GRAPHIC DESIGN courses offered are from 2 nd and 3 rd study year students chosen for exchange studies per semester

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GRAPHIC DESIGN 2013-2014 - courses offered are from 2 nd and 3 rd study year - 2-3 students chosen for exchange studies per semester AUTUMN SEMESTER 2013 UART1103 Art and Visual Culture in the North UART1102 Finnish Design UMUO1232 Sustainable Design AGRA0902 Visualisation of Information UMUO1242 Design Project or Production AGRA0501 Literature in Graphic Design 4 cr 6 cr 2 cr SPRING SEMESTER 2014 UART1103 Art and Visual Culture in the North UART1102 Finnish Design UTAK0113 Introduction to Photography AGRA0715 Environmental Graphics AGRA0501 Literature in Graphic Design 5 cr 2 cr. 1

GRAPHIC DESIGN AUTUMN SEMESTER 2013 UART1103 Art and Visual Culture in the North UMUO1232 Sustainable Design UART1102 Finnish Design AGRA0902 Visualisation of Information UMUO1242 Design Project or Production AGRA0501 Literature in Graphic Design 4 cr 6 cr 2 cr UART1103 Art and Visual Culture in the North Content: The North presented in fine art, North in the art, art in the North from the community art and environment studies perspective. Learning outcomes: At the end of this course student is able to - get an idea of culture and environment in North through fine art, contemporary art and community art. Method: Lectures and seminars 21 hours, independent work 17 hours. Visits to the exhibitions in Arktikum, in Rovaniemi art museum and other galleries; discussions and an essay on exhibitions. Evaluation: Pass / Fail Timing: 1 st and 3 rd period Target group: Exchange students (BA) Tutors: Tuija Hautala-Hirvoja, Timo Jokela, Mirja Hiltunen, Michael Jacobs, Maria Huhmarniemi Suggested reading: Lohiniva, L.: Berenice s hair in search of northern woman artist s identity.1999; Framework: The Finnish Art Review 1/2004; Jokela, Timo & Lohiniva, Leena (toim.): Joki. The River. 1996.; Huhmarniemi, Maria & Jokela, Timo & Vuorjoki, Susanna: Talven taide. Winter Art. 2003.; The Trans Barents Highway Symposium of Art (2005); Shared articles UART1102 Finnish Design Content: From the heritage of Finnish Art and Craft till functionalist movement until today's modern design products. The product culture in Finland is presented and discussed using Finnish architects, industrial, graphic, audio-visual, fashion and textile designers and their works as examples. Learning outcomes: At the end of this course student - has been introduced to the work of the modern masters of Finnish Design with special emphasis on development of Finnish Design culture of 20th century until today Method: Lectures about Finnish design. In the final assignment students are asked to compare their own heritage and background to their new experiences as foreign exchange students in Rovaniemi and in Finland. The assignment can be writing an essay or to produce an artistic piece or a product according a theme discussed in the class. Requirements: Presence during the lectures (80%) and the finished assignment with a presentation. Supplementary literature: Molarius, Päivi (ed.): From Folklore to Applied Arts, Aspects of Finnish Culture. Korvenmaa, Pekka: Finnish Design A Concise History Evaluation: 5-1 / failed Timing: 1 st and 3 rd period Target group: Exchange students (BA, MA) 2

Tutors: Milla Haarakoski, Silja Nikula, Kristiina Hänninen, Marjatta Heikkilä-Rastas, Timo Haanpää, Maija Mäkikalli UMUO1232 Sustainable Design Content: Principles of sustainability. Definition, history and background. Difference between ecodesign and sustainable design. Needs and challenges of sustainable design. Learning outcomes: At the end of the course student is able to - define sustainability - evaluate sustainability of design - propose sustainable solutions - name challenges of sustainability in own design, art or other activities - act more sustainably Method: 36 hours lectures and guided exercises 45 hours independent work Requirements: Active participation to the lectures and guided exercises successful completion of task Literature: Literature and other material will be announced on the course. Evaluation: 5-1 / failed Timing: Period 1 Target group: Second year students Tutor: Faculty of Art and Design Content: Method: Workshop Prequisites: Level: 2-4 year students Tutor: Timing: 1 st and 2 nd period AGRA0902 Information visualisointi 4op Tavoite Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa - esitysgrafiikan eri muodot sekä osaa tuottaa niitä eri sovelluksiin. - informaation visualisoinnin ja tieteen popularisoinnin eri medioissa sekä syventää taitojaan graafisessa muotoilussa Sisältö Informaatiografiikan lajityypit, tieteen kuvittaminen ja popularisointi. Tiedon sisältö, tavoitteet, kohderyhmä ja media ilmaisumuodon määrittäjinä. Toteutus ja työmuodot Luennot, harjoitukset ja harjoitusten kritiikki 48h. Itsenäistä työtä 60h. Vaadittavat suoritukset Aktiivinen osallistuminen luennoille ja harjoitustehtäviin, oma produktio ja sen esittely. Oheiskirjallisuus Spissler, Hanno (2001) Infografiikka julkaisijan työvälineenä Tufte, Edward R. (2001) Visual display of quantitative information Tufte, Edward R. (1997) Visual explanations images and quantities, evidence and narrative 3

Tufte, Edward R. (1994) Envisioning information Arviointi 5-1 / uusittava Ajankohta 2. periodi Kohderyhmä 2. opintovuosi Vastuuhenkilö Graafisen suunnittelun koulutusohjelma Pakollisuus Pakollinen UMUO1242 Muotoiluprojekti tai -produktio 6op Tavoite Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa - edetä projektityöskentelyssään suunnitelmallisesti - arvioida projektin etenemistä ja kehittää sen perusteella projektitoimintaa - työskennellä (monialaisessa) tiimissä - dokumentoida projektin vaiheita erilaisilla menetelmillä - laatia projektisuunnitelman ja -raportin sekä esitellä projektia visuaalisesti ja verbaalisesti Sisältö Työskentely (monialaisessa) projektissa/produktiossa oman muotoilualan työtehtävissä. Vastuunjakaminen ryhmässä projektin/produktion suunnittelusta, toteutuksesta, dokumentoinnista, arvioinnista ja raportoinnista. Tutustuminen projektin/produktion sopimuskäytäntöön. Projektin/produktion sisältöalueet ja kohteet valitaan vuosittain ajankohtaisista teemoista. Toteutus ja työmuodot Työskentelyä yhteensä 162 h: projektiohjaus, itsenäinen työskentely ja osallistuminen päätösseminaariin tai näyttelyyn. Vaadittavat suoritukset Projektisuunnitelma, projektin toteutus ja projektin raportointi vaadittavalla tavalla. Projektin esittely päätösseminaarissa tai näyttelyssä. Arviointi 5-1/ uusittava Ajankohta Projektikohtaisesti 1.-4. periodi Kohderyhmä 3. opintovuosi Vastuuhenkilö Taiteiden tiedekunta Opetuskieli Suomi Pakollisuus Pakollinen AGRA0307 Literature in Graphic Design Method: Literature exam Literature: Two books. Obligatory book - Gunnar Swanson Graphic design & reading explorations of an uneasy relationship, 2000 and one of the following books - Michael Bierut Looking closer critical writings on graphic design 1994 4

Michael Bierut Looking closer critical writings on graphic design 1997 Michael Bierut Looking closer classic writings on graphic design 1999 Michael Bierut Looking closer critical writings on graphic design 2002 Level: 2 year students Tutor: Leena Raappana-Luiro 5

GRAPHIC DESIGN SPRING SEMESTER 2014 Only 2-3 students will be chosen for this programme. courses offered are from 2 nd and 3 rd study year UART1103 Art and Visual Culture in the North UART1102 Finnish Design UTAK0113 Introduction to Photography AGRA0715 Environmental Graphics AGRA0501 Literature in Graphic Design 5 cr 2 cr. UART1103 Art and Visual Culture in the North Content: The North presented in fine art, North in the art, art in the North from the community art and environment studies perspective. Learning outcomes: At the end of this course student is able to - get an idea of culture and environment in North through fine art, contemporary art and community art. Method: Lectures and seminars 21 hours, independent work 17 hours. Visits to the exhibitions in Arktikum, in Rovaniemi art museum and other galleries; discussions and an essay on exhibitions. Evaluation: Pass / Fail Timing: 1 st and 3 rd period Target group: Exchange students (BA) Tutors: Tuija Hautala-Hirvoja, Timo Jokela, Mirja Hiltunen, Michael Jacobs, Maria Huhmarniemi Suggested reading: Lohiniva, L.: Berenice s hair in search of northern woman artist s identity.1999; Framework: The Finnish Art Review 1/2004; Jokela, Timo & Lohiniva, Leena (toim.): Joki. The River. 1996.; Huhmarniemi, Maria & Jokela, Timo & Vuorjoki, Susanna: Talven taide. Winter Art. 2003.; The Trans Barents Highway Symposium of Art (2005); Shared articles UART1102 Finnish Design Content: From the heritage of Finnish Art and Craft till functionalist movement until today's modern design products. The product culture in Finland is presented and discussed using Finnish architects, industrial, graphic, audio-visual, fashion and textile designers and their works as examples. Learning outcomes: At the end of this course student - has been introduced to the work of the modern masters of Finnish Design with special emphasis on development of Finnish Design culture of 20th century until today Method: Lectures about Finnish design. In the final assignment students are asked to compare their own heritage and background to their new experiences as foreign exchange students in Rovaniemi and in Finland. The assignment can be writing an essay or to produce an artistic piece or a product according a theme discussed in the class. Requirements: Presence during the lectures (80%) and the finished assignment with a presentation. Supplementary literature: Molarius, Päivi (ed.): From Folklore to Applied Arts, Aspects of Finnish Culture. Korvenmaa, Pekka: Finnish Design A Concise History Evaluation: 5-1 / failed 6

Timing: 1 st and 3 rd period Target group: Exchange students (BA, MA) Tutors: Milla Haarakoski, Silja Nikula, Kristiina Hänninen, Marjatta Heikkilä-Rastas, Timo Haanpää, Maija Mäkikalli UTAK0113 Introduction to Photography Content: The basics of photography and photographic practice. Learning outcomes: - to learn and use photography's primary technologies - to benefit and apply photography's visual resources towards a personal photographic expression. - to apply concepts of space and time in one's personal photographic expression and exploration. Method: Guided practice and critique 48h, independent work 60h. Requirements: Required course participation and successful fulfilment of course assignments. Literature: To be announced at onset of course. Evaluation: 5-1 / failed Timing: 2nd, 3rd or 4th period depending on specific department timetables. Target group: 1st year Tutors: Department of art and culture, Michael Jacobs and Pirjo Puurunen. Language: Finnish and/or English AGRA0715 Tilallinen graafinen suunnittelu 5op Tavoite Tutustuttaa viestinnän suunnitteluun tiloissa. Sisältö Perehtyminen opastejärjestelmiin ja muuhun tilassa toteutettavaan visuaaliseen viestintään. Luennot ja harjoitukset 42 h. Itsenäinen työ 93 h. Vaadittavat suoritukset Osallistuminen luennoille ja harjoituksiin sekä produktio ja sen esittely. Kirjallisuus ilmoitetaan kurssin yhteydessä. Arviointi 5 1 / hylätty Ajankohta 4. periodi Kohderyhmä 4.vuosi Vastuuhenkilö Graafisen suunnittelun koulutusohjelma Opetuskieli englanti Pakollisuus Pakollinen AGRA0307 Literature in Graphic Design Method: Literature exam 7

Literature: Two books. Obligatory book - Gunnar Swanson Graphic design & reading explorations of an uneasy relationship, 2000 and one of the following books - Michael Bierut Looking closer critical writings on graphic design 1994 Michael Bierut Looking closer critical writings on graphic design 1997 Michael Bierut Looking closer classic writings on graphic design 1999 Michael Bierut Looking closer critical writings on graphic design 2002 Level: 2 year students Tutor: Leena Raappana-Luiro Content: Concentrating on certain special field in Graphic Design. Focus not confirmed. Method: Workshop Level: 2-4 year students Tutor: Not confirmed Timing: 3 rd and 4 th period 8