Uudet SFS-standardit Uudet SFS-standardien käännökset Uudet CENin julkaisut WTO-tiedotuskeskus SUOMEN STANDARDISOIMISLIITTO SFS RY STELLATUM OY

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Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 10/10 LIITE. HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


SESKO ry LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 2/08 LIITE Toimisto (7) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SESKO ry LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 7/08 LIITE Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SESKO ry LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 12/08 LIITE Toimisto (7) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2016/6 LIITE. Toimisto (16)

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2016/10 LIITE. Toimisto (19) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 9/09 LIITE (8) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SESKO ry LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 3/08 LIITE Toimisto (9) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Toimisto (9) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (7) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (8) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2018/10 LIITE. Toimisto (12) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2016/1 LIITE. Toimisto (10) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (5) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

CENin tekninen komitea TC127 Rakennusten paloturvallisuus

Toimisto (9) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SESKO ry LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 9/08 LIITE Toimisto (8) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 2/09 LIITE (9) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SESKO ry LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 10/08 LIITE Toimisto (9) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SESKO ry LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 1/08 LIITE Toimisto (10) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2017/11 LIITE. Toimisto (17) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2017/1 LIITE. Toimisto (16) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Toimisto (16) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2019/3 LIITE. Toimisto (18) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2016/3 LIITE. Toimisto (24) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Uudet SFS-EN- ja SFS-EN ISO -standardit ja muut julkaisut


IEC Sähköisten/eletronisten/ohjelmoitavien elektronisten turvallisuuteen liittyvien järjestelmien toiminnallinen turvallisuus

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2016/8 LIITE. Toimisto (14)

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2017/4 LIITE. Toimisto (16) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (7) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SFS:n luettelo 3/2015

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

1(7) Pirkko Taavitsainen PLT Jäsenyhteisöille LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 2015/7

HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Ajankohtaista sähköteknisen alan standardoinnista SESKOn alueelta julkaistut SFS-STANDARDIT 2017 SISÄLTÖ



Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2018/1 LIITE. Toimisto (14) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Toimisto (8) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

EN-painelaitestandardien tilannekatsaus

LAUSUNTOPYYNTÖ 9/10 LIITE. HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Toimisto (9) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2018/8 LIITE. Toimisto (17) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2016/6 LIITE

NDT-TUTKINNOT Standardit, level-3 tutkinnot


Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2016/12 LIITE. Toimisto (18) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa



Yleistä. Terminologia. Standardisointi. Dokumentointi (Sanastot)

Toimisto (6) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Toimisto (8) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


Lausuntopyyntöluettelo HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

SFS-STANDARDIT SESKOn alueelta julkaistut. SISÄLTÖ


Erikoisnumero tammikuu 2012 SESKOn alueelta julkaistut ja vahvistetut SFS-STANDARDIT 2011


Toimisto (8) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa

Lausuntopyyntöluettelo 2017/6 LIITE. Toimisto (35) HUOM. Komiteoiden ja seurantaryhmien kokoonpanot on esitetty SESKOn komitealuettelossa


SFS-tiedotus Luetteloliite 2 2013 Uudet SFS-standardit Uudet SFS-standardien käännökset Uudet CENin julkaisut WTO-tiedotuskeskus SUOMEN STANDARDISOIMISLIITTO SFS RY STELLATUM OY SFS-tiedotus Luetteloliite 2 2013 1

Uudet SFS-standardit Uudet SFS-standardit palstalla luetellaan uudet SFS-standardit SFS-ICSryhmittäin. Merkintä /A1 tunnuksen lopussa tarkoittaa, että kyseessä on lisäys A1 alkuperäiseen standardiin. Merkintä +A1 tunnuksen lopussa tarkoittaa, että standardi sisältää muutoksen A 1. Standardin tunnuksen jälkeen on mainittu vahvistuspäivä. Standardit, jotka uusi standardi korvaa, on mainittu kunkin uuden standardin tiedoissa. Standardeja myy SFS-standardisoinnin asiakaspalvelu, puh. 09 149 9331 (vaihde). Niitä voi ladata omalle koneelleen SFS:n verkkokaupasta www. sales.sfs.fi. Sähköiset englanninkieliset versiot ovat saatavissa noin kahden viikon sisällä vahvistuspäivästä. Suomennokset ovat yleensä saatavissa 1 2 kuukauden kuluttua vahvistuspäivästä, joskus aikaa voi mennä paljonkin enemmän Osa standardeista liittyy CE-merkintää edellyttäviin uuden lähestymistavan direktiiveihin. 01.040.01 Yleistä. Terminologia. Standardisointi. Dokumentointi (Sanastot) SFS-EN 14116:en, 2013-02-11 Vaarallisten aineiden kuljetussäiliöt. Tuotteen tunnistuslaitteen digitaalinen liityntä Tanks for transport of dangerous goods. Digital interface for product recognition devices for liquid fuels SFS-EN 14116 + A2:en:2011 01.040.11 Terveydenhuollon teknologia (Sanastot) SFS-EN ISO 11979-1:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteelliset implantit. Silmänsisäiset linssit. Osa 1: Sanasto Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 11979-1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11979-1:en:2006 SFS-EN ISO 13666:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka. Piilolinssit. Sanasto Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle lenses. Vocabulary (ISO 13666:2012) SFS-EN ISO 13666:en:1999 01.040.13 Ympäristön ja terveydensuojelu. Turvallisuus (Sanastot) SFS-EN 60695-4, 2013-01-21 Fire hazard testing -- Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests for electrotechnical products SFS-EN 60695-4:2007 01.040.29 Sähkötekniikka (Sanastot) SFS-EN 60695-4, 2013-01-21 Fire hazard testing -- Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests for electrotechnical products SFS-EN 60695-4:2007 01.040.31 Elektroniikka (Sanastot) SFS-EN 61988-1, 2013-01-21 Plasma display panels -- Part 1: Terminology and letter symbols SFS-EN 61988-1:2003 SFS-EN 62595-1-2, 2013-01-21 LCD backlight unit -- Part 1-2: Terminology and letter symbols 01.040.43 Ajoneuvot (Sanastot) SFS-EN ISO 18542-1:en, 2013-02-11 Tieajoneuvot. Korjaus- ja huoltotieto. Termistö. Osa 1: Yleiset tiedot ja käyttötapausmääritelmät Road vehicles. Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology. Part 1: General information and use case definition (ISO 18542-1:2012) 01.040.49 Lento- ja avaruustekniikka (Sanastot) SFS-EN ISO 18542-1:en, 2013-02-11 Tieajoneuvot. Korjaus- ja huoltotieto. Termistö. Osa 1: Yleiset tiedot ja käyttötapausmääritelmät Road vehicles. Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology. Part 1: General information and use case definition (ISO 18542-1:2012) 01.040.71 Kemiantekniikka (Sanastot) SFS-EN 16256-1:en, 2013-03-04 Pyrotekniset tuotteet. Teattereissa käytettävät pyrotekniset tuotteet. Osa 1: Termistö Pyrotechnic articles. Theatrical pyrotechnic articles. Part 1: Terminology 01.040.91 Rakennusmateriaalit ja rakentaminen (Sanastot) SFS-EN 480-8:en, 2013-01-21 Betonin, laastin ja injektointilaastin lisäaineet. Testausmentelmät. Osa 8: Kuiva-ainepitoisuuden määritys Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Part 8: Determination of the conventional dry material content SFS-EN 480-8:en:1997 SFS-EN 934-2 + A1:en, 2013-01-21 Betonin, laastin ja injektointilaastin lisäaineet. Osa 2: Betonin lisäaineet. Määritelmät, vaatimukset, vaatimustenmukaisuus ja merkintä Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 2: Concrete admixtures. Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling SFS-EN 934-2:2009 01.080.30 Koneen- ja rakennuspiirustuksissa, kaavioissa, kaavoissa, pohjapiirroksissa, kartoissa, tuoteselosteissa ja teknisissä asiakirjoissa käytettävät kuvatunnukset ja piirrosmerkit SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:en, 2013-01-21 Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry. Part 2: Graphical symbols (ISO 10628-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10628:2001 SFS-EN ISO 10628:en:2001 01.100.25 Sähkötekniikan ja elektroniikan piirustukset SFS-EN 60191-6-12, 2013-01-21 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices -- Part 6-12: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guidelines for fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) SFS-EN 60191-6-12:2002 SFS-EN 60191-6-17, 2013-01-21 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices -- Part 6-17: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for stacked packages - Fine-pitch ball grid array and fine-pitch land grid array (P-PFBGA and P-PFLGA) 01.110 Tekninen tuotedokumentointi SFS-EN 50581, 2013-01-21 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances 03.100 Yrityksen organisaatio ja johtaminen SFS-EN 16271:en, 2013-03-04 Value management. Functional expression of the need and functional performance specification. Requirements for expressing and validating the need to be satisfied within the process of purchasing or obtaining a product 03.120.10 Laatujohtaminen ja laadunvarmistus SFS-EN 15224:en, 2013-02-11 Terveydenhuoltopalvelut. Laadunhallintajärjestelmät. Standardiin EN ISO 9001:2008 perustuvat vaatimukset Health care services. Quality management systems. Requirements based on EN ISO 9001:2008 CEN/TS 15224:en:2005 CEN/TS 15224:fi:2005 SFS-EN ISO 15189:en, 2013-02-11 Lääketieteelliset laboratoriot. Laatua ja pätevyyttä koskevat vaatimukset Medical laboratories. Requirements for quality and competence (ISO 15189:2012) SFS-EN ISO 15189:2007 SFS-EN ISO 15189:en:2007 2

SFS-ISO 10001, 2013-01-21 Laadunhallinta. Asiakastyytyväisyys. Organisaation menettelyohjeita koskevaa ohjeistusta Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-ISO 10001:en, 2013-01-21 Laadunhallinta. Asiakastyytyväisyys. Organisaation menettelyohjeita koskevaa ohjeistusta Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations 03.220 Kuljetus SFS-EN 15528 + A1:en, 2013-02-11 Kiskoliikenne. Ratalinjojen luokitus. Rautatievaunujen kuormitusrajat ja infrastruktuuri Railway applications. Line categories for managing the interface between load limits of vehicles and infrastructure SFS-EN 15528:en:2008 SFS-EN 16258:en, 2013-02-11 Kuljetuspalveluista aiheutuvan energiankulutuksen ja kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen laskentaja ilmoitusmenetelmät (tavara- ja henkilökuljetukset) Methodology for calculation and declaration of energy consumption and GHG emissions of transport services (freight and passengers) SFS-EN ISO 17261:en, 2013-02-11 Älykkäät liikennejärjestelmät. Ajoneuvojen ja laitteiden automaattinen tunnistus. Intermodaalisten tavarankuljetusten arkkitehtuuri ja termistö Intelligent transport systems. Automatic vehicle and equipment identification. Intermodal goods transport architecture and terminology (ISO 17261:2012) CEN ISO/TS 17261:en:2005 SFS-EN ISO 17262:en, 2013-02-11 Älykkäät liikennejärjestelmät. Ajoneuvojen ja laitteiden automaattinen tunnistus. Numerointi ja tietorakenteet Intelligent transport systems. Automatic vehicle and equipment identification. Numbering and data structures (ISO 17262:2012) CEN ISO/TS 17262:en:2003 07.100.20 Vesimikrobiologia SFS-EN ISO 7827:en, 2013-02-11 Water quality. Evaluation of the ready, ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in an aqueous medium. Method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (ISO 7827:2010) SFS-EN ISO 7827:en:1996 11.020 Lääketiede ja lääkintätilat, yleistä SFS-EN 15224:en, 2013-02-11 Terveydenhuoltopalvelut. Laadunhallintajärjestelmät. Standardiin EN ISO 9001:2008 perustuvat vaatimukset Health care services. Quality management systems. Requirements based on EN ISO 9001:2008 CEN/TS 15224:en:2005 CEN/TS 15224:fi:2005 11.040 Lääkinnälliset laitteet SFS-EN 60601-2-44/A1, 2013-03-04 Medical electrical equipment -- Part 2-44: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for computed tomography SFS-EN 62359, 2013-01-21 Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices related to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields SFS-EN 62359:2007 SFS-EN ISO 10685-2:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka. Aurinko- ja silmälasit. Sähköinen kuvasto ja tunnisteet. Osa 2: Kaupalliset tiedot Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle frames and sunglasses electronic catalogue and identification. Part 2: Commercial information (ISO 10685-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10685-3:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka. Aurinko- ja silmälasit. Sähköinen kuvasto ja tunnisteet. Osa 3: Tekniset tiedot Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle frames and sunglasses electronic catalogue and identification. Part 3: Technical information (ISO 10685-3:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11608-3:en, 2013-02-11 Terveydenhuollon käyttöön tarkoitetut neulalliset injektiojärjestelmät. Vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät. Osa 3: Säiliöt Needle-based injection systems for medical use. Requirements and test methods. Part 3: Finished containers (ISO 11608-3:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11608-3:en:2001 SFS-EN ISO 11608-5:en, 2013-02-11 Terveydenhuollon käyttöön tarkoitetut neulalliset injektiojärjestelmät. Vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät. Osa 5: Automaattiset toiminnot Needle-based injection systems for medical use. Requirements and test methods. Part 5: Automated functions (ISO 11608-5:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11979-1:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteelliset implantit. Silmänsisäiset linssit. Osa 1: Sanasto Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 11979-1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11979-1:en:2006 SFS-EN ISO 11979-3:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteelliset implantit. Silmänsisäiset linssit. Osa 3: Mekaaniset ominaisuudet ja testimenetelmät Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 3: Mechanical properties and test methods (ISO 11979-3:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11979-3:en:2006 SFS-EN ISO 11979-4/A1:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteelliset implantit. Silmänsisäiset linssit. Osa 4: Merkintä ja tuotetiedot Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 4: Labelling and information. Amendment 1 (ISO 11979-4:2008/Amd 1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11980:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka. Piilolinssit ja piilolinssien hoitotuotteet. Ohjeita kliiniseen tutkimukseen Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses and contact lens care products. Guidance for clinical investigations (ISO 11980:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11980:en:2010 SFS-EN ISO 13666:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka. Piilolinssit. Sanasto Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle lenses. Vocabulary (ISO 13666:2012) SFS-EN ISO 13666:en:1999 SFS-EN ISO 14630:en, 2013-02-11 Ei-aktiiviset kirurgiset implantit. Yleiset vaatimukset Non-active surgical implants. General requirements (ISO 14630:2012) SFS-EN ISO 14630:en:2009 SFS-EN ISO 18369-2:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka. Piilolinssit. Osa 2: Toleranssit Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses. Part 2: Tolerances (ISO 18369-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 18369-2:en:2007 SFS-EN ISO 22665:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka ja instrumentit. Silmien akseleiden välisen etäisyyden mittausinstrumentit Ophthalmic optics and instruments. Instruments to measure axial distances in the eye (ISO 22665:2012) SFS-EN ISO 23907:en, 2013-02-11 Terävien esineiden aiheuttamien vammojen estäminen. Vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät. Kertakäyttöisten terävien esineiden keräysastiat Sharps injury protection. Requirements and test methods. Sharps containers (ISO 23907:2012) SFS-EN ISO 25539-2:en, 2013-02-11 Sydän- ja verisuoni-implantit. Suonensisäiset laitteet. Osa 2: Suoniputket Cardiovascular implants. Endovascular devices. Part 2: Vascular stents (ISO 25539-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 25539-2:en:2009 SFS-EN ISO 25539-2/AC:en:2011 SFS-EN ISO 5356-2:en, 2013-02-11 Anestesia- ja hengityskoneet. Kartioliittimet. Osa 2: Kierrekiinnitteiset liittimet 3

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment. Conical connectors. Part 2: Screw-threaded weight-bearing connectors (ISO 5356-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 5356-2:en:2008 SFS-EN ISO 5361:en, 2013-02-11 Anestesia- ja hengityskoneet. Intubaatioputket ja -yhdistäjät Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment. Tracheal tubes and connectors (ISO 5361:2012) SFS-EN ISO 80601-2-13:en, 2013-02-11 Sähkökäyttöiset terveydenhuollon laitteet ja tarvikkeet. Osa 2-13: Anestesiatyöaseman yleiset turvallisuutta ja olennaiset suorituskykyä koskevat vaatimukset Medical electrical equipment. Part 2-13: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of an anaesthetic workstation (ISO 80601-2-13:2011) SFS-EN ISO 80601-2-56:en, 2013-02-11 Sähkökäyttöiset terveydenhuollon laitteet ja tarvikkeet. Osa 2-56: Kuumeen kuvaamisessa käytettyjen kuumemittarien yleiset turvallisuutta ja olennaiset suorituskykyä koskevat vaatimukset Medical electrical equipment. Part 2-56: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of clinical thermometers for body temperature measurement (ISO 80601-2-56:2009) SFS-EN ISO 9394:en, 2013-02-11 Silmälääketieteellinen optiikka. Piilolinssit ja piilolinssien hoitotuotteet. Yhteensopivuuden määritys kanin silmiä tutkimalla Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses and contact lens care products. Determination of biocompatibility by ocular study with rabbit eyes (ISO 9394:2012) SFS-EN ISO 9394:en:1999 11.060 Hammaslääketiede SFS-EN ISO 12836:en, 2013-02-11 Hammaslääketiede. CAD/CAM-järjestelmissä käytettävät digitointilaitteet. Testimenetelmät tarkkuuden ja täsmällisyyden arvioimiseksi Dentistry. Digitizing devices for CAD/CAM systems for indirect dental restorations. Test methods for assessing accuracy (ISO 12836:2012) SFS-EN ISO 13397-2/A1:en, 2013-02-11 Hammaslääketiede: Parodontologian käsi-instrumentit. Osa 2: Parodontologian GR-tyypin kyretit. Muutos 1: Värikoodit. Dentistry. Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators. Part 2: Periodontal curettes of Gr-type. Amendment 1: Colour coding (ISO 13397-2:2005/Amd 1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 14457:en, 2013-02-11 Hammaslääketiede. Käsiosat ja moottorit Dentistry. Handpieces and motors (ISO 14457:2012) SFS-EN ISO 21672-2:en, 2013-02-11 Hammaslääketiede. Ientaskun mittauksessa käytettävät käsi-instrumentit. Osa 2: Merkintä Dentistry. Periodontal probes. Part 2: Designation (ISO 21672-2:2012) 11.080 Sterilointi ja desinfektio SFS-EN 14204:en, 2013-02-11 Kemialliset desinfektioaineet ja antiseptiset aineet. Kvantitatiivinen pintatesti eläinlääketieteessä käytettävien kemiallisten desinfektioaineiden ja antiseptisten aineiden mykobakteereja tappavan vaikutuksen määrittämiseen. Testimenetelmä ja vaatimukset (vaihe 2.1) Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of mycobactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1) SFS-EN 14204:en:2005 11.100 Laboratoriolääketiede SFS-EN ISO 15189:en, 2013-02-11 Lääketieteelliset laboratoriot. Laatua ja pätevyyttä koskevat vaatimukset Medical laboratories. Requirements for quality and competence (ISO 15189:2012) SFS-EN ISO 15189:2007 SFS-EN ISO 15189:en:2007 SFS-EN ISO 16256:en, 2013-02-11 Kliininen laboratoriotestaus ja IVD-testaus. Tarttuvissa taudeissa esiintyvien antimikrobisten sienien in vitro -aktiivisuuden testauksen referenssimenetelmä Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems. Reference method for testing the in vitro activity of antimicrobial agents against yeast of fungi involved in infectious diseases (ISO 16256:2012) SFS-EN ISO 24443:en, 2013-01-21 Determination of sunscreen UVA photoprotection in vitro (ISO 24443:2012) 11.180 Vammaisten apuvälineet SFS-EN 60118-13, 2013-01-21 Electroacoustics - Hearing aids -- Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) SFS-EN 60118-13:2006 SFS-EN 60118-15, 2013-01-21 Electroacoustics - Hearing aids -- Part 15: Methods for characterising signal processing in hearing aids with a speech-like signal SFS-EN 62489-2, 2013-01-21 Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing -- Part 2: Methods of calculating and measuring the low-frequency magnetic field emissions from the loop for assessing conformity with guidelines on limits for human exposure 13.030 Jätehuolto SFS-EN 16252:en, 2013-02-11 Koneet jätemateriaalien tai kierrätettävien fraktioiden tiivistämiseen. Horisontaaliset paalauspuristimet. Turvallisuusvaatimukset Machines for compacting waste materials or recyclable fractions. Horizontal baling presses. Safety requirements SFS-EN 1744-8:en, 2013-01-21 Kiviainesten kemiallisten ominaisuuksien testaus. Osa 8: Yhdyskuntajätteen polttolaitoksen pohjatuhkan metallipitoisuus. Tests for chemical properties of aggregates. Part 8: Sorting test to determine metal content of Municipal Incinerator Bottom Ash (MIBA) Aggregates SFS-EN 840-1:en, 2013-02-11 Liikuteltavat jäte- ja kierrätysastiat. Osa 1: 2-pyöräiset, tilavuudeltaan max 400 l, kampatartuntalaitteella. Mitat ja suunnittelu Mobile waste and recycling containers. Part 1: Containers with 2 wheels with a capacity up to 400 l for comb lifting devices. Dimensions and design SFS-EN 840-1:en:2004 SFS-EN 840-2:en, 2013-02-11 Liikuteltavat jäte- ja kierrätysastiat. Osa 2: 4-pyöräiset, tilavuudeltaan max 1300 l. Tasakannelliset, kippitapilla ja/tai kampatartuntalaitteella. Mitat ja suunnittelu. Mobile waste and recycling containers. Part 2: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with flat lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices. Dimensions and design SFS-EN 840-2:en:2004 SFS-EN 840-3:en, 2013-02-11 Liikuteltavat jäte- ja kierrätysastiat. Osa 3: 4-pyöräiset, tilavuudeltaan max 1300 l. Kupukannelliset, kippitapilla ja/tai kampatartuntalaitteella. Mitat ja suunnittelu Mobile waste and recycling containers. Part 3: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with dome lid(s), for trunnion and/ or comb lifting devices. Dimensions and design SFS-EN 840-4:en:2004 SFS-EN 840-3:en:2004 SFS-EN 840-4:en, 2013-02-11 Liikuteltavat jäte- ja kierrätysastiat. Osa 4: 4-pyöräiset, tilavuudeltaan max 1700 l. Tasakannelliset, leveällä kippitapilla tai BG- ja/tai kampatartuntalaitteella. Mitat ja suunnittelu Mobile waste and recycling containers. Part 4: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 700 l with flat lid(s), for wide trunnion or BGand/or wide comb lifting devices. Dimensions and design SFS-EN 840-4:en:2004 SFS-EN 840-5:en, 2013-02-11 Liikuteltavat jäte- ja kierrätysastiat. Osa 5: Suorituskykyä koskevat vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät Mobile waste and recycling containers. Part 5: 4

Performance requirements and test methods SFS-EN 840-5:en:2004 SFS-EN 840-6, 2013-02-11 Liikuteltavat jäte- ja kierrätysastiat. Osa 6: Turvallisuus- ja terveysvaatimukset Mobile waste and recycling containers. Part 6: Safety and health requirements Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 840-6 + A1:2008 SFS-EN 840-6 + A1:en:2008 SFS-EN 840-6:en, 2013-02-11 Liikuteltavat jäte- ja kierrätysastiat. Osa 6: Turvallisuus- ja terveysvaatimukset Mobile waste and recycling containers. Part 6: Safety and health requirements SFS-EN 840-6 + A1:2008 SFS-EN 840-6 + A1:en:2008 13.040 Ilman laatu SFS-EN 12619:en, 2013-03-04 Stationary source emissions. Determination of the mass concentration of total gaseous organic carbon. Continuous flame ionisation detector method SFS-EN 13526:en:2002 SFS-EN 12619:en:1999 SFS-EN ISO 14644-9:en, 2013-02-11 Puhdastilat ja puhtaat alueet. Osa 9: Pintahiukkaspuhtauden luokitus Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. Part 9: Classification of surface cleanliness by particle concentration (ISO 14644-9:2012) 13.060 Veden laatu SFS-EN 16164:en, 2013-03-04 Water quality. Guidance standard for designing and selecting taxonomic keys SFS-EN 60734, 2013-03-04 Household electrical appliances - Performance - Water for testing SFS-EN 60734:2003 SFS-EN ISO 5667-3:en, 2013-01-21 Water quality. Sampling. Part 3: Preservation and handling of water samples (ISO 5667-3:2012) SFS-EN ISO 5667-3:en:2004 SFS-EN ISO 7827:en, 2013-02-11 Water quality. Evaluation of the ready, ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in an aqueous medium. Method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (ISO 7827:2010) SFS-EN ISO 7827:en:1996 13.080 Maaperän laatu. Maaperäoppi SFS-EN ISO 11269-1:en, 2013-01-21 Soil quality. Determination of the effects of pollutants on soil flora. Part 1: Method for the measurement of inhibition of root growth (ISO 11269-1:2012) SFS-ISO 11269-1:en:2008 13.110 Koneturvallisuus SFS-ISO/TR 14121-2, 2013-01-21 Koneturvallisuus. Riskin arviointi. Osa 2: Käytännön opastusta ja esimerkkejä menetelmistä Safety of machinery -- Risk assessment -- Part 2: Practical guidance and examples of methods Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-ISO/TR 14121-2:2010 13.120 Kodin turvallisuus SFS-EN 60335-2-11/A11, 2013-01-21 Safety -- Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers SFS-EN 60335-2-13/A11, 2013-01-21 Safety -- Part 2-13: Particular requirements for deep fat fryers, frying pans and similar appliances SFS-EN 60335-2-2/A11, 2013-03-04 Safety -- Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances SFS-EN 60335-2-5/A12, 2013-03-04 Safety -- Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers SFS-EN 60335-2-54/A11, 2013-03-04 Safety -- Part 2-54: Particular requirements for surface-cleaning appliances for household use employing liquids or steam SFS-EN 60335-2-6/A12, 2013-01-21 Safety -- Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances SFS-EN 60704-1/A11, 2013-03-04 Test code for the determination of airborne noise -- Part 1: General requirements 13.220.10 Palontorjunta SFS-EN 61076-2-106, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements -- Part 2-106: Circular connectors - Detail specification for connectors M 16 x 0,75 with screw-locking and degree of protection IP40 or IP65/67 13.220.40 Aineiden ja tuotteiden syttyvyys ja palo-ominaisuudet SFS-EN 60695-11-3, 2013-03-04 Fire hazard testing -- Part 11-3: Test flames - 500 W flames - Apparatus and confirmational test methods SFS-EN 60695-4, 2013-01-21 Fire hazard testing -- Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests for electrotechnical products SFS-EN 60695-4:2007 13.220.50 Rakennusmateriaalien ja -elementtien palonkesto SFS-EN 13381-6:en, 2013-01-21 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members. Part 6: Applied protection to concrete filled hollow steel columns SFS-EN 15254-7:en, 2013-01-21 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests. Non-loadbearing ceilings. Part 7: Metal sandwich panel construction SFS-EN 15269-2:en, 2013-03-04 Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware. Part 2: Fire resistance of hinged and pivoted steel doorsets SFS-EN 15269-3:en, 2013-01-21 Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware. Part 3: Fire resistance of hinged and pivoted timber doorsets and openable timber framed windows 13.220.99 Muut palontorjuntaan liittyvät standardit SFS-EN 15882-4:en, 2013-01-21 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests for service installations. Part 4: Linear joint seals 13.300 Vaarallisilta aineilta suojautuminen SFS-EN 14116:en, 2013-02-11 Vaarallisten aineiden kuljetussäiliöt. Tuotteen tunnistuslaitteen digitaalinen liityntä Tanks for transport of dangerous goods. Digital interface for product recognition devices for liquid fuels SFS-EN 14116 + A2:en:2011 SFS-EN 50581, 2013-01-21 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances 13.310 Rikosten torjunta SFS-EN 50132-5-3, 2013-03-04 Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications -- Part 5-3: Video transmission - Analogue and digital video transmission 5

SFS-EN 50132-7, 2013-02-11 Hälytysjärjestelmät. Turvasovelluksissa käytettävät kameravalvontajärjestelmät. Osa 7: Soveltamisohjeet Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications -- Part 7: Application guidelines Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 50132-7:1997 13.320 Hälytys- ja varoitusjärjestelmät SFS-EN 16280:en, 2013-02-11 Kuluttajille tarkoitetut alkometrit. Vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät Breath alcohol test devices for general public. Requirements and test methods SFS-EN 50131-2-7-3, 2013-03-04 Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems -- Part 2-7-3: Intrusion detectors - Glass break detectors (active) SFS-CLC/TS 50131-2-7-3:2009 SFS-EN 50132-7, 2013-02-11 Hälytysjärjestelmät. Turvasovelluksissa käytettävät kameravalvontajärjestelmät. Osa 7: Soveltamisohjeet Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications -- Part 7: Application guidelines Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 50132-7:1997 SFS-EN 50134-3, 2013-03-04 Alarm systems - Social alarm systems -- Part 3: Local unit and controller SFS-EN 50134-3:2002 17.040.20 Pintojen ominaisuudet SFS-EN ISO 25178-71:en, 2013-01-21 Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Surface texture: Areal. Part 71: Software measurement standards (ISO 25178-71:2012) 17.040.30 Mittauslaitteet SFS-EN ISO 25178-71:en, 2013-01-21 Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Surface texture: Areal. Part 71: Software measurement standards (ISO 25178-71:2012) SFS-EN ISO 9513:en, 2013-01-21 Yksiakselisesti kuormittavassa metallien testauksessa käytettävien venymämittareiden kalibrointi Metallic materials. Calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing (ISO 9513:2012) SFS-EN ISO 9513:en:2002 17.140.20 Koneiden ja laitteiden aiheuttama melu SFS-EN 60704-1/A11, 2013-03-04 Test code for the determination of airborne noise -- Part 1: General requirements SFS-EN 60704-2-6, 2013-03-04 Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise -- Part 2-6: Particular requirements for tumble dryers SFS-EN 60704-2-6:2004 17.140.50 Sähköakustiikka SFS-EN 60118-13, 2013-01-21 Electroacoustics - Hearing aids -- Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) SFS-EN 60118-13:2006 SFS-EN 60118-15, 2013-01-21 Electroacoustics - Hearing aids -- Part 15: Methods for characterising signal processing in hearing aids with a speech-like signal SFS-EN 60268-16, 2013-01-21 Sound system equipment -- Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index SFS-EN 60268-16:2004 SFS-EN 62359, 2013-01-21 Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices related to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields SFS-EN 62359:2007 SFS-EN 62489-2, 2013-01-21 Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing -- Part 2: Methods of calculating and measuring the low-frequency magnetic field emissions from the loop for assessing conformity with guidelines on limits for human exposure 17.180 Optiikka ja optiset mittaukset SFS-EN 61966-12-1, 2013-01-21 Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management -- Part 12-1: Metadata for identification of colour gamut (Gamut ID) 17.220 Sähkö. Magnetismi. Sähkömittaus ja magneettinen mittaus SFS-EN 50400/A1, 2013-03-04 Basic standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz - 40 GHz) intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, when put into service SFS-EN 61340-4-4, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics -- Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) SFS-EN 61340-4-4:2007 SFS-EN 61340-5-3, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics. Part 5-3: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. Properties and requirements classification for packaging intended for electrostatic discharge sensitive devices 17.240 Säteilyn mittaus SFS-EN 60544-2, 2013-03-04 Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation on insulating materials -- Part 2: Procedures for irradiation and test 19.080 Sähköinen ja elektroninen testaus SFS-EN 61010-2-032, 2013-03-04 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use -- Part 2-032: Particular requirements for handheld and hand-manipulated current sensors for electrical test and measurement SFS-EN 61010-2-032:2003 SFS-EN 61010-2-091, 2013-01-21 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -- Part 2-091: Particular requirements for cabinet X-ray systems 19.100 Rikkomaton aineenkoetus SFS-EN ISO 2400, 2013-01-21 Rikkomaton aineenkoetus. Ultraäänitarkastus. Tarkistuskappale 1 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No. 1 (ISO 2400:2012) Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 12223:2000 SFS-EN 12223:en:2000 SFS-EN ISO 2400:en, 2013-01-21 Rikkomaton aineenkoetus. Ultraäänitarkastus. Tarkistuskappale 1 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No. 1 (ISO 2400:2012) SFS-EN 12223:2000 SFS-EN 12223:en:2000 SFS-EN ISO 3059:en, 2013-03-04 Rikkomaton aineenkoetus. Tunkeumaneste- ja magneettijauhetarkastus. Katseluolosuhteet Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing. Viewing conditions (ISO 3059:2012) SFS-EN ISO 3059:2002 SFS-EN ISO 3059:en:2002 21.060 Kiinnittimet SFS-EN ISO 10511:en, 2013-02-11 Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert) (ISO 10511:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10511:en:1998 SFS-EN ISO 10512:en, 2013-02-11 Prevailing torque type hexagon regular nuts (with non-metallic insert) with metric fine pitch thread. Property classes 6, 8 and 10 (ISO 10512:2012) 6

SFS-EN ISO 10512:en:1998 SFS-EN ISO 10513:en, 2013-02-11 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon high nuts with metric fine pitch thread. Property classes 8, 10 and 12 (ISO 10513:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10513:1998 SFS-EN ISO 7040:en, 2013-02-11 Prevailing torque type hexagon regular nuts (with non-metallic insert). Property classes 5, 8 and 10 (ISO 7040:2012) SFS-EN ISO 7040:en:1998 SFS-EN ISO 7042:en, 2013-02-11 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon high nuts. Property classes 5, 8, 10 and 12 (ISO 7042:2012) SFS-EN ISO 7042:en:1998 SFS-EN ISO 7719:en, 2013-02-11 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon regular nuts. Property classes 5, 8 and 10 (ISO 7719:2012) SFS-EN ISO 7719:1998 SFS-EN ISO 898-1:en, 2013-03-04 Kiinnittimien lujuusominaisuudet. Seostamattomat ja seosteräkset. Osa 1: Ruuvien ja vaarnaruuvien lujuusluokat. Vakiokierre ja taajakierre Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel. Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes. Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898-1:2013) SFS-EN ISO 898-1:en:2009 SFS-EN ISO 898-1:2009 23.020.20 Ajoneuvoihin asennetut säiliöt SFS-EN 14116:en, 2013-02-11 Vaarallisten aineiden kuljetussäiliöt. Tuotteen tunnistuslaitteen digitaalinen liityntä Tanks for transport of dangerous goods. Digital interface for product recognition devices for liquid fuels SFS-EN 14116 + A2:en:2011 SFS-EN 16257:en, 2013-02-11 Vaarallisten aineiden kuljetussäiliöt. Käyttölaitteet. Pohjaventtiilit, nimellishalkaisija muu kuin 100 mm Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. Service equipment. Footvalve sizes other than 100 mm dia (nom) 23.020.31 Painelaitteet SFS-EN 13445-3/A1:en, 2013-01-21 Unfired pressure vessels. Part 3: Design 23.020.32 Kaasupullot SFS-EN ISO 7225/A1:en, 2013-03-04 Gas cylinders. Precautionary labels (ISO 7225:2005/Amd 1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 7866:en, 2013-02-11 Gas cylinders. Refillable seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders. Design, construction and testing (ISO 7866:2012) SFS-EN 1975/A1:en:2004 SFS-EN 1975 + AC:en:1999 23.040.01 Putkistot ja niiden osat, yleistä SFS-EN 13480-1:en, 2013-01-21 Metalliset teollisuusputkistot. Osa 1: Yleistä Metallic industrial piping. Part 1: General SFS-EN 13480-1:2002 SFS-EN 13480-1/A1:en:2006 SFS-EN 13480-1/A2:en:2009 SFS-EN 13480-1:en:2002 SFS-EN 13480-2:en, 2013-01-21 Metalliset teollisuusputkistot. Osa 2: Materiaalit Metallic industrial piping. Part 2: Materials SFS-EN 13480-2:en:2002 SFS-EN 13480-2 + A1 + A2:2010 SFS-EN 13480-2/A1:en:2010 SFS-EN 13480-2/A2:en:2010 SFS-EN 13480-3:en, 2013-01-21 Metalliset teollisuusputkistot. Osa 3: Suunnittelu ja laskenta Metallic industrial piping. Part 3: Design and calculation SFS-EN 13480-3/A4:en:2010 SFS-EN 13480-3/A5:en:2012 SFS-EN 13480-3:en:2002 SFS-EN 13480-3 + A1:2006 SFS-EN 13480-3/A1:en:2006 SFS-EN 13480-3/A2:en:2007 SFS-EN 13480-3/A3:2009 SFS-EN 13480-3/A3:en:2009 SFS-EN 13480-3/A4:2010 SFS-EN 13480-4:en, 2013-01-21 Metalliset teollisuusputkistot. Osa 4: Valmistus ja asennus Metallic industrial piping. Part 4: Fabrication and installation SFS-EN 13480-4:2002 SFS-EN 13480-4:en:2002 SFS-EN 13480-5:en, 2013-01-21 Metalliset teollisuusputkistot. Osa 5: Tarkastus ja testaus Metallic industrial piping. Part 5: Inspection and testing SFS-EN 13480-5:2002 SFS-EN 13480-5/A1:en:2012 SFS-EN 13480-5:en:2002 SFS-EN 13480-6:en, 2013-01-21 Metalliset teollisuusputkistot. Osa 6: Maahan asennettavien putkistojen lisävaatimukset Metallic industrial piping. Part 6: Additional requirements for buried piping SFS-EN 13480-6 + A1:2006 SFS-EN 13480-6/A1:en:2006 23.040.15 Muut metalliputket SFS-EN 12450:en, 2013-01-21 Kupari ja kupariseokset. Saumattomat pyöreät kapillaarikupariputket Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper capillary tubes SFS-EN 12450:1999 23.040.60 Laipat, liittimet ja muut putkiliitokset SFS-EN ISO 28721-4:en, 2013-02-11 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Glass-lined apparatus for process plants. Part 4: Quality requirements for glass-lined flanged steel pipes and flanged steel fittings (ISO 28721-4:2010) SFS-EN 15711:en:2009 23.080 Pumput SFS-EN 60335-2-67, 2013-01-21 Safety -- Part 2-67: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines for commercial use SFS-EN 60335-2-67:2010 23.120 Tuulettimet. Puhaltimet. Ilmastointilaitteet SFS-EN 60335-2-65/A11, 2013-01-21 Safety -- Part 2-65: Particular requirements for air-cleaning appliances 25.040 Teollisuusautomaatiojärjestelmät SFS-EN 61131-6, 2013-03-04 Programmable controllers -- Part 6: Functional safety SFS-EN 61987-11, 2013-01-21 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues -- Part 11: List of Properties (LOP) of measuring equipment for electronic data exchange - Generic structures SFS-EN 62439-1/A1, 2013-01-21 Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks -- Part 1: General concepts and calculation methods SFS-EN 62541-10, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 10: Programs SFS-EN 62541-7, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 7: Profiles SFS-EN 62541-9, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 9: Alarms and conditions 25.100.01 Lastuavat koneet ja työkalut, yleistä SFS-EN 62541-10, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 10: Programs 7

SFS-EN 62541-7, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 7: Profiles SFS-EN 62541-9, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 9: Alarms and conditions 25.120.10 Takomalaitteet. Puristimet. Leikkurit SFS-EN 16252:en, 2013-02-11 Koneet jätemateriaalien tai kierrätettävien fraktioiden tiivistämiseen. Horisontaaliset paalauspuristimet. Turvallisuusvaatimukset Machines for compacting waste materials or recyclable fractions. Horizontal baling presses. Safety requirements 25.140 Käsikoneet ja -työkalut SFS-EN ISO 11148-12:en, 2013-02-11 Ei-sähkökäyttöiset käsikoneet. Turvallisuusvaatimukset. Osa 12: Pyörö- ja pistosahat sekä kaarevateräiset oskilloivat sahat Hand-held non-electric power tools. Safety requirements. Part 12: Circular, oscillating and reciprocating saws (ISO 11148-12:2012) SFS-EN 792-12 + A1:en:2009 SFS-EN ISO 11148-3:en, 2013-02-11 Ei-sähkökäyttöiset käsikoneet. Turvallisuusvaatimukset. Osa 3: Porakoneet ja kierteytyskoneet Hand-held non-electric power tools. Safety requirements. Part 3: Drills and tappers (ISO 11148-3:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11148-3:en:2010 SFS-EN ISO 11148-4:en, 2013-02-11 Ei-sähkökäyttöiset käsikoneet. Turvallisuusvaatimukset. Osa 4: Iskevät ei-pyörivät käsikoneet Hand-held non-electric power tools. Safety requirements. Part 4: Non-rotary percussive power tools (ISO 11148-4:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11148-4:en:2010 SFS-EN ISO 11148-6:en, 2013-02-11 Ei-sähkökäyttöiset käsikoneet. Turvallisuusvaatimukset. Osa 6: Ruuvin- ja mutterinvääntimet Hand-held non-electric power tools. Safety requirements. Part 6: Assembly power tools for threaded fasteners (ISO 11148-6:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11148-6:en:2010 25.160.10 Hitsausprosessit SFS-EN 14587-3:en, 2013-02-11 Kiskoliikenne. Rata. Kiskojen leimuhitsaus. Osa 3: Hitsaus risteyksen rakentamisessa Railway applications. Track. Flash butt welding of rails. Part 3: Welding in association with crossing construction 25.160.30 Hitsauslaitteet SFS-EN 60974-1, 2013-03-04 Arc welding equipment -- Part 1: Welding power sources SFS-EN 60974-1:2006 SFS-EN ISO 5172 + A1, 2013-01-21 Kaasuhitsausvarusteet. Polttimet kaasuhitsaukseen, kuumennukseen ja leikkaukseen. Ominaisuudet ja testit Gas welding equipment. Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting. Specifications and tests. Amendment 1 (ISO 5172:2006/Amd 1:2012) Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN ISO 5172:2006 SFS-EN ISO 5172:en:2006 SFS-EN ISO 5172/A1:en, 2013-01-21 Kaasuhitsausvarusteet. Polttimet kaasuhitsaukseen, kuumennukseen ja leikkaukseen. Ominaisuudet ja testit Gas welding equipment. Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting. Specifications and tests. Amendment 1 (ISO 5172:2006/Amd 1:2012) 25.160.40 Hitsausliitokset ja hitsit SFS-EN 13100-4:en, 2013-03-04 Non destructive testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semifinished products. Part 4: High voltage testing SFS-EN 16296:en, 2013-03-04 Imperfections in thermoplastics welded joints. Quality levels SFS-EN ISO 13588:en, 2013-01-21 Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Use of automated phased array technology (ISO 13588:2012) SFS-EN ISO 17636-1:en, 2013-03-04 Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. Part 1: X- and gamma-ray techniques with film (ISO 17636-1:2013) SFS-EN 1435:1998 SFS-EN 1435/A1:en:2002 SFS-EN 1435/A2:en:2004 SFS-EN 1435:en:1998 SFS-EN ISO 17636-2:en, 2013-03-04 Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. Part 2: X- and gamma-ray techniques with digital detectors (ISO 17636-2:2013) SFS-EN ISO 2400, 2013-01-21 Rikkomaton aineenkoetus. Ultraäänitarkastus. Tarkistuskappale 1 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No. 1 (ISO 2400:2012) Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 12223:2000 SFS-EN 12223:en:2000 SFS-EN ISO 2400:en, 2013-01-21 Rikkomaton aineenkoetus. Ultraäänitarkastus. Tarkistuskappale 1 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No. 1 (ISO 2400:2012) SFS-EN 12223:2000 SFS-EN 12223:en:2000 25.220.50 Emalit SFS-EN ISO 28721-4:en, 2013-02-11 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Glass-lined apparatus for process plants. Part 4: Quality requirements for glass-lined flanged steel pipes and flanged steel fittings (ISO 28721-4:2010) SFS-EN 15711:en:2009 27.040 Kaasu- ja höyryturpiinit. Höyrykoneet SFS-EN 12952-18, 2013-01-21 Vesiputkikattilat ja niihin liittyvät laitteistot. Osa 18: Käyttöohjeet Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Part 18: Operating instructions Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 12952-18:en, 2013-01-21 Vesiputkikattilat ja niihin liittyvät laitteistot. Osa 18: Käyttöohjeet Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Part 18: Operating instructions SFS-EN 12952-7:en, 2013-01-21 Vesiputkikattilat ja niihin liittyvät laitteistot. Osa 7: Vaatimukset kattilan varusteille Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Part 7: Requirements for equipment for the boiler SFS-EN 12952-7:2002 SFS-EN 12952-7:en:2002 27.070 Polttokennot SFS-EN 62282-2, 2013-03-04 Fuel cell technologies -- Part 2: Fuel cell modules SFS-EN 62282-2:2005 SFS-EN 62282-2/A1:2007 SFS-EN 62282-3-100, 2013-03-04 Fuel cell technologies -- Part 3-100: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Safety SFS-EN 62282-3-1:2007 SFS-EN 62282-3-300, 2013-02-11 Polttokennotekniikka. Osa 3-300: Kiinteät polttokennojärjestelmät. Asennukset Fuel cell technologies -- Part 3-300: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Installation Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 62282-3-3:2009 SFS-EN 62282-5-1, 2013-03-04 Fuel cell technologies -- Part 5-1: Portable fuel cell power systems - Safety SFS-EN 62282-5-1:2007 SFS-EN 62282-6-200, 2013-03-04 Fuel cell technologies -- Part 6-200: Micro fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods SFS-EN 62282-6-200:2009 8

27.160 Aurinkoenergiatekniikka SFS-EN 50521/A1, 2013-03-04 Connectors for photovoltaic systems - Safety requirements and tests 29.020 Sähkötekniikka, yleistä SFS-EN 50581, 2013-01-21 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances SFS-EN 60695-11-3, 2013-03-04 Fire hazard testing -- Part 11-3: Test flames - 500 W flames - Apparatus and confirmational test methods SFS-EN 60695-4, 2013-01-21 Fire hazard testing -- Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests for electrotechnical products SFS-EN 60695-4:2007 SFS-EN 61340-4-4, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics -- Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) SFS-EN 61340-4-4:2007 SFS-EN 61340-5-3, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics. Part 5-3: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. Properties and requirements classification for packaging intended for electrostatic discharge sensitive devices 29.035 Eristeet SFS-EN 60544-2, 2013-03-04 Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation on insulating materials -- Part 2: Procedures for irradiation and test SFS-EN 60626-3/A1, 2013-01-21 Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation -- Part 3: Specifications for individual materials SFS-EN 60893-3-1, 2013-01-21 Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes -- Part 3-1: Specifications for individual materials - Types of industrial rigid laminated sheets SFS-EN 60893-3-1:2004 SFS-EN 60893-3-3/A1, 2013-01-21 Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes -- Part 3-3: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on melamine resins SFS-EN 60893-3-4/A1, 2013-03-04 Insulating materials - Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes -- Part 3-4: Specifications for individual materials - Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on phenolic resins 29.040 Nestemäiset eristeet SFS-EN 62697-1, 2013-03-04 Test methods for quantitative determination of corrosive sulfur compounds in unused and used insulating liquids -- Part 1: Test method for quantitative determination of dibenzyldisulfide (DBDS) 29.100 Sähkölaitteiden komponentit SFS-EN 50581, 2013-01-21 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances 29.120 Sähkötarvikkeet SFS-EN 50521/A1, 2013-03-04 Connectors for photovoltaic systems - Safety requirements and tests SFS-EN 60309-1/A2, 2013-01-21 Teollisuuskäyttöön tarkoitetut voimapistokytkimet. Osa 1: Yleiset vaatimukset Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes -- Part 1: General requirements 29.140 Valaisimet ja niihin liittyvät laitteet SFS-EN 60061-1/A48, 2013-03-04 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety -- Part 1: Lamp caps SFS-EN 60061-2/A45, 2013-03-04 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety -- Part 2: Lampholders SFS-EN 60061-3/A46, 2013-03-04 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety -- Part 3: Gauges SFS-EN 60809/A5, 2013-03-04 Lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements SFS-EN 61549/A3, 2013-03-04 Miscellaneous lamps SFS-EN 62035/A2, 2013-03-04 Discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) - Safety specifications SFS-EN 62560, 2013-03-04 Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V - Safety specifications 29.200 Tasasuuntaajat. Vaihtosuuntaajat. Stabiloitu virtalähde SFS-EN 62477-1, 2013-01-21 Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment -- Part 1: General SFS-EN 62637-1, 2013-01-21 Battery charging interface for small handheld multimedia devices - Part 1: 2 mm barrel interface SFS-EN 62637-2, 2013-01-21 Battery charging interface for small handheld multimedia devices -- Part 2: 2 mm barrel type interface conformance testing 29.220 Galvaaniset paristot ja akut SFS-EN 61056-1, 2013-03-04 General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types) -- Part 1: General requirements, functional characteristics - Methods of test SFS-EN 61056-1:2003 SFS-EN 61056-2, 2013-03-04 General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated types) -- Part 2: Dimensions, terminals and marking SFS-EN 61056-2:2003 SFS-EN 61982, 2013-03-04 Secondary batteries (except lithium) for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Performance and endurance tests SFS-EN 61982-1:2007 SFS-EN 61982-2:2003 SFS-EN 61982-3:2001 31.020 Elektroniikan komponentit, yleistä SFS-EN 50581, 2013-01-21 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances SFS-EN 60294, 2013-01-21 Measurement of the dimensions of a cylindrical component with axial terminations SFS-EN 61340-5-3, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics. Part 5-3: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. Properties and requirements classification for packaging intended for electrostatic discharge sensitive devices 31.040 Vastukset SFS-EN 60115-8, 2013-01-21 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment -- Part 8: Sectional specification - Fixed surface mount resistors SFS-EN 140400:2004 SFS-EN 60301, 2013-01-21 Preferred diameters of wire terminations of ca- 9

pacitors and resistors SFS-EN 60440, 2013-01-21 Method of measurement of non-linearity in resistors 31.060 Kondensaattorit SFS-EN 60301, 2013-01-21 Preferred diameters of wire terminations of capacitors and resistors 31.080 Puolijohdelaitteet SFS-EN 60191-6-12, 2013-01-21 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices -- Part 6-12: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guidelines for fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) SFS-EN 60191-6-12:2002 SFS-EN 60191-6-17, 2013-01-21 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices -- Part 6-17: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for stacked packages - Fine-pitch ball grid array and fine-pitch land grid array (P-PFBGA and P-PFLGA) SFS-EN 60747-15, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices -- Part 15: Isolated power semiconductor devices SFS-EN 60747-15:2004 SFS-EN 60747-16-4/A1, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices -- Part 16-4: Microwave integrated circuits - Switches SFS-EN 60749-21, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods -- Part 21: Solderability SFS-EN 60749-21:2005 SFS-EN 60749-23/A1, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods -- Part 23: High temperature operating life SFS-EN 60749-29, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods -- Part 29: Latch-up test SFS-EN 60749-29:2004 SFS-EN 60749-30/A1, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods -- Part 30: Preconditioning of non-hermetic surface mount devices prior to reliability testing SFS-EN 60749-40, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods -- Part 40: Board level drop test method using a strain gauge SFS-EN 60749-7, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods -- Part 7: Internal moisture content measurement and the analysis of other residual gases SFS-EN 60749-7:2002 SFS-EN 62047-10, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 10: Micro-pillar compression test for MEMS materials SFS-EN 62047-12, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 12: Bending fatigue testing method of thin film materials using resonant vibration of MEMS structures SFS-EN 62047-13, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 13: Bend- and sheartype test methods of measuring adhesive strength for MEMS structures SFS-EN 62047-14, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 14: Forming limit measuring method of metallic film materials SFS-EN 62047-5, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 5: RF MEMS switches SFS-EN 62047-7, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 7: MEMS BAW filter and duplexer for radio frequency control and selection SFS-EN 62047-8, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 8: Strip bending test method for tensile property measurement of thin films SFS-EN 62047-9, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 9: Wafer to wafer bonding strength measurement for MEMS SFS-EN 62258-2, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor die products -- Part 2: Exchange data formats SFS-EN 62258-2:2005 SFS-EN 62477-1, 2013-01-21 Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment -- Part 1: General 31.120 Elektroniset näyttölaitteet SFS-EN 61747-5-2, 2013-01-21 Liquid crystal display devices -- Part 5-2: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - Visual inspection of active matrix colour liquid crystal display modules SFS-EN 61747-6-2, 2013-01-21 Liquid crystal display devices -- Part 6-2: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Reflective type SFS-EN 61747-6-3, 2013-01-21 Liquid crystal display devices -- Part 6-3: Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules - Motion artifact measurement of active matrix liquid crystal display modules SFS-EN 61988-1, 2013-01-21 Plasma display panels -- Part 1: Terminology and letter symbols SFS-EN 61988-1:2003 SFS-EN 61988-2-1, 2013-01-21 Plasma display panels -- Part 2-1: Measuring methods - Optical and optoelectrical SFS-EN 61988-2-1:2003 SFS-EN 61988-2-2:2003 SFS-EN 61988-2-4, 2013-01-21 Plasma display panels -- Part 2-4: Measuring methods - Visual quality: Image artifacts SFS-EN 62595-1-2, 2013-01-21 LCD backlight unit -- Part 1-2: Terminology and letter symbols 31.180 Piirilevyt ja komponenttilevyt SFS-EN 61182-2-2, 2013-03-04 Printed board assembly products - Manufacturing description data and transfer methodology -- Part 2-2: Sectional requirements for implementation of printed board fabrication data description 31.200 Mikropiirit. Mikroelektroniikka SFS-EN 61967-8, 2013-01-21 Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions -- Part 8: Measurement of radiated emissions - IC stripline method SFS-EN 62132-2, 2013-01-21 Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity -- Part 2: Measurement of radiated immunity - TEM cell and wideband TEM cell method 31.220 Elektroniikka- ja televiestintälaitteiden sähkömekaaniset komponentit SFS-EN 50581, 2013-01-21 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances SFS-EN 60130-9, 2013-01-21 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz -- Part 9: Circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment 10

SFS-EN 60130-9:2001 SFS-EN 60352-5, 2013-01-21 Solderless connections -- Part 5: Press-in connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance SFS-EN 60352-5:2009 SFS-EN 60352-8, 2013-01-21 Solderless connections -- Part 8: Compression mount connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance SFS-EN 60512-1-100, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 1-100: General - Applicable publications SFS-EN 60512-1-100:2007 SFS-EN 60512-16-21, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 16-21: Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations - Test 16u: Whisker test via the application of external mechanical stresses SFS-EN 60512-17-2, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 17-2: Cable clamping tests - Test 17b: Cable clamp resistance to cable rotation SFS-EN 60512-26-100/A1, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 26-100: Measurement setup, test and reference arrangements and measurements for connectors according to IEC 60603-7 - Tests 26a to 26g SFS-EN 60512-27-100, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 27-100: Signal integrity tests up to 500 MHz on IEC 60603-7 series connectors - Tests 27a to 27g SFS-EN 60512-7-2, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 7-2: Impact tests (free connectors) - Test 7b: Mechanical strength impact SFS-EN 60512-8-2, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 8-2: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test 8b: Static load, axial SFS-EN 60512-8-3, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 8-3: Static load tests (fixed connectors) - Test 8c: Robustness of actuating lever SFS-EN 60512-9-2, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 9-2: Endurance tests - Test 9b: Electrical load and temperature SFS-EN 60512-9-3, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 9-3: Endurance tests - Test 9c: Mechanical operation (engaging/separating) with electrical load SFS-EN 60512-9-4, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 9-4: Endurance tests - Test 9d: Durability of contact retention system and seals (maintenance, ageing) SFS-EN 60603-7/A1, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment -- Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors SFS-EN 60603-7-1, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment -- Part 7-1: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors SFS-EN 60603-7-1:2011 SFS-EN 60603-7-2, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment -- Part 7-2: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors, for data transmissions with frequencies up to 100 MHz SFS-EN 60603-7-2:2011 SFS-EN 60603-7-3, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment -- Part 7-3: Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free and fixed connectors, for data transmission with frequencies up to 100 MHz SFS-EN 60603-7-3:2011 SFS-EN 61076-2, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements -- Part 2: Sectional specification for circular connectors SFS-EN 61076-2:1999 SFS-EN 61076-2-001, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements -- Part 2-001: Circular connectors - Blank detail specification SFS-EN 61076-2-001:2002 SFS-EN 61076-2-106, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements -- Part 2-106: Circular connectors - Detail specification for connectors M 16 x 0,75 with screw-locking and degree of protection IP40 or IP65/67 SFS-EN 61076-3-110, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements -- Part 3-110: Detail specification for shielded, free and fixed connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 1 000 MHz SFS-EN 61076-3-110:2009 SFS-EN 61076-4-116, 2013-01-21 Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements -- Part 4-116: Printed board connectors - Detail specification for a high-speed two-part connector with integrated shielding function SFS-EN 62047-10, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 10: Micro-pillar compression test for MEMS materials SFS-EN 62047-12, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 12: Bending fatigue testing method of thin film materials using resonant vibration of MEMS structures SFS-EN 62047-13, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 13: Bend- and sheartype test methods of measuring adhesive strength for MEMS structures SFS-EN 62047-14, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 14: Forming limit measuring method of metallic film materials SFS-EN 62047-5, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 5: RF MEMS switches SFS-EN 62047-7, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 7: MEMS BAW filter and duplexer for radio frequency control and selection SFS-EN 62047-8, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 8: Strip bending test method for tensile property measurement of thin films SFS-EN 62047-9, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices -- Part 9: Wafer to wafer bonding strength measurement for MEMS 31.240 Elektroniikkalaitteiden mekaaniset rakenteet SFS-EN 60191-6-12, 2013-01-21 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices -- Part 6-12: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guidelines for fine-pitch land grid array (FLGA) SFS-EN 60191-6-12:2002 SFS-EN 60191-6-17, 2013-01-21 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices -- Part 6-17: General rules for the prepa- 11

ration of outline drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for stacked packages - Fine-pitch ball grid array and fine-pitch land grid array (P-PFBGA and P-PFLGA) SFS-EN 60297-3-107, 2013-01-21 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series -- Part 3-107: Dimensions of subracks and plug-in units, small form factor SFS-EN 61587-1, 2013-01-21 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 series -- Part 1: Environmental requirements, test setup and safety aspects for cabinets, racks, subracks and chassis under indoor conditions SFS-EN 61587-1:2007 SFS-EN 61587-2, 2013-01-21 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 -- Part 2: Seismic tests for cabinets and racks SFS-EN 61587-2:2001 SFS-EN 61969-1, 2013-01-21 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures -- Part 1: Design guidelines SFS-EN 61969-1:2000 SFS-EN 61969-2, 2013-01-21 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures -- Part 2: Coordination dimensions SFS-EN 61969-2:2000 SFS-EN 61969-2-1:2000 SFS-EN 61969-2-2:2000 SFS-EN 61969-3, 2013-01-21 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor enclosures -- Part 3: Environmental requirements, tests and safety aspects SFS-EN 61969-3:2002 31.260 Optoelektroniikka. Laserlaitteet SFS-EN 60747-5-5, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices -- Part 5-5: Optoelectronic devices - Photocouplers SFS-EN 61988-1, 2013-01-21 Plasma display panels -- Part 1: Terminology and letter symbols SFS-EN 61988-1:2003 SFS-EN 61988-2-1, 2013-01-21 Plasma display panels -- Part 2-1: Measuring methods - Optical and optoelectrical SFS-EN 61988-2-1:2003 SFS-EN 61988-2-2:2003 SFS-EN 61988-2-4, 2013-01-21 Plasma display panels -- Part 2-4: Measuring methods - Visual quality: Image artifacts SFS-EN 62341-6-1, 2013-01-21 Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays -- Part 6-1: Measuring methods of optical and electro-optical parameters SFS-EN 62341-6-2, 2013-01-21 Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays -- Part 6-2: Measuring methods of visual quality and ambient performance SFS-EN 62595-1-2, 2013-01-21 LCD backlight unit -- Part 1-2: Terminology and letter symbols 33.040 Televerkot SFS-EN 62037-1, 2013-01-21 Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement -- Part 1: General requirements and measuring methods SFS-EN 62037-3, 2013-01-21 Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement -- Part 3: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial connectors SFS-EN 62037-4, 2013-01-21 Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement -- Part 4: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial cables 33.060 Radioliikenne SFS-EN 302288-1 V1.6.1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Short Range Devices. Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT). Short range radar equipment operating in the 24 GHz range. Part 1: Technical requirements and methods of measurement SFS-EN 302288-2 V1.6.1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Short Range Devices. Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT). Short range radar equipment operating in the 24 GHz range. Part 2: Harmonized EN under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive SFS-EN 50083-2, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility for equipment SFS-EN 50083-2:2007 SFS-EN 60728-11, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 11: Safety SFS-EN 60728-11:2006 SFS-EN 60728-3, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 3: Active wideband equipment for cable networks SFS-EN 50083-3:2002 SFS-EN 60728-6, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 6: Optical equipment SFS-EN 60728-6:2004 SFS-EN 62634, 2013-01-21 Radio data system (RDS) - Receiver products and characteristics - Methods of measurement SFS-EN 60315-9:1996 33.070 Matkaviestintäpalvelut SFS-EN 301502 V10.2.1, 2013-01-21 Global System for Mobile communications (GSM). Harmonized EN for Base Station equipment covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive SFS-EN 50400/A1, 2013-03-04 Basic standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz - 40 GHz) intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, when put into service 33.100 Sähkömagneettinen yhteensopivuus SFS-EN 301033 V1.3.5, 2013-02-11 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for shipborne watchkeeping receivers for reception of Digital Selective Calling (DSC) in the maritime MF, MF/HF, and VHF bands SFS-EN 301489-4 V2.1.1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services. Part 4: Specific conditions for fixed radio links, broadband data transmission system base stations, ancillary equipment and services SFS-EN 301908-18 V6.2.1, 2013-01-21 IMT cellular networks. Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive. Part 18: E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE Multi-Standard Radio (MSR) Base Station (BS) SFS-EN 301908-2 V5.4.1, 2013-01-21 IMT cellular networks. Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive. Part 2: CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA FDD) User Equipment (UE) SFS-EN 302288-1 V1.6.1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio 12

spectrum Matters (ERM). Short Range Devices. Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT). Short range radar equipment operating in the 24 GHz range. Part 1: Technical requirements and methods of measurement SFS-EN 302288-2 V1.6.1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Short Range Devices. Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT). Short range radar equipment operating in the 24 GHz range. Part 2: Harmonized EN under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive SFS-EN 55014-1/A2, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus -- Part 1: Emission SFS-EN 55016-2-1/A1, 2013-01-21 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods -- Part 2-1: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Conducted disturbance measurements SFS-EN 55016-2-2, 2013-01-21 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods -- Part 2-2: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Measurement of disturbance power SFS-EN 55016-2-2:2005 SFS-EN 55016-2-2/A1:2005 SFS-EN 55016-2-2/A2:2006 SFS-EN 55016-4-2, 2013-01-21 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods -- Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty SFS-EN 55016-4-2:2005 SFS-EN 55017, 2013-01-21 Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive EMC filtering devices SFS-EN 55020/A11, 2013-01-21 Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement SFS-EN 55022, 2013-01-21 Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement SFS-EN 55022:2007 SFS-EN 55022/A1:2008 SFS-EN 55022/A2:2011 SFS-EN 55032, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements SFS-EN 55103-2/IS1:en, 2013-02-11 Electromagnetic compatibility. Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use. Part 2: Immunity SFS-EN 60118-13, 2013-01-21 Electroacoustics - Hearing aids -- Part 13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) SFS-EN 60118-13:2006 SFS-EN 61000-3-12, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public lowvoltage systems with input current > 16 A and <= 75 A per phase SFS-EN 61000-3-12:2006 SFS-EN 61000-4-15, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 4-15: Testing and measurement techniques - Flickermeter - Functional and design specifications SFS-EN 61000-4-15/A1:2003 SFS-EN 61000-4-15:1999 SFS-EN 61000-4-16/A2, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 4-16: Testing and measurement techniques - Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 khz SFS-EN 61000-4-21, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques - Reverberation chamber test methods SFS-EN 61000-4-21:2004 SFS-EN 61000-4-22, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 4-22: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated emission and immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms (FARs) SFS-EN 61000-4-25/A1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 4-25: Testing and measurement techniques - HEMP immunity test methods for equipment and systems SFS-EN 61000-6-3/A1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments SFS-EN 61000-6-4/A1, 2013-01-21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments SFS-EN 62132-2, 2013-01-21 Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity -- Part 2: Measurement of radiated immunity - TEM cell and wideband TEM cell method SFS-EN 62481-3, 2013-01-21 Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines. Part 3: Link protection 33.120 Televiestintälaitteiden komponentit ja tarvikkeet SFS-EN 50288-10-1, 2013-03-04 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control -- Part 10-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 500 MHz - Horizontal floor and building backbone cables SFS-EN 50288-11-1, 2013-03-04 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control -- Part 11-1: Sectional specification for un-screened cables characterised up to 500 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables SFS-EN 50288-9-1:en, 2013-03-04 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control -- Part 9-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterised up to 1 000 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables SFS-EN 50289-4-16, 2013-01-21 Communication cables - Specifications for test methods -- Part 4-16: Environmental test methods - Circuit integrity under fire conditions SFS-EN 61169-35, 2013-01-21 Radio-frequency connectors -- Part 35: Sectional specification for 2,92 series RF connectors SFS-EN 61169-39, 2013-01-21 Radio-frequency connectors -- Part 39: Sectional specification for CQM series quick lock RF connectors SFS-EN 61169-40, 2013-01-21 Radio-frequency connectors -- Part 40: Sectional specification for 2.4 series RF connectors SFS-EN 62037-1, 2013-01-21 Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement -- Part 1: General requirements and measuring methods SFS-EN 62037-3, 2013-01-21 Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement -- Part 3: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial connectors 13

SFS-EN 62037-4, 2013-01-21 Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement -- Part 4: Measurement of passive intermodulation in coaxial cables 33.160 Audio-, video ja audiovisuaalinen tekniikka SFS-EN 50132-5-3, 2013-03-04 Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications -- Part 5-3: Video transmission - Analogue and digital video transmission SFS-EN 50132-7, 2013-02-11 Hälytysjärjestelmät. Turvasovelluksissa käytettävät kameravalvontajärjestelmät. Osa 7: Soveltamisohjeet Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications -- Part 7: Application guidelines Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-EN 50132-7:1997 SFS-EN 55020/A11, 2013-01-21 Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement SFS-EN 60268-16, 2013-01-21 Sound system equipment -- Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index SFS-EN 60268-16:2004 SFS-EN 60268-7, 2013-01-21 Sound system equipment -- Part 7: Headphones and earphones SFS-EN 60268-7:1996 SFS-EN 60461, 2013-01-21 Time and control code SFS-EN 60461:2001 SFS-EN 60728-13-1, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 13-1: Bandwith expansion for broadcast signal over FTTH system SFS-EN 60728-6, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 6: Optical equipment SFS-EN 60728-6:2004 SFS-EN 61834-4/A1, 2013-01-21 Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) -- Part 4: Pack header table and contents SFS-EN 61937-1/A1, 2013-01-21 Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 -- Part 1: General SFS-EN 61937-10, 2013-01-21 Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 -- Part 10: Non-linear PCM bitstreams according to the MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding (ALS) format SFS-EN 61937-2/A1, 2013-01-21 Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 -- Part 2: Burst-info SFS-EN 61966-12-1, 2013-01-21 Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management -- Part 12-1: Metadata for identification of colour gamut (Gamut ID) SFS-EN 62087, 2013-01-21 Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment SFS-EN 62087:2011 SFS-EN 62216, 2013-01-21 Digital terrestrial television receivers for the DVB-T system SFS-EN 62216-1:2003 SFS-EN 62458, 2013-01-21 Sound system equipment - Electroacoustic transducers - Measurement of large signal parameters SFS-EN 62459, 2013-01-21 Sound system equipment - Electroacoustic transducers - Measurement of suspension parts SFS-EN 62481-3, 2013-01-21 Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines. Part 3: Link protection SFS-EN 62516-2, 2013-01-21 Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T- DMB) receivers -- Part 2: Interactive data services using BIFS SFS-EN 62524, 2013-01-21 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Reader s format for e-publishing SFS-EN 62571, 2013-01-21 Digital audiobook file format and player requirements SFS-EN 62574, 2013-01-21 Audio, video and multimedia systems - General channel assignment of multichannel audio SFS-EN 62605, 2013-01-21 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Interchange format for e-dictionaries SFS-EN 62637-1, 2013-01-21 Battery charging interface for small handheld multimedia devices - Part 1: 2 mm barrel interface SFS-EN 62637-2, 2013-01-21 Battery charging interface for small handheld multimedia devices -- Part 2: 2 mm barrel type interface conformance testing SFS-EN 62665, 2013-01-21 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-book technologies - Texture map for auditory presentation of printed texts 33.170 Televisio- ja radiolähetykset SFS-EN 60461, 2013-01-21 Time and control code SFS-EN 60461:2001 SFS-EN 60728-3, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 3: Active wideband equipment for cable networks SFS-EN 50083-3:2002 SFS-EN 62087, 2013-01-21 Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment SFS-EN 62087:2011 SFS-EN 62455, 2013-01-21 Internet protocol (IP) and transport stream (TS) based service access SFS-EN 62516-2, 2013-01-21 Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T- DMB) receivers -- Part 2: Interactive data services using BIFS SFS-EN 62634, 2013-01-21 Radio data system (RDS) - Receiver products and characteristics - Methods of measurement SFS-EN 60315-9:1996 33.180 Kuituoptiikkaviestintä SFS-EN 60728-13-1, 2013-01-21 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -- Part 13-1: Bandwith expansion for broadcast signal over FTTH system SFS-EN 60794-1-22, 2013-01-21 Optical fibre cables -- Part 1-22: Generic specification - Basic optical cable test procedures - Environmental test methods 14

SFS-EN 60794-1-23, 2013-03-04 Optical fibre cables -- Part 1-23: Generic specification - Basic optical cable test procedures - Cable element test methods SFS-EN 60794-2-11, 2013-01-21 Optical fibre cables -- Part 2-11: Indoor optical fibre cables - Detailed specification for simplex and duplex cables for use in premises cabling SFS-EN 60794-2-11:2006 SFS-EN 60794-2-21, 2013-01-21 Optical fibre cables -- Part 2-21: Indoor optical fibre cables - Detailed specification for multifibre optical distribution cables for use in premises cabling SFS-EN 60794-2-21:2006 SFS-EN 60794-4-20, 2013-03-04 Optical fibre cables -- Part 4-20: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines - Family specification for ADSS (All Dielectric Self Supported) optical cables SFS-EN 60876-1, 2013-01-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic spatial switches -- Part 1: Generic specification SFS-EN 60876-1:2002 SFS-EN 61280-2-2, 2013-03-04 Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures -- Part 2-2: Digital systems - Optical eye pattern, waveform and extinction ratio measurement SFS-EN 61280-2-2:2009 SFS-EN 61291-1, 2013-01-21 Optical amplifiers -- Part 1: Generic specification SFS-EN 61291-1:2007 SFS-EN 61300-2-10, 2013-03-04 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures -- Part 2-10: Tests - Crush resistance SFS-EN 61300-2-10:1997 SFS-EN 61300-2-33, 2013-01-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures -- Part 2-33: Tests - Assembly and disassembly of fibre optic mechanical splices, fibre management systems and closures SFS-EN 61300-2-33:2007 SFS-EN 61300-3-38, 2013-01-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures -- Part 3-38:Examinations and measurements - Group delay, chromatic dispersion and phase ripple SFS-EN 61753-061-2, 2013-03-04 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard -- Part 061-2: Non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic pigtailed isolators for category C - Controlled environment SFS-EN 61754-20, 2013-01-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces -- Part 20: Type LC connector family SFS-EN 61754-20:2003 SFS-EN 61754-20-100, 2013-01-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces -- Part 20-100: Interface standard for LC connectors with protective housings related to IEC 61076-3-106 SFS-EN 61754-26, 2013-01-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces -- Part 26: Type SF connector family SFS-EN 62150-3, 2013-01-21 Fibre optic active components and devices - Test and measurement procedures -- Part 3: Optical power variation induced by mechanical disturbance in optical receptacles and transceiver interfaces 35.020 Tietotekniikka, yleistä SFS-EN 55022, 2013-01-21 Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement SFS-EN 55022:2007 SFS-EN 55022/A1:2008 SFS-EN 55022/A2:2011 35.040 Merkistöt ja tietojen koodaus SFS-EN 62258-2, 2013-01-21 Semiconductor die products -- Part 2: Exchange data formats SFS-EN 62258-2:2005 35.080 Ohjelmistot SFS-ISO/IEC 29881, 2013-01-21 Tietotekniikka. Järjestelmä- ja ohjelmistotekniikka. FiSMA 1.1 toiminnallisen laajuuden mittausmenetelmä Information technology -- Systems and software engineering -- FiSMA 1.1 functional size measurement method Julkaisukieli: fi/en SFS-ISO/IEC 29881:en, 2013-01-21 Tietotekniikka. Järjestelmä- ja ohjelmistotekniikka. FiSMA 1.1 toiminnallisen laajuuden mittausmenetelmä Information technology -- Systems and software engineering -- FiSMA 1.1 functional size measurement method 35.100 Avointen järjestelmien yhteenliittäminen (OSI) SFS-EN 61987-11, 2013-01-21 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues -- Part 11: List of Properties (LOP) of measuring equipment for electronic data exchange - Generic structures SFS-EN 62439-1/A1, 2013-01-21 Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks -- Part 1: General concepts and calculation methods SFS-EN 62455, 2013-01-21 Internet protocol (IP) and transport stream (TS) based service access SFS-EN 62481-3, 2013-01-21 Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines. Part 3: Link protection 35.110 Tietoverkot SFS-EN 62439-1/A1, 2013-01-21 Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks -- Part 1: General concepts and calculation methods SFS-EN 62481-3, 2013-01-21 Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines. Part 3: Link protection 35.200 Rajapinnat ja liitäntälaitteet SFS-EN 61834-4/A1, 2013-01-21 Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) -- Part 4: Pack header table and contents SFS-EN 62541-10, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 10: Programs SFS-EN 62541-7, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 7: Profiles SFS-EN 62541-9, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 9: Alarms and conditions 35.240 Tietotekniikan sovellukset SFS-EN 13321-2:en, 2013-03-04 Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management. Home and Building Electronic Systems. Part 2: KNXnet/IP Communication SFS-EN 13321-2:en:2007 SFS-EN 14116:en, 2013-02-11 Vaarallisten aineiden kuljetussäiliöt. Tuotteen tunnistuslaitteen digitaalinen liityntä Tanks for transport of dangerous goods. Digital 15

interface for product recognition devices for liquid fuels SFS-EN 14116 + A2:en:2011 SFS-EN 60601-2-44/A1, 2013-03-04 Medical electrical equipment -- Part 2-44: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for computed tomography SFS-EN 61131-6, 2013-03-04 Programmable controllers -- Part 6: Functional safety SFS-EN 61987-11, 2013-01-21 Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues -- Part 11: List of Properties (LOP) of measuring equipment for electronic data exchange - Generic structures SFS-EN 62455, 2013-01-21 Internet protocol (IP) and transport stream (TS) based service access SFS-EN 62524, 2013-01-21 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-books - Reader s format for e-publishing SFS-EN 62541-10, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 10: Programs SFS-EN 62541-7, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 7: Profiles SFS-EN 62541-9, 2013-01-21 OPC unified architecture -- Part 9: Alarms and conditions SFS-EN 62571, 2013-01-21 Digital audiobook file format and player requirements SFS-EN ISO 11238:en, 2013-01-21 Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances (ISO 11238:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11239:en, 2013-01-21 Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on pharmaceutical dose forms, units of presentation, routes of administration and packaging (ISO 11239:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11240:en, 2013-01-21 Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of units of measurement (ISO 11240:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11615:en, 2013-01-21 Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information (ISO 11615:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11616:en, 2013-01-21 Health informatics. Identification of medicinal products. Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information (ISO 11616:2012) SFS-EN ISO 12836:en, 2013-02-11 Hammaslääketiede. CAD/CAM-järjestelmissä käytettävät digitointilaitteet. Testimenetelmät tarkkuuden ja täsmällisyyden arvioimiseksi Dentistry. Digitizing devices for CAD/CAM systems for indirect dental restorations. Test methods for assessing accuracy (ISO 12836:2012) SFS-EN ISO 17261:en, 2013-02-11 Älykkäät liikennejärjestelmät. Ajoneuvojen ja laitteiden automaattinen tunnistus. Intermodaalisten tavarankuljetusten arkkitehtuuri ja termistö Intelligent transport systems. Automatic vehicle and equipment identification. Intermodal goods transport architecture and terminology (ISO 17261:2012) CEN ISO/TS 17261:en:2005 SFS-EN ISO 17262:en, 2013-02-11 Älykkäät liikennejärjestelmät. Ajoneuvojen ja laitteiden automaattinen tunnistus. Numerointi ja tietorakenteet Intelligent transport systems. Automatic vehicle and equipment identification. Numbering and data structures (ISO 17262:2012) CEN ISO/TS 17262:en:2003 SFS-EN ISO 19152:en, 2013-02-11 Geographic information. Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) (ISO 19152:2012) 37.040 Valokuvaus SFS-EN 61966-12-1, 2013-01-21 Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management -- Part 12-1: Metadata for identification of colour gamut (Gamut ID) 43.040.15 Ajoneuvojen informatiikka. Ajoneuvojen tietokonejärjestelmät SFS-EN ISO 18542-1:en, 2013-02-11 Tieajoneuvot. Korjaus- ja huoltotieto. Termistö. Osa 1: Yleiset tiedot ja käyttötapausmääritelmät Road vehicles. Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology. Part 1: General information and use case definition (ISO 18542-1:2012) 43.040.20 Valot, merkinanto- ja varoituslaitteet SFS-EN 60809/A5, 2013-03-04 Lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements 43.150 Polkupyörät SFS-EN 15918 + A1:en, 2013-02-11 Polkupyörät. Polkupyörien perävaunut. Turvallisuusvaatimukset ja testausmenetelmät Cycles. Cycle trailers. Safety requirements and test methods SFS-EN 15918:en:2011 43.160 Erityisajoneuvot SFS-EN 15429-2:en, 2013-01-21 Sweepers. Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods 43.180 Diagnostiikka-, huoltoja testauslaitteet SFS-EN ISO 18542-1:en, 2013-02-11 Tieajoneuvot. Korjaus- ja huoltotieto. Termistö. Osa 1: Yleiset tiedot ja käyttötapausmääritelmät Road vehicles. Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology. Part 1: General information and use case definition (ISO 18542-1:2012) 45.040 Kiskoliikennetekniikan materiaalit ja komponentit SFS-EN 13104 + A2:en, 2013-02-11 Kiskoliikenne. Pyöräkerrat ja telit. Vetoakselit. Suunnittelumenetelmä Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Powered axles. Design method SFS-EN 13104 + A1:en:2011 45.060 Kiskoliikennekalusto SFS-EN 15437-2:en, 2013-02-11 Kiskoliikenne. Akselin laakeripesän valvonta. Rajapinta- ja suunnitteluvaatimukset. Osa 1: Rataan asennettavat laitteet ja liikkuvan kaluston laakeripesä Railway applications. Axlebox condition monitoring. Interface and design requirements. Part 2: Performance and design requirements of onboard systems for temperature monitoring SFS-EN 15528 + A1:en, 2013-02-11 Kiskoliikenne. Ratalinjojen luokitus. Rautatievaunujen kuormitusrajat ja infrastruktuuri Railway applications. Line categories for managing the interface between load limits of vehicles and infrastructure SFS-EN 15528:en:2008 SFS-EN 15839:en, 2013-02-11 Kiskoliikenne. Kiskoajoneuvojen kulkuominaisuuksien hyväksymistestaus. Tavaravaunut. Kulkuturvallisuuden testaus pitkittäissuuntaisten puristusvoimien vaikuttaessa Railway applications. Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles. Freight wagons. Testing of running safety under longitudinal compressive forces 16

47.020.20 Laivojen moottorit ja propulsiojärjestelmät SFS-EN ISO 21487:en, 2013-01-21 Veneet. Kiinteästi asennetut polttoainesäiliöt bensiinille ja dieselöljylle Small craft. Permanently installed petrol and diesel fuel tanks (ISO 21487:2012) SFS-EN ISO 21487/AC:en:2009 SFS-EN ISO 21487:en:2007 SFS-EN ISO 25197:en, 2013-01-21 Veneet. Sähkökäyttöinen/sähköinen ohjausjärjestelmä, vaihteisto ja kaasu Small craft. Electrical/electronic control systems for steering, shift and throttle (ISO 25197:2012) 47.020.60 Sähkölaitteet SFS-EN ISO 10133:en, 2013-02-11 Veneet. Sähköjärjestelmät. Matalajänniteasennukset tasavirtajärjestelmässä (ISO 10133:2012) Small craft. Electrical systems. Extra-low-voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10133:en:2001 SFS-EN ISO 25197:en, 2013-01-21 Veneet. Sähkökäyttöinen/sähköinen ohjausjärjestelmä, vaihteisto ja kaasu Small craft. Electrical/electronic control systems for steering, shift and throttle (ISO 25197:2012) 47.020.99 Muut laivanrakennukseen ja meriteknisiin rakenteisiin liittyvät standardit SFS-EN ISO 13174:en, 2013-02-11 Satamarakenteiden katodinen suojaus Cathodic protection of harbour installations (ISO 13174:2012) SFS-EN 13174:en:2001 47.080 Veneet SFS-EN ISO 10133:en, 2013-02-11 Veneet. Sähköjärjestelmät. Matalajänniteasennukset tasavirtajärjestelmässä (ISO 10133:2012) Small craft. Electrical systems. Extra-low-voltage d.c. installations (ISO 10133:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10133:en:2001 SFS-EN ISO 21487:en, 2013-01-21 Veneet. Kiinteästi asennetut polttoainesäiliöt bensiinille ja dieselöljylle Small craft. Permanently installed petrol and diesel fuel tanks (ISO 21487:2012) SFS-EN ISO 21487/AC:en:2009 SFS-EN ISO 21487:en:2007 SFS-EN ISO 25197:en, 2013-01-21 Veneet. Sähkökäyttöinen/sähköinen ohjausjärjestelmä, vaihteisto ja kaasu Small craft. Electrical/electronic control systems for steering, shift and throttle (ISO 25197:2012) 49.100 Huoltolaitteet ja muu maakalusto SFS-EN 12312-1:en, 2013-03-04 Lentokenttälaitteet. Erityisvaatimukset. Osa 1: Lentomatkustajien käyttämät portaat Aircraft ground support equipment. Specific requirements. Part 1: Passenger stairs SFS-EN 12312-1 + A1:en:2009 SFS-EN 12312-9:en, 2013-03-04 Lentokenttälaitteet. Erityisvaatimukset. Osa 9: Kontti- ja kuormalavalastaajat Aircraft ground support equipment. Specific requirements. Part 9: Container/Pallet loaders SFS-EN 12312-9 + A1:en:2009 SFS-EN 1915-1:en, 2013-03-04 Lentokenttälaitteet. Yleiset vaatimukset. Osa 1: Turvallisuusvaatimukset Aircraft ground support equipment. General requirements. Part 1: Basic safety requirements SFS-EN 1915-1 + A1:en:2009 53.040.10 Kuljettimet SFS-EN ISO 284:en, 2013-01-21 Conveyor belts. Electrical conductivity. Specification and test method (ISO 284:2012) SFS-EN ISO 284:en:2004 53.040.20 Kuljettimien osat SFS-EN ISO 15147:en, 2013-01-21 Kevytrakenteiset kuljetushihnat. Leikattujen kevytrakenteisten kuljetushihnojen leveys- ja pituustoleranssit Light conveyor belts. Tolerances on widths and lengths of cut light conveyor belts (ISO 15147:2012) SFS-EN ISO 15147:en:2000 SFS-EN ISO 284:en, 2013-01-21 Conveyor belts. Electrical conductivity. Specification and test method (ISO 284:2012) SFS-EN ISO 284:en:2004 53.060 Trukit SFS-EN 16307-1:en, 2013-02-11 Trukit. Turvallisuusvaatimukset ja todentaminen. Osa 1: Lisävaatimukset moottorikäyttöisille trukeille, muille kuin kuljettajattomille trukeille, kurottajille sekä kuormavaunuille. Industrial trucks. Safety requirements and verification. Part 1: Supplementary requirements for self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks 55.020 Pakkaukset ja jakelu, yleistä SFS-EN 61340-5-3, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics. Part 5-3: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. Properties and requirements classification for packaging intended for electrostatic discharge sensitive devices 55.080 Säkit. Pussit SFS-EN 61340-4-4, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics -- Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) SFS-EN 61340-4-4:2007 55.180 Tavarankuljetus SFS-EN ISO 6346/A3:en, 2013-02-11 Rahtikontit. Koodaus, tunnistus ja merkintä Freight containers. Coding, identification and marking. Amendment 3 (ISO 6346:1995/Amd 3:2012) 55.180.10 Yleisrahtikontit SFS-EN ISO 6346/A3:en, 2013-02-11 Rahtikontit. Koodaus, tunnistus ja merkintä Freight containers. Coding, identification and marking. Amendment 3 (ISO 6346:1995/Amd 3:2012) 55.180.20 Kuormalavat SFS-EN ISO 8611-1:en, 2013-02-11 Pallets for materials handling. Flat pallets. Part 1: Test methods (ISO 8611-1:2011) SFS-EN ISO 8611-1:en:2004 SFS-EN ISO 8611-2:en, 2013-02-11 Pallets for materials handling. Flat pallets. Part 2: Performance requirements and selection of tests (ISO 8611-2:2011) SFS-EN ISO 8611-3:en, 2013-02-11 Pallets for materials handling. Flat pallets. Part 3: Maximum working loads (ISO 8611-3:2011) 55.180.99 Muut tavarankuljetukseen liittyvät standardit SFS-EN 61340-4-4, 2013-01-21 Electrostatics -- Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) SFS-EN 61340-4-4:2007 59.080.01 Tekstiilit, yleistä SFS-EN 31092/A1:en, 2013-02-11 Textiles. Physiological effects. Measurement of thermal and water-vapour resistance under steady-state conditions (sweating guardedhotplate test). Amendment 1 (ISO 11092:1993/ Amd 1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 105-A11:en, 2013-02-11 Tekstiilit. Värinkestot. Osa A11: Värinkestojen digitaalinen mittaaminen Textiles. Tests for colour fastness. Part A11: Determination of colour fastness grades by digital imaging techniques (ISO 105-A11:2012) 59.080.30 Tekstiilikankaat SFS-EN 31092/A1:en, 2013-02-11 Textiles. Physiological effects. Measurement of thermal and water-vapour resistance under steady-state conditions (sweating guardedhotplate test). Amendment 1 (ISO 11092:1993/ Amd 1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 4920:en, 2013-01-21 Textile fabrics. Determination of resistance to surface wetting (spray test) (ISO 4920:2012) 17

SFS-EN 24920:1992 59.080.50 Köydet SFS-EN ISO 1140:en, 2013-01-21 Fibre ropes. Polyamide. 3-, 4-, 8- and 12-strand ropes (ISO 1140:2012) SFS-EN ISO 1140:en:2005 SFS-EN ISO 1141:en, 2013-01-21 Fibre ropes. Polyester. 3-, 4-, 8- and 12-strand ropes (ISO 1141:2012) SFS-EN ISO 1141:en:2005 SFS-EN ISO 1346:en, 2013-01-21 Fibre ropes. Polypropylene split film, monofilament and multifilament (PP2) and polypropylene high-tenacity multifilament (PP3). 3-, 4-, 8- and 12-strand ropes (ISO 1346:2012) SFS-EN ISO 1346:en:2005 59.080.60 Lattianpäällysteet SFS-EN 15772:en, 2013-01-21 Textile floor coverings. Minimum requirements for needled floor coverings for single usage in events of limited duration 59.140 Nahkateollisuus SFS-EN 13336:en, 2013-03-04 Leather. Upholstery leather characteristics. Guide for selection of leather for furniture SFS-EN 13336:en:2005 SFS-EN ISO 17131:en, 2013-01-21 Leather. Identification of leather with microscopy (ISO 17131:2012) SFS-EN ISO 20433:en, 2013-03-04 Nahka. Värinkestotestit. Värin hankauksenkesto Leather. Tests for colour fastness. Colour fastness to crocking (ISO 20433:2012) 61.060 Jalkineet SFS-EN 14602:en, 2013-01-21 Footwear. Test methods for the assessment of ecological criteria SFS-EN 14602:en:2005 65.060.50 Korjuukoneet SFS-EN ISO 4254-12:en, 2013-01-21 Maatalouskoneet. Turvallisuus. Osa 12: Pyörö- ja kelaniittokoneet Agricultural machinery. Safety. Part 12: Rotary disc and drum mowers and flail mowers (ISO 4254-12:2012) SFS-EN 745 + A1:en:2010 SFS-EN 745 + A1:2010 65.080 Lannoitteet SFS-EN 13368-2:en, 2013-02-11 Lannoitteet - Kelaatinmuodostajien kromatografinen määritys lannoitteista - Kelaatinmuodostajien o,o-eddha, o,o-eddhma ja HBED kelatoiman raudan määritys ioniparikromatografisesti Fertilizers. Determination of chelating agents in fertilizers by chromatography. Part 2: Determination of Fe chelated by o,o-eddha, o,o-eddh- MA and HBED by ion pair chromatography SFS-EN 13368-2:en:2007 65.120 Eläinten rehut SFS-EN 16277:en, 2013-02-11 Rehut. Elohopean määritys mikroaaltohajotuksen (uutto 65 % typpihappolla ja 30 % vetyperoksidilla) jälkeen kylmähöyryatomiabsorptiospektrometrimenetelmällä (CVAAS) Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of mercury by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) after microwave pressure digestion (extraction with 65 % nitric acid and 30 % hydrogen peroxide) SFS-EN 16278:en, 2013-02-11 Rehut. Epäorgaanisen arseenin määritys mikroaaltohajotuksen ja kiinteäfaasiuuton jälkeen atomiabsorptiospektrometri-vetymenetelmällä (HGAAS) Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of inorganic arsenic by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) after microwave extraction and separation by solid phase extraction (SPE) SFS-EN 16279:en, 2013-02-11 Rehut. Fluoridipitoisuuden määritys suolahappokäsittelyn jälkeen ionisensitiivistä elektrodimenetelmää (ISE) käyttäen Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of fluoride content after hydrochloric acid treatment by ion-sensitive electrode method (ISE) 67.060 Viljat, palkokasvit ja niiden jalosteet SFS-EN ISO 11747:en, 2013-02-11 Rice. Determination of rice kernel resistance to extrusion after cooking (ISO 11747:2012) 67.260 Elintarviketeollisuuden laitteistot ja laitteet SFS-EN 13289 + A1:en, 2013-03-04 Pastanvalmistuskoneet. Kuivurit ja jäähdyttimet. Turvallisuus- ja hygieniavaatimukset Pasta processing plants. Dryers and coolers. Safety and hygiene requirements SFS-EN 13289:en:2001 SFS-EN 13378 + A1:en, 2013-03-04 Pastanvalmistuslinjat. Puristimet. Turvallisuusja hygieniavaatimukset Pasta processing plants. Pasta presses. Safety and hygiene requirements SFS-EN 13378:en:2001 SFS-EN 13379 + A1:en, 2013-03-04 Pastanvalmistuslinjat. Levittimet, suikalointi- ja katkaisukoneet, aihioiden kuljettimet, aihiomakasiinit. Turvallisuus- ja hygieniavaatimukset Pasta processing plants. Spreader, stripping and cutting machine, stick return conveyor, stick magazine. Safety and hygiene requirements SFS-EN 13379:en:2001 71.020 Kemiantekniikan tuotanto SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:en, 2013-01-21 Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry. Part 2: Graphical symbols (ISO 10628-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10628:2001 SFS-EN ISO 10628:en:2001 71.040 Analyyttinen kemia SFS-EN 16280:en, 2013-02-11 Kuluttajille tarkoitetut alkometrit. Vaatimukset ja testimenetelmät Breath alcohol test devices for general public. Requirements and test methods SFS-EN 61010-2-091, 2013-01-21 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -- Part 2-091: Particular requirements for cabinet X-ray systems SFS-EN ISO 16014-5:en, 2013-01-21 Plastics. Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography. Part 5: Method using light-scattering detection (ISO 16014-5:2012) SFS-EN ISO 6556:en, 2013-02-11 Laboratoriolasit. Suodatinlasit Laboratory glassware. Filter flasks (ISO 6556:2012) 71.100.30 Räjähteet. Pyrotekniikka ja ilotulitteet SFS-EN 16256-1:en, 2013-03-04 Pyrotekniset tuotteet. Teattereissa käytettävät pyrotekniset tuotteet. Osa 1: Termistö Pyrotechnic articles. Theatrical pyrotechnic articles. Part 1: Terminology SFS-EN 16256-2:en, 2013-03-04 Pyrotekniset tuotteet. Teattereissa käytettävät pyrotekniset tuotteet. Osa 2: Pyroteknisten tuotteiden luokat Pyrotechnic articles. Theatrical pyrotechnic articles. Part 2: Categories of theatrical pyrotechnic articles SFS-EN 16261-1:en, 2013-02-11 Pyrotekniset tuotteet. Ilotulitteet, Luokka 4. Osa 1: Termistö Pyrotechnic articles. Fireworks, category 4. Part 1: Terminology SFS-EN 16261-4:en, 2013-02-11 Pyrotekniset tuotteet. Ilotulitteet, Luokka 4. Osa 4: Vähimmäismerkintävaatimukset Pyrotechnic articles. Fireworks, Category 4. Part 4: Minimum labelling requirements and instructions for use 18

71.100.35 Teollisuuden ja kotitalouksien desinfektioaineet SFS-EN 14204:en, 2013-02-11 Kemialliset desinfektioaineet ja antiseptiset aineet. Kvantitatiivinen pintatesti eläinlääketieteessä käytettävien kemiallisten desinfektioaineiden ja antiseptisten aineiden mykobakteereja tappavan vaikutuksen määrittämiseen. Testimenetelmä ja vaatimukset (vaihe 2.1) Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of mycobactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1) SFS-EN 14204:en:2005 SFS-EN 14349:en, 2013-02-11 Kemialliset desinfektioaineet ja antiseptiset aineet. Kvantitatiivinen pintatesti eläinlääketieteessä käytettävien kemiallisten desinfektioaineiden ja antiseptisten aineiden bakteereja tappavan vaikutuksen määrittämiseen ei-huokoisilla pinnoilla ilman mekaanista vaikutusta. Testimenetelmä ja vaatimukset (vaihe 2.2) Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Quantitative surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2) SFS-EN 14349:en:2008 71.100.60 Eteeriset öljyt SFS-EN 16274:en, 2013-02-11 Allergeenien analysointimenetelmät. Allergeenipitoisuuksien määritys kulutustuotteista. Vaihe 1: Kaasukromatografinen analyysi (GC-analyysi) Methods for analysis of allergens. Quantification of suspected fragrance allergens in consumer products. Step 1: GC analysis of ready-toinject sample 71.100.70 Kosmetiikka. Hygieniatarvikkeet SFS-EN ISO 24443:en, 2013-01-21 Determination of sunscreen UVA photoprotection in vitro (ISO 24443:2012) 71.100.80 Vedenpuhdistuskemikaalit SFS-EN 12120:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium hydrogen sulfite SFS-EN 12120:en:2006 SFS-EN 12121:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium disulfite SFS-EN 12121:en:2006 SFS-EN 12123:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Ammonium sulfate SFS-EN 12123:en:2006 SFS-EN 12124:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium sulfite SFS-EN 12124:en:2006 SFS-EN 12125:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium thiosulfate SFS-EN 12125:en:2006 SFS-EN 12126:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Liquefied ammonia SFS-EN 12126:en:2006 SFS-EN 12909:en, 2013-01-21 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Anthracite SFS-EN 12909:en:2006 SFS-EN 12910:en, 2013-01-21 Talousveden käsittelyyn tarkoitetut tuotteet. Granaatti Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Garnet SFS-EN 12910:en:2006 SFS-EN 12912:en, 2013-01-21 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Barite SFS-EN 12912:en:2006 SFS-EN 12913:en, 2013-01-21 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Powdered diatomaceous earth SFS-EN 12913:en:2006 SFS-EN 1421:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Ammonium chloride SFS-EN 1421:en:2006 SFS-EN 15028:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium chlorate SFS-EN 15028:en:2006 SFS-EN 15029:en, 2013-01-21 Talousveden käsittelyyn tarkoitetut tuotteet. Rauta(III)oksidihydroksidi Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Iron (III) hydroxide oxide SFS-EN 15029:en:2006 SFS-EN 15030:en, 2013-01-21 Talousveden käsittelyyn tarkoitetut kemikaalit. Jaksottaiseen käyttöön tarkoitetut hopeasuolat Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Silver salts for intermittent use SFS-EN 15030/AC:en:2009 SFS-EN 15030:en:2006 SFS-EN 15482:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium permanganate SFS-EN 15482:en:2008 SFS-EN 896:en, 2013-01-21 Talousveden käsittelyyn tarkoitetut kemikaalit. Natriumhydroksidi (lipeä) Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium hydroxide SFS-EN 896:en:2006 SFS-EN 897:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium carbonate SFS-EN 897:en:2006 SFS-EN 898:en, 2013-01-21 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium hydrogen carbonate SFS-EN 898:en:2006 75.020 Öljyn ja maakaasun jalostaminen SFS-EN ISO 10628-2:en, 2013-01-21 Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry. Part 2: Graphical symbols (ISO 10628-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 10628:2001 SFS-EN ISO 10628:en:2001 77.040.10 Metallien rikkova aineenkoetus SFS-EN ISO 9513:en, 2013-01-21 Yksiakselisesti kuormittavassa metallien testauksessa käytettävien venymämittareiden kalibrointi Metallic materials. Calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing (ISO 9513:2012) SFS-EN ISO 9513:en:2002 77.060 Metallien korroosio SFS-EN ISO 13174:en, 2013-02-11 Satamarakenteiden katodinen suojaus Cathodic protection of harbour installations (ISO 13174:2012) SFS-EN 13174:en:2001 SFS-EN ISO 7539-1:en, 2013-02-11 Metallien ja metalliseosten korroosio. Jännityskorroosiotestaus. Osa 1: Testausmenetelmien yleisohjeet Corrosion of metals and alloys. Stress corrosion testing. Part 1: General guidance on testing procedures (ISO 7539-1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 7539-1:1996 19

77.120.30 Kupari ja kupariseokset SFS-EN 15616:en, 2013-01-21 Copper and copper alloys. Determination of cadmium content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS) CEN/TS 15616:en:2009 SFS-EN 16117-2:en, 2013-01-21 Kupari ja kupariseokset. Kuparipitoisuuden määrittäminen. Osa 2: Yli 99,80 % kuparipitoisuuksien elektrolyyttinen määrittäminen Copper and copper alloys. Determination of copper content. Part 2: Electrolytic determination of copper in materials with copper content higher than 99,80 % 77.140 Rauta- ja terästuotteet SFS-EN 10223-7:en, 2013-01-21 Teräslanka ja -lankatuotteet aitaustarkoituksiin. Osa 7: Hitsatut teräslankapanelit Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting. Part 7: Steel wire welded panels for fencing SFS-EN 10223-7:en:2002 77.140.65 Teräslanka, -köysi ja -ketju SFS-EN 10223-1:en, 2013-01-21 Teräslanka ja -lankatuotteet aitaustarkoituksiin. Osa 1: Sinkki- ja sinkkiseospinnoitetut teräspiikkilangat Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting. Part 1: Zinc and zinc-alloy coated steel barbed wire SFS-EN 10223-1:en:1998 SFS-EN 10223-2:en, 2013-01-21 Teräslanka ja -lankatuotteet aitaustarkoituksiin. Osa 2: Kuusikulmioverkot maatalous-, eristys- ja aitaustarkoituksiin Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting. Part 2: Hexagonal steel wire netting for agricultural, insulation and fencing purposes SFS-EN 10223-2/A1:en:2004 SFS-EN 10223-2:en:1998 SFS-EN 10223-4:en, 2013-01-21 Teräslanka ja -lankatuotteet aitaustarkoituksiin. Osa 4: Hitsatut teräslankaverkot Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting. Part 4: Steel wire welded mesh fencing SFS-EN 10223-4:en:1998 SFS-EN 10223-5:en, 2013-01-21 Teräslanka ja -lankatuotteet aitaustarkoituksiin. Osa 5: Punotut teräslankaverkot Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting. Part 5: Steel wire woven hinged joint and knotted mesh fencing SFS-EN 10223-5:en:1998 SFS-EN 10223-6:en, 2013-01-21 Teräslanka ja lankatuotteet aitaustarkoituksiin. Osa 6: Teräslankaverkkoaidat Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting. Part 6: Steel wire chain link fencing SFS-EN 10223-6:en:1998 SFS-EN 10223-7:en, 2013-01-21 Teräslanka ja -lankatuotteet aitaustarkoituksiin. Osa 7: Hitsatut teräslankapanelit Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting. Part 7: Steel wire welded panels for fencing SFS-EN 10223-7:en:2002 77.150.30 Kuparituotteet SFS-EN 12450:en, 2013-01-21 Kupari ja kupariseokset. Saumattomat pyöreät kapillaarikupariputket Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper capillary tubes SFS-EN 12450:1999 SFS-EN 1977:en, 2013-02-11 Kupari ja kupariseokset. Vetoaihiot (valssilanka) Copper and copper alloys. Copper drawing stock (wire rod) SFS-EN 1977:en:1998 77.160 Pulverimetallurgia SFS-EN ISO 13944:en, 2013-01-21 Lubricated metal-powder mixes. Determination of lubricant content. Soxhlet extraction method (ISO 13944:2012) SFS-EN ISO 13944:en:2006 SFS-EN ISO 7625:en, 2013-01-21 Sintratut metalliset materiaalit, poislukien kovametallit. Näytekappaleiden valmistus kemiallista analyysia varten hiilipitoisuuden määrittämiseksi Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals. Preparation of samples for chemical analysis for determination of carbon content (ISO 7625:2012) SFS-EN ISO 7625:en:2010 79.040 Puutavara, sahatukit ja sahatavara SFS-EN 14081-2 + A1:en, 2013-01-21 Puurakenteet. Lujuuslajiteltu rakenteellinen sahatavara suorakaide poikkileikkauksella. Osa 2: Koneellinen lajittelu; alkutyyppitestauksen lisävaatimukset Timber structures. Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section. Part 2: Machine grading; additional requirements for initial type testing SFS-EN 14081-2:en:2010 79.120 Puuntyöstökoneet ja puutyökalut SFS-EN 1870-8:en, 2013-01-21 Puuntyöstökoneiden turvallisuus. Pyörösahat. Osa 8: Moottorikäyttöisellä sahausyksiköllä varustetut yksiteräiset särmäävät halkaisusahat, joissa työkappale syötetään tai poistetaan käsin Safety of woodworking machines. Circular sawing machines. Part 8: Single blade edging circular rip sawing machines with power driven saw unit and manual loading and/or unloading SFS-EN 1870-8 + A1:en:2009 83.040 Kumin ja muovin raaka-aineet SFS-EN 13900-6:en, 2013-03-04 Pigments and extenders. Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersability in plastics. Part 6: Determination by film test 83.080.01 Muovit ja niiden testausmenetelmät SFS-EN ISO 11403-2:en, 2013-03-04 Plastics. Acquisition and presentation of comparable multipoint data. Part 2: Thermal and processing properties (ISO 11403-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11403-2:en:2004 SFS-EN ISO 16014-5:en, 2013-01-21 Plastics. Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography. Part 5: Method using light-scattering detection (ISO 16014-5:2012) SFS-EN ISO 1628-1/A1:en, 2013-02-11 Plastics. Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers. Part 1: General principles. Amendment 1 (ISO 1628-1:2009/Amd 1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 17556:en, 2013-02-11 Plastics. Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in soil by measuring the oxygen demand in a respirometer or the amount of carbon dioxide evolved (ISO 17556:2012) SFS-EN ISO 17556:en:2005 83.080.10 Kertamuovit SFS-EN ISO 3673-2:en, 2013-02-11 Plastics. Epoxy resins. Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties of crosslinked epoxy resins (ISO 3673-2:2012) SFS-EN ISO 3673-2:en:2000 83.140.10 Kalvot ja levyt SFS-EN ISO 11833-1:en, 2013-01-21 Plastics. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) sheets. Types, dimensions and characteristics. Part 1: Sheets of thickness not less than 1 mm (ISO 11833-1:2012) SFS-EN ISO 11833-1:en:2008 85.040 Massa SFS-EN ISO 5270:en, 2013-01-21 Pulps. Laboratory sheets. Determination of physical properties (ISO 5270:2012) SFS-EN ISO 5270:en:1999 85.060 Paperi ja kartonki SFS-EN ISO 1974:en, 2013-01-21 Paper. Determination of tearing resistance. Elmendorf method (ISO 1974:2012) SFS-EN 21974:en:1994 SFS-EN ISO 536:en, 2013-01-21 Paper and board. Determination of grammage (ISO 536:2012) SFS-EN ISO 536:en:1996 20