- University I would like to enroll at a university. Stating that you want to enroll I want to apply for course. Stating that you want to apply for a course an undergraduate a postgraduate a PhD a full-time a part-time an online I would like to study at your university for. Stating how long your exchange period is a semester Length of stay at foreign university an academic year Length of stay at foreign university What are the work restrictions for students? Asking about work restrictions for students Haluaisin hakea yliopistoon. Haluan hakea. kandidaatin ohjelmaan jatko-opintoihin tohtorin ohjelmaan täysiaikaiseen ohjelmaan osa-aikaiseen ohjelmaan verkossa käytävään ohjelmaan Haluaisin opiskella yliopistollanne. lukukauden lukuvuoden Onko opiskelijoille joitakin rajoitteita työhön liittyen? Page 1 11.07.2017
Do I have to show copies of the original documents or the original documents themselves? Asking if you need to provide the original documents or copies Tarvitseeko minun toimittaa alkuperäiset dokumentit vai kopiot? What are the entry requirements of the university? Used when applying for university Are you going to send me a formal offer? Asking if you will receive a formal offer Does the university guarantee accommodation as well? Asking if the university provides accommodation Mitkä ovat yliopiston sisäänpääsyvaatimukset? Lähetetäänkö minulle virallinen hyväksymiskirje? Tarjoaako yliopisto myös asumuksen? Does the course involve an internship as well? Asking if your university course involves an internship period Is there a cost to study as an exchange student at your university? Asking if you have to pay to study as an exchange student at that university How can I track the progress of my application? Asking how you can see the progress of your application What are the [language] language requirements? Kuuluuko tutkinto-ohjelmaani myös työharjoittelu? Tarvitseeko vaihto-opiskelijoiden maksaa yliopistollenne jotakin opiskelusta? Kuinka pääsen seuraamaan hakemukseni etenemistä? Mitä kielitaitoja vaaditaan? Inquiring about the language requirement to be fulfilled in order to be accepted at that university What is the system like? Asking information about the system credit Type of system marking Type of system Miten -järjestelmä toimii? opintopiste arvosana Do I get an academic transcript at the end of my exchange? Asking if you have an academic transcript at the end of your exchange Saanko vaihtoni lopussa todistuksen suoritetuista opinnoistani? Page 2 11.07.2017
What is the teaching style like? Inquiring about the teaching style Are there? Inquiring about the teaching style lectures seminars tutorials conferences Minkälainen opetustyyli teillä on? Onko teillä? luentoja seminaareja pienryhmäopetusta konferensseja What courses are offered by summer schools? Asking information about the kinds of courses offered by summer schools Minkälaisia kesäkursseja teillä on tarjolla? When are the exams held? Asking when the exams are Koska tentit ovat? Where can I find information about all the courses available? Asking where you can find information about the courses Mistä saan lisätietoa kaikista valittavista kursseista? Is there a university sports center? Asking if there is a university sports center How can I join student societies? Asking how you can join student societies What are the estimated living costs in [city]? Inquiring about the estimated living costs in the city - Language courses Onko yliopistolla liikuntatiloja? Kuinka voin liittyä opiskelijajärjestöihin? Kuinka korkeat elinkustannukset ovat [kaupungissa] arviolta? Page 3 11.07.2017
What languages can I study at your school? Asking what languages you can study at that school Mitä kieliä voin opiskella koulussanne? Is there a placement test to assess my level? Asking if there is a placement test to assess your level Can I transfer to another level if the one I am attending is not right for me? Pitääkö minun tehdä lähtötasotesti kielitaitojeni arvioimiseksi? Voinko vaihtaa tasoa, jos valitsemani ei olekaan oikea minulle? Asking if you can change level in case you are not satisfied with the one you are attending Do you have a detailed description of the course? Asking if there is a detailed description of the course Onko teillä tarkempaa kuvausta tutkinto-ohjelmasta? What is the maximum number of students in a class? Asking what the maximum number of students in a class is Mikä on opiskelijoiden maksimäärä kursseilla? What facilities are there in your school? Asking what facilities there are in the school Do you also arrange excursions? Asking if the school arranges also excursions What programs do you offer? Asking what programs are offered - Scholarships I am here to inquire about funding opportunities. Inquiring about funding opportunities Which bodies can fund my studies? Asking which bodies can fund your studies I need financial help for. Stating that you need financial help Mitä eri tiloja koululla on käytettävissä? Järjestättekö te myös ekskursioita? Mitä tutkinto-ohjelmia te tarjoatte? Haluaisin tietää lisää opintojen rahoittamismahdollisuuksista Mitkä organisaatiot voivat rahoittaa opintoni? Tarvitsen taloudellista tukea varten. Page 4 11.07.2017
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Immigration tuition fees my living expenses childcare What kinds of scholarships are available? Asking what kinds of scholarships are available lukukausimaksut elinkustannukseni lastenhoito Millaisia stipendejä on saatavilla? - Validating foreign degrees I would like to validate my degree certificate in [country]. Stating that you would like to validate your degree certificate in that country Do you have a list of the certified translators in [language]? Asking if there is a list of certified translators in the language that you need Where can I get a certificate of equivalency? Asking where you can get a certificate of equivalency Haluaisin hyväksiluetuttaa ulkomaalaisen tutkintoni [maassa]. Onko teillä listaa sertifioiduista [kielen] kääntäjistä? Mistä saan hyväksilukutodistuksen? Page 5 11.07.2017