMITTERS: - Basic transmitter structures; - Co-existence of transmitters and receivers, impact of duplexing methods; - Effects of power amplifier nonlinearities and linearization techniques. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: 5 cr: exam and small project/homework solutions 6 or 7 cr: more extensive project/laboratory exercises/literature study STUDY MATERIAL: Receiver Architectures and Signal Processing, Several authors (Lecture slides) Book chapters and scientific articles as supplementary material., several authors (Other literature) Intercative www-based leaning materials., Mikko Valkama, Markku Renfors, et al. (Other online content) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The course is lectured every second year. Lectured next time during fall Course www-page: Suitable for postgraduate studies. Will not be lectured year ELT Advanced Course on Wireless Communications, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jarno Niemelä Lectures 3 h/week +3 h/week Assignment 20 h/per +20 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course structure is divided into two parts: mobile radio networks and radio resource management. Reference systems include GSM, UMTS and LTE. Related to mobile radio networks, the students are be able to analyze the structures of typical mobile radio networks, to explain it's evolution from traditional circuit-switched into packet-switched implementation and to assess protocols together with different protocol layers used in network elements in mobile radio networks. The students are also able to explain typical functionalities related to mobile radio networks (e.g., location management and call setup procedure). The part introducing and asssessing radio resource management functionalities targets in providing relevant information so that the students are able to understand and analyze different interference management and radio resource management techniques used in typical wireless networks. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Mobile radio networks: - Mobile network structures - Mobile radio protocols - Mobile radio network functionality The students are able to assess the structures of GSM, UMTS and LTE radio networks, and are able to understand the main functionalities and protocol structures used in these mobile radio networks. In addition, the students understand the evolution of circuitswitched network into packet-switched ones and are able to understand the mobile core network evolution together with radio network evolution. - Radio resource management functions: - Radio resource management and modeling - Resource allocation, admission control and load control - Power and rate control - Handovers and mobility - Scheduling (including link adaptation and hybrid ARQ) - Spatial multiplexing techniques The students are able to understand to main motivation of interference and radio resource management in wireless networks. After this part, the students are able to assess and possible invent new methods for different radio resource management strategies related to resource management, load and admission control, handover mechanisms, power and rate control, packet scheduling and spatial multiplexing tehcniques. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Pre-assignment (essay), seminar work including presentation together with written report and postassignment (essay).. STUDY MATERIAL: Radio Resource Management For Wireless Networks, Jens Zander, Seong Lyun Kim (Book), (Lecture slides) ELT Basic Course on Wireless Communications Mandatory ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Course www-page: Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Satellite Navigation Receivers, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jari Nurmi Lectures 2 h/per +2 h/per Excercises 2 h/per +2 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student will learn to know the basic operations of a satellite navigation receiver, in particular acquisition and tracking, and how they are implemented in practice inside the receiver. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - GPS signal structure - Raw measurements in GNSS receiver (pseudorange, Doppler, carrier phase) - Antenna effects, front end downconversion and sampling - Receiver signal processing (Doppler removal, correlation, signal integration) - Signal acquisition REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Written exam + completed exercise work STUDY MATERIAL: A Software-defined GPS and Galileo receiver, Borre, Akos, Bertelsen, Rinder, and Jensen (Book), (Lecture slides) 9

10 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In this course we learn how satellite navigation receivers work and design a software based GPS receiver. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Signal Processing for Mobile Positioning, 5-7 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Elena-Simona Lohan Lectures 3 h/week +3 h/week Assignment 7 h/per +7 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course is taught every 2nd year; taught during The course focuses on the principles and techniques of mobile location and navigation, with emphasis on satellite navigation systems. Also cellular-based positioning, WLAN-based positioning and Signal Of Opportunity (SoO)-based positioning are to be addressed. After the course, a student will have in-depth knowledge about positioning and navigation techniques. He or she will also gain knowledge about location based services and future of wireless navigation CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Basics of signal processing and channel models in the context of navigation (digital modulation types, multiple access schemes with focus on CDMA, path losses, channel impairments, etc) - Introduction to satellite navigation systems, GNSS concept and architecture - GNSS signals and spectra - Acquisition and tracking in GNSS (basic structures and advanced structures, including multipath mitigation and unambiguous approaches for Galileo signals) - Indoor GNSS -challenges and solutions - GNSS receiver front-end architectures - Cellular-based location algorithms (focus on GSM and 3G) - WLAN-based location algorithms - basic approaches - Signals of Opportunity (SoO) concept and SoO-based location algorithms REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Exam + Matlab project work. STUDY MATERIAL: Lecture Notes (Lecture slides) ELT Digital Transmission Mandatory ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The course will be lectured every second year (even year Spring). Lectured next time during Spring Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Active RF Circuits, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Olli-Pekka Lunden Excercises 6 h/per Assignment 24 h/per Seminar 6 h/week Online work 3 h/week +3 h/week LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course the student is able to analyze and design a fully functional low noise amplifier on circuit diagram level starting from the data provided by a component manufacturer and design specifications. The student can name the key characteristics of also other active RF circuits. The student is able to deliver a presentation and create a scientific report on a topic of his choice. Further, the student is able to act as a speaker, opponent, and as a chairman in an academic seminar. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - RF transistor amplifier design, gain concepts, impedance matching, stability, noise figure, linearity, design for constant gain; broadband design tecqhniques, high power design tecqhniques, and multistage design design tecqhniques. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Students need to collect at least 50% of the maximum amount of points. Various tasks throughout the course yield these points. STUDY MATERIAL: Microwave Engineering, David M. Pozar (Book), Microwave Transistor Amplifiers Analysis and Design, Guillermo Gonzales (Book), RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications, Reinhold Ludwig, Gene Bogdanov (Book), RF Design Guide, Systems, Circuits, and Equations, Peter Vizmuller (Book), RF circuit design Theory and Applications, Ludwig - Bretchko (Book) ELT RF Project, cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Olli-Pekka Lunden Excercises 1 h/week +1 h/week Assignment 16 h/week +16 h/week Laboratory 8 h/week work Seminar 24 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course the student is able to design, simulate, build, and test an active RF circuit, for example, a low noise amplifier. In addition, the student is able to deliver a presentation and create a scientific report describing his work. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Use of an RF simulations tool. - Design of a practical circuit e.g. an RF amplifier, oscillator, or mixer. - Layout design for an RF circuit plus practical etching of a printed circuit board. - Making gain, impedance, and spectrum measurements using RF test instruments. - Preparing a report that meets scientific standards and quality. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Seminar presentation held and material delivered in schedule; project work (an RF circuit) designed, implemented, and tested and meeting specifications; report delivered in schedule. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT Students can take (and should) take ELE-6256 Active RF Circuits at the same time. The course ELE-6100 Suurtaajuustekniikan perusmittaukset is a prerequisite for Finnish students, only, 10

11 since they usually take this the project course without the additional measurements instruction part. ELT Antennas, 8 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jari Kangas Lectures 16 h/per +20 h/per Assignment 3 h/per +3 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, the student is able to explain principles of radiation from antennas. Student is able to apply basic skills in modern antenna design and analyze key parameters of common antenna structures. The student can pose elementary antenna design field problems and has experience on their solution with (numerical)simulation tools. Student is also able to find information from relevant literature and create a scientific report describing his work. ONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Foundations of propagation from antennas, antenna as a receiver. - Radiation from a fixed current density. Electrical and magnetic dipoles. - Antenna arrays. - Influence of nearby passive structures - Other resonant antennas, e.g. Yagi--Uda. Microstrip antennas: Analytical models (Cavity / transmission line / full wave model); substrates, surface waves, feeding techniques - Broadband antennas - Aperture antennas - Numerical design methods and tools REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Exam, an antenna analysis assignment, and a modeling assignment. Exam is preferably taken by completing a set of tasks. ELT Antenna Basics Advisable ELT Transmission Lines and Waveguides Advisable ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Courses ELT Antenna Basics, ELT Antennas, and ELT Antenna Project are intended to support each other. For students who want to further increase their knowledge about design and construction of antennas, it is recommended to take also ELT Antenna Project. Note that Antenna Basics is given during the first three weeks of the 3rd period, Antennas starts at the middle of the 3rd period (i.e. after the Antenna Basics). Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Antenna Project, 4-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jari Kangas, Jouko Heikkinen Lectures 6 h/per Excercises 6 h/per Assignment 12 h/per Laboratory work 70 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course student is able to design, construct, and test a chosen antenna structure. Student is capable of applying antenna theory in specification, design, construction, and testing of the antenna structure. Student recognizes the main steps inherent in such a work, and is able to utilize software and equipments that are used in simulation, construction, and measurement of antennas. Student is capable of reporting his/her work according to practices of scientific writing. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Measurement of antenna parameters - Numerical simulation tools - Feeding methods - Performance specification - Construction techniques of antennas - Preparing a report about the project REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Guided antenna assignment and acceptably documented construction project. STUDY MATERIAL: (Dummy) ELT Antenna Basics Advisable ELT Basics of RF Engineering Advisable ELT Basic RF Measurements Advisable ELT Antennas Advisable ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Courses ELT Antenna Basics, ELT Antennas, and ELT Antenna Project are intended to support each other. They are all given during spring semester. For students who want to strengthen their knowledge about antennas prior to taking this course, it is recommended to take also ELT Antennas. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Radio Frequency Identification Technology, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Lauri Sydänheimo, Leena Ukkonen LEARNING OUTCOMES: - To learn the basics of RFID systems (functioning principles, components of RFID system), focus will be on passive UHF RFID systems - To get familiar with different applications of RFID systems - To get familiar with RFID measurements and RFID tag performance characterization REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: - Lectures - Laboratory excercises - Writing a summary based on "The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID Systems in Practice" STUDY MATERIAL: RFID Handbook, 2nd Editions, K. Finkenzeller (Book) 11

12 The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID Systems in Practice, Daniel M. Dobkin (Book) Kurssin luentokalvot (Lecture slides) ELT Wireless Solutions in Intelligent Environments, 5-15 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Lauri Sydänheimo, Leena Ukkonen LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student independently studies the selected topic by practical project work and literature study. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Depends on the selected topic REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Completed project work and written report ELT Special Topics in RFID Applications, 5-15 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Lauri Sydänheimo, Leena Ukkonen LEARNING OUTCOMES: Opintojakson sisältö sovitaan opettajan kanssa, joka antaa aiheeseen henkilökohtaista opastusta. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted excercises, project work and exam. No lectures. Contents of the course will be agreed on with the teacher. Student will get personal supervision. Hyväksytysti suoritetut harjoitustehtävät, harjoitustyö ja tentti. Ei luentoja KIRJALLISUUS: Sovitaan tapauskohtaisesti. SEMINAARIT: Sovitaan tapauskohtaisesti. Opintojakson sisältö sovitaan opettajan kanssa, joka antaa aiheeseen henkilökohtaista opastusta. ELT Advanced Topics in Radio Network Planning, 3-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jukka Lempiäinen LEARNING OUTCOMES: The goal of the course is to familiarize student to a scientific research work. The scope of the lectures is to introduce future communications systems and their concepts. The course is seminar type of course, and the focus of the course changes annually. After the course, a student has gained expertise in the selectic specific field of wireless communications CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - The students will have a research topic related to some up-to-date area of radio network planning and optimization. The students are required to go through literature and publications related to the topic, and write a high quality report in conference paper format. The course will be graded based on the report. Optionally, students will also have a 1 or 2 hour presentation of the topic. Students have to either follow the course lectures, or attend an exam related to the current implementation's lectures/topics. The target is, that students will have deep understanding on the own research topic and wide understanding on the other students' research topics. - Students will learn to find fundamental information on the basic books related to RNP, and they will learn to find latest information from the publication databases. 12 The gathered information will then be compiled in the form of report and students learn to write scientific text based on literature rewiev. In the end of the report, students will form conclusions on the findings, and can provide own opinions on the subject under study. - Annually changing topic. Topic to be specified separately for each implementation. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Written report, seminar presentation and exam or presence at the lectures/seminars (>75%). The number of credit points depends on the work contribution. 6 cp: Seminar presentation (2h), written report (5-7 pages) and presence/exam. 5 cp: Seminar presentation (1h), written report (5-7 pages) and presence/exam. 4 cp: Written report (5-7 pages) and presence/exam. STUDY MATERIAL: Advanced topics in radio network planning (Lecture slides) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Course www-page: Suitable for postgraduate studies. Will not be lectured year ELT Doctoral Assignment in Wireless Communications, 3-8 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Mikko Valkama, Markku Renfors Seminar 20 h/per +20 h/per +20 h/per +20 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: A student can apply the knowledge in the field of her/his major subject in a clearly defined research work. She/he can report the study project in a scientific manner and explain and justify the obtained results orally. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Literature study or small study project to be carried out individually or in small group. As a post-graduate study, the assignment will focus on an advanced timely research topic and clear independent contribution is expected from the student. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Special assignment in the field of doctoral thesis research in wireless communications. to be negotiated personally with doctoral supervisor and cource responsible. ELT Graduate Research Seminar in Communications Engineering, 3-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Mikko Valkama, Markku Renfors Seminar 5 h/per +5 h/per +5 h/per +5 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: The target of the course is to help the student to learn to make scientific research in the field of communications engineering. After the course student is able to give in-depth presentations about her/his research topic, to participate in scientific discussions, and to give constructive cricism about colleagues' research, publications, and presentations.

13 CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Lectures by visiting recearchers and presentations by participants. Discussion of recearch developments in the theory and practice of communications engineering. - The students give three oral presentations with written reports during their graduate study process (3-4 years). The presentations and the reports should have a scientific style and should cover a fairly large entity of doctoral studies. The subject and the contents of the presentations should be discussed with the advisor of the doctoral studies. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Three oral presentations with written reports and attendance in 75 % of the seminar sessions of two semesters. More detailed info available on the course website! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT M. Sc. level degree in the field of Communications Engineering is required as a prerequisite. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Seminar Website: /. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Doctoral Studies in Automatic Identification, 5-15 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Lauri Sydänheimo, Leena Ukkonen LEARNING OUTCOMES: Opiskelija perehtyy itsenäisesti automaattisten tunnistustekniikoiden viimeisimpään tutkimukseen ja kirjallisuuteen. Laajuus 5-15 op. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Riippuu valituista seminaareista ja kirjallisuudesta. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted excercises, project work and exam. No lectures. Contents of the course will be agreed on with the teacher. Student will get personal supervision. Hyväksytysti suoritetut harjoitustehtävät, harjoitustyö ja tentti. Ei luentoja KIRJALLISUUS: Sovitaan tapauskohtaisesti. SEMINAARIT: Sovitaan tapauskohtaisesti. HUOMAUTUKSIA: Opintojakson sisältö sovitaan opettajan kanssa, joka antaa aiheeseen henkilökohtaista opastusta. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This course is continuous throughout the semester. Credits: 5-15 cu depending on the course workload. Opintojakso toteutetaan jatkuvana. Laajuus 5-15 op. Toteutuskerran mitoitus on laskettu laajimman vaihtoehdon mukaisesti. Tentti voi olla esim. posteritentti tai oppiminpäiväkirja tms. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Advanced RF Com.Circuits Seminar, 9 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Nikolay. T Tchamov Lectures 12 h/per +12 h/per +12 h/per +12 h/per Excercises 6 h/per +6 h/per +6 h/per +6 h/per Laboratory 3 h/per +3 h/per +3 h/per +3 h/per work LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course provides the essential help for MSc and PhD Students to develop their works in all important stages in complete details, to share the experience between the course participants in theory and practice and to prepare the results for being send to IEEE journals for publications. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - For MSc Students, Seminar presentation of at least: Review of State-of-Art, Design specifications motivation, Design and Implementation progress proven hopefully with Extracted Simulations or Measurement results. All of them should qualify for Brief-size Publication in IEEE journals. - For PhD Students: As for the MSc students, further expanded with the Theoretical Analysis of the results while aiming at full size journal articles. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Attending and actively participating in the weekly seminars. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Post Graduate Course in a seminar form for the development of the PhD works. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Networking Laboratory I, 4-5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Vitaly Petrov, Alexander Pyattaev, Evgeny Kucheryavy Assignment 3 h/week Laboratory 3 h/week work Online work 1 h/week LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student becomes familiar with the equipment of a typical wired local area network. After the course he/she knows how to do simple Ethernet and IP-level configurations, can do basic performance measurements, and is able to utilize a protocol analyzer to explore and debug the operation of TCP/IP protocols. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Configuration of simple networking features to Linux. Getting familiar to the commands and UI of Cisco's and Juniper's switches and routers. - Virtual LANs (VLANs) and their utilisation in a simple lab environment. - Getting practice with DHCP, NAT and implementation of a ready-made network plan with static routing. - Studying the network performance with standard tools in various setups. - Practice with application layer protocols - understand how exactly HTTP and FTP work, practice setting up sockets. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Five exercises that consist of a preliminary report and a guided laboratory session with assignments. At least 4 out of 5 labs must be completed. ELT Computer Networking I Advisable 1 1. This course is intended to be taken in parallel with the laboratories. Equivalent knowledge from previous studies is also acceptable. 13

14 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT Without prerequisite knowledge it is very difficult to be admitted to the lab, which results in failing the course. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This course is complimentary with ELT Computer Networking I, and should be taken in parallel with it. ELT Computer Networking I, 4-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Alexander Pyattaev, Evgeny Kucheryavy Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Assignment 3 h/per +9 h/per Laboratory 4 h/per work LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, the student will be able to design, develop, configure and maintain a small home or office network. Furthermore, the student will understand the basic concepts of networking applications design and development. During this course the student will: - get fundamental knowledge about computer communications; - understand the concepts of addressing and routing; - practice building and configuring a realistic small home/office network; - become familiar with Internet protocols: TCP/IP, Ethernet, HTTP, DNS, etc. - be able to identify the basic elements of a computer network and explain their functions; - get a clear overview of existing and future Internet technologies and receive orientation for the networking course, available in TUT. Be aware, that this course is a mandatory prerequisite for *all* the courses on networking. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Computer Networks and the Internet: - Introduction to data communications - Layering and protocol architectures - Physical layer fundamentals - Link Layer and Local Area Networks: - Link layer and error control - LAN fundamentals - MAC techniques Ethernet - Network Layer and Routing: - Internet layer protocols - IP addressing Forwarding - Transport Layer: - Transport layer protocols - Flow control - Congestion control - POSIX Sockets - Application Layer: - Application layer protocols - HTTP - FTP - Remote shell REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Completion of the laboratory work is required for exam admission. Examination is required to pass the course. Assignments give extra credit points. STUDY MATERIAL: Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja (Book), Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross (Book), Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie (Book) Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings (Book) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT The student is assumed to have basic knowledge about information technology, included in typical bachelor level studies in computer science or electrical engineering degree programmes. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This course is intended as an introduction to Computer Networking II and other courses on computer communications: ELT Communication Networks Laboratory ELT Computer Networking II ELT Network Analysis and Dimensioning I ELT Seminars Course on Networking ELT Special Course on Networking ELT Networking Laboratory II, 3-5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Vitaly Petrov, Alexander Pyattaev, Jarmo Harju, Evgeny Kucheryavy Laboratory 4 h/week work LEARNING OUTCOMES: By carrying out practical assignments, the student gains skills that help him/her apply the theoretical knowledge of computer networking into the problems that arise in the real world. Additionally, course gives experience in group work on computer networking. The course is complementary to ELT Computer Networking II. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - The goal of the VPN assignment is to provide basic operation of the IPSEC: the exchange of keys and encryption of the transmission. - The goal of the BGP-task is to provide a deeper idea how exterior gateway protocols work in practice. The material contains the usage of BGP for controlling the incoming traffic in multi-operator environment. During the task, a network composed of five routers and four operators, is being configured and different trafficcontrolling tests are being applied. - Use-cases and configuration of MPLS domain in a lab environment are practiced. - Quality of service assurance, DiffServ support and queuing disciplines are studied. RED algorithm is dimensioned and configured in routers. - Cloud and distributed storage topics are considered - networked file systems, redundancy and fault-tolerant storage. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: In each task, a student has to make an acceptable pre-report, a measurement part in the laboratory and a final report (which is graded pass-fail). The course has 5 laboratory sessions. A minimum of 3 must be completed. ELT Networking Laboratory I Mandatory 1 ELT Computer Networking I Mandatory 1 ELT Computer Networking II Advisable 1 1. Or equivalent knowledge from other studies. 14

15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT ELT Computer Networking II is highly recommended in parallel with this course, as the lectures provide the necessary material for the labs. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The students attend laboratories in TC-229 lab, each lab requires a preparation report and is a measured event. The labs take 4- hour slots, so be aware of collisions with other courses. The labs are completed in groups of 3 to 4 students. This course is intended to be taken in parallel with ELT Computer Networking II Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Computer Networking II, 4-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Alexander Pyattaev, Evgeny Kucheryavy Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Assignment 5 h/per +5 h/per Laboratory 6 h/per work Online work 3 h/per +3 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, the student will be able to design, configure and maintain a large office network, as well as analyze its performance through measurements and simulation. The course also includes a short introduction to network security and protocol design. Additionally, the course provides a survey of modern Internet technologies such as MPLS, cloud computing, distributed file systems, as well as future internet technologies such as IPv6, Internet of Things etc. During this course the student will: - understand routing protocols and their functions; - be able to study the most important architectures and mechanisms for QoS provisioning in the Internet; - learn how to provide secure communications in computer networks; - identify QoS requirements of various applications and choose protocols to support them; - will have an opportunity to design a corporate network in a lab. This course is highly recommended for the following courses: ELT Network Analysis and Dimensioning I ELT Network Analysis and Dimensioning II CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Internetworking: - IPv6 - interior and exterior gateway protocols - Virtual Private Networks - multicasting and mobile IP - Quality of Service assurance: - IntServ, RSVP, DiffServ, NSIS - queuing disciplines and traffic shaping - label switching with MPLS - Network security: - cryptographic algorithms overview - network security protocols - possible attacks and defense solutions - Applications: - cloud computing, network storage - session control protocols - Voice over IP - P2P fundamentals, device-to-device communications - network management, future network technologies - Network design: - requesting IP address blocks - designing routing and VLANs - practical experience REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Completion of the laboratory work is required for exam admission. Examination is required to pass the course. Optional homeworks and assignment give extra credits (1 CP for homeworks and 1 CP for assignment). STUDY MATERIAL: Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja (Book), Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross (Book), Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie (Book), Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings (Book) ELT Networking Laboratory I Advisable 1 ELT Computer Networking I Mandatory 1 1. Or equivalent knowledge from previous studies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT Basic understanding of computer networking is expected, including the following technologies: IP, Ethernet, ARP, ICMP, DNS, HTTP and FTP Students are expected to have experience in Linux systems configuration for the laboratory work. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This course is a successor to old TLT-2330 Tietoliikenneprotokollat II and TLT-2336 Computer Networking II, with the additional information on network security, administration and design. Additional labs are available as part of ELT Communication Networks Laboratory Course, and are highly recommended to guarantee maximal effect from this course. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Peer-to-Peer Networks, 3-5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Evgeny Kucheryavy Lectures 2 h/per +2 h/per Assignment 20 h/per +20 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course, the student will be able to: - identify the basic networking models and outline the evolution of P2P systems; - list algorithms used to search for shared resources; - describe P2P content delivery schemes and the performance issues; - explain how the most popular P2P systems work; - outline the key features of cloud computing. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Introduction to the course 1. P2P vs. client/server architectures 2. Evolution of P2P systems - Basic mechanisms in P2P systems 1. Searching for shared resources 2. Selected DHT mechanisms 3. Content delivery and traffic control - Applications of P2P architecture 1. File sharing systems 2. Live streaming systems 3. P2P telephony 4. P2P instant messaging 5. Cloud computing REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: - completion of assignments is required for exam admission; - examination is required to pass the course. STUDY MATERIAL: Grid Computing, Fran Berman, Geoffrey Fox, Tony Hey (Book), P2P Networking and Applications, John F. Buford, Heather Yu, Eng Keong Lua (Book), Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies, Andy 15

16 Oram (editor) (Book), Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications, Ralf Steinmetz, Klaus Wehrle (Book) ELT Computer Networking I Mandatory ELT Computer Networking II Advisable ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT Equivalent courses for international students. ELT Wireless Networking, 3-5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Evgeny Kucheryavy Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Assignment 20 h/per +20 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: - get the basic overview of wireless technologies - understand basic principles of available WWAM/WMAN/WLAN technologies - get the broad picture of further advances in wireless technologies CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Introduction to the course 1. Principles of wireless communications 2. Overview of lower layer techniques - WWAN/WMAN/WLAN/WPAN/WBAN technologies 1. Cellular networks 2. WMAN systems (802.16) 3. WLAN systems (802.11) 4. WPAN/WBAN systems (802.15) - Special wireless topics 1. Mobility management 2. Security issues - Advanced wireless networks 1. Ad hoc wireless networks 2. Wireless sensor networks 3. Wireless mesh networks 4. Special systems (c2c, vehicular) REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Successfull pass of examination is required to complete the course. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The aim of this course is to give an up-to-date overview of modern wireless access technologies. The emphasis is put on networking side of these technologies. Each technology is described in two lectures. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Special Course on Networking, 3-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Evgeny Kucheryavy Lectures 2 h/week Assignment 30 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Advanced studies about a selected topic in the area of next-generation networking. Content varies in different implementation rounds. In overall there are lectures providing an overview to the topic and seminar talks about given topics. Students are required to choose the topic of interest and give a presentation. The topic for implementation is nanocommunications. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: implementation - what is nanoscience; - the need to nano-netoworking; - basic approaches: artificial/nature-based; - molecular nanocommunications; - EM nanocommunications in THz band. 16 REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: - attendance; - assignments; - pass of examination. ELT Computer Networking I Mandatory ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT For international students - equivalent courses. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This short (one period) course is aimed at selected areas in networking and features a new content each and every year. Please, refer to the implementation for a particular year to get what the current topic is. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Seminars Course on Networking, 3-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Alexander Pyattaev, Evgeny Kucheryavy Assignment 75 h/per +75 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student will get a research topic to develop and an environment to present his result. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Practice working on a research project - Practice presenting research work on a seminar/conference REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: - successful completion of a course project; - research report, approx 10 pages; - active communications with the project leader. ELT Computer Networking I Mandatory 1 1. Or equivalent international studies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In this course a student is required to select a topic of interest, carry out investigation/research on this topic and then provide the results in terms of scientific report (min 10 pages). This course also provides platform to practice group research work as well as seminar presentations. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Network Analysis and Dimensioning I, 4-7 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Evgeny Kucheryavy Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Excercises 2 h/week +2 h/week Assignment 30 h/per +30 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: - sketching theories network analysis is based upon; - understand basic notions and relations of queuing theory; - understand basic principles of modern network simulators; - understand basic techniques and the need for traffic measurements and modeling; - get basic view of useful math techniques. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Introduction to network analysis: Reminder of probability theory Reminder of stochastic processes Reminder of statistics Reminder of special math techniques

17 - Queuing theory: - Arrival and service processes - Little result - Queuing systems of M/M/m/-/- type - M/G/1 and G/M/1 queues - Network simulation: - basics of network simulations - discrete event simulations; - generating random numbers; - data collection methods; - variance reduction techniques - Traffic modeling: - the need for traffic modeling; - points and level of interest; - Internet traffic properties and changes; - Models and algorithms - Special techniques: - traffic marix and network optimization; - inverse tasks in network analysis. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: - attendance of lectures; - attendance of exercises; - sucessful completion of homeworks; - successful pass of exam. STUDY MATERIAL: Queuing systems, Kleinrock L. (Book), H. Perros (Book) Queuing theory page, Myron Hlinka (Other literature) ELT Computer Networking I Mandatory ELT Computer Networking II Advisable ELT Network Analysis and Dimensioning II, 4-7 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Dmitri Moltchanov, Evgeny Kucheryavy Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Excercises 2 h/week +2 h/week Assignment 30 h/per +30 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: - get familiar with network dimensioning concepts; - study network analysis and dimensioning by examples; - we cover examples for modern wired and wireless networks. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Network requirements and concepts: - QoS metrics, traffic types and QoS requirements - components of QoS provisioning in the Internet - wireless network standardization. - Developing and dimensioning wireless networks: - cellular networks: LTE, LTEadvanced - WLANs: ALOHA, and modern systems - Sensor/ad-hoc and mesh networks - Vehicular ad hoc networks - load balancing in ad hoc networks - Developing and dimensioning wired networks: - load balancing using IGP - load balancing in MPLS REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: - successful pass of examination is a must; - attendance of lectures and exersises is mandatory; - homeworks is advisable. STUDY MATERIAL: Data networks, Bertsekas, Gallager (Book) ELT Network Analysis and Dimensioning I Mandatory 17 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT Computer networking I/II or equivalent is advisable. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The emphasis in this course is given to "teach by example" strategy where the solution to a large set of networking problems will be discussed during the lectures and exercises. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Advanced Topics in Communication Networks, 3-6 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Evgeny Kucheryavy LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course is focused on a selected research topic that is of high importance in current system/standard/theoretical developments. After the course, the student has gained expertise in the specific field of the course. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - The contents will be defined seprately for each implementation round. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: To be defined together with the contents. ELT Doctoral Assignment in Communication Networks, 3-8 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Mikko Valkama, Evgeny Kucheryavy LEARNING OUTCOMES: Special assignments and/or personal project works for doctoral students, to support the doctoral thesis research. Contents and requirements are to be negotiated with the course responsible, together with the doctoral supervisor ELT Commercialization in Biomedical Engineering, 4 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Heimo Ylänen Lectures 8 h/per +8 h/per Assignment 10 h/per +20 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student can describe in general terms types of university research and their funding principles. Student can apply for a research grant to the applied research for commercialization. Student can identify and take into account several factors of research that are important from commercialization point of view, such as documenting and GLP. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Principles of university research. - Bottlenecks and pitfalls in university research funding. - Authority defined standards of research. - Importance and methods of patenting. - Commercialization of IPR. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted assignments and final exam. STUDY MATERIAL: (Lecture slides)

18 ELT Biomedical Engineering: Research and Productization 18 Mandatory ELT Product Development of Biomedical Devices, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Minna Kellomäki Lectures 12 h/per Assignment 58 h/per +58 h/per Seminar 9 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student has collected, combined and explained the planning process stages of a medical device from an idea to a final product including regulatory aspects and risk analysis. Student has collected data and compiled review reports in groups which include patent and market surveys and survey requirements for the application and the biomedical device. Student has critically overviewed scientific articles and different databases for the information retrieval. As a part of a group student has planned and prepared schedule, budget, and workflow for the project. Student has presented group work as written document and as an oral presentation in seminar. Student has also assessed the work of other groups and received criticism. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Process and design stages of a medical device from an idea to a final product - Literature review: patent survey, marketing survey, setting up the requirements of the application, properties of the components of the device studied - Influence of regulatory aspects to medical device R&D chain - Risk analysis - Setting up the schedule, work flow and budget for the project - Written and oral presentations of the work stages REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: All the lectures, assignments and seminars are compulsory. Accepted written reports and accepted oral and written final reports requested. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT Prerequisites: Students should have finished their BSc degree studies AND have obtained 50 credit units of MSc studies. Students must show that they have 30 credits from the field of biomaterials, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, medicine and related subjects. The course is intended for the students in their last study year for MSc (DI) degree (or for PhD students). It is most useful for the students at that stage. If you are unsure, contact responsible teacher for your qualifications. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Prerequisites: Students should have finished their BSc degree studies AND have obtained 50 credit units of MSc studies. Students must show that they have 30 credits from the field of biomaterials, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, medicine and related subjects. The course is intended for the students in their last study year for MSc (DI) degree (or for PhD students). It is most useful for the students at that stage. If you are unsure, contact responsible teacher for your qualifications. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Small Samples Data Analysis, 3 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jari Viik Lectures 2 h/week Excercises 1 h/week Assignment 18 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students can apply both nonparametric statistical methods and basic parametric tests. Students can select and use an appropriate statistical method for analysing small sample data. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Nonparametric statistical methods, basic parametric statistical methods,and correlations between parameters. - How to select an appropriate statistical method for analysing small sample data. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted assignments and final exam. STUDY MATERIAL: (Lecture slides) ELT Bioelectronics, 4 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jari Hyttinen Lectures 16 h/week Assignment 10 h/per +30 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students have got a comprehensive understanding of bioelectronics connection of electronics to biological tissues and cells. They can use electronic systems as sensors, actuators, and interconnection in especially in vitro and implantable applications for neuronal and other control They can explain the designs, limitations and benefits of implantable devices for clinical applications. Students can design neuromuscular and other implantable devices and in-vitro electronics for electric control of e.g. neural networks in cell culture and tissue engineered structures and their components. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Interactions between the electrocis and cells and tissue. Neuromuscular cell/system stimulation and modelling. - Wireless energy and data transfer for implantable systems. - Implantable sensors and actuators. - Clinical applications of implantable systems. - Interconnection for in vitro neuronal networs and tissue engeered structures: stimualtion and measurements s,electrodes and electric stimulation. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted assignments and final exam. STUDY MATERIAL: (Lecture slides) ELT Cellular Interactions Mandatory

19 ELT Modelling of Physiological Systems, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jari Hyttinen Lectures 4 h/week Laboratory work 10 h/per +40 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student can recognize the importance of modelling as a tool to study physiological systems and biomeasurement systems. Student can explain different modelling methods and procedures including various model clasess and methods from phsical and analog models to finite element applications as well as how different models can be constructed and used. Student can analyze forward and iverse porblems. Student has got practiced on modelling physiological systems with COMSOL multiphysics foftware. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Modelling of physiological systems compared to pure "engineering" problems. Model classes and types for physiological systems. Model-analogue, descriptive-predictive, empirical-mathematical. How to build models of physiological systems. - Finite element modelling (FEM) in modelling 3D physiological systems: basic principles, techniques and applications. FEM, FDM, BEM. - Modelling biological and physiological processes by cellular automata. - Forward and inverse problems. Use of models of physiological systems for determination of forward and inverse solutions, a priori information, data, and model. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted final exam, exercise work and seminar presentation. STUDY MATERIAL: Introduction to Modeling in Physiology and Medicine, Claudio Cobelli and Ewart Carson (Book) Modelling of Physiological Systems, J. Hyttinen (Lecture slides) ELT Analysis of Bioelectric Phenomena, 4 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Jari Hyttinen Lectures 4 h/week Excercises 2 h/week Assignment 25 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student can describe the bioelectric sources and conductors of the body and model them with basic equivalent and computational methods. Student can solve simple bioelectromagnetic source-field calculations. Student can describe and compare different theoretical analysis methods of bioelectric volume sources and conductors, and apply theem to the analysis and design of different types of bioelectric measurements. Student can describe and compare different algorithms in solving the bioelectric inverse problem. Student can demonstrate, how different bioelectric phenomena of the body are applied in clinical applications. 19 CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Bioelectric sources and conductors and their equivalent source/field modelling. - Theoretical methods for analyzing source-field relationships (lead vector and lead field, reciprocity) - Design and analysis of bioelectric measurement systems. - Principles of solving the bioelectromagnetic inverse problems. - Clinical and biological applications of bioelectric phenomena: bioimpedance and stimulation fields REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted assignments and final exam. STUDY MATERIAL: Bioelectromagnetism, Malmivuo, J. and Plonsey, R. (Book) ELT Measurements of Physiological Systems Mandatory ELT Modelling of Physiological Systems Advisable ELT Cellular Interactions Mandatory ELT Doctoral Seminar on BME, 5-10 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Hannu Eskola, Kari Mäkelä, Heimo Ylänen, Jari Hyttinen, Minna Kellomäki, Jari Viik Seminar 2 h/week +2 h/week +2 h/week +2 h/week LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student has gained a deep insight to the subject covered in the seminar. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Active participation in the seminar and accepted seminar presentations. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT Doctoral seminar is available also for MSc degree students planning post-graduate studies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The topic and the text of the seminar are given at the beginning of each implementation of the course. Implementations vary annually and usually take 2 periods. Suitable for postgraduate studies ELT Implantology, 3 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Heimo Ylänen Lectures 4 h/week Assignment 30 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student can explain the main terminology, definitions and concepts of implantology. Student can describe the stages of wound healing and the components of blood, and explain basis of coagulation. Student can determine inflammation, describe stages of inflammation and compare the types of inflammation. Student can describe different mechanisms of wound healing and recognize the differences between inflammation and infection. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Stages of an implant in the body.

20 - Components of blood and basis of coagulation. - Inflammation and types of inflammation. - Stages of wound healing, types, problems, infections and factors affecting healing. - Different grafts used in implantology and areas in implantology. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted exercise work, oral seminar presentation and final exam. STUDY MATERIAL: An Introduction to Tissue-Biomaterial Interactions, Dee KC, Puleo DA, Bizios R (Book) Implantology (Lecture slides) ELT Introduction to Tissue Engineering Advisable 1 ELT Tissue Engineering Advisable 1 ELT Human Physiology Mandatory 2 ELT Human Anatomy and Physiology Mandatory 2 ELT Biomedical Engineering: Biomaterials Advisable 1. Alternatives. 2. Alternatives. ELT Biodegradable Polymers, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Minna Kellomäki Lectures 4 h/per +4 h/per Excercises 2 h/week +2 h/week Assignment 8 h/week +8 h/week Laboratory 3 h/per +3 h/per work LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing the course students can define and explain polymerization, structure and degradation mechanisms of biodegradable polymers. Students will be able to compare most common synthetic polymers with natural based biodegradable polymers and analyze their special characteristics compared to other polymers. In addition, they can describe the special requirements of processing and sterilization of biodegradable polymers. Students have learned to compile summaries based on different scientific articles and to work as a group member. Students are able to compare biodegradable polymers and analyze applications based on the material properties. CONTENT OF THE COURSE: - Biodegradation mechanisms - Synthetic biodegradable polymers: polymerization, structure, properties and degradation - Natural based biodegradable polymers: modification, structure, properties and degradation - Processing, sterilization and storage of biodegradable polymers - Writing a summary of given articles as a teamwork 20 REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted assignments and final exam. ELT Biomedical Engineering: Biomaterials Mandatory 1 KEB Polymer Chemistry Advisable 2 MOL Materials Processing 2 Mandatory 1. BME-1167 can be replaced with BME-1120 or BME KEB can be replaced with KEM-3100 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT NOTE! A student has to have basic knowledge about polymer science before coming to this course. There will be a test about the prerequisites in the beginning of the course. ELT Tissue Engineering Applications, 5 cr PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Minna Kellomäki Lectures 2 h/week +2 h/week Assignment 28 h/week +20 h/week Laboratory 2 h/per work Seminar 2 h/per LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student can describe how the tissues and organs can be reconstructed with the help of tissue engineering. The student can separate and compare different tissue types, tissues and organ structures both in macroscopic and microscopic level. Student has combined and used the observations made during the laboratory work with knowledge from the literature he/she has searched. The student is able to compare the methods, support structures and materials of different tissues and define the requirements for a certain type of tissue. The student can compare the stages of tissue engineering concerning different types of tissue with each other. Student has critically evaluated the given literature, has prepared a lecture and has produced written material to accompany the lecture. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETING THE COURSE: Accepted laboratory work and report. Obligatory seminars. Accepted exam and weekly lecture exams. Additionally, accepted homework and lecture given by students. STUDY MATERIAL: Lecture slides, Various authors (Lecture slides) Collection of scientific articles, Various authors (Other literature) ELT Introduction to Tissue Engineering Mandatory 1 1. ELT can be replaced with BME-5201 (kudosteknologian perusteet), BME-5200 (Kudosteknologia I), BME-5206 (Tissue engineering I) or with BIOM (Kudosteknologia I)

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Pv Pvm Aika Kurssin koodi ja nimi Sali Tentti/Vk Viikko

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TU-C2030 Operations Management Project. Introduction lecture November 2nd, 2016 Lotta Lundell, Rinna Toikka, Timo Seppälä

TU-C2030 Operations Management Project. Introduction lecture November 2nd, 2016 Lotta Lundell, Rinna Toikka, Timo Seppälä TU-C2030 Operations Management Project Introduction lecture November 2nd, 2016 Lotta Lundell, Rinna Toikka, Timo Seppälä Welcome to the course! Today s agenda Introduction to cases and schedule/ Timo Seppälä


ECVETin soveltuvuus suomalaisiin tutkinnon perusteisiin. Case:Yrittäjyyskurssi matkailualan opiskelijoille englantilaisen opettajan toteuttamana

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TIETOLIIKENNEVERKKOJEN OPISKELU TTY:llä ma 13.12. klo 16-18 sali TB220 TIETOLIIKENNEVERKKOJEN OPISKELU TTY:llä Tilaisuus verkkotekniikasta kiinnostuneille Joulukuu 2010 Matti Tiainen matti.tiainen@tut.fi Mitähän ihmettä tuokin kurssi pitää sisällään?


Kysymys 5 Compared to the workload, the number of credits awarded was (1 credits equals 27 working hours): (4)

Kysymys 5 Compared to the workload, the number of credits awarded was (1 credits equals 27 working hours): (4) Tilasto T1106120-s2012palaute Kyselyn T1106120+T1106120-s2012palaute yhteenveto: vastauksia (4) Kysymys 1 Degree programme: (4) TIK: TIK 1 25% ************** INF: INF 0 0% EST: EST 0 0% TLT: TLT 0 0% BIO:








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Master s Programme in Building Technology Rakennustekniikka Byggteknik

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Aalto-yliopiston sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu Korvaavuusluettelo

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Aalto-yliopiston sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu Korvaavuusluettelo

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Aalto-yliopiston sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu Korvaavuusluettelo

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1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward.

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Pv Pvm Aika Kurssin koodi ja nimi Sali Tentti/Vk Viikko

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On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

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