ENERGIA Komiteajäsen: Jukka Leppälahti, Tekes NCP: Arto Kotipelto, Tekes Asiantuntijajäsen: Saila Karvinen, Suomen Akatemia

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766 M ,83%*

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895 M ,26%*

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443 M ,37*

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350 M ,85*

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520 M ,08*

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520 M ,08*

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639 M ,62*

Uusien liikenteen biopolttoaineteknologioiden

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Sustainability Investing in the Future Low2No. Jean Rogers February 2011

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ENERGIA Komiteajäsen: Jukka Leppälahti, Tekes NCP: Arto Kotipelto, Tekes Asiantuntijajäsen: Saila Karvinen, Suomen Akatemia Sisältö: 1. SET PLAN 2. 7PO HAUT 2011

SET Plan, European Strategic Energy Technology Plan European Energy Council Conclusions 12.3.2010 INVITES public authorities in the Member States to coordinate their energy RTD programmes and policies with SET Plan objectives and activities. Where possible, in light of the current constraints of public budgets, they should be ready to offer the appropriate incentives and consistent policy signals and, if necessary, to significantly increase the public funding of safe and sustainable low carbon technology development. REQUESTS Member States and the Commission to streamline the existing institutional steps and to give due regard to the central role of the SET Plan Steering Group to guarantee a fair and transparent process for the conception, launch and implementation of the various SET Plan activities, in particular for the EIIs (EII= European Industrial Initiative) 11-2009

SET PLAN : Energiaan liittyvät tavoitteet ja lähtökohdat Ilmastonmuutoksen hillintä Asetettu tavoitteet vuodelle 2020 20%vähemmän CO2 päästöjä, 20% parempi energiatehokkuus ja 20% energiasta uusiutuvaa energiaa Läpimurto teknologioita tarvitaan 2050 Energiaomavaraisuuden lisääminen Energiateknologian kehitys luo kasvua ja kilpailukykyä EU:ssa T&K resurssit ovat riittämättömät ja hajallaan jäsenvaltioissa, joissa tehdään päällekkäistä työtä, tietoa ei jaeta 2007 komissio aloitti SET PLAN:n kehittämisen tavoitteena tehostaa energiateknologia kehittämistä ja kaupallistamista SET PLAN on pitkäaikainen (2010-2020- ) ja kehittyvä raami EU:n jäsenvaltioiden yhteiselle t&k työlle Lisätietoa: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/technology/set_plan/set_plan_en.htm 11-2009

SET PLAN:n osat EII, European Industrial Initiatives, teollisuusaloitteet Tärkein osa: Teollisuuden aloitteet, joiden toteutus perustuu joustavaan Public-Private Partnership tiimien työhön ilman raskaita byrokraattisia organisaatioita Seitsemän aloitetta eri aloilla, joille laadittu ROAAPIT JA BUDJETIT Tavoite nopeuttaa kehitystyötä ja kaupallistamista Määrittää teollisuusjohtoisesti selkeät tavoitteet ja eteneminen EERA, European Energy Research Alliance Kansallisten merkittävimpien tutkimuslaitosten yhteenliittymä Organisoi yhteisiä ohjelmia, Joint programming: Olemassaolevia resursseja hyödyntäen Vältetään päällekkäinen työ ja tiedonsiirto tehostuu. Kaikki, jotka haluavat panostaa resursseja pääsevät mukaan, ei vapaamatkustajia SETIS tietojärjestelmä Tavoitteiden toteuman ja investointien seuranta http://setis.ec.europa.eu/ 11-2009

Industrial initiatives in Set Plan The European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative The European CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage Initiative The European Electricity Grid Initiative The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) Joint Technology Initiative The Sustainable Nuclear Initiative The Solar Europe Initiative The European Wind Initiative The Smart Cities Initiative (käynnistysvaiheessa) 11-2009

SET Plan EII Wind Implementation Plan 2010-2012 Norela Constantinescu Energy Technologies and Research Coordination, DG TREN, European Commission 11 February 2010

Roadmap Roadmap 12/11/2009 9/7/2011 17 7

Estimated budget intensity Technology objectives Total budget (M ) Budget (M ) on period 2010-2012 Budget intensity 1. New turbines 2 500 750 30% and components 2. Offshore 1 200 310 25% structure-related technologies 3. Grid integration 2 100 334 16% 4. Resource 200 36 18% assessment and spatial planning Total incl. EEPR 6 000 1433 24% Total exl. EEPR 6000 914 (EEPR 519) 15%

SET-Plan European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative Implementation Plan (2010-2012) Silvia Ferratini RTD K3

Core activities EIBI Activities Bring to commercial maturity by 2020 innovative bioenergy value chains with large market potential, based on significantly different feedstock and technological options Demonstrations implemented by industrial actors Complementary measures and activities Set of initiatives on biomass feedstock for bioenergy Longer term R&D&D on emerging and innovative bioenergy value chains Not implemented directly by EIBI Industry stakeholders

Core activities of EIBI 2010-2012 Calls for proposals to support 5-10 demo and up to 5 reference plants in 7 generic value chains Thermochemical pathways A: Synthetic liquid fuels and/or hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline, naphtha, kerosene or diesel fuel) through gasification Maturity in Europe Pilot & demo B: Bio-methane and other bio-synthetic gaseous fuels through gasification Pilot & demo C: High efficiency heat & power generation through gasification Demo D: Intermediate bio-energy carriers through techniques such as pyrolysis and torrefaction Pilot & demo Biochemical pathways A: Ethanol and higher alcohols from ligno-cellulosic feedstock through chemical and biological processes B: Hydrocarbons (e.g. diesel and jet fuel) through biological and/or chemical synthesis from biomass containing carbohydrates Pilot & demo Lab/Pilot C: Bio-energy carriers produced by micro-organisms (algae, bacteria) from CO2 and sunlight Lab/Pilot

Summary of Budget 2010-2012 Activities Public M Private M Total M Core Demo Plants 600 (EU, MS, e.g. NER300) 600 1200 Ref plants 500 (EU; MS; EIB loans) 1500 2000 Complementary Biomass feedstock 45 (EU, MS) 15 60 R&D existing technologies 45 (EU FP7, MS, EERA) 45 90 R&D on future value chains 22,5 (EU FP7, MS, EERA) 7,5 30 TOTAL 2010-2012 1212,5 2167,5 3380 TOTAL 2010-2020 9000

European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative EIBI team opened Expression of Interest (EoI) call: 15.7.-30.9.2011 To gather information regarding demonstration and flagship projects that would be ready to be launch and which fulfil the basic EIBI eligibility criteria Results will be used for planning future calls and funding operations See http://setis.ec.europa.eu/welcome-to-setis/newsroom-itemsfolder/european-bioenergy-industrial-initiative-eibi ERANETplus call for member states opened in FP7 Energy programme: 20.7.-28.2.2012 Aims at arranging call for demonstration plants according to the EIBI implementation plan Public funding 45M from Commission (15M ) and MS (30M ). 11-2010

Orientation level Implementation & operational level Planning and programming level Teollisuusaloitteiden hallinto STEERING GROUP EC - chair all MS and observer countries + EIB Supported by SETIS 1 2 Proposes IP EII TEAM* Industry/TP Interested MSs EC Financing Community (e.g.eib) RTD Community (e.g. EERA) Endorses IP & Makes available programming instruments and budgets 5 Reports on the IP progress * One EII Team per Initiative 3 EU: Framework Programme MS: National Programmes New Entrants Reserve EERA Industry: co-financing Implements according to funding rules and procedures Actions / Projects Actions / Projects 4 Reports on the progress of the actions

Overall framework Common EU Roadmap and Implementation Plan Public funding partners Project typology Instruments EC High EU added value FP, CIP-IEE EC and MS MS and MS MS EIB Large projects, EU added value, shared interests Localised shared interests Supporting domestic industry Very large projects FP (ERA-NET+), Art 169, coordinated calls, EERA, NER300, ad-hoc arrangements national programmes, structural funds EIB loans, RSFF, guarantees, equity Common EU reporting, monitoring and assessment KPIs

NER 300 Merkittävä SET PLAN hankkeiden rahoitusinstrumentti Komissio (DG ENV) jakaa päästöoikeuksia hankkeille (demonstraatioille), jotka vähentävät CO2 päästöä. Hankkeet kilpailutetaan kahdessa haussa. Ensimmäisen haun arviointi meneillään: 8 CCS ja 34 uusiutuvan enegian projektia valitaan tuettaviksi. Päästöoikeuksien arvo isolla hankkeella voi olla 100-200M Toinen haku 2012? 11-2010

FP7 energiahaku, perusperiaatteita Innovaatio-unioni & SET-Plan Painopiste innovaatioiden aikaansaamisessa, tulosten hyödyntämisellä suuri painoarvo Useat hakuaiheet tukevat SET Planin suunnitelmien toteuttamista. Projekteja kannustetaan yhteistyöhön (tiedonjako ja rahoitus) kansallisten ohjelmien ja hankkeiden kanssa Sähköverkot ja energiatehokkuus painopisteenä: uusi hakualue Smart Cities (Uusi SET PLAN aloite) 11-2010

FP 7 Energia haut 2011 FP7-ENERGY-2012-1 (budjetti 136 Meur), tutkimus haku haku sulkeutuu 25.10.2011 (1. vaihe), ainoa arviointikriteeri 1. S&T excellence Toisen vaiheen hakemus 3.4.2012 (kutsutaan 250% budjetista). Tulokset kesäkuussa 2012 Työohjelmassa kerrottu montako projektia/topic voidaan rahoittaa FP7-ENERGY-2012-2 (budjetti 81 Meur), demonstraatiohaku haku sulkeutuu 8.3.2012 yksivaiheinen haku. Sopimusneuvottelut käynnistyvät heinäkuussa 2012 FP7-ENERGY-SMARTCITIES-2012 (budjetti 40 Meur) haku (topic 8.8) sulkeutuu 1.12.2011- yksivaiheinen haku. Sopimusneuvottelut käyntiin 03/2012 FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD, 17M Vain jäsenmaille FP7-KBBE-2012-6, 10M (Energia 5M ) (katso KBBE työohjelma) Logistics of harvesting, storage and transport of lignocellulosic biomass FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB, budjetti 140M Energia osuus 35M ) Energy Efficient Buildings 11-2010

Energia - hakuaiheet Vihreällä Energy 2 demonstraatioaiheet Activity1: HYDROGEN AND FUEL CELLS, Ei avoinna energiaohjelmassa, rahoitus perustetun Joint undertaking kautta The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen JU: http://ec.europa.eu/research/fch/index_en.cfm Seuraava haku keväällä 2012 Aiemmissa hauissa (4) Suomeen rahoitusta JU:sta 4,3M Tekesin lisärahoitus 1,7M Näiden eurooppalaisten konsortiohankkeiden (joissa Suomi mukana) budjetit yhteensä 93M! 11-2010

Activity2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION Area2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS Topic Energy 2012.1.1: Reliable, cost-effective, highly performing PV systems Topic Energy.2012.2.1-2: Demonstration of multifunctional PV modules Area2.3: WIND Topic Energy.2012.2.3.1: Innovative wind conversion systems (10-20MW) for offshore applications Topic Energy.2012.2.3-2: Demonstration of innovative large rotor designs to reduce fatigue loads and improve reliability of wind power systems 2.5: CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER Topic Energy.2012.2.5.1. Research, development and testing of solar dish systems Topic Energy.2012.2.5.2. Hybridisation of CSP with other energy sources 2.6: OCEAN Topic Energy.2012.2.6-1: Demonstration and deployment of first ocean energy farms See also the call for tender (5.4) 'THE OCEAN OF TOMORROW 2.9: CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES Topic Energy.2012.2.9.1: Power generation in the low temperature range 2.2,2.4,2.7.,2.8.no topics are open 11-2010

Energia hakuaiheet 3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION 3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS Topic Energy.2012.3.2.1.: Biofuels from microalgae or macroalgae Topic Energy.2012.3.2.2. Development and testing of advanced sustainable bio-based fuels for air transport Topic Energy.2012.3.2.3: Pre-commercial industrial scale demonstration plant on lignocellulosic ethanol 3.7: CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES Topic KBBE.2012.1.2.-01: Development of new or improved logistics for lignocellulosic biomass harvesting, storage and transport 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, No topics open 4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING 4.1: LOW/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY Topic ENERGY.2012.4.1.1: Research and development for medium temperature range solar collectors (100-250 C) 4.2: BIOMASS, 4.3 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY, 4.4: INTEGRATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN LARGE BUILDINGS AND/OR CONCERTO COMMUNITIES, 4.5 CROSS CUTTING ISSUES No topics open 11-2010

Energia hakuaiheet 5: CO2 CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION 5.1: CO2 CAPTURE, no topics are open 5.2: CO2 STORAGE Topic ENERGY.2012.5.2-1 Sizeable pilot tests for CO2 geological storage Topic ENERGY.2012.5.2-2 Impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour 6: CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGIES:no topics are open 5&6: CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS BETWEEN ACTIVITIES ENERGY.5&6 5&6.1: POWER GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR INTEGRATED ZERO EMISSION SOLUTIONS Topic Energy.2012.5&6.1-1 Pilot plant-scale demonstration of advanced postcombustion CO2 capture processes with a view to integration in fossil fuel power plants Topic Energy.2012.5&6.1-2: Pilot plant-scale demonstration and integration of emerging and new combustion technologies 5&6.2: CROSS CUTTING AND REGULATORY ISSUES Topic ENERGY.2012.5&6.2-1 Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Zero Emission Energy Production 11-2010

Energia hakuaiheet 7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS 7.1: DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE DISTRIBUTION ENERGY NETWORKS Topic ENERGY.2012.7.1-1: Integration of variable distributed resources in distribution networks Topic ENERGY.2012.7.1-2: Enhancing electricity networks through use of distributed intelligence Topic ENERGY.2012.7.1-3: Empowering smart customers to participate in active demand and energy system efficiency 7.2: PAN-EUROPEAN ENERGY NETWORKS Topic ENERGY.2012.7.2-1: Planning for European Electricity Highways to ensure the reliable delivery of renewable electricity and market integration 7.3: CROSS CUTTING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES Topic ENERGY.2012.7.3-1: Networking of national R&D and demonstration projects on smart metering infrastructure and data processing Topic ENERGY.2012.7.3.2: Facilitating the deployment of safe stationary batteries Topic ENERGY.2012.7.3.3: Support to the coordination of stakeholders activities in the field of Smart Grids 11-2010

8: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS 8.1: EFFICIENT ENERGY USE IN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY AND BUILDING SECTOR Topic Energy.2012.8.1.1: Next generation heat pump technologies 8.8: SMART CITIES dead line 1.12 Topic Energy.2012.8.8.1: Strategic sustainable planning and screening of city plans Topic.Energy.2012.8.8.2: Large scale systems for urban area heating and/or cooling supply Topic Energy.2012.8.8.3: Demonstration of Zero Carbon Building Renovation for cities and districts 8.2-8.7: no topics open Energia hakuaiheet 11-2010

Energia - otsikot 9: KNOWLEDGE FOR ENERGY POLICY MAKING -no calls open 10: HORIZONTAL PROGRAMME ACTIONS 10.1 ERA-NET Topic Energy.2012.10.1.1 : ERA-NET Plus - Bioenergy Demonstrations of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative 10.1.2. ERA-NET on Solar Electricity: Implementation of the Solar Energy Industry Initiative 10.3 FUTURE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (max 3 Meur EC-tuki/projekti) Topic ENERGY.2012.10.3.1: Future Emerging Technologies CALLS FOR TENDER Renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa Study of the environmental impacts of noise, vibrations and electromagnetic emissions from marine renewables Study on the impact of EU funded enerfy research projects 11-2010

Hakemusten arviointi Hakuasiakirjat ja ohjeet löytyvät Osallistuja-portaalista: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/page/fp7_calls Guide for applicants kannattaa lukea huolella (yksityiskohtaiset hakemuksen laatimisohjeet) Arviointikriteerit Scientific and technological quality 0-5p Implementation, 0-5p Impact, 0-5p Kuvaa hakemuksessa terävästi kuinka hakemus vastaa kriteereihin Guide for applicants, Hakemus,osaB:1.Scientific and technical quality 1.1 Concept and objectives: Kuinka projektintavoitteet vastaavat hakutekstin tavoitteisiin? Tavoitteiden saavuttaminen mitattavissa ja verifioitavissa? 1.2. Progress beyond state of the art: Mikä muuttuu kun työ valmis? 1.3. S/T methodology and work plan: Konkreettisuus! 11-2010

FP7 viimeinen haku avautuu kesällä 2012 Marras-tammikuussa 2012 saatava komissiolle Suomen vahva viesti vuoden 2013 työohjelman sisällöstä Ehdotuksia hakujen sisällöstä voi toimittaa Suomen vastuuhenkilöille (Leppälahti/Kotipelto) Uuden EU:n innovaatio-ohjelman, HORIZON 2014-2020 suunnittelu etenee: 1.haku saattaa avautua loppuvuonna 2013 8.Puiteohjelmaa ei tule vaan uudenlainen innovaatio-ohjelma Horizon 2020 11-2010