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Sivu 1 (15) Name Markku Kalevi Kylmänen Date of birth 20.06.1955 Occupation MKC Finland Oy - CEO, Senior Business Management Consultant, Business management consulting, uality, Environmental and Safety/OHSAS management systems, process management, EHS-systems and -management, continual improvement, process and auditor training, LEAN Inspecta Certification Ltd. Contract Lead Assessor/Auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 The Construction uality Association in Finland Rala ry Contract Lead Assesror/Auditor (Rala s own uality, Environmental and Safety requirements) not active at present! Examinations M. Sc., mechanical engineering, machine design, University of Oulu, 1980 Several examinations/marks/courses re. uality, Environment and OHSAS management and auditing Professional Accreditations/ Fields of Competence/Career Det norske Veritas 1985 1990 Lead Assessor of uality Management Systems The Institute of uality Assurance (01.07.1989 ) Lead Assessor of uality Management Systems

Sivu 2 (15) Inspecta Certification Ltd /Inspecta Sertifiointi Oy 1990 03.2012 *) Lead Auditor of uality Management Systems the 1 st Certified Lead Auditor in Finland Lead Auditor of Environmental Management System Lead Auditor of OHSAS Management System Certification services via Inspecta for TÜV, DS, Intertek, Delta, The Finnish Management Consultants Association LJK Management Consultant nomination - 2004 The Construction uality Association in Finland Rala ry 2011 Lead Assessor Site and company wide management systems DS/DS Finland Oy 03.201203.2013 Setting-up the Finnish subsidiary for DS Europe Lead Auditor of uality, Environmental and OHSAS Management Systems Inspecta Certification Ltd /Inspecta Sertifiointi Oy 03.2013 today, as above *) Languages Finnish English German Swedish Norwegian native good moderate good moderate

Sivu 3 (15) Consulting and Training Focus of the consulting is the overall development of the customer company's performance including overall company business performance quality management environmental management safety and occupational health and safety management productivity, economy customer satisfaction supplier performance and management, sourcing employee wellbeing and commitment improvement of the management and operational processes, process management, KPI s company wide continuous improvement, PDCA Areas of general consulting, examples: Business Management Systems Graphical and WEB-based management system interfaces uality Management Systems Environmental Management Systems OHSAS Management Systems uality management, TM Process management, teamwork Project management LEAN in practice Management processes Activation and commitment of the employees, employee well-being, continuous improvement as part of the normal daily work, combining quality, productivity and well-being together Continuous improvement of product and operational quality and performance Development of service organizations customer quality and service performance Project management

Sivu 4 (15) Training Training related to all the consulting topics and areas of the previous paragraph reference standards like ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO 18001/45001, ISO TS 16949, AAP 2110, ISO 1090-1/2/3 Companies, organizations, public & governmental All organizational levels of the company Business-, process and resource management Auditing (internal, supplier, 2:n party) Teamwork procedures, theory and practice System development and continuous improvement procedures igrafx products, tools and services Audits, Studies and Analyses Preaudits, management, process and progress assesments and analyzes quality, environment, OHSAS performance, economy, efficiency, wellbeing company, suppliers, partners, customers, interested parties Internal audits, supplier audits and supplier analyses 2 nd and 3 rd Party audits, certification audits Supplier evaluations and supplier audits globally

Sivu 5 (15) Business and Project Consulting Private, public & governmental companies and organizations Companywide management of business and supporting (sub)processes to meet the goals and targets of the company Project Management LEAN implementation of basics Management, leadership, business and strategy planning Modeling and guiding product and service development Resource planning and usage, employee development Participation, commitment and engagement of the staff/ employees Active and innovative use of modern Information Technology and IT Applications igrafx solutions, products and services for business Excellence graphical and advanced user interfaces for management systems implementation consultancy Supplier quality and supplier management Continuos improvement as a part of the daily work Areas of experience (main areas) General manufacturing industries (practically all) Service providers/industries Metal fabrication, manufacturing industries o shipyards, train suppliers, automotive Health and social care (SOTE) o Health care and rehabilitation o Medical centers, hospitals, o Rehabilitation centers o Public health care centers o Hospital District o Care for the elderly, rehabilitation homes, etc

Sivu 6 (15) Government / Public Service o local and district government o municipality o public service processes o cooperation of official and- representative organizations Consulting and training o engineering, design o operative processess of a company o EHS Project management Telecommunications, data processing services, software services, Training services providers Process and chemical industry (paper, chemistry) Food industry Electrical, electro-mechanical and electronic industries Technical trade, technical services Transportation and logistics (railways, shipping, land transportation) Service sector Work experience Oy NOKIA Ab, Pohjolan Kaapeli; development engineer 1979-1981. Det norske Veritas Classification A/S, Norway, West-Germany, Sweden, Finland 1981-1990. Appraisal Engineer, Head Office Oslo, Norway Surveyor in West Germany, Sweden, Finland Lead Assessor of uality systems Product Manager of uality, Finland managing DnV Certification in Finland

Sivu 7 (15) A-Rati Oy, Senior Consultant, Business Area manager, 1990. MK Consulting Oy/Ltd - Own consultancy company since 1990 and its continuation MKC Finland Oy/Ltd. since 2005 till today. Professional Publications Several Articles dealing uality and uality Systems in various magazines. Seria of 2 books "uality systems and work environment" - in co-operation with researchers at Institute of Occupational Health, Occupational Safety and Health Administration for the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. Seminar Publications regarding quality, environment and OHSAS/safety and operational, management and development processes. Group-level manuals/handbooks for Finnish major/ significant groups/companies like Enso-Gutzeit Oy (uality and Work Safety Integration). Professional positions FINNISH UALITY ASSOCIATION, section for Health and Social Business, chairman/secretary of the section

Sivu 8 (15) APPENDIX 1 LIST OF MAJOR CONSULTING AND TRAINING REFERENCES SINCE 1998. uality E Environment HS Occupational Health and Safety (OHSAS) Training System Other Year Company development consulting Rehabilitation centre of Rokua 1990/ - quality system 1995 Field of operation/ business area Rehabilitation The first of a kind! Tieto Enator OYj, IT services 1998/9 Service/ IT/ Development Kenn-Med Ab 1998/9 Health Care, Prosthesis import and sales Exel Oyj 1998/9 Chemical Industry, plastic and woven 2003 material products, Sports products ALKO Oy/Primalco Oy 1998/9 Alcohol Beverage Industry NANSO Oy 1998 Clothing Industry ABB Industry Oy ABB Power Oy 1992 1998/9 Machine, metal electronics industry 2002/3 CTS Engineering Oy 1995 1998 Outokumpu Oy Polarit 2002/3 1998/9 Design/ Consultancy services for paper and other process industries Metal Industry 2002/3 2009-11 KEMIRA Oy/Ltd. 1998/9 Chemical Industry 2002 Canon Oy, Customer 1998 Office products and services Skandinavian Offset Oy 1999 Offset Tamfelt Oyj 1998/9 Technical woven products for process industy Halton Oy 1995 1998/ Metall Industy, 2000 Recycling

Sivu 9 (15) Training System Other Year Field of operation/ Company development consulting business area Ikaalisten Kylpylä 1997/9 Rehabilitation - new ISO 9001_2000 2002/3/ 8/9 Peurunka E E E 1999/ Rehabilitation 2001 2002-2005 2008-2010 Kankaanpään Kansanterveystyön Kuntayhtymä 1999/ 2002 Corporation of Municipalities for Health Care Lappeenrannan Kylpylä 1999 Rehabilitation Hopeaniemen Kylpylä 1998/9 Rehabilitation Ruissalon Kylpylä 1998/9 Rehabilitation Ruissalosäätiö, SAGA Seniorikeskukset - Helsinki, Turku, Rauma Porin Lääkäritalo 1999/ 2002 Rehabilitation Private Health Care Health care centre E E 1999/ 2002 2004-2011- 2012 Tohtoritalo 41400, Sairaala 2000 Private Health Care Health care centre Trial Oy 1997/9 Metall Industy ABB Industry Oy, Finland 1998/ Metal/Electrical 1999 2002/ 2003 2011/ 2012 uality management system and internal audits

Sivu 10 (15) Training System Other Year Field of operation/ Company development consulting business area Nokia Kondensaattorit Oy/Nokia 1999 - Metal/machinery/ Condensators Ltd 2001 electrical Kemira Agro 1998/1 Chemical industry 999 Finnyards-Hollming 1998 Ship yard VR The Finnish State Railways 1998/ 2000 - Pendolino-project - Sr 2- project EMA (Emergency Medical Aid- 2000/ Mediheli) 2002 Suomen Standardisoimisliitto EHS 1990 SFS-Sertifointi Oy Inspecta / Certificationi Oy. - Taukokangas 2000/ 2002 Leo Longlife Oy 2001/2 002 Tampereen sosiaali- ja terveysalan 2001 - Opisto Makron Oy 2001-2004 Härmän Kuntokeskus 2001-2005 Lamminniemen Hyvinvointikeskus 1995-1997 2001-2009 Posti Oyj, IT 2002/2 003 Avesta Polarit Oy, Tornio 2001/ 2004/ 2012 Viasveden Hiekka- ja kuljetusliike 2002- Oy, Pori Transportation, traffic - supplier management Medical Helicopter EHS- management system certification Rehabilitation Business presents Institute for Social and Healthcare Metal Industry Rehabilitation Rehabilitation IT-services in Finland Stainless steel industry Sand production and distribution VEHO Oyj, Pitäjänmäki 2002 Car sales and service Ovitor Oy 1995 2003 Door automation services

Sivu 11 (15) Training System Other Year Field of operation/ Company development consulting business area Puolustusvoimien Tietotekniikan 2002 - IT services laitos (PvTietoTL) IT services for the Finnish Defence Forces RE-Suunnittelu Oy 2002-2013 Vihannespörssi Oy E E 2003-2004 Mehiläinen Oyj 2001-2005 Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö/ Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dextra Oy 2003-2005 Design/ Consultancy/Architecture services for food, process etc. industries Food industry, vegetables Corporate of Private Health Care Health care centres 2003 Process management Polartherm Oy E E 2004- Private Health Care Health care centre Metal products, warmers and coolers for many industries SEPA Oy - House roof structures Runebergin Makeistukku Oy/ Makulaku Oy E E 2004- Food industry, Sweets Lääkäriasema Pulssi - 2008 Marskin Lääkärikeskus Oy - 2008 Kivipuron Kuntoutuskoti 2005-2008 Lieksan Vaskiviikko Lieksa Brass Week 2007-2008 2014- S-Työterveyspalvelut (S-ryhmä) E E 2007-2012 Private Health Care Health care centre Private Health Care Health care centre Rehabilitation Accommondation and International Brass Festival Corporate Occupational health care services Lamminniemen kuntoutuskoti Rehabilitation

Sivu 12 (15) Training System Other Year Field of operation/ Company development consulting business area Celsa Steel Oy EHS EHS 2008 Steel fasteners and structures for concrete building Aerial Oy Parelco Oy EHS quality manager 2008-2012 Design and manufacture of antenna and mast products Lyreco Finland Oy EHS EHS 2009 Office supply products and services Outokumpu Tornio Works EHS EHS 2007- Steel Works Ainala ry/virtain kaupungin vanhustyö 2010 2008-2010 Elderly Care Center with accommondation services Auto- ja Koneliike AKR Oy E E E 2010 Sales and service of cars and other machinery. Charging services TAY-Palvelut Oy Tampere Unversity E E 2009-2010 University s internal supporting services Rehamed Oy E E 2010 Health Care Products import and sales ATEA Oyj 2010 IT- Pohjolan Werkonrakennus Oy PWR Oy EHS EHS 2010-2012 AAP 2105 Power and Tele/Information net building and maintenance Työterveys-Akaasia (kuntayhtymä) EHS EHS 2011 Occupational Health and Well being Utajärven kunta Municipality of Utajärvi Utajärvi county operation system is the first one in Finland to have been developed according to the ISO9001-quality system guidelines. The S has also been certified. HS 1998-2011- 2012 2016 Witre Oy/Ab, Finland EHS 2010- Municipality Certified S! Strategy, management, personnel involvement, visual S Office supply products and services Cargotech Oyj EHS 2011 Cargo handling industry

Sivu 13 (15) Training System Other Year Field of operation/ Company development consulting business area John Deere International EHS 2011 Joint venture audit (USA-Germany- Finland) Componenta Oyj EHS TS 16949 2011 Casting solutions provider Oy LM Ericsson Ab EHS EHS EHS 2011 Telecommunication products and services Kemira Oyj, konserni, Kemira Group EHS EHS EHS 2011-2013 Chemical and water industry DHL Freight( Finland)Oy/DHL EHS EHS 2012 Freight handling Express RALA ry (The Construction uality Association Certification activity Outotec Oy, Filters Oy and Outotec Finland Oy EHS *) 2011-2015 EHS EHS *) EHS *) 2011-2013 Site- and com-pany wide system assessments/ certification audits Technology solutions for the sustainable use of Earth s natural resources *) Global EHS system, assistance for Global/Finnish Certification Vanhustyön keskusliitto (VTKL) 2010 - Elderly Care The Central Union for the Welfare of 2012 Federation the Aged Treston Group Oy (Treston Oy + EHS EHS 2012 Human workspace Sovella Oy) Ricoh Finland Oy Office services, systems and products Elfving Opasteet Oy EHS EHS 2013 Traffic markings and road signs Promeco Group Oy EHS EHS 2013 Solutions suppl-ier providing demanding elect-romechanical systems and services. Cleanosol Oy EHS EHS EHS 2013- Road and other surface marking and marking systems Jousiteos Oy EHS EHS EHS 2013 Industrial springs for any purpose

Sivu 14 (15) Training System Other Year Field of operation/ Company development consulting business area Etelä-Savon sairaanhoitopiiri 2013- Etelä-Savo Health Hospital District of South Savo 2014 Care District Franke Finland Oy HS Kitchen Systems HUS The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa EHS Advisory services Health Care Enerpoint Oy, Ouman Oy EHS EHS 2013-2014 2016 Comptel Oyj Gap analysis Corporate group in the field of building automation 2014 for Communications Service Providers (CSP) Unilever Ingman Production Oy EHS 2014 Food Industry JPM Hitsaus ja asennuspalvelu EHS 2014 Assembly and welding TYKS Turun yliopistollinen keskussairaala - Turku University Hospital igrafx visual management system interface 2014 Hospital District of Southwest Finland Pharmanova Oy EHS EHS 2015 Import, sales and delivery of medical equipment, accessories and materials FP-Pigments EHS 2015 Opacifying solutions. AMIEDU 2015 Vocational adult education centre Hietakari Oy 2015 Shower equipment Ikioma Oy 2015- Health Care Ginolis Oy EHS EHS Global provider of high precision liquid handling and intelligent desktop automation for the global meditech and diagnostics industries

Sivu 15 (15) APPENDIX 2 Some significant customers 1990-1997: Companies with bold text company wide uality system developed! ABB Power Oy, ABB Transmit Oy, ABB Drives Oy, ABLOY Oyj, ALKO Oy Teknokemia, Alueputkitus Oy, Auramo Cargo Systems, Avancer Oy, Ilmailulaitos, BASF Oy, Biohit Oy, Enso-Gutzeit Oy, Enso-Gutzeit Sahateollisuus, Fundia Åminnefors, GWS Oy, Oy Hackman Ab, HAKA Oy, Helsingin ja Turun Täydennyskoulutuskeskukset Jaakko Pöyry Oy, KASO Oy, Kaukas Oy, Kemira Oy Fibres, Kenmed Oy, KUMERA Oy, Lamminniemi koti, Machinery Oy, MASA-YARDS, Metsa-Serla Oy, Metsäteho, MOTIVA, NESTE Oy Local Service, Nokian Paperi Oy, Optiroc Oy, Rautaruukki Oy, Polar Electro Oy, Santasalo Oy, Schauman Wood Oy, Sunds Defibrator Oy, Teollisuusvakuutus, Transfennica Oy, Transpoint Oy, Valio Oy, Valmet Oy Paper Technology, VAPO Oy, Vihtavuori Oy, VR, VTKK -Valtion tietojärjestelmät, Yhtyneet Paperitehtaat Rauma ja Kajaani