Aarre, Olavi, (OLLI), Ensio KANGAS

Samankaltaiset tiedostot
Kela / Research PoBox 450 FI Helsinki; Suomi/Finland

Matti Sarvimäki. July /2009 Senior Researcher Government Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki

Benchmarking Controlled Trial - a novel concept covering all observational effectiveness studies

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Rakentamisen näkymät EU-alueella ja Suomessa

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Dir. emer. Klaus Thoma, Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut


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Paradoxes of educational improvement: The Finnish experience


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Case työpaja: Botnia. TM21 Sidosryhmät ja moraalinen vastuu Pia Lotila

Pricing policy: The Finnish experience

Johanna Marketta Kallio: Publications


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Skene. Games Refueled. Muokkaa perustyyl. for Health, Kuopio

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Overview on Finnish Rural network and its objectives. Rural Network Unit, Finland

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Structure of Service Production in Central Finland

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Copernicus, Sentinels, Finland. Erja Ämmälahti Tekes,

Master of Arts (filosofian kandidaatti), University of Turku (Finland), Degree Programme in Human Geography,

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Tuloksia ja kokemuksia / results and experiences

On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

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muutos *) %-yks. % 2016

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Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2017 Jenni Laine

Tackling Inequalities in Time of Austerity (TITA)

Erasmus-liikkuvuuden tilastoja Anni Kallio

muutos *) %-yks. % 2017*)

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Teuvo Peltoniemi: Journalistic activities

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*) %-yks. % 2018*)

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Uusi johtava lääkäri palkattu Oy KristinaMedi Ab:n sairaalan johtoon

On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

Perustietoa hankkeesta / Basic facts about the project. Koulutuksen järjestäjät oppilaitoksineen. Oppilaitokset Suomessa: Partners in Finland:

895 M ,26%*

J. C. & Jäntti, M. (toim.). Stanford, CA: STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, s Sivumäärä

Photo: Paavo Keränen. KAINUU in statistics 2009

Suomalainen koulutusosaaminen vientituotteena

Toimiiko Pohjoismaiden malli tulevaisuudessakin? Seppo Honkapohja, Suomen Pankki

2009 Doctor of Technology (Ph.D) defended at 13 th November


Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Aarre, Olavi, (OLLI), Ensio KANGAS Kela / Research PoBox 450 FI-001001 Helsinki; Suomi/Finland +358 400 261158 +358 400 261158 olli.kangas@kela.fi http://www.kela.fi/tutkimus;jsessionid=bb79338f3a54e84beb5ed03d4 44DB321 Sex Male Date of birth 12/10/1953 Nationality Finnish WORK EXPERIENCE University administration H.C. Andersen Honorary Professor at the University of Southern Denmark 1.11.2010 30.4.2012 (on leave from Kela) Research Director, Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) 1.1. 2008- Research Professor at the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) 1.8. 2007- Research professor at the Danish National Institute for Social Research 1.8. 2004-31.7. 007 Professor, Åbo Akademi University Faculty of Humanities 1.10.2003-31.10.2003. Chair of the Department of Social Policy, University of Turku 1996-1999; 2001-2003 Professor in Social Policy, University of Turku 1.1. 1996-1.8.2004. Associated professor in Social Policy, University of Turku 1.9.1994-31.12.1995. Senior research fellow, The Academy of Finland 1.9.1993-31.8.1994 Junior research fellow, The Academy of Finland 1.9.1987-31.8. 1993 Researcher, Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki 1.1.1986-31.8.1987 Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki 1.9.1985-31.12.1995 Research Associate, Swedish Institute for Social Research, University of Stockholm 1.8.1983-31.8.1985 Chair of the Department of Social Policy 1996-1999; 2001-2003 Member of the faculty council 2001-2003 EDUCATION PhD (Sociology), University of Helsinki, Finland 1991. Licentiate of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki 1988. Master of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki 1983 - major: Sociology and Social Policy (grade: excellent) - intermediate: cultural anthropology (excellent) - minors: statistics (excellent) contemporary history (excellent), philosophy (good). Special courses on Luxembourg Income Study (1995 University of Turku, 2006 Institute for Social Research, Copenhagen); Various courses in statistics, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, Finland 1996-2011. ESSEX summer school in quantitative methods: structural equation and time-series analysis. University of Essex, U.K.1994. European Union, 2002-2013 http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1 / 14

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Finnish Other languages UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Swedish C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Norwegian C2 C2 C2 C2 B2 Danish C2 C2 C2 C2 B2 German B2 B2 B2 B2 A1 Russian A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Computer skills Microsoft Office tools, statistical programs: Stata, SPSS. RESEARCH RELATED VISITS (selection) H.C. Andersen Professor, University of Southern Denmark 1.11. 2011 30.4. 2012 Visiting scholar, Department of sociology, University of Umeå, January 2007. Visiting professor, ELTE University, Budapest, December 2003. Visiting professor, Renmin University of China, Peijing, 26.12. 2001-15.1.2002. Visiting professor, University of Bremen, 1.4. 31.7. 2000. Visiting Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 1.12. 1999 30.3. 2000 Visiting professor, Swedish Institute for Social Research, University of Stockholm 1.1.-31.8. 1987; 1.1.-30.5. 2004. Visiting research fellow Swedish Institute for Social Research, University of Stock holm 1.11.- 31.12.1996; 10.9.-25.9. 1993; 15.1.-25.1. 1993; 1.9. 1990-1.8. 1992; 1.10.-30.10 1988. UNIVERSITY AFFILIATIONS Adjunct professorships (Title of Docent) Social Policy, University of Turku 1992. Sociology, University of Stockholm 1993. Sociology, University of Tampere 1994. Department Political Science, University of Southern Denmark 2009. Social Policy, University of Helsinki 2010. RESEARCH INTERESTS Social security, income transfer systems: pensions, sickness insurance, income distribution, poverty, political economy of the welfare state, comparative analysis, future challenges of welfare states, global social policy. HONOURS AND AWARDS Kone Foundation s Award of the best article published in Finnish social sciences 2010-2012, (2013) Award of the Central Organization of Social Security (2011). Honorary Professor, Centre for Welfare State Studies, University of Southern Denmark (2009). Teacher of the Year Award, University of Turku (1998). Research and developmental prize awarded by the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, STAKES (1994). Award for the best Master Thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki (1983).

MEMBERSHIPS AND EXPERT TASKS (selction) Memberships in editorial boards Referee tasks for journal articles Member of the FORTE Research council s (Sweden) expert group evaluating Marie Curie COFAS applications 2013. Member of an expert group reforming Finnish pension policy 2013. Member of a scientific expert group evaluating Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO) Applications. Finnish country representative in the EU Social Protection Committee s ad hoc working group on effective social policy 2013-2014. Vice Chair, Technical Commission of Research, International Social Security Association 2012- Consultant for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, West-Asian-North-African (WANA) countries 2009-2010. Member of a scientific committee of Swedish Science Council (Vetenskapsrådet) 2007-2009. Invited member of the Finnish Academic Society for Letters and Sciences (Suomen Tiedeakatemia) 2008-. Member of a scientific committee of the Swedish Research Council for Work and Society (Forsknigsrådet för arbete och samhälle, FAS) 2006-2010. Member of the administrative committee of the RECWOVE EU centre of excellence 2006-2007. Member of the Danish National Social Science Council 2005-2007. Vice-director of the Labour-Net graduate school 2005-2008. Member of the expert group of the Norwegian Welfare Research Program 2005-. Danish Member in the scientific board of the European Social Survey (ESS) 2005-2007 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Swedish International Developmental Aid (SIDA) 2003-2009;. Member of the scientific committee of the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond) 2003-2006. Member of the European Social Policy Network (ESPANET) advisory board 2002-2006. Project leader in UNRISD project Social Policy in Developmental Perspective 2002-2005. Finnish Member of the scientific board of the European Social Survey (ESS) 2002-2004. Member of a scientific expert group evaluating the state of Swedish Sociology 2002-2003. UN expert evaluating social policy in Estonia, 1998. Member of the scientific board of the European Social Survey (ESS) 2002-2004 Member of the scientific council of the Finnish Social Insurance Institution (KELA) 2001-2004 External Examiner, Master of European Social Policy Analysis: the University of Bath, University Maynooth, University of Roskilde and university of Leuwen 1999-2002. External Examiner, Master of International Policy Analysis, the University of Bath 2000-2003. Member of the Management Committee in EU COST A-15, 1999-2004. Member of the Management Committee in EU COST A-13, 1998-2003. EU TACIS expert in Ukraine 1996-97. Member of the Governmental expert group on Finland's future 1996-97. Chair of the Editorial board of Social Insurance Institution (Kela) 2008-2012. Social Politics (2007-2012). Janus, Finnish Social Policy Association (1991-1994). Sosiologia; Finnish Sociological Association (2001-2002). European Sociological Review (2000-2007). European Journal of Social Policy (2001-2008). Acta Sociologica, European Societies, Journal of European Social Policy, International Journal of Social Welfare, Social Politics, Janus, Politiikka, Sosiologia, Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. European Union, 2002-2013 http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 3 / 14

RESEARCH FUNDING AND PROJECT LEADERSHIP (selection) 2009-2012 Academy of Finland: Basic security in Finland (400 000 ) 2009-2012. 2009-2010 Ministry of Education: Child welfare (30 000 with Ulla Hämäläinen). 2006-2009 Danish Research Council: Institutions of Care (2 mio DKR) (with Tine Rostgaard). 2005-2008 Danish Research Council: Social policy and income mobility (1,2 Mio DKR). 2004-2006 Academy of Finland: Social capital and social policy (150 000 ). 2003-2004 EU: Cross-border commuting and employment (50 000 ). 2002-2004 UNRISD: Social policy in developmental perspective, (50 000 USD). 2000-2004 EU: Reforming social policy and managing social change (160 000 ). 2002-2004 Academy of Finland: Chinese social policy in comparative light (1,8 Mill. FIM). 2000-2003 Academy of Finland: Comparison of Finnish and Swedish policies in the 1990s (2 Mill. FIM). 1998-2001 Council of the Nordic Ministers: Citizenship and labor market marginalization (120 000 DKR). 1998-2001 Academy of Finland: The Welfare State resource or constraint (2 Mill FIM) 1998-2000 Academy of Finland: Social Policy Work and Incentives 1 Mill. FIM.1997-1998 Ministry of Social Affairs: The European Integration and Social Policy (0,8 Mill. FIM). 1996-98 Academy of Finland (150 000 FIM) International Survey of Social Attitudes survey 1998 Suomen kuntaliitto (50 000 FIM) Social assistance in Germany and Denmark 1997 Suomen kuntaliitto (50 000 FIM) Social assistance in England, Finland and Holland 1996-1997 Työsuojelurahasto, Welfare state models and labor force participation (0.8 Mill. FIM). 1996 KELA, Kela Barometer (150 000 FIM). 1995 KELA, Kela Barometer (150 000 FIM). 1995 Ministry of Social Affairs, Welfare state models and their legitimacy (130 000 FIM). 1994 Stakes, Poverty and marginalization (40 000 FIM, with Veli-Matti Ritakallio). 1994 City of Turku, Turku Welfare Barometer (90 000 FIM with Veli-Matti Ritakallio). 1994 KELA, KELA Barometer (150 000 FIM). ACADEMIC EVALUATIONS PhD theses Faculty opponent at Arto Selkälä s PhD defence, May 2013, University of Lapland. Faculty opponent at Lis Holm Perdersen s PhD thesis, Department of Political Science, University of Southern Denmark. 20.2. 2011. Faculty opponent at Noora Järnefelt s PhD thesis, Social policy / University of Jyväskylä.4.6. 2010. Faculty opponent at Antonios Roumpakis PhD theis, Department of Social and Policy Sciences / University of Bath. Faculty opponent at Minna van Gerven s PhD thesis (Social policy), University of Tilburg, 17 October 2008. Faculty opponent at Paula Määttä s PhD thesis (Social policy), University of Tampere 8. March 2008. Faculty opponent at Amilcar Moreira s PhD (Social Policy) University of Bath, 4. April 2006. Faculty opponent at Ann Morrisen s PhD (Political Science) Roskilde University Centre, 7. March 2006. Faculty opponent at Dietmar Rauch PhD thesis (Sociology) Umeå University, 11. November 2005. Faculty opponent at Christian Albrech Larsen s PhD thesis (Political Science) Aalborg University, 25. May 2005. Faculty opponent at Mikael Nygård s PhD thesis (Political Science) Åbo Academy University, 28 February 2003. Faculty opponent at Bent Greve s Doctor (Habilitatsione) thesis (Political Science) University Center of Roskilde, Denmark, June the 22nd 2002. Faculty opponent at Jon Gelissen s PhD thesis (Sociology) University of Tilburg, the Netherlands, June the 1st 2001. Faculty opponent at Sang-Hoon Ahn s PhD thesis (Sociology) Uppsala University, Sweden, June the 6, 2000 Faculty opponent at Arja Tyrkkö s PhD thesis (Sociology) Uppsala University 17.11. 1999. Faculty opponent at Jon Kvist s PhD thesis (Sociology) Odense University, Denmark Faculty opponent at Jouni Nurmi s PhD (Sociology) University of Turku 17.1. 1998. Faculty opponent at Helga Hytti s PhD (Sociology) University of Helsinki 19.11. 1993. Faculty opponent at Diana Shaw's PhD thesis (Sociology) University of New South Wales, Australia, 15.1. 1993.

Evaluator at professor nominations Research professorship at National Institute for Welfare and Health, Finland, 2013. Professorship in Sociology, Copenhagen University, Denmark, 2006. Professorship in comparative social policy, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2005. Professorship in sociology, Danish National Institute for Social Research Denmark, 2005. Professorship in comparative political science, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 2005 Professorship in social insurance, Council for Working Life and Society, Sweden, 2005. Research professorship at Social Research Institute / University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002. Professorship in Sociology, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2001. Professorship in Sociology, Roskilde University Centre, Denmark, 2000. Professorship in social policy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2000. Professorship in sociology, Roskilde University Centre, Denmark, 1999. TEACHING AND SUPERVISION PhD Theses supervised Since 1994 lectures and seminars on theories of social policy and research methods (cl-and laudatur level), master thesis seminars, and PhD courses at the University of Turku. PhD courses held also at the University of Stockholm (1997, 1999, 2006 (European Social Policy Network PhD course); University of Oslo 1996; University of Aalborg 1999, 2000, 2006; University of Trondheim 1988; University of Bath 1998; University of Helsinki 1993, 1997; University of Bremen 2000, University of Copenhagen 2002, University of Budapest 2003, University of Aalborg 2005, Vice-director of the Labour-Net graduate school 2005-2008; Lectures in TOPSOS-special training programme (2005-). Annually 30-50 lectures / speeches given to non-academic audiences in Finland and elsewhere. Annually participation in 2-4 international research seminars (seminars not mentioned in this CV): International Sociological Association RC-19; ESPAnet; Europeanists, International Social Security Association. Janne Autto (PhD), 2012: Perhepolitiikka Suomessa (Family Policy In Finland), University of Lapland. Christian Brzinzky-Fay (PhD), 2011: From education into working life. University of Tampere (second suprevisor). Minna Ylikännö 2011: Ajankäytön muutokset Suomessa. University of Turku. Yrjö Mattila 2011: Suuret linjat vain pienet muutokset. University of Turku. Pertti Honkanen 2007:Työttömyys ja arvoteoria: tutkielma työttömyydestä, talousteorioista ja sosiaalipolitiikasta (Unemployment and value theory) University of Turku. Mia Hakovirta 2006: Yksinhuoltajaäitien työllisyys, toimeentulo ja työmarkkinavalinnat (Employment choices of solo mothers). University of Turku. Guifen Luo 2005:The Forgotten Dimension: A case study of Chinese Female Rural-Urban Migrants and the Social Security System in the Context of Modernization. University of Turku. Laura Saurama 2004: Experience of early exit: A comparative study of the reasons for and consequences of early retirement in Finland and Denmark in 1999-2000. University of Turku. Susan Kuivalainen 2004: The bottom level: an international comparison of the level of social assistance in eight countries. University of Turku. Antti Parpo 2004: Tehokkuutta tulonsiirtoihin (More effectivity in income transfers). University of Turku Mare Ainsaar 2004: Reasons to move: internal migration in Estonia. University of Turku. Robert Hagfors 2004: Essays on the structure of financing of social protection. University of Turku. Esko Ovaska 2003: Sosiaalinen pääoma ja pienten kuntien sosiaalipalvelut (Social capital and social services in small municipalities). University of Turku. Annika Forsander 2002: Luottamuksen ehdot. Maahanmuuttajien työmarkkina-asema. (The conditions of trust: the labor market position of immigrants). University of Turku. Heikki Hiilamo (PhD), 2002: The rise and fall of Nordic family policy: Family policies in Finland and Sweden in the 1990s. University of Turku. European Union, 2002-2013 http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 5 / 14

MAIN PUBLICATIONS Monographs Ilse Julkunen 2002: Young and Unemployed. Unemployment among the young in six European nations. University of Helsinki. Pirkko Jääskeläinen 2000: Tiedolla ja taidolla kansalaisten tieto-yhteiskuntaan (Through knowledge and skills towards a citizen s information society). University of Turku. Pauli Forma 1999: Interests, institutions and the welfare state. University of Turku. Anita Haataja 1998: Tasaetu, tarveharkinta vai ansioperiaate. Sosiaalipolitiikkamallit, mikrosimulaatiot ja työttömien taloudellinen asema. (Means-tested, flat-rate or earnings-related benefits: social policy models, micro-simulations and the economic position of the unemployed.) University of Turku. Kathleen Valtonen 1997: Immigrants in different cultures: comparative studies on immigration in Canada and Finland. University of Turku. Juho Saari 1996: Sosiaalipolitiikka markkinariippuvuuden vähentäjänä (Social policy combatting market dependency). University of Turku. Kaarina Nurmi 1995: Miksi aikuinen opiskelee? (Why do adults study? Benefits and disadvantages of degree-level study in the total context of mature students lives) University of Turku. Hyvinvoinnin turvaamisen rajat: Näköaloja talouskriisin ja hyvinvointivaltion kehitykseen Suomessa. (with Heikki Hiilamo, Kristiina Manderbacka, Päivi Mattila-Wiro, Mikko Niemeä & Lauri Virrankoski). Helsinki: Kela 2010. Eduskunta ja sosiaaliturva (Parliament and the welfare state). Edita: Helsinki 2006. Suomalainen köyhyys 1990-luvun lopulla - väliaikaista vai pysyvää? (Finnish poverty in the 1990-s: temporary or permanent, 97 p.). (With Irmeli Penttilä, Leif Nordberg and Veli-Matti Ritakallio) Ministry of Social Affairs. Helsinki 2003 The Politics of Social Rights. Studies on the Dimensions of Sickness Insurance in OECD Countries. Stockholm 1991. Politik och ekonomi i pensionsförsäkringen. (Politics and economy in pension policy) Swedish Institute for Social Research, University of Stockholm 1988. Luokkaintressit ja hyvinvointivaltio. (Class interest and the Welfare State) Helsinki Business School, Publications d-84. Helsinki 1986. Edited monographs Takaisin perusteisiin: perusturva ja kulutus. (Back to basics: basic security and consumption) eds. with Mikko Niemelä and Anu Raijas. Helsinki: Kela (forthcoming 2013). Changing inequalities. The Nordic Countries and new Challenges. (eds. with Jon Kvist, Johan Fritzell, Björn Hvinden) Bristol, Policy Press 2012. Perhepiirissä. (eds. with Ulla Hämäläinen). Helsinki: Kela 2010. Ordens makt och maktens ord (Power of words and words of power). Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, Helsingfors (eds. with Helena Kangasharju). 2008. Social policy and economic development in the Nordic countries. (eds. With Joakim Palme) Palgrave/Macmillan, London 2006. Laman jäljet ja nousun huuma (Traces of recession and the fever of growth Finland in the late 1990s). Finnish social security institution 2003, sosiaali- ja terveysturvan tutkimuksia 72. Social policy in tandem with the labor market in the European Union. (editor with Rolf Myhrman) Ministry of Social Affairs, Helsinki 1999. Hyvinvointivaltiomallit niiden toiminta ja kannatusperusta (Welfare state models: consequences and legitimacy). (ed.) Ministry of Social Affairs, Helsinki 1996. Kuka on köyhä? (Who is Poor? Poverty in Finland) (eds.with Veli-Matti Ritakallio). Helsinki: Stakes 1996.

Articles in International peer-refereed journals When and why do ideas matter? Jnl of Eur Pol Research 2013. (with Mikko Niemelä and Sampo Varjonen) Poverty and Mortality Rates among Developed Countries. Journal of Environmental & Public Health 2013 (with Johan Fritzell, Jenny Bacchus-Hertzman, Jenni Blomgren & Heikki Hiilamo). Testing old theories in new surroundings: The timing of first social security laws in Africa (International Social Security Review, Vol. 65 (2012): 73-97. - Application de théories anciennes à un environnement nouveau: étude du délai de mise en œuvre des premières lois de sécurité sociale en Afrique. Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, Vol. 65 (2012): janvier-mars, pp. 79-106. - Alte Theorien in neuer Umgebung auf die Probe stellen: Der Zeitpunkt für erste Gesetze der sozialen Sicherheit in Afrika. Internationale Revue für Soziale Sicherheit, Vol. 65 (2912) Januar-Marz, pp. 81 107. - Poner a prueba antiguas teorías en nuevos entornos: el momento de la introducción de las primeras leyes sobre seguridad social en África. Revista Internacional de Seguridad Social, Vol. 65 (2012) enero-marzo, pp. 77 104. One hundred years of money, welfare and death: mortality, economic growth and the development of the welfare state in 17 OECD countries 1900-2000. International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol 19 (2010) July, 42-59. Three Roads to Pension Reform: Politics and institutions in Reforming Pensions in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. (with Urban Lundberg and Niels Ploug) Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 44 (2010): 3, 265-284. Freedom to choose or trap for women? (with Heikki Hiilamo) Journal of Social Policy, Vol 38 (2009): 3, 457-475. Making social policy work for economic development: the Nordic Experience. (with Joakim Palme) International Journal of Social Welfare, 2009, 18 (supplement 1) pp. 62-72. The role of welfare state principles and generosity in social policy programmes for public health: an international comparative study. (with Olle Lundberg, Monica Åberg Yngwe, Maria Kölegård Stjärne, Jon Ivar Elstad, Tommy Ferrarini, Thor Norström, Joakim Palme and Johan Fritzell). Lancet 2008; 372: 1633 40. Institutions or opinions: determinants of female labour force participation (with Tine Rostgaard). Journal of European social policy, Vol 17 (2007):3, pp. 240-256. Social policymaking and its institutional basis:, Transition of the Chinese social security system. (with Lin Ka) International Social Security Review, vol: 59 (2006): 2, 61-76, Blackwell, Oxford. - Gestaltung der Sozialpolitik und ihre institutionelle Grundlage:, Der Wandel des chinesischen Systems der soziale Sicherung. (mit Lin Ka) Internationale Revue fuer Soziale Sicherheit, vol: 59 (2006): 2, 77-97, Peter Lang, Genf. - L' elaboration de la politique sociale et sa base institutionelle:, transition du systeme chinoise de securite sociale. (with Lin Ka) Revue internationale de securite sociale, vol: 59 (2006): 2, 73-92, Peter Lang, Geneve. "Relative to what? Cross-national picture of European poverty measured by regional, national and European standards." (with Veli-Matti Ritakallio) European Societies, Vol. 9 (2007):2, pp. 119-145. Temporal welfare state: the Finnish case (with Robert E Goodin and Antti Parpo). Journal of Social Policy 2004. Institutional Development of Sickness Cash-benefit Programmes in 18 OECD Countries. Social Policy & Administration Vol. 38 (2004): 2, 190-203. When a change is big enough to be a system shift small system-shifting adjustments in pension policy in Finland and Germany with Karl Hinrichs (University of Bremen). Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 37 (2003):6, pp. 573-591. The Grasshopper and the Ants: public opinion on deservingness in Australia and Finland Journal of Socio-Economic, Vol. 31 (2003):6, pp. 721-743. European Union, 2002-2013 http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 7 / 14

Distributive justice and social policy: some reflections on Rawls and income distribution. Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 34 (2000) 5, pp. 2-20. "Self-interest and the common good: impact of norms, selfishness and context in social policy opinions." Journal of Socio-Economics Vol. 26, No. 5/1997, pp. 475-498. "From Marginalism to Institutionalism. The transformation of the Finnish pension regime." (with Markus Jantti and Veli-Matti Ritakallio). Journal of Income and Wealth Vol. 42 1996 (4), pp. 473-491. "Attitudes on means-tested social benefits in Finland." Acta Sociologica, 1995, 38:4, 299-310. "Class-Bases of Universal Social Policy" (with Heikki Ervasti) European Journal of Political Research 2/1995. "The merging of welfare state models" Journal of European Social Policy vol. 4. No 2. 1994. "The Politics of Universalism the Case of Finnish Sickness Insurance" Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 21 (1992): 1, 25-52. "The Bigger, the Better? On the Dimensions of Welfare State Development" in Acta Sociologica. Vol. 34: 1, 33-44. Chapters in International Books Finland Growing Inequality with contested consequences (with Jenni Blomgren, Heikki Hiilamo & Mikko Niemelä). In Wiemer Salverda (ed.) Growing Inequalities and Consequences. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming 2014). Attitudes in High Risk Groups (witj Helena Blomberg, Johanna Kallio, Cristian Kroll & Mikko Niemelä) In Svallfors Stefan (ed.) Contested Welfare States: Welfare Attitudes in Europe and Beyond. Stanford: Stanford U.P. 2012.58-80. The Nordic Welfare state utopia or dystopia (with Jon Kvist). In Bengt Greve (ed.) The Handbook of the Welfare State. Palgrave. 2013, 148-160. New challenges for the Nordic welfare states (with Jon Kvist, Johan Fritzell, Björn Hvinden) in Kvist Jon, Fritzell Johan, Hvinden Björn & Kangas Olli (eds.) Changing Social Equality: The Nordic welfare model in the 21th century. Bristol: Policy Press 2012., 1-22. Unemployment, labour market transitions and poverty (with Azhar Hussein and Jon Kvist) in Kvist Jon, Fritzell Johan, Hvinden Björn & Kangas Olli (eds.) Changing Social Equality: The Nordic welfare model in the 21th century. Bristol: Policy Press 2012, 119-142. Nordic Responses to rising inequalities: still pursuing a distinct path or joining the rest? in Kvist Jon, Fritzell Johan, Hvinden Björn & Kangas Olli (eds.) Changing Social Equality: The Nordic welfare model in the 21th century. Bristol: Policy Press 2012, 201-205. Work accident and sickness benefits in Castles Francis, Leibfried Stephan, Lewis Jane, Obinger Herbert and Chris Pierson (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Social Policy, Oxford: Oxford U.P.2010, 391-405. Finland: from the dominance of public pensions towards private voluntary schemes? (with Päivi Luna) in Ebbinghaus Bernhard (ed.) Varieties of Pension Governance: Pension Privatization in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010, 210-239. Economic and social consequences of divorce in Denmark (with Azhar Hussain) In Hans Juergen Andress & Dina Hummelsheim (eds.) Economic and Social Consequences of Partnership Dissolution. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2009, 98-128 The welfare systems in Finland in Klaus Schubert, Simon Hegelich and Ursula Bazant (eds.): The Handbook of European Welfare Systems. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 189-206 (with Juho Saari) - Krisenbewewältigung mit Langzeitfolgen? Der finnische Wohlfahrtsstaat. In Klaus Scubert, Simon Hegelich & Ursula Bazan (Hrsg.): Europäissche Wohlfahrtssysteme. Ein Handbuch. Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften: Heidelberg, 2008 pp. 239-262. (with Juho Saari). Pensions and Pension Funds in the Making of Nation-State and a National Economy: The Case of Finland. In Katja Hujo & Shea McClanahan (eds.): Financing Social Policy: Mobilizing Resources for Social Development. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 246-263. The welfare state, poverty and social exclusion. (with Torben Fridberg) in Heikki Ervasti, Torben Fridberg, Mikael Hjerm & Kristen Ringdal (eds.): Nordic attitudes in a European perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenhamn 2008, 22-47. Social capital (with Torben Fridberg) in Heikki Ervasti, Torben Fridberg, Mikael Hjerm & Kristen Ringdal (eds.): Nordic attitudes in a European perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenhamn 2008, 65-85.

The Nordic Model (with Heikki Ervasti, Torben Fridberg, Mikael Hjerm & Kristen Ringdal) in Heikki Ervasti, Torben Fridberg, Mikael Hjerm & Kristen Ringdal (eds.): Nordic attitudes in a European perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenhamn 2008, 1-21. Social rights, structural needs and social expenditure: a comparative study of 18 OECD countries 1960-2000. In Jochen Clasen & Nico Siegel (eds.): Investigating welfare state change: The dependent variable problem in comparative analysis. 2008. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, s. 106-129. (with Joakim Palme) Finland: Towards more proactive policy. (with Juho Saari) In Jon Kvist & Juho Saari (eds.) The Europanisation of social protection. Policy Press: Bristol, 2007, pp. 153-173. Finland: Labor markets against politics. In Ellen Immergut & al. (eds.): The handbook of west European pension politics. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2007, pp. 248-296. Welfare state retrenchment. In Georg Ritzes (ed.) The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology. Blackwell: London 2006. Social policy and economic development in the Nordic countries. (with Joakim Palme) in Olli Kangas & Joakim Palme (eds.): Social Policy and Economic Development in the Nordic Countries. Palgrave/Macmillan, Houndmills, 2005, pp. 1-16. Coming late - Catching up, The formation of a "Nordic model" (with Joakim Palme) in Olli Kangas & Joakim Palme (eds.): Social Policy and Economic Development in the Nordic Countries, Palgrave/Macmillan, Houndmills, 2005, pp. 17-59. Does the most brilliant future of the Nordic model have to be in the past? in Olli Kangas & Joakim Palme (eds.): Social Policy and Economic Development in the Nordic Countries. Palgrave/Macmillan, Houndmills, 2005, pp. 281-298. Universalism in the age of workfare: Atitudes to basic income in Finland and Sweden (with Jan Otto Andersson, in Nanna Kildal & Stein Kuhnle (eds.): Normative Foundations of the Welfare State. Oxon: Routledge 2005, 112-129. Economic growth, inequality and the position of the poor. In Vicente Navarro & Charles Muntaner (eds.) Political and economic determinants of population health and well-being. Baywood, New York. 2004, 51-64. Rising tides and rosty boats: economic position of the poor in 1985-1995 In Jochen Clasen (ed.): What future for social policy. Kluwer: Haag 2001, pp. 15-32. Social policy or structure: Income transfers, socio-demographic factors and poverty in the Nordic countries and in France. (with Veli-Matti Ritakallio) in Dennis Bouget & Bruno Palier (eds.): Comparing social welfare systems in Nordic Europe and France. Mire-Drees. Paris 2000, pp. 513-540. "Need, Citizenship or Merit: Public opinion on pension policy in Australia, Finland and Poland." (with Pauli Forma) in Stefan Svallfors & Peter Taylor-Gooby (eds.): "The End of the Welfare State? Responses to State Retrenchment". Routledge: London 1999, pp. 161-189. "Different methods - Different results: approaches to multidimensional poverty" (with Veli-Matti Ritakallio), in H-J Andress (ed.) Empirical Poverty Studies. Ashgate 1998, 167-203. "The Development of Occupational Pensions in Finland and Sweden: Class Politics and Institutional Feedbacks" (with Joakim Palme) in M. Shalev (ed.) The privatization of social policy? Macmillan, London 1996, pp. 211-240. "Macrosociological and Comparative Methodology. On Regressions, Qualitative Comparisons, and Cluster Analysis in the Politics of Social Security" In T. Janoski & A. Hicks (eds.): The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State: New Methodologies and Appro aches. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1994. "Welfare State and Work. Work Disincentives of Pension Schemes" in M. Alestalo, E. Allardt, A. Rychard, and W. Wesolowski, (eds.). The Transformation of Europe. Social conditions and consequences. Warsaw, IPiS Publisher (1994). "Eroding Statism - Challenges to the Scandinavian Models" (with Joakim Palme) in Erikson, Hansen, Ringen & Uusitalo (eds.): Welfare Trends in the Scandinavian Countries. M.E. Sharpe, New York 1993, 3-24. "Public-Private Mix in Old Age Pensions" In J-E Kolberg (ed.): The Study of Welfare State Regimes. M.E. Sharpe: New York 1992. European Union, 2002-2013 http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 9 / 14

Articles in national journals Väärien profeettojen jäljillä - kahdeksan erää tuloerojen vaarallisuudesta (with Heikki Hiilamo). Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2012 (2): 121-133. Liiallista huolta vai todellista hätää? Kodin ulkopuolelle sijoittamisen kuntatason taustatekijät suomalaisissa kunnissa 1998-2008. (with Heikki Hiilamo), Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2010 (5): 488-497. Pohjoismaat maailman paras kolkka? Yhteiskuntapolitiikka Vol. 73, 2008/4, 357-367. Universalism i arbetslinjens tid: Inställningen till grundinkomst i Sverige och Finland. (with Jan Otto Andersson) Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, Vol 6, 2004, no 3, pp. 6-33. Taloudellinen kasvu, eriarvoisuus ja köyhien taloudellinen asema 1985-95 (Economic growth, inequality and the lot of the poor) Sosiologia, Vol. 39, 2002: 2, pp. 89-103. Perustulon kannatus Suomessa (The support for basic income in Finland) (with Jan Otto Andersson) Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 4/2002, pp. 293-307. Financing of social policy in OECD countries. Management World 2001:4, pp. 68-84 (in Chinese). Socialpolitik eller struktur? Inkomsttransfereringar, socio-demografiska faktorer och fattigdom i Frankrike och de nordiska länderna. (Social policy or structure: Income transfers, sociodemographic factors and poverty in the Nordic countries and in France) Dansk Sociologi 2/2000, pp. 48-67. (with Veli-Matti Ritakallio) Muurahaiset ja heinäsirkka: australialaisten ja suomalaisten mielipiteet oikeudenmukaisista sosiaalieduista. (The ants and the Grasshopper). Yhteiskuntapolitiikka Vol. 65 (2000) 5, pp. 406-421. Socialpolitik eller social struktur? Inkomsttransfereringar, sociodemografiska faktorer och fattigdom I Frankrike och de nordiska länderna. Dansk sosiologi, 2000: 3, pp. 49-68. (with Veli- Matti Ritakallio) Rakenne vai politiikkaa: Pohjoismaiden ja Ranskan sosiaalipolitiikka vertailussa. (Structure or politics) Sosiologia 4/1999. Rättvis fördelning och socialpolitiska modeller Rawls internationell perspektiv Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, 1998:1, pp. 5-24. "Minä ja minun kaverit: sosiaalipolitiikan laitosten suhteet Janus lehden viitteiden valossa" (Me and my buddies: relationships between departments of social policy according to refrences in Janus), Janus 3/1996. "Metsä vastaa, miten huudetaan: kysymysten kehystämisen vaikutus tuloksiin" (You are answered as you ask for: the impact of framing on opinion results), Politiikka 2/1995, 128-137. "Sosiaalipolitiikan kannustinvaikutukset" (Work disincentives of social policy) (with Veli-Matti Ritakallio) Talous ja yhteiskunta 4/1994. "Tarveharkinta ja sosiaaliluokat" (Means-testing and socio-economic groups) Janus 1/1994. Pohjoismainen eläketurva ja rationaalinen valinta. (Scandinavian pension policy in a rational choice perspective) Janus 1992, s. 38-46. "Behov eller rättighet? Sjukfrånvaros strukturella och institutionella förklaringsfaktorer i OECD länderna" (Demand or supply. Determinants of sickness absence in OECD countries) in Sociologisk forskning 3/1991, 23 41. "Sosiaalisten oikeuksien kehittyminen OECD maissa 1930 1985" (The development of social rights in OECD countries 1930-1985) in Sosiaalipolitiikka 1991, 1-25. Chapters in national books Narratives and numbers: Politics in the making of sickness insurance in Finland. In Haggren, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna & Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds.): Multi-Layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to social science history. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press 2013, pp. 271-296. (with Mikko Niemelä and Sampo Varjonen) Somewhere there over the highs seas, there is the country of my dreams: life-satisfaction among immigrants in Europe. in Carl Marklund (ed.) All well in the welfare state? Helsinki: Nordwell 2013, 135-165. Täyden kansaneläkkeensaajien tulot ja kokemukset toimeentulosta. Julkaisussa: Airio Ilpo, toim. Toimeentuloturvan verkkoa kokemassa. Kansalaisten käsitykset ja odotukset. Helsinki: Kela, 2013: 142 167. (with Ilpo Airio, Helana Blomberg, Christina Kroll and Mikko Niemelä) Politiikka ja perusturva. Teoksessa Heikki Taimio (toim.): Hyvinvointivaltion suunta: nousu vai lasku. Helsinki: TSL.2010, 56-71. (with Anita Haataja & Pertti Honkanen).

Johdanto: Lasten, nuorten ja perheiden hyvinvoinnin tarkastelua Teoksessa Ulla Hämäläinen & Olli Kangas (eds.) Perhepiirissä. Helsinki. Kela 2010: 7-17 (with Ulla Hämäläinen). Onko Suomi enää pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltio? Teoksessa Heikki Taimio (toim.) Kurssin muutos: Kestävään kasvuun ja hyvinvointiin. (2009) Helsinki. TSL, 23-42. Inequality in the Nordic Countries (with Joakim Palme) in Stein Kuhnle, Chen Yinzhang, Klaus Petersen & Pauli Kettunen (eds.): The Nordic Welfare State (in Chinese). Sanghai: Fundan UP 2009, 179-195. Lasten kotihoidon tuki. Miksi idea menestyi Suomessa mutta ei Ruotsissa? (with Heikki Hiilamo) Teoksessa Johannes Kananen & Juho Saari (toim.): Ajatuksen voima. Jyväskylä: Minerva, s. 65-95. Pohjoismaisen mallin vahvuudet ja heikkoudet In Pentti Arajärvi & Riitta Särkelä (eds.) Leipää ja lämpöä: Näkökulmia sosiaaliturvan uudistamiseen. Helsinki: sosiaaliturvan keskusliitto 2008, 139-145. Pensions and Pension Funds in the Making of a Nation-State and a National Economy. Cotsialnaja politika: ekspertiza, rekommendatsia, obzoryi, (Moscow) 2008: 8, s. 221. Introduktion: ordens makt och maktens ord. In Olli Kangas & Halena Kangasharju (ed.) Ordens makt och maktens ord (Power of words and words of power). Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, Helsingfors, 2007 pp. 11-30 Kvinnofälla eller frihet att välja (with Heikki Hiilamo) In Olli Kangas & Halena Kangasharju (ed.) Ordens makt och maktens ord (Power of words and words of power). Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, Helsingfors 2007. pp. 251-284. Jos maalaisliitto ei olisi ollut niin vahva: Jossittelua suomalaisen sosiaalipolitiikan vaihtoehtoilla. Teoksessa Markku Jokisipilä & Mari K. Niemi (eds.): Ettäs jos Lisää vaihtoehtoista Suomen historiaa. Ajatus-kirjat: Helsinki 2006, pp. 197-218. Suuret linjat vai tarkat yksityiskohdat hyvinvointivaltion kehityksessä, Sairausvakuutuksen kehittyminen OECD-maissa 1930-2000 : teoksessa Juho Saari (toim..): Historiallinen käänne (Historical Turn), Gaudeamus, Helsinki, 2006 pp. 178-216. Oikeudenmukaisuutta tietämättömyyden verhon takana, John Rawlsin oikeudenmukaisuusteoria ja sosiaalipolitiikka In Juho Saari (ed.): Hyvinvointivaltio, Yliopistopaino, Helsinki, 2005, pp. 65-92. Olli Kangas & Veli-Matti Ritakallio: Köyhyyden teoria ja käytäntö. Teoksessa Juho Saari (ed.): Köyhyyspolitiikka (Politics of Poverty), STK, Helsinki, 2005, pp. 28-62. Instituutiot ja ajoitus, In Pekka Räsänen, Anu-Hanna Anttila & Harri Melin (red.): Tutkimus menetelmien pyörteissä. PS-kustannus, Jyväskylä, 2005 pp. 219-235. Evolucio i perspectives de l Esta del benestar Nordic a Finlandia in FRC, Revista de debat politic. Barcelona 2003, pp. 18-33. Laman varjo ja nousun huuma: suomalainen yhteiskunta 1990-luvun lopulla. (The shadow of the recession: Finnish society in the late 1990s.) in O Kangas (Toim.) Laman varjo ja nousun huuma, (From bust to boom). Helsinki, Kela, sosiaaliturvan tutkimuksia 72, pp. 13-21. Moniulotteisen köyhyyden trendit 1990-luvulla Trends in multidimensional poverty in the 1990s. in Olli Kangas (Toim.) Laman varjo ja nousun huuma, (From bust to boom). Helsinki, Kela, sosiaaliturvan tutkimuksia 72, pp. 49-91. "Instituutiot ja ajoitus: lainsäädäntötavan vaikutus sosiaalivakuutuksen ajoitukseen" (Insitutions and timing: the impact of constitution upon the timing of social insurance). In Juho Saari (ed.) Insituutiot ja sosiaalipolitiikka (Institutions and social policy). Sosiaali- ja terveysturvankeskusliitto. Helsinki 2003, pp. 93-111. Muutos ja pysyvyys: miksi toisen sosiaalipoliittiset järjestelmät ovat pysyvämpiä kuin toiset? (Change and stability: Why some welfare states are more robust than others?) in Helena Blomberg, Matti Hannikainen & Pauli Kettunen (eds.): Lama (Recession). Kirja Aurora, Turku 2002, pp. 233-254. Offentligt och privat i finsk pensionspolitik in Joakim Palme (ed.): Privata och offentliga pensionsreformer i Norden slut på folkpensionsmodellen? Pensionsforum: Västerås 2001, pp. 87-102. Why some welfare states are more robust than others? An evidence from the financing of social policy? Seminar proceedings financing of social policy, Ministry of social affairs and the European Commission, 2000, (CD-rom publication) Does the Tide sink all boats similarly in Jaakko Kiander (ed.): 1990s economic crisis 1990s. VATT: Helsinki 2000, pp. 13-27.. European Union, 2002-2013 http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 11 / 14

Publications in Working Paper Series Muuttuva maailma, muuttuvat yhteiskunnalliset sopimukset (Changing world, changing social contracts) in Suomalaisen yhteiskunnan tulevaisuus yhdentyvässä Euroopassa KELA: Helsinki 2000, pp. 79-86 Sotsiaalkindlustuse korralduse ja tulemuslikkuse vördlus väljakujunenud ja üleneminekumajandusega riikides, in Mare Ainsaar (ed.): Laste ja perepoliitika Eestis ja Euroopas. Tartu: Rahvastikuministeri büroo, 2000, 9-27. Yhteisvastuukeräys ja altruismi: Yhteisvastuukeräyksen tuoton kehitykseen vaikuttaneet tekijät vuosina 1950-1998 in Mikko Malkavaara (ed.): Ei etsi omaansa. Tutkimuksia altruismista ja yhteisvastuusta. Kirkkopalvelut: Helsinki 2000, pp. 231-264. (with Juho Saari) Attitudes to welfare, in Den gamla socialförsäkringens nya kläder. Försäkringskasseförbundet: Stockholm 1999, 57-71. Social policy in settled economies and transitional countries in Olli Kangas & Rolf Myhrman (eds.): The European integration and social policy. Ministry of Social Affairs: Helsinki 1999. Muurahainen ja heinäsirkka: asenteet tuloeroihin (the Ant and the Grasshopper: attitudes to income differences. in SAK: Jakaako rakennemuutos suomalaiset selviytyjiin ja häviäjiin? Helsinki 1998, 38-49. Liberalismi, kollektivismi ja sosiaalipolitiikan vaihtoehdot (Liberalism, collectivism and sociopolitical alternatives in Kimmo Kajaste (ed.): Suomalainen mahdollisuus (Finnish possibility), Helsinki 1998, pp. 64-83. Oikeudenmukaisuus ja sosiaalipolitiikkamallit (Justice and Social Policy Models) in Mikko Mäntysaari & Erkki Kemppainen (eds.) Aristoteles, Rawls ja sosiaalipolitiikka (Aristotle, Rawls and social policy), Helsinki, 1998 pp. 9-26. Pohjoismaisen hyvinvointivaltion erityispiirteet (Characteristics of the Nordic Welfare State), teoksessa Muutoksen sosiologia, Helsinki 1998. Onko sosiaalipolitiikalla vaikutusta? Tutkimus köyhyyssykleistä OECD-maissa (Does social policy matter?) teoksessa Kari Salavuo (toim.): Onko sosiaalipolitiikalla vaikutusta. Helsinki STM 1997, 41-56. "Suomi, Eurooppa ja sosiaaliset oikeudet" (Finland, Europe, and Social Rights) in Jaakkola & Amberla (eds.): Mikä status, mikä oikeus. Kuntaliitto, Helsinki 1995, 35-48. "Rationaalisen valinnan teoriat" (Rational Choice Theories) in Heiskala (ed.). Sosiologisen teorian nykysuuntauksia. (Streams in the Current Sociology) Gaudeamus. Helsinki 1994. "Suomi pohjoismaisena hyvinvointivaltiona" (Finland as a Nordic welfare state), in Pelkonen (ed.): Hyvinvointioikeus. Jyväskylä: Gummerus 1993, 225-239. "Suomalainen sosiaalivakuutus kansainvälisessä valossa" (Finnish social insurance in international comparisons". in Suomen vakuutustarkastus 100 vuotta 1892-1992. Helsinki: Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 1992, 384-407. "Sosiaalivakuutuksen tila ja tulevaisuuden haasteet" (The present stage and future challenges of social insurance) in Sosiaalipolitiikan tila ja tulevaisuus. Helsinki: Sosiaaliturvan keskusliitto 1992, 37-65. "Eläkepolitiikan tila ja tulevaisuus" (The future of pension policy) in O. Riihinen (ed.): Sosiaalipolitiikka 2017. Helsinki: WSOY 1992, 477-494. "Eurooppa integroituu - entä hyvinvointivaltio?" (European Integration and the Welfare State) In Pekka Kosonen (ed.): Euroopan integraatio, työmarkkinat ja hyvinvointivaltio. (European integration, labor markets and the welfare state) Gaudeamus, Helsinki 1992, 201-235. Finland GINI country report (2012) http://gini-research.org/articles/cr --> CR-Finland. (with Jenni Blomgren, Heikki Hiilamo and Mikko Niemelä). Köyhyyden mittaustavat, sosiaaliturvan riittävyys ja köyhyyden yleisyys Suomessa. (with Veli- Matti Ritakallio) Helsinki: Kela, sosiaali- ja terveysturvan selosteita 61/2008. Three roads to a pension reform. Current pension reforms in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. (With Urban Lundberg & Niels Ploug). Institute for Future Studies, Working paper 2006: 10. Trap for women or freedom to choose. Political frames in the making of child home care allowance in Finland and Sweden. Department of Social Policy, University of Turku. Publications A:18/2006. Pensions, pension funds and the making of national economy. The case of Finland. UNRISD Working Papers, No 25/2006. The temporal welfare state. With Robert E. Goodin and Antti Parpo. Department of social policy, University of Turku, C:11/2003. From workmen s compensation to working women s insurance: the development of work accident insurance in 18 OECD. Zentrum fuer Sozialpolitik Arbeitspapir 10/2000. Universität Bremen.

Social Policy and Distributive Justice. Luxembourg Income Study, Working Papers, No 221/2000. Social policy in settled and transitional countries: A comparison of institutions and their consequences. Luxembourg Income Study, Working Papers No 196/1999. Social policy or structure? Income transfers, socio-demographic factors and poverty in the Nordic countries and in France. (with Veli-Matti Ritakallio) Luxembourg Income Study, Working Papers No 190/1998. Poverty cycles and social policy in OECD countries. (with Joakim Palme) Luxembourg Income Study No 187/1998. Need, Citizenship or Merit: Public Opinion on pension policy in Australia, Finland, and Poland. University of Turku, Department of social policy, Series B:17/1998. Rizni metods rizni rezultati? Pidhodi do bagatoctronvogo analizi bidhocti (in Ukrainian) with Veli-Matti Ritakallio. University of Turku, Department of social policy, Series B:16/1997. Distributive justice and social policy models: Rawls in international comparisons. University of Turku, Department of social policy, Series B:13/1997. Different methods - Different results: approaches to multidimensional poverty. (with Veli-Matti Ritakallio) Themes 4/Stakes Helsinki 1995. From Marginalism to Institutionalism. The transformation of the Finnish pension regime. (with Markus Jantti and Veli-Matti Ritakallio). The Central Pension Security Institution, Studies 5, Helsinki 1995. Who is the Foe of Means-Testing. University of Turku, Department of social policy, workingpapers 3/1995. Työttömyys ja työttömyysturva Suomessa (Unemployment and unemployment insurance in Finland) in Kremer (ed.): TVY - muu Suomi. Painola, Kaarina 1995, 1-6. Ammattiryhmät ja hyvinvointivaltio: tutkimus kahdeksan etujärjestön sosiaalipoliittisista asenteista (Socio-economic groups and the welfare state: a study of sociopolitical attitudes among eight interest organizations) (with Heikki Ervasti). University of Turku, Department of Social policy, working-papers B: 3/1994 (86 p.) The rise and fall of the Scandinavian model? The Finnish ICSW-Council, Publications 1, Helsinki 1993. The Finnish Welfare State -- a Scandinavian Welfare State? in Kosonen (ed.) The Nordic Welfare State as a Myth and as Reality. Renvall Institute, Publications 5. Helsinki 1993, pp. 67-80. Macrosociological and Comparative Methodology. On Regressions, Qualitative Com-parisons, and Cluster Analysis in the Politics of Social Security. Swedish Institute for Social Research. Meddelande 2/1992. Class Politics and institutional Feed-Backs in Occupational Pensions in Finland and Sweden. (with Joakim Palme) Swedish Institute for Social Research. Meddelande 2/1992. Public and Private Pensions: The Scandinavian Countries in a Comparative Perspective. (with Joakim Palme) Swedish Institute for Social Research, University of Stockholm 1989. The Politics of Universalism - the Case of Finnish Sickness Insurance. Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja D-129. Helsinki 1990. Agrarintressen och löntagarintressen i pensionspolitiken. Helsingin kauppakorkea-koulun julkaisuja D-105. Helsinki 1988. Book reviews Francis Castles: Future of the welfare state, Crisis, myths and crisis realities (a book review). Social policy & Administration, vol. 39 (2005): 5, pp. 553-555. David Lockhart: Protecting the elderly. How culture shapes social policy. Perspectives on Politics (2003), 1: 432-433. Anu Kantola & Mikko Kautto: Hyvinvoinnin valinnat. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 2003, 1, pp. 106-107. Arja Tyrkkö: Mellan arbestliv och familjeliv. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, Vol 7 (2001), pp. 71-73. Bo Rothstein: Vad bör staten göra. Tidskrift för politisk ekonomi 2001:1, pp. 88-95. Bo Rothstein: Just Institutions Matter. European Societies, 3/1999, pp. 465-470. Peter Saunders: Welfare and inequality, European Sociological Review, 1997. Pertti Honkanen: Vuosisadan verouudistus. Janus 3/1994. Helka Hytti: Työkyvyttömyyseläkkeelle siirtymisen yhteiskunnalliset taustatekijät. Sosiologia 1/1994, s. 69-71. European Union, 2002-2013 http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 13 / 14

Aksel Hatland: Till dem som trenger det mest? Oslo 1992. Norsk statsvitenskablig tidskrift 4/1992. Gösta Esping-Andersen: The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge 1990. Sosiologia 1/1991, s. 44-45. Jon Hippe & Axel Pedersen: For lange og tro tjeneste. Oslo 1988. Kåre Hagen & Jon Hippe (toim.): Svar skyldig? Oslo 1989. Työeläke 1/1990, s. 61. Zsusa Szeman: Unemployed pensioners. Budapest 1989. Helsingin Sanomat 25.8. 1990. Jill Quadagno: The Transformation of Old Age Security. Chicago 1988. Työeläke 4/1990, s. 50. Reijo Ahtokari: Tuntematon vaikuttaja. Työeläkejärjestelmän isä Teivo Pentikäinen. Helsinki, Porvoo, Juva 1988. Heikki Niemelä: Suomen kokonaiseläkejärjestelmän muotoutuminen. Helsinki 1988. Kari Salminen: Yhteiskunnan rakenne, politiikka ja eläketurva. Helsinki 1987. Sosiologia 1/1989, s. 60-61. Martin Rein, Gösta Esping-Andersen & Lee Rainwater (eds.): Stagnation and Renewal in Social Policy. The Rise and Fall of Policy Regimes. New York 1987. Sosiologia 4/1988, s. 317-318. Pekka Kosonen: Hyvinvointivaltion haasteet ja pohjoismaiset mallit. Tampere 1987. Sosiologia 1/1988. Robert R. Friedmann, Neil Gilber & Moshe Sherer (eds.): Modern Welfare States. A Comparative View of Trends and Prospects. Brighton 1987. Acta Sociologica 2/1988, s. 190-193. Kyösti Raunio: Hyvinvointi ja taloudelliset muutokset. Sosiologia 3/1984. Peter Flora & Arnold Heidenheimer: The Development of the Welfare State in Europe and America. Sosiologia 2/1983. Popular articles About 100 articles in Finnish newspapers (Ahjo, Helsingin Sanomat, Palkkatyöläinen, Turun Sanomat, Kaleva, Hfudstadsbladet, Kansan Uutiset) and popular science forum. (Sosiaalivakuutus, Työeläke, Sosiaaliturva) Participation in international seminars Annually 2-4 international seminars and 2-4 Nordic / national seminars. Seminar participations, paper presentations and stream organizer (ca 150-200 since 1990) not listed in here.