Market Research: Organic waste treatment in Finland

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Market Research: Organic waste treatment in Finland Market research report September 2009 Bionova Ltd Commissioned by Invest in Finland

Bionova Ltd. For further information on the subject matter of the study please contact Bionova Ltd Kauppakatu 14, 84100 Ylivieska, Finland Email Web For further information on business opportunities and services for international companies please contact Invest in Finland Kaivokatu 8, FI-00100 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 10 773 0300 Web Email Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 2/30

Contents CONTENTS...3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...4 1 SIZE OF ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT MARKET...5 2 ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT UNITS IN FINLAND...6 2.1 Biogas plants... 6 2.2 Composting plants... 9 2.3 Rendering and waste burning plants... 10 3 FUTURE PROJECTIONS OF ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT...12 3.1 Planned organic waste treatment plants and financial value of investments... 12 3.2 Public subsidies offered for organic waste treatment plants... 13 4 TYPICAL TREATMENT OF CERTAIN ORGANIC WASTE TYPES...16 4.1 Treatment solutions... 16 4.2 Costs of treatment... 17 APPENDIX 2: LIST OF WORKING COMPOSTING PLANTS...20 APPENDIX 3: LIST OF WORKING STACK COMPOSTING PLANTS...22 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 3/30

Executive Summary Bionova Engineering conducted this study for Invest In Finland during summer 2009. Report provides information about organic waste treatment plants, organic waste treatment market and costs of treatment and including future projections and major drivers behind the new opportunities. Landfill gas production is excluded from the study. Biogas production has a remarkable business opportunity in Finland. Only less than 1 % of manure is used as a raw material for biogas production and only 35 % of organic wastes and sludge is at the moment used for biogas production. Energy crops are not used for biogas production at all. To reach the targets of the newest governmental climate and energy strategy for the year 2020, biogas production in reactor plants shoud be more than doubled. This would mean investment boost of more than 100 MEUR before year 2020. Finnish organic waste treatment market is now also facing interesting opportunity, because of plans to set up a feed-in tariff for biogas production. Size of feed-in tariff is suggested to be 18 centimes/kwh el, but final decision is missing. For the market growth level and conditions of the biogas feed-in tariff is very important. Already now it is possible to get investment subsidies from ministry of agriculture and forestry and ministry of employment and economy. Separately collected bio-waste from private customers and public sector forms transport and treatment market in Finland equals to 20,9 MEUR / year according to recent study funded by the key players in the Finnish waste branch. In addition there is 2,8 MEUR / year equipment market. Total market value can be estimated to be 30 MEUR / year when also private sector is included. Treatment costs of organic waste differ a lot depending on scale and technology. Usually cost is between 50-100 EUR/ton, some solutions in small scale lead to as high as 100-163 EUR/ton cost. Total amount of organic waste treatment units in Finland is as of writing 259 when counting biogas, stack and (closed) plants. In addition there is a few other plants using different technologies such as bioethanol production and chemical treatment. Most of the plants are very small plants processing organic waste, usually waste water sludge, from a village or small. When counting only plants having capacity larger than 30 000 t/a, total number of plants is 31. These exist mainly in big cities, some are also centralized treatment plants of certain counties. There are in total 222 working plants in Finland. Other common treatment solutions are biogas plants (35) and rendering plants (2). When comparing only the biggest 31 plants, 16 of these are biogas plants, 13 plants and 2 rendering plants. Lists of all biogas, and stack plants are shown in three appendixes. Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 4/30

1 Size of organic waste treatment market Waste management is a relatively small but vitally important business fragment in Finland. Ministry of Environment, Finnish Solid Waste Association and the Association of Environmental Enterprises have funded a study where economical significance and costs of Finnish waste management were examined. 1 Report presents the value of business for different waste fractions. According to study separately collected bio-waste from households and public sector (companies excluded) forms totally approximately 23,7 MEUR / year market. Transport and treatment costs are 20,9 MEUR and equipment market is 2,8 MEUR / year. Half of the bio-waste transport and treatment service is offered by private sector companies and half by the municipalities (both about 10,4 MEUR / year). Market for the industrial bio-waste treatment is not specified in the study. There are several major businesses for which organic waste disposal accounts for significant portion of their costs, however as this disposal business is carried out by very heterogenous actors, it s total value is difficult to estimate. According to statistics concerning organic waste treatment plants in Finland, it can be estimated that approximately one third of organic waste is treated by the private sector. Total value of the market can then be estimated to be as much as 30 MEUR / year. 1 Report: Jätehuollon taloudellinen merkitys ja kustannukset Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 5/30

2 Organic waste treatment units in Finland Organic waste and by-products treatment is at the moment operated in 259 units (table 1), when counting, biogas and rendering plants. There are also a few plants which will start operating soon and even more plants are planned, waiting for the feed-in tariff for electricity produced from biogas. Most operating plants are based on, either stack or some type of closed, especially in small scale is the most popular way to treat different kind of organic waste. In large scale biogas can reach profitability, majority of the biggest organic waste and by-products processing units use biogas technology. There are also some other technologies used, for example bioethanol production and different chemical process, however these technologies are used in less than 10 units in total at the moment. Table 1: Different technologies used in different scale to treat organic waste Capacity, t/a Biogas Composting Rendering All types <30 000 t/a 16 13 2 31 2000...30 000 t/a 16 74 0 90 >2000 t/a 3 135 0 138 Total 35 222 2 259 2.1 Biogas plants In 2007, approximately 138,8 million m 3 of biogas was produced in the Finnish landfills and reactor plants. However only approximately 30 million m 3 of this amount was produced in reactor plants, which can be considered as organic waste or by-product treatment plants. The plants treat different kinds of organic wastes, sludges and manure. This contains about 200 GWh energy which is used to produce electricity, heat or process energy. Figure 1. Biogas production for each plant type in 2007. Wwtp refers to wastewater treatment plant Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 6/30

Most of the biogas stems from landfills in Finland, but the lack of nearby energy consumption limits landfill gas utilization. In Finland it is obligatory to collect landfill gas, because of this most of the landfill gas investments for biogas production are made until now. During autumn 2009 Helsinki Metropolitan Council (YTV) is building a huge landfill gas power plant in Ämmässuo landfill. The power plant will have capacity of 40 MW. Municipal wastewater treatment plants operate rather constantly, so the biogas volumes can only slightly be enhanced through process optimization. Until now municipal waste water treatment plant produce majority of all biogas produced in reactor plants and produced energy is used for running the waste water treatment plant. The largest landfills have already been shut down and the gas production will reduce in years to come. The biggest biogas potential lies therefore in manure and energy crops when thinking about new biogas production in reactors. There is also energy potential left in the treatment of industrial organic waste. Also it can be noticed than in northern Finland waste water sludge is also not yet processed in biogas plants (figure 2). Figure 2. Working and planned biogas plants in Finland, 2009. Finland s Environmental Administration, Regional environmental centres and Bionova Engineering. Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 7/30

In the table below biggest biogas producers (feedstock capacity over 30 000 t/a) in Finland are listed. All plants can be found in appendix 1. Most operators are municipal units and connected to waste water treatment. Biovakka Oy s Vehmaa plant processes pig manure and industrial waste and Lakeuden Etappi s and Stormossen s plants process separate collected bio-waste too. Total number of biogas plants with capacity more than 30 000 t/a is 16. When comparing capacity to plants, it must be remembered that capacity of biogas plants usually refers to sludge capacity, in which content of total solids is usually between 3-15 %. In plants raw material is usually much dryer. Type of treatment Operating company or organisation Location () 1 Biogas Helsingin Vesi Helsinki 2 Biogas Apetit Suomi Oy Säkylä 3 Biogas Espoon Vesi Espoo 4 Biogas Tampereen Vesi, Viinikanlahti Tampere 5 Biogas Lahti Aqua Oy, Kariniemi Lahti 6 Biogas Biovakka Oy, Vehmaa Vehmaa 7 Biogas Stormossen Oy Mustasaari 8 Biogas 9 Biogas Lahti Aqua Oy, Ali- Juhakkala Hämeenlinnan seudun Vesi Oy Lahti Hämeenlinna 10 Biogas Kuopion vesi Kuopio 11 Biogas Biovakka Oy, Turku Turku 12 Biogas Tampere vesi, Rahola Tampere 13 Biogas Lakeuden Etappi Oy Ilmajoki 14 Biogas 15 Biogas 16 Biogas City of Joensuu, waste water department Jyväskylän Seudun Puhdistamo Oy City of Mikkeli, waste water plant Joensuu Jyväskylä Mikkeli Contact details Capacity 1000 t/a PL 1100, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki, 500 PL 100, 27801 Säkylä, 460 Hyljeluodontie 5, 02270 Espoo, 300 PL 487, 33101 Tampere, 200 Satamakatu 2 B, 15140 Lahti, 120 Kalannintie 191, 23200 Vehmaa, 120 Stormossvägen 56, 66530 Koivulahti, 85 Satamakatu 2 B, 15140 Lahti, 80 Paroistentie 7, 13600 Hämeenlinna, 72 Suokatu 42 C, 70110 Kuopio 70 Kalannintie 191, 23200 Vehmaa, 63 PL 487, 33101 Tampere, 60 Laskunmäentie 15, 60760 Pojanluoma, 50 Torikatu 38 B, 80100 Joensuu, 46 Raivionsuntti 10, 40520 Jyväskylä, 42 PL 278, 50101 Mikkeli, 40 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 8/30

It can estimated, that primary energy potential for biogas in Finland is at least 2800 GWh / year. This approximation is divided in manure and organic waste. There is 2300 GWh / year energy potential for manure, of which only less than 1 % is exploited at the moment. Organic wastes and sludge have potential of 500 GWh / year, of which approximately 35 % is exploited. Renewable greens are not used in Finnish biogas plants excluding random tests or scientific research. In the future these are also possible raw materials for biogas plants, however in the Finnish conditions it is not probable that a major share of fields would be used for biogas plants energy crops in the future. 2.2 Composting plants Centralized is widely used to treat separated bio-waste, digested wastewater sludge and fur animal manure in Finland. It s fairly inexpensive method, but its weaknesses include long treatment time, large need of space, uneven result and odour problems. Sludge is often composted in stacks and much of the biowaste is post composted in landfills. The product is mainly used for landscape maintenance and especially as fertilizing earth layer when covering landfills. Most of the landfill covering has already been accomplished, though. This results in the need of new applications for compost products both in landscape maintenance, forestry and agriculture. Most of the composted sludge is stored because of low demand. In practice, the goals of the national waste management plan have not been met. Composting plants can be divided to two groups, stack plants and closed plants (referred as plants in official use). There are in total more than 200 plants, of which more than ¾ are stack plants, which is highly common way to treat organic waste in the smallest scale. Typical example is of waste water sludge from some village-scale waste water treatment plant or separately collected bio-waste from a small county or. Composting plants are located all over in Finland in about 200 municipalities (out of about 400 in total). In the table 2 the largest stack and closed () plants are shown. These plants process more than 30 000 t/a organic material. All plants can be found in appendixes 2 and 3. Table 2: The Largest plants in Finland 1 Type of treatment 2 Composting 3 Operating company or organisation Location () Contact details Helsingin Vesi Sipoo Metsäpirtintie 248, Sipoo. htpp:// 91 Mustankorkea Oy Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy, Koukkujärvi Jyväskylä Nokia Ronsuntaipaleentie 204, 40500 Jyväskylä Koukkujärventie 361, 37130 Nokia, Capacity 1000 t/a 74 60 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 9/30

4 Composting Biolan Oy Eura Lauttakyläntie 570, 27500 Kauttua, 55 5 Composting 6 7 Composting 8 Composting 9 10 11 Composting 12 13 Envor Biotech Oy Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy, Tarastenjärvi Helsinki metropolitan area council Kujalan Komposti Oy Koillis-Savon Ympäristöhuolto Oy Humuspehtoori Oy Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy Vapo Oy Biotech Forssa Tampere Voimalankatu 56, 30420 Forssa, Tarastenjärventie 66, Tampere, Espoo Ämmässuontie 8, 02820 Espoo 49 Lahti Sapelikatu 47, 15150 Lahti, Juankoski Juankoskentie 7, 73500 Juankoski 38 Pälkäne Tampere Joutseno Stormossen Oy Mustasaari Kantokyläntie 63, 36600 Pälkäne, Naulakatu 2 33100 Tampere, Hulkonmäentie 130, 54190 Konnunsuo, Stormossenintie 56, 66530 Koivulahti, 55 50 45 37 35 34 32 2.3 Rendering and waste burning plants In Finland some types of animal wastes are processed in rendering plants. These are mainly animal wastes, which treatment is regulated so that those must be rendered. For example animals which die in farms in western and southern Finland must be collected and rendered. Also incineration of animal fat can be done as a part of processes in rendering plants. At the moment main part of animal fat produced in rendering plants is used as a raw material for biodiesel production. In Finland rendering plants are located in Honkajoki and Kaustinen in western Finland, operators are Honkajoki Oy and Findest Protein Oy. Honkajoki is also main shareholder in Findest Protein Oy. Rendering plants in Finland and approximations of their capacity is shown in table 3. Honkajoki Oy has plans to triple its production, based on the fact that nowadays certain waste types are exported to other countries for treatment. On the other hand some waste is also imported to Finland for treatment. Table 3: Rendering plants in Finland Type of treatment Operating company Location () Rendering plant Honkajoki Oy Honkajoki Rendering plant Findest Protein Oy Kaustinen Contact details Santastentie 197, 39950 Honkajoki Tarhatie 25, 69600 Kaustinen Capacity 1000 t/a 85 32 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 10/30

Waste burning (burning municipal waste without very detailed separation) is a common solution of waste treatment in several European countries. In Finland however there is only one this type of plant in city of Turku. Right now discussions and legal processes are going on to construct several new municipal waste burning plants to reduce amount of waste going to landfills. These processes are going on for example in Helsinki metropolitan area. However it will take years before all processes are over and plants are running. Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 11/30

3 Future projections of organic waste treatment 3.1 Planned organic waste treatment plants and financial value of investments In Finland there are several on-going biogas plant projects, which should be implemented in few years. However development of investments is connected to decision on the feed-in tariff for biogas, which does t exist yet. The list of plants in table 4 is based on data collected from Finland s Environmental Administration, Bionova Engineering, Finnish Biogas Association and few other sources. Only such plans have been listed that already have an investor or environmental permit. The plants under preliminary design have not been taken into account, number of these is remarkable because of plans to set a feed-in tariff. If all the plants will be constructed, the total investment is estimated to be 70 million EUR. Table 4. Planned biogas plants in Finland Kitee Nykarleby Jämsänkoski Biokymppi Oy Investment 4,7 M Jeppo Kraft Investment 7-8 M Jätehuoltoyhtiö Erkki Salminen and Biovakka Suomi Oy Investment 6-8 M. Location Investor Capacity Feedstock Progress Vampula VamBio Oy 120 000 t/a Industrial sludge, Construction work 04/2010 manure Forssa Envor Biotech Oy Investment 5,5 M 28 000 t/a 2. ja 3. class animalbased waste, bio- Construction work 2009 waste 19 000 t/a Bio-waste, cattle manure, municipal sludge, energy crops 90 000 t/a Manure, potato residues 120 000 t/a Industrial, agricultural and municipal organic waste Kaustinen Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj 105 000 t/a Bio-waste, agricultural waste, sludge Nastola Biovakka Suomi Oy 60 000, Industrial by-products, Investment 7-8 M 120 000 or sludge, biomass 240 000 t/a Valkeala Kymen Bioenergia Oy 19 000 t/a Municipal sludge, plants, industrial waste Environmental permit 3/2008. Toiminta alkaa 7/2009. Construction work 2009 Construction work 2010 Environmental Impact Evaluation in 2004. Environmental Impact Evaluation ready Application for environmental permit 02/2007 na. Maaninka MTT & Savonia AMK Experimental plant Agricultural sludge Maalahti Malax-bioenergi Ab 19 500 t/a agricultural and Environmental permit municipal sludge, 5/2007 animal waste Siikajoki Karinnnuotta Oy - Cattle manure Application for environmental permit 2007 Hämeenlinna / Kiertokapula Oy 40 000 t/a Biowaste, municipal Valmistuu noin 2010 Hyvinkää sludge Nurmo / Lapua Heikas Oy 120 000 n/a Industrial and Application for Investment 8 M. agricultural sludge environmental permit 2008 Virolahti Haminan Energia Oy 17 000 t/a Animal feed, manure, Construction work 2009- bio-waste 2010 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 12/30

Because of feed-in tariff, most investment plans are connected to biogas production. There is a few plant plans too, which should start operating soon. plants are planned for example by Hämeen Hyötymateriaalit Oy in Hämeenkyrö for the treatment of waste water sludge and Veljekset Luttinen Ay in Tyrnävä for the treatment of potato waste. Closed plants are planned by MahtiRahti Ky in Jaala and Biopallo Systems Oy in Iisalmi. Other plans connected to organic waste treatment are mainly connected to bioethanol production by ST1 Biofuels Oy. Also Honkajoki Oy plans to increase capacity of their rendering plant. New governmental climate and energy strategy for Finland was introduced in November 2008. To reach the targets of the strategy, biogas should be produced 500 GWh / year until 2020 in reactor plants. Since now less than 200 GWh / year is produced, there is a need for significant amount of new plants. Harshly it can estimated, that approximately 30 new plants with the investments of more than 100 MEUR would be needed to fullfill the targets, althought total demands depend on technologies and raw materials used. At the moment (autumn 2009) a lot of new entrepreneurs are interested in biogas production of agricultural wastes and manure. On the other hand municipal waste management companies are also interested in biogas as an alternative for. Final decisions of raw materials, plant sizes and technologies are not yet made because of lack of decision about feed-in tariff. (see more: Chapter 3.2.3) 3.2 Public subsidies offered for organic waste treatment plants As part of EU s climate actions, Finnish renewable energy production should have a share of 38 % by 2020. Utilization of organic waste in energy production is favourable to reach this goal. Two ministries (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Employment and Economy) offer grants to accelerate green investments in Finland. Another driver can be feed-in tariff for biogas, a guaranteed price-level in electricity production. National bio-waste strategy was composed in 2004 to fulfil EU s landfill directive, which targets to improve bio-waste separation and treatment. It states that 40 % of organic waste in 2009 and 25 % of organic waste in 2016 is allowed to be placed on landfills. Hence there will be more organic waste available for treatment plants and more business possibilities. Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 13/30

3.2.1 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, grant for bioenergy production In the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the grant for bioenergy production is a new tool to support decentralized bioenergy production and entrepreneurship in the countryside. The grant targets to utilize more efficiently farm-based feedstock for biogas, bio-waste from food industry and sludge from different sources. First applications were handled in 2008 and the next possibility will be given in 2009 if budget enables funding. Grants can be offered to companies, municipalities or other communities. The maximum level of funding is 45 % of the total costs. As exception middle-sized enterprises can receive 55 % and small enterprises 65 % of their expenses. Only those projects that would not realize without funding will be accepted. Environmental effects of the investment must be evaluated before application. 2 In 2009 15 biogas plant projects will receive grants, which corresponds to 8 million EUR. All investments have a total value of 22 million EUR and for almost all of them the public funding was 35 %. Preference was set to projects that - Used manure and plant-based biomass as feedstock - Had a large capacity - Were located in the area with several animal farms - Will provide educational information 3 This source of funding is expected to be fully replaced by the feed-in tariff. 3.2.2 Ministry of Employment and Economy, Energy grant Energy grant is discretionary directed to projects and plant investments that decrease CO2 emissions. It aims at either replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy or saving energy. Biogas plants fall into the first category and have been granted for example in Kitee. Companies, communities and associations can apply for a grant but private persons, residences and farms are excluded. Farms will be subsidised by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At national level, totally 55 million EUR of grants will be distributed annually and an extra budget of 30 million EUR is approved for 2009. Ministry of Employment and Economy aligns regularly how different forms of energy will be subsidised. In general, municipalities can receive a grant of 40-60 % for energy surveys. In investment projects the grant can cover 15-30 % of the total value. In practise the level of 20-25 % is reached to be able to start as many projects as possible. Energy grant is meant for investments 2 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 6.7.2009. 3 Vainio-Mattila, B., Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 6.7.2009. Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 14/30

that exceed 8000 EUR. The largest projects (over 3 million EUR) should be forwarded to the Ministry of Employment and Economy but other applications are handled regionally. 4 This source of funding is expected to be fully replaced by the feed-in tariff. 3.2.3 Feed-in Tariff for Electricity Produced by Biogas Government has set a goal to increase electricity production in the biogas plants by implementing a socalled feed-in tariff. It refers to a guaranteed electricity price-level for energy producers. Legislation should be completed by autumn 2009 and feed-in tariff system would start in 2010. 5 The amount of feed-in tariff and the mechanism of the system is essential in the biogas business. So far only recommendations for feed-in tariff have been summarized in the report of Ministry of Employment and Economy (5.12.2007). 6 The working group proposes the prize-level of 18 c/kwh. They also compare feed-in tariffs in other countries and examine different feed-in tariff systems, effect of plant sizes and types, controlling mechanisms and time span. If tariff would be 18 c/kwh, it is estimated that 0,5-0,6 TWh of electricity is produced by biogas in 2020. In this case, renewable energy would be subsidised by 90-110 million EUR annually. One of the challenges is to support biogas as vehicle fuel as well. If only electricity production is subsidised, it leaves transport sector in secondary position. To avoid this, there are some plans to cover both electricity and fuel production in the biogas tariff. 4 Ministry of Employment and Economy, 6.7.2009. 5 Vainio-Mattila, B., Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 6.7.2009. 6 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 15/30

4 Typical treatment of certain organic waste types Current aspects of organic waste treatment methods are shortly discussed in this chapter. Treatment solutions for different organic waste fractions are presented and completed by economical evaluation of treatment costs. 4.1 Treatment solutions 4.1.1 Municipal sludge Municipal sludge is typically processed in the wastewater treatment plants. The largest treatment plants are biogas reactors and have been operating since several decades e.g. in Helsinki and Tampere. In the smaller towns digestion hasn t been seen as economical solution yet. In the future treatment plants are to be renovated or re-built, which brings biogas production into consideration again. The rise of energy costs puts pressure to use more and more anaerobic digestion, because it enables the heat and electricity production for the wastewater treatment. Also possible feed-in tariff may increase amount of biogas reactors in small waste water treatment plants. 4.1.2 Treatment of industrial sludge Industrial sludge is commonly treated in the municipal wastewater treatment plant or regional plant, if the capacity is sufficient. So far, this kind of outsourcing has been the most efficient way, since industrial players can concentrate on their core competences. If regional waste treatment supply doesn t meet the industrial demand, other solutions must be found. Some of the sludge can be reused, which turns waste into product like animal feed or process feedstock. If demand of such by-product would decrease, it must be treated as waste. Then the most probable options are transporting the waste to a further treatment () or constructing an own plant next to. In the second case, chemical-biological wastewater treatment plant, biogas digestion unit, or a combination of these are to be considered. 4.1.3 Bio-waste treatment The most common way to treat bio-waste is to compost it, but biogas plants are being planned, too. In the plants some problems may arise from increasing storage volumes and actual use for compost. Centralized digestion and post- plants, where compost is for instance refined into Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 16/30

pellets, could offer an interesting opportunity in the future. Dry fermentation of municipal bio-waste has become common especially in Germany. 4.1.4 Treatment of agricultural waste Agricultural sludge refers mainly to cattle and pig manure, which is applied to fields as fertilizer. However, raw manure causes odour problems for the villages and nutrient leakage into water systems. Digestion treatment helps to neutralize odours and reduces insoluble nitrogen compounds. That is, less nutrients drift into lakes and rivers. In addition, biogas plants improve energy independence in the countryside. Feed-in tariff can also increase profitability of agricultural biogas plants. Biogas plants can be constructed either farm-based or several farms can form a centralized unit. Until today there is only a few biogas plants build based on agricultural waste, main reason is lack of economical profitability. 4.2 Costs of treatment Pöyry Environment Oy has researched cost efficiency of different sludge treatment methods in Finland. The results are summarized by Bionova Engineering in Table 5. 7 Table 5: Sludge treatment methods and costs. 8 Treatment method (post treatment) Treatment cost EUR/t Additional notes Composting 71-80 The common way of treatment Biogas reactor and post 44-94 More economical in large plants Biogas reactor and thermal drying 63-163 More expensive compared to post- Biogas process for manure 31-79 Fertilizer for fields cheapest option, if possible Thermal drying 44-95 Requires cheap energy for steam production Incineration 70-123 Incineration plants still under planning Kemicond 39-66 Not many experiences yet Lime stabilisation 30-40 Suitable for small-scale process 1. Biogas process cost efficient in large scale Summary Large variation, economy of scale important 2. Feed-in tariff can be crucial benefit for smallscale biogas plants Refering to Table 5 and appendixes, biogas process is more cost efficient compared to in large scale. Post-treatment of digested material includes application on fields (animal manure) or post. On the other hand small-scale biogas production hasn t yet gained competitiveness compared to other technologies. The possible feed-in tariff can affect positively both the profitability of large biogas plants and the competitiveness of small-scale biogas plants in the future. 7 Lietteenkäsittelyn nykytila Suomessa ja käsittelymenetelmien kilpailukyky report, 8 Pöyry Environment Oy (2007): Lietteenkäsittelyn nykytila Suomessa ja käsittelymenetelmien kilpailukyky -selvitys Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 17/30

Appendix 1: List of working biogas plants in Finland Type of treatment Operating company or organisation Location () 1 Biogas Helsingin Vesi Helsinki 2 Biogas Apetit Suomi Oy Säkylä 3 Biogas Espoon Vesi Espoo Contact details PL 1100, 00099 Helsingin kaupunki, PL 100, 27801 Säkylä, Hyljeluodontie 5, 02270 Espoo, Capacity 1000 t/a 500 460 300 4 Biogas Tampereen Vesi, Viinikanlahti Tampere PL 487, 33101 Tampere, 200 5 Biogas Lahti Aqua Oy, Kariniemi Lahti Satamakatu 2 B, 15140 Lahti, 120 6 Biogas Biovakka Oy, Vehmaa Vehmaa Kalannintie 191, 23200 Vehmaa, 120 7 Biogas Stormossen Oy Mustasaari Stormossvägen 56, 66530 Koivulahti, 85 8 Biogas Lahti Aqua Oy, Ali-Juhakkala Lahti Satamakatu 2 B, 15140 Lahti, 80 9 Biogas Hämeenlinnan seudun Vesi Oy Hämeenlinna Paroistentie 7, 13600 Hämeenlinna, 72 10 Biogas Kuopion vesi Kuopio Suokatu 42 C, 70110 Kuopio 70 11 Biogas Biovakka Oy, Turku Turku Kalannintie 191, 23200 Vehmaa, 63 12 Biogas Tampere vesi, Rahola Tampere PL 487, 33101 Tampere, 60 13 Biogas Lakeuden Etappi Oy Ilmajoki Laskunmäentie 15, 60760 Pojanluoma, 50 14 Biogas 15 Biogas City of Joensuu, waste water department Jyväskylän Seudun Puhdistamo Oy Joensuu Jyväskylä Torikatu 38 B, 80100 Joensuu, Raivionsuntti 10, 40520 Jyväskylä, 46 42 16 Biogas City of Mikkeli, waste water plant Mikkeli PL 278, 50101 Mikkeli, 40 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 18/30

Type of treatment Operating company or organisation Location () Contact details Capacity 1000 t/a 17 Biogas Chips Oy Ab Finström Haraldsby 22410 Godby, Finland <30 18 Biogas City of Riihimäki, waste water plant Riihimäki Eteläinen Asemakatu 2, 11130 RIIHIMÄKI <30 19 Biogas City of Maarianhamina, waste water plant Maarianhamina Elverksgatan 1, 22100 MARIEHAMN 0 20 Biogas Satakierto Oy Köyliö Luvalahdentie 323, 27710 Köyliö 0 21 Biogas 22 Biogas City of Forssa, waste water plant Municipality of Nurmijärvi, waste waterplant Forssa Talsoilankatu 18, 30420 FORSSA <15 Nurmijärvi PL 37, 01901 NURMIJÄRVI <10 23 Biogas Laihia Laihia Isokyläntie, Laihia 24 Biogas City of Salo Salo Satamakatu, 24100 SALO 25 Biogas Kalmari Erkki Laukaa Vaajakoskentie 104, 41310 Leppävesi 26 Biogas Junttila Helge, Heikki ja Pirkko Nivala Junttilantie 37, 85500 NIVALA 27 Biogas Risto Lemmetty Orivesi 28 Biogas Hannu Koivunen Virrat Eräjärventie 1037 35220 ERÄJÄRVI Sulkavantie 57, 34930 Liedenpohja 29 Biogas Haapajärven ammattiopisto Haapajärvi Erkkiläntie 1, 85800 Haapajärvi 30 Biogas Vuorenmaa Janne, Ville ja Tuula Haapavesi Virtalantie 47 86650 KYTÖKYLÄ 31 Biogas Harri Riihimäki Halsua Venetjärventie 65, 69510 HALSUA 32 Biogas 33 Biogas Hannula Anne ja Pekka; MTT research institute Kalajoki Simintie 112, 85140 TYNKÄ Sotkamo Kipinäntie 16, 88600 Sotkamo 34 Biogas Simosbiogas Oy Liperi Kurenvaarantie 49, 80400 Ylämylly 35 Biogas Kantoniemi Riitta ja Alpo Pudasjärvi Asmuntijoentie 39 93195 Kokkokylä Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 19/30

Appendix 2: List of working plants Type of treatment Operating company or organisation Location () Contact details Ronsuntaipaleentie 204, 40500 1 Composting Mustankorkea Oy Jyväskylä Jyväskylä Website: 2 Composting Biolan Oy Eura Lauttakyläntie 570, 27500 Kauttua, 3 Composting Envor Biotech Oy Forssa Voimalankatu 56, 30420 Forssa, 4 Composting Helsinki metropolitan area council Espoo 5 Composting Kujalan Komposti Oy Lahti 6 Composting Type of treatment Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy Operating company or organisation Tampere Location () Ämmässuontie 8, 02820 Espoo Website: Sapelikatu 47, 15150 Lahti, mposti.html Naulakatu 2 33100 Tampere, Contact details Capacity 1000 t/a 74 55 55 49 45 35 Capacity 1000 t/a 7 Composting Salvor Oy Turku Hopeatie 2, 00440 Helsinki <30 8 Composting JM-Ekoturve Oy Anjalankoski Maurinkuja 10, 46800 Anjalankoski <30 9 Composting Oulun Jätehuolto Oy Oulu Ruskoniityntie 10, 90630 Oulu <30 10 Composting Kuljetus Sinkkonen Oy Anjalankoski Metsäkulmantie 246, 45610 Koria <30 11 Composting Rosk'n Roll Oy Ab Hanko Munkkaanmäki 51, 08500 Lohja <30 12 Composting Rinnekoti-Säätiö Espoo Rinnekodintie 10, 02980 Espoo <30 13 Composting Kiertokapula Oy Hyvinkää Kapulasillantie 2, 05880 Hyvinkää <30 14 Composting Vapo Oy Nurmijärvi Iivarin metsätie, 01900 Nurmijärvi <30 15 Composting Lakeuden Etappi Oy Nurmo Laulateentie 90, 60460 Isokoski <30 16 Composting Maa- ja pihatyöurakointi L. Pietarsaari Kulneffinkatu 16,68600 Pietarsaari <15 Adler 17 Composting Keski-Pohjanmaan Komposti Oy Himanka Raumankarintie 2, 68100 Himanka <15 18 Composting Vapo Oy Biotech Anjalankoski Ekokaari 50, 46860 Keltakangas <10 19 Composting Biotek Group Oy Kyyjärvi Jyväskyläntie 31a, 43100 Saarijärvi <10 20 Composting Jouko Markkula Loimaa Joenperäntie 94, 32200 Loimaa <10 21 Composting Metsäsairila Oy Mikkeli Metsä-sairilantie 18, 53350 Norola <10 22 Composting Mäntsälä Mäntsälä Heikinkuja 4, 04600 Mäntsälä <10 23 Composting Napapiirin Vesi Oy Rovaniemi Koskikatu 27 B 301, 96100 Rovaniemi <10 24 Composting City of Savonlinna, waste water Savonlinna Olavinkatu 27, 57130 Savonlinna <10 department 25 Composting City of Varkaus, Akonniemi waste water Varkaus PL 208, 78201 Varkaus <10 plant 26 Composting Natural Compost Oy Veteli PL 3, 69601 Kaustinen <10 27 Composting Pohjois-Satakunnan Jätteidenkäsittely Oy Kankaanpää Ruusilantie, 38700 Kankaanpää 28 Composting City of Helsinki, Korkeasaari Zoo Helsinki Mustikkamaanpolku 12, Helsinki 29 Composting City of Loimaa, water Loimaa Myllykyläntie, 32200 Loimaa Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 20/30

department 30 Composting Raahen Vesi Oy Raahe Ruskatie 1, 92140 Pattijoki 31 Composting Konepalvelu Suomalainen Oy, Savonlinna Koulutie 55 B 11, 57710 Savonlinna 32 Composting Siilinjärvi Siilinjärvi Kasurilantie 1, 71800 Siilinjärvi 33 Composting City of Suonenjoki Suonenjoki Herralantie 6, 77600 Suonenjoki 34 Composting Ilomantsi Ilomantsi Soihtulantie 7, 82900 Ilomantsi 35 Composting Erkki Salminen Oy Jämsänkoski Myllyharjuntie 8, 42300 Jämsänkoski 36 Composting City of Kitee Kitee Kiteentie 25, 82500 Kitee 37 Composting Mykora Oy Kiukainen Kirkkokallio 20, 38950 Honkajoki 38 Composting Kuhmoinen Kuhmoinen Toritie 34a, 17800 Kuhmoinen 39 Composting Varkaus Leppävirta PL 208, 78201 Varkaus 40 Composting City of Orivesi, waste water plant Orivesi Keskustie 23, 35300 Orivesi 41 Composting Lihavara Oy Oulu Krouvintie 6, 90400 Oulu 42 Composting Bovallius palvelut Oy Pieksämäki Hallipussi 1, 76100 Pieksämäki 43 Composting Tikalan Oy Saarijärvi Jyväskyläntie 31a, 43100 Saarijärvi 44 Composting Savonlinnan Seudun Jätehuolto Oy Savonlinna Olavinkatu 27, 57130 Savonlinna 45 Composting Utsjoki, Karigasniemi water Utsjoki PL 41, 99980 Utsjoki plant 46 Composting Poni-Haka Oy Vantaa Ratsumestarintie 6, 01200 Vantaa Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 21/30

Appendix 3: List of working stack plants Type of treatment Operating company or organisation Location () Contact details Capacity 1000 t/a 1 Helsingin Vesi Sipoo Metsäpirtintie 248, Sipoo. 91 2 3 4 5 Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy, Koukkujärvi Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy, Tarastenjärvi Nokia Tampere Koukkujärventie 361, 37130 Nokia, Tarastenjärventie 66, Tampere, Vapo Oy Biotech Joutseno Hulkonmäentie 130, 54190 Konnunsuo, Koillis-Savon Ympäristöhuolto Oy Juankoski Juankoskentie 7, 73500 Juankoski 38 60 50 34 6 Humuspehtoori Oy Pälkäne Kantokyläntie 63, 36600 Pälkäne, 37 7 Stormossen Oy Mustasaari Stormossenintie 56, 66530 Koivulahti, 32 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Type of treatment Operating company or organisation Location () Contact details Atria Oy Nurmo Atriantie 1 Nurmo, PL 900 60060 ATRIA Oulun Vesi Oulu Kasarmintie 29, PL 35 90015 OULUN KAUPUNKI City of Outokumpu Outokumpu Outokummun kaupunki, PL 47 83501 Outokumpu Capacity 1000 t/a Vapo Oy Biotech Teuva Heinätie 55, 64701 TEUVA <30 Stora Enso Oyj Hamina PL 62-63, 48101 Kotka <30 Kainuu waste management, Eko- Kymppi <30 <30 <30 Kajaani Viestitie 2, 87700 Kajaani <30 Kotkan Vesi Oy Kotka Kotkantie 6, 48200 Hovinsaari, Kotka <30 15 Evijärven kompostilantalinkki osuuskunta Evijärvi Nauriskalliontie 120, 62500 EVIJÄRVI <15 16 Vehkosuon Komposti Oy Kangasala Keljontie 305 36420 SAHALAHTI <15 17 18 City of Kokkola Kokkola Kokkolan kaupunki, PL 43, 67101 <15 Kokkola Jätekukko Oy Kuopio PL 2500, 70101 Kuopio <15 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 22/30

19 20 Lammin Puutarhamulta Turun Seudun Jätehuolto Oy Lempäälä Puutarhatie 7, 37500 Lempäälä <15 Raisio Isosuontie 5, Raisio <15 21 City of Riihimäki Riihimäki Riihimäen kaupunki, Kalevankatu 1, 11100 Riihimäki <15 22 23 24 Evijärven Peruna Oy Evijärvi Anttikoskentie 201, 62500 Evijärvi <10 Hämeenlinnan seudun Vesi Oy Joensuun Seudun Jätehuolto Oy, Kontiosuon jäteasema Hämeenlinna Joensuu Paroistentie 7, 13600 Paroinen, Hämeenlinna Joensuun Seudun Jätehuolto, Torikatu 38, 80100 Joensuu <10 <10 25 26 City of Kajaani Kajaani Kajaanin kaupunki, Pohjolankatu 13, 87100 Kajaani City of Kajaani Kajaani Kajaanin kaupunki, Pohjolankatu 13, 87100 Kajaani <10 <10 27 28 29 Jokelan Luomukomposti Osuuskunta Kalajoen Komposti Osuuskunta Kuusamon Energiaja vesiosuuskunta Kalajoki Pauli Tilvis Kalajoentie 5, 85100 KALAJOKI <10 Kalajoki Holmantie 96, 85100 KALAJOKI <10 Kuusamo Erauspojantie 3, 93600 Kuusamo <10 30 Lapinlahti Lapinlahti Lapinjärven kunta, Lapinjärventie 20 A, 07800 LAPINJÄRVI <10 31 32 33 34 35 36 City of Nilsiä Nilsiä Nilsiän kaupunki, PL 32, 73301 NILSIÄ Andelslaget Oravais Kompost <10 Oravainen Komossantie 266 66820 KOMOSSA <10 Oulun Jätehuolto Oy Oulu Ruskonniityntie 10, 90630 Oulu <10 Turun seudun jätehuolto Oy Itä-Uudenmaan Jätehuolto Oy Jokilaakson komposti Oy Parainen Ajurinkatu 2, 20100 Turku <10 Porvoo Ritamäentie 20, 06200 PORVOO <10 Ulvila Jokilaakson Ympäristö Oy, Antinkatu 2, 28100 PORI <10 37 38 39 40 City of Uusikaupunki Uusikaupunki Uudenkaupungin kaupunki, Välskärintie 2 C, 23500 Uusikaupunki Lietevarasto & Komposti Harri Tapanainen Vesilahti Harri Tapanainen, Valkkistentie 314, 37420 Valkkinen Meotek Oy Elimäki Meotek, Takamaantie 527 45610 KORIA Jätehuolto Kropsu Oy Haukipudas Laitakarintie 22, 90850 MARTINNIEMI <10 <10 Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 23/30

41 Hirvensalmen Vesi Oy Hirvensalmi Hirvensalmen kunta, Keskustie 2, 52550 HIRVENSALMI 42 City of Huittinen Huittinen Huittisten kaupunki, Risto Rytin katu 36, 32700 HUITTINEN 43 44 45 46 Janakkala Jämsänseudun Jätehuolto Oy Janakkala Janakkalan Vesi, Juttilantie 1, 14200 TURENKI Jämsä Esankatu 6, 42100 JÄMSÄ Kuru Kuru Ylöjärven kaupunki, PL 22, 33471 Ylöjärvi City of Lieksa Lieksa Lieksan kaupunki, Rantalantie 6 81720 LIEKSA 47 Metsäsairila Oy Mikkeli Porrassalmenkatu 1 A, 50100 Mikkeli 48 Nurmijärvi Nurmijärvi Nurmijärven kunta, Keskustie 2b, 01900 Nurmijärvi 49 Pihtipudas Pihtipudas Pihtiputaan kunta, Keskustie 9, 44800 Pihtipudas 50 51 City of Raahe Raahe Raahen kaupunki, PL 62, 92101 Raahe City of Rovaniemi Rovaniemi Rovaniemen kaupunki, Hallituskatu 7 PL 8216 96101 Rovaniemi 52 53 Sammakkokangas Oy Perämeren Jätehuolto Oy Saarijärvi Sivulantie 11, 43100 Saarijärvi Tornio Kalkkimaantie 614, 95460 Tornio 54 City of Nurmes Nurmes Nurmeksen kaupunki, Karjalankatu 1, 75500 NURMES 55 56 57 58 59 Type of treatment Operating company or organisation Location () Contact details Alajärven kaupunki, Tekninen City of Alajärvi Alajärvi toimisto, Alvar Aallontie, 262900 Alajärvi Capacity 1000 t/a Aura Aura Auran kunta, PL 24 21381 AURA Enontekiö, Karesuvanto Enontekiö, Kilpisjärvi Enontekiö, Hetta Enontekiö Enontekiö Enontekiö Enontekiön kunta, Ounastie 165, 99400 ENONTEKIÖ Enontekiön kunta, Ounastie 165, 99400 ENONTEKIÖ Enontekiön kunta, Ounastie 165, 99400 ENONTEKIÖ 60 City of Haapajärvi Haapajärvi Haapajärven kaupunki, Kirkkokatu 2, PL 4, 85801 Haapajärvi 61 Jokilaaksojen Jäte Oy, Haapavesi Haapavesi Vestianväylä 80, 84100 Ylivieska Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 24/30

62 Hankasalmen Kiinteistöpalvelu Hankasalmi Hankasalmen kunta, Keskustie 41, 41520 Hankasalmi 63 Hankasalmi Hankasalmi Hankasalmen kunta, Keskustie 41, 41520 Hankasalmi 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Hartolan kunnan viemärilaitos, kirkonkylä Kiinteistö- ja Konepalvelu Hiltunen Ky, kompostointilaitos Isosaaren jätevedenpuhdistamo Honkajoen vesihuoltolaitos Hartola Heinävesi Hartolan kunta, Kuninkaantie 16, 19600 Hartola Huuhinsalontie 19, 79810 KARVIONKANAVA Helsinki Santahamina, Helsinki Honkajoki Porhontie 5, 38950 HONKAJOKI Vesi-Mega Oy Hyrynsalmi Laskutie 1/Hyrynsalmen Kunta, 89400 HYRYNSALMI Ylä-Savon Jätehuolto Oy Iisalmi Kankaankatu 1. PL 15 74101 IISALMI. Timo Niemelä Ilmajoki 60720 TUOMIKYLÄ Inarin Lapin Vesi Oy Inari Sairaalantie 3, 99800 IVALO Isojoki Isojoki Isojoen kunta, Teollisuustie 1 A, 64900 Isojoki Joensuun vesi Joensuu Joensuun vesi, Torikatu 38, 80100 Joensuu Joutsa Joutsa Joutsan kunta, Länsitie 7, PL 20, 19650 JOUTSA Jurva Jurva Jurvan kunta, Koulutie 8, PL 5, 66301 Jurva Juuka Juuka Juuan kunta, Poikolantie 1, 83900 Juuka Juvan kunta, Juvantie 13 Juva Juva PL 28 51901 JUVA T & T Lintutalo Ay Juva Viisalanmäentie 408 51890 RISULAHTI Jämsä Jämsä Seppolantie 10, 42100 Jämsä Kärkisen Komposti Osuuskunta Typön Kompostiosuuskunta Kangasniemi Kannuksen Hyötykomposti Oy Kalajoki Kärkisjoentie 15 85150 TYPPÖ Kalajoki Iso-ojantie 269, 85150 TYPPÖ Kangasniemi Otto Mannisen tie 2, 51200 Kangasniemi Kannus Valtakatu 19 A 3, 69100 KANNUS Karstula Karstula Karstulan kunta, Virastotie 4, 43500 Karstula Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 25/30

85 Karttula Karttula Karttulan kunta, Kissakuusentie 6, 72100 Karttula 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Karvia Karvia Karvian kunta, Kylä-Karvian tie 17, 39930 Karvia City of Kauhava Kauhava Kauhavan kunta, Kirkkotie 10, 62200 KAUHAVA Kaustinen Kaustinen Kappelintie 13, PL 10, 69601 Kaustinen Keitele Keitele Keiteleen kunta, PL 14, 72601 KEITELE City of Kemi Kemi Kemin kunta, Valtakatu 26, 94100 Kemi Kemiö Kemiö Kemiön kunta, Malmvägen 2, 25900 Dalsbruk Lakeuden Keskuspuhdistamo Oy Kempele Kurikkatie 14, 90440 KEMPELE city of Keuruu Keuruu KANTOLANTIE 6, 42700 KEURUU Kihniö Kihniö Kihniön kunta, Kihniöntie 46, 39820 Kihniö Kinnula Kinnula Kinnulan kunta, Keskustie 45, 43900 KINNULA Aktiivikeskus Kirkkonummi Kirkkonummen kunta, PL 20, 02401 Kirkkonummi Kyrön Vesihuolto Oy Kittilä Lahenrannantie 7 99300 MUONIO Levin Vesihuolto Oy Kittilä Isotaalontie 401, 99130 SIRKKA Perkaus landfill Kivijärvi Kivijärven kunta, Virastotie 5, 43800 KIVIJÄRVI 100 city of Kokemäki Kokemäki Kokemäen kaupunki, Tulkkilantie 2, 32800 Kokemäki 101 Korppoo Korppoo Korppoon kunta, Virastotalo 21710 KORPPOO 102 Korsnäs, Kyrkby Korsnäs Korsnäsin kunta, Strandvägen 4323, 66200 KORSNÄS 103 Korsnäs, fur manure treatment Korsnäs Korsnäsin kunta, Strandvägen 4323, 66200 KORSNÄS 104 Kauhava Kauhava Kauhavan kunta, Kirkkotie 10, 62200 KAUHAVA 105 Koski Koski Kosken TL kunta, Härkätie 5, 31500 Koski Tl 106 City of Kuhmo Kuhmo Kuhmon kaupunki, PL 15, 88901 Kuhmo 107 108 Kuopion Vesi, Melalahti Kuopion Vesi, Vehmersalmi Kuopio PL 1097, 70111 KUOPIO Kuopio PL 1097, 70111 KUOPIO Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 26/30

109 Kyyjärven landfill Kyyjärvi Kyyjärven kunta, Honkalehdontie 8, 43700 Kyyjärvi 110 Kärsämäen Vesihuolto Oy Kärsämäki Haapajärventie 1, 86710 Kärsämäki 111 Maahinen Oy Laitila Näkäräisentaatankuja 1 23800 LAITILA 112 Lappajärvi Lappajärvi Lappajärven kunta, Maneesintie 5, 62600 Lappajärvi 113 Leppävirta Leppävirta Leppävirran kunta, Savonkatu 39, 79100 Leppävirta 114 Lestijärvi Lestijärvi Lestijärven kunta, Lestintie 39 69440 Lestijärvi 115 City of Lieksa Lieksa Lieksan kaupunki, Rantalantie 6 81720 LIEKSA 116 Liljendal Liljendal Liljendalin kunta, Bäckasinkuja 1A 07880 Liljendal 117 Loviisan kaupunki, Mannerheiminkatu City of Loviisa Loviisa 4, 07900 LOVIISA 118 Luumäki Luumäki Luumäen kunta, Linnalantie 33, PL 13, 54501 TAAVETTI 119 Merijärvi Merijärvi Merijärven kunta, Kunnantie 1 86220 Merijärvi 120 Merikarvia Merikarvia Merikarvian kunta, Kauppatie 40, 29900 Merikarvia 121 Muonio Muonio Muonion kunta, Puthaanrannantie 15, 99300 Muonio 122 Mäntyharju Mäntyharju Mäntyharjun kunta, Asematie3, 52700 Mäntyharju 123 Nauvo Nauvo Nauvon kunta, PL 13, 21661 Nauvo 124 City of Oulainen Oulainen Oulaisten kaupunki, PL 22, 86301 Oulainen 125 Paltamo Paltamo Paltamon kunta, Vaarankyläntie 7, 88300 PALTAMO 126 127 128 129 Parikkala, Niukkala Parikkala, Särkisalmi Pyhä-Luoston Vesi Oy Pellon vesihuoltoosuuskunta Parikkala Parikkala Pelkosenniemi Pello Parikkalan kunta, Harjukuja 6, 59100 Parikkala Parikkalan kunta, Harjukuja 6, 59100 Parikkala Sodankyläntie 1, 98500 PELKOSENNIEMI VÄYLÄNVARRENTIE 9B, 95700 PELLO Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 27/30

130 131 Perho Perho Perhon kunta, PL 20, 69951 PERHO Perniö Perniö Lupajantie 1, 25500 PERNIÖ 132 City of Pieksämäki Pieksämäki Pieksämäen kaupunki, Pertinkuja 1 PL 125, 76101 Pieksämäki 133 134 135 136 Posion Aholan vesiosakeyhtiö Pudasjärvi Pudasjärven vesiosuuskunta Punkaharju Posio Kirkkotie 1 97900 POSIO Pudasjärvi Pudasjärven kaupunki, Varsitie 7, 93100 Pudasjärvi Pudasjärvi Puistotie 2 93101 Pudasjärvi Punkaharju Punkaharjun kunta, PL 18, 58500 PUNKAHARJU 137 Punkalaidun Punkalaidun Punkalaitumen kunta, Vesilahdentie 5, 31900 PUNKALAIDUN 138 139 140 Puolanka Petäjämaan komposti osuuskunta Pyhäjokisuun Vesi Oy Puolanka Pyhäjoki Puolangan kunta, PL 42, 89201 Puolanka Pyhäjoen kunta, Kuntatie 1 86100 Pyhäjoki Pyhäjoki Vanhatie 46-48 L 11, 86101 Pyhäjoki 141 City of Pyhäjärvi Pyhäjärvi Pyhäjärven kaupunki, Ollintie 26, 86800 Pyhäjärvi 142 Pyhäranta Pyhäranta Pyhärannan kunta, Pajamäentie 4 23950 Pyhäranta 143 Joensuun kaupunki, City of Joensuu Pyhäselkä Hammaslahdentie 2, 82200 HAMMASLAHTI 144 Pöytyä Pöytyä Pöytyän kunta, PL 14 21871 Riihikoski 145 Rantasalmi Rantasalmi Rantasalmen kunta, Poikkitie 2, 58900 Rantasalmi 146 Siikalatva Siikalatva Sandelsintie 12, 92500 Rantsila 147 Rautalampi Rautalampi Rautalammin kunta, Kuopiontie 11 77700 Rautalampi 148 Rautavaara Rautavaara Rautavaaran kunta, PL 24, 73901 Rautavaara 149 Rautjärvi Rautjärvi Rautjärven kunta, Simpeleentie 12, 56800 SIMPELE 150 Reisjärvi Reisjärvi Reisjärven kunta, Reisjärventie 8, 85900 Reisjärvi 151 Ruovesi Ruovesi Syväojantie 7 34600 RUOVESI Bionova Engineering Market research: Organic waste treatment in Finland 28/30