Information on Finnish Language Courses Autumn Semester 2019 Sanni Aava, Karoliina Salo & Hanna Jokela

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Information on Finnish Language Courses Autumn Semester 2019 Sanni Aava, Karoliina Salo & Hanna Jokela ORIENTATION FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS AND ORIENTATION FOR NEW INTERNATIONAL DEGREE STUDENTS 29.8.2019

Puhutko suomea? Hei! Hei hei! Moi! Moi moi! Terve! Terve terve! Hyvää päivää! Päivää! (Hello!) (Hello!) (Hello!) ( Good day! )

Puhutko suomea? Do you speak Finnish? Mitä kuuluu? Kiitos, hyvää. Entä sinulle? Ihan hyvää, kiitos. How are you? Thanks, I m fine. And you? Just fine, thanks. Nähdään huomenna. Joo, nähdään. Moi! Moi moi! See you tomorrow! Yes, see you. Bye! Bye bye!

If you have never studied Finnish before You may choose one of these courses: Survival Course for Exchange Students Beginners Course I (Intensive Beginners Course I)

Survival Course for Exchange Students (KIFF0013) The aim of the course is to offer students basic knowledge of the Finnish language so that they can cope with situations linked with everyday life. The course concentrates on practical language use; grammar is discussed to a lesser extent. Material will be provided by the teacher. NB! The Survival Course is directed at those students who do not intend to continue with their Finnish studies. If you want to continue, you will have to choose Beginners' Course I first.

Survival Course for Exchange Students (KIFF0013) 24 h, 4 h/week, 2 ECTS credits, level A1 Group A Mondays 10.15-11.45 Room 245, Agora Wednesdays 14.15-15.45 Studio 1, Agora Starting September 9 Group B Tuesdays 10.15-11.45 Room 06, TSE Thursdays 10.15-11.45 Room 14, TSE Starting September 10 Group C Tuesdays 14.15-15.45 Room 06, TSE Fridays 10.15-11.45 Room 09, TSE Starting September 10 Teacher: Ms Karoliina Salo Enrolment in Nettiopsu (starting August 30 at 15.00) Max. 30 students, in the order of registration. NB! Attendance at the first lesson is required.

Beginners Course I (KIFF0001) The aim of the course is to offer the students a basic knowledge of the Finnish language in order to help them cope with various everyday situations and to give them a solid start with the grammar. During the lessons, basic grammar will be taught and various tasks will be practised both in pairs and as group work. Pronunciation exercises, listening comprehension exercises, communication exercises and a small number of writing tasks will be included. Material: Gehring & Heinzmann: Suomen mestari 1.

Beginners Course I (KIFF0001) 48 h, 4 h/week, 4 ECTS credits, level A1 Group A (Teacher: Sanni Aava) Mondays 10.15-11.45 Room 250, Agora Wednesdays 10.15-11.45 Studio 1, Agora Starting September 4 Group B (Teacher: Sanni Aava) Tuesdays 10.15-11.45 Studio 2, Agora Thursdays 10.15-11.45 Room 247, Agora Starting September 5 Group C (Teacher: Karoliina Salo) Wednesdays 12.15-13.45 Room 14, TSE Fridays 12.15-13.45 Room 06, TSE Starting September 6 Enrolment in Nettiopsu (starting August 30 at 15.00). Max. 30 students, in the order of registration but preference will be given to Master's program students. NB! Attendance at the first lesson is required.

(Intensive Beginners Course I (KIFF0003)) Note! This course is intended only for degree students who have this course in their study programme. Group A: Education and Learning Information Security and Cryptography Embedded Computing Digital Health and Life Sciences: Health Technology major and Medical Analytics and Health Internet-of-Things major Group B: Biomedical Imaging Drug Discovery Medicinal Radio Chemistry Food Development Nordic Cultural and Social Resilience Digital Health and Life Sciences: Bioinformatics major and Molecular Systems Biology major

Intensive Beginners Course (KIFF0003) 60 h, 6 h/week, 5 ECTS, level A1 Group A (Teacher: Eveliina Suuniitty) Mondays 10.15-11.45 Room 249, Agora Wednesdays 8.30-10.00 Room 245, Agora Fridays 8.30-10.00 Studio 1, Agora Starting September 16 Group B (Teacher: Aino Jauhiainen) Mondays 14.15-15.45 Room 251A, Agora Wednesdays 14.15-15.45 Room 251C, Agora Fridays 10.15-11.45 Studio 1, Agora Starting September 16 Enrolment in Nettiopsu (until September 12) This course is intended for degree students of the University of Turku and exchange students will be admitted only if there are places available.

Suomipassi Finnish Language Passport Learn phrases to use in shops, cafes, restaurants Learn other basic phrases, food vocabulary, spoken language and numbers Listen to audio files and practise pronunciation Translated into English, Swedish, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, French, Arabic and spoken language. Available for Android and ios in appstores for free Visit the website for more information: Follow us in Facebook Developed at University of Turku in 2018

If you have studied Finnish before You may choose: Beginners Course II (level A1-A2) Continuation Course I (level A2) Continuation Course II (level A2-B1) Continuation Course III (level A2-B1)

CONTACT INFORMATION Sanni Aava, MA, university teacher e-mail: Päivi Paukku, MA, university teacher e-mail: Karoliina Salo, MA, part-time teacher e-mail:

More information on the Finnish courses:

Suomen kieli ja kulttuuri (ei-äidinkielisille) Finnish Language and Culture (for non-native speakers) all courses are taught in Finnish Perusopinnot (25 op) ja aineopinnot (35 op): suomen kielen rakenteen teoreettinen tuntemus, käytännön kielitaidon vahvistaminen ja kulttuuriin ja yhteiskuntaan perehtyminen Opiskelijan pitää pystyä lukemaan suomenkielistä tekstiä, ymmärtämään suomenkielisiä luentoja sekä ilmaisemaan itseään kirjallisesti ja suullisesti suomen kielellä.

Suomen kieli ja kulttuuri (ei-äidinkielisille) Finnish Language and Culture (for non-native speakers) all courses are taught in Finnish Aloitusinfo: maanantaina 2.9.2019 klo 12 14 (luentosali XI, Natura) Yhteystiedot: Hanna Jokela, Ph.D., University Lecturer,, + KOROKE kieli- ja ohjausklinikka tarjoaa mm. kielitukea korkeakoulutetuille maahanmuuttajille ja ei-äidinkielisille korkeakouluopiskelijoille

TERVETULOA SUOMEN KURSSEILLE! Welcome Fair tomorrow at 11-13!