, Model OCC-751-Marble-BK, OCC-751-Marble-WH , OCC-751-Marble-BK, OCC-751-Marble-WH

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1 Big Base Table Lamp , Model OCC-751-Marble-BK, OCC-751-Marble-WH ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary changes made to technical data. In the event of technical problems or other queries, please contact our Customer Services. Safety The product is intended for indoor use only. Always switch the lamp off, unplug it and let the bulb cool before changing it. Warning symbols Operating instructions 1. Press the power button to switch the lamp on. 2. Twist the power button to dim the lamp. 3. Press the power button to switch the lamp off. For indoor use only. Class II luminaire. The mains lead should be checked regularly. Never use the product if the mains lead or plug is damaged. The mains lead must be changed if damaged. This is to prevent the risk of electric shock or fire and should only be carried out by the manufacturer, authorised service facility or a qualified tradesman. Installation Bulb: V AC,, max 46 W (sold separately). 1. Screw the light bulb into its socket. 2. Plug the adaptor into an appropriate wall socket. Specifications Supply voltage V, 50 Hz Bulb Max 46 W (sold separately) Base Mains lead 1.8 m Width Height Length Weight 1.6 kg Care and maintenance Unplug the mains lead from the wall socket before cleaning. Clean the product using a soft, damp cloth. Use a mild detergent. Never use solvents or strong, abrasive cleaning agents. Responsible disposal This symbol indicates that this product should not be disposed of with general household waste. This applies throughout the entire EU. In order to prevent any harm to the environment or health hazards caused by incorrect waste disposal, the product must be handed in for recycling so that the material can be disposed of in a responsible manner. When recycling your product, take it to your local collection facility or contact the place of purchase. They will ensure that the product is disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. GREAT BRITAIN CUSTOMER SERVICE tel: internet: postal: Market Place, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1JZ

2 SVENSKA Bordslampa Big Base , Modell OCC-751-Marble-BK, OCC-751-Marble-WH Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före användning och spara den sedan för framtida bruk. Vi reserverar oss för ev. text- och bildfel samt ändringar av tekniska data. Vid tekniska problem eller andra frågor, kontakta vår kundtjänst. Säkerhet Produkten är endast avsedd för inomhusbruk. Släck lampan, dra ut stickproppen ut vägg uttaget och låt ljuskällan svalna innan du byter den. Varningssymboler Användning 1. Tryck på strömbrytaren för att slå på lampan. 2. Vrid strömbrytaren för att dimra. 3. Tryck på strömbrytaren igen för att slå av. Endast avsedd för inomhusbruk. Klass II-belysningsarmatur. Nätkabeln bör regelbundet kontrolleras. Använd aldrig produkten om nätkabeln eller stickproppen är skadade. Om nätkabeln skadats får den, för att risk för elektrisk stöt eller brand ska undvikas, endast bytas av tillverkaren, dess serviceställe eller av en kvalificerad yrkesman. Installation Ljuskälla: V AC,, max 46 W (säljs separat). 1. Skruva fast ljuskällan i basen. 2. Anslut nätkabeln till lämpligt vägguttag. Specifikationer Nätanslutning V AC, 50 Hz Ljuskälla Max 46 W (säljs separat) Sockel Nätkabelns längd 1,8 m Bredd Höjd Längd Vikt Skötsel och underhåll Dra ut stickproppen ur vägguttaget innan rengöring. Torka av produkten med en lätt fuktad trasa. Använd ett milt rengöringsmedel, aldrig lösningsmedel eller starka, slipande rengöringsmedel. Avfallshantering Denna symbol innebär att produkten inte får kastas tillsammans med annat hushållsavfall. Detta gäller inom hela EU. För att förebygga eventuell skada på miljö och hälsa, orsakad av felaktig avfallshantering, ska produkten lämnas till återvinning så att materialet kan tas omhand på ett ansvarsfullt sätt. När du lämnar produkten till återvinning, använd dig av de returhanteringssystem som finns där du befinner dig eller kontakta inköpsstället. De kan se till att produkten tas om hand på ett för miljön tillfredställande sätt. SVERIGE KUNDTJÄNST tel: fax: e-post: internet: brev: Clas Ohlson AB, INSJÖN

3 Big Base bordlampe , Modell OCC-751-Marble-BK, OCC-751-Marble-WH NORSK Les brukerveiledningen grundig før produktet tas i bruk og ta vare på den for framtidig bruk. Vi reserverer oss mot ev. feil i tekst og bilde, samt forandringer av tekniske data. Ved tekniske problemer eller spørsmål, ta kontakt med vårt kundesenter. Sikkerhet Produktet er kun beregnet for innendørs bruk. Slukk lampen, trekk støpselet ut av strømuttaket og la lyspæren avkjøles før den skiftes. Varslingssymboler Bruk 1. Trykk på strømbryteren for å slå på lampen. 2. Drei på strømbryteren for å dimme. 3. Trykk på strømbryteren igjen for å slå av. Kun for innendørs bruk. Klasse II-belysningsarmatur. Strømledningen bør kontrolleres regelmessig. Bruk ikke produktet dersom strømledning eller støpsel er skadet. Dersom strømledningen er skadet skal den, for å unngå elektrisk støt eller brann, skiftes av produsenten, på et serviceverksted eller av annen fagperson. Installasjon Lyskilde: V AC,, maks 46 W (selges separat). 1. Fest lyskilden i lampefoten. 2. Koble strømkabelen til et passende strømuttak. Spesifikasjoner Nettspenning V AC, 50 Hz Lyskilde Maks 46 W (selges separat) Sokkel Nettkabelens lengde 1,8 m Bredde Høyde Lengde Vekt Stell og vedlikehold Trekk støpselet ut fra strømuttaket før rengjøring. Rengjør produktet med en myk, lett fuktet klut. Bruk et mildt rengjøringsmiddel ved behov. Unngå å bruke løsemidler og slipende rengjøringsmidler. Avfallshåndtering Symbolet viser til at produktet ikke skal kastes sammen med husholdningsavfallet. Dette gjelder i hele EØS-området. For å forebygge eventuelle skader på helse og miljø som følge av feil håndtering av avfall, skal produktet leveres til gjenvinning, slik at materialet blir tatt hånd om på en ansvarsfull måte. Benytt miljøstasjonene som er der du befinner deg eller ta kontakt med forhandler. De vil ta hånd om produktet på en miljømessig tilfredsstillende måte. NORGE KUNDESENTER tel: fax: e-post: internett: post: Clas Ohlson AS, Postboks 485 Sentrum, 0105 OSLO

4 SUOMI Pöytävalaisin Big Base Tuotenro , Malli OCC-751-Marble-BK, OCC-751-Marble-WH Lue käyttöohje ennen tuotteen käyttöönottoa ja säilytä se tulevaa tarvetta varten. Pidätämme oikeuden teknisten tietojen muutoksiin. Emme vastaa mahdollisista teksti- tai kuvavirheistä. Jos tuotteeseen tulee teknisiä ongelmia, ota yhteys myymälään tai asiakaspalveluun. Turvallisuus Laite on tarkoitettu vain sisäkäyttöön. Sammuta valaisin, irrota pistoke pistorasiasta ja anna lampun jäähtyä, ennen kuin vaihdat lampun. Varoitussymbolit Käyttö 1. Sytytä valaisin painamalla virtakytkintä. 2. Himmennä kiertämällä virtakytkintä. 3. Sammuta valaisin painamalla uudelleen virtakytkintä. Vain sisäkäyttöön. Luokan II valaisin. Tarkista virtajohdon kunto säännöllisesti. Älä käytä laitetta, jos sen virtajohto tai pistoke on vioittunut. Vioittuneen virtajohdon saa vaihtaa ainoastaan valmistaja, sen määräämä huoltopiste tai valtuutettu ammattilainen. Näin vähennetään sähköiskujen ja tulipalojen riskiä. Asennus Lamppu: V AC,, enint. 46 W (myydään erikseen). 1. Kierrä lamppu kiinni valaisimeen. 2. Liitä virtajohto pistorasiaan. Tekniset tiedot Verkkoliitäntä V AC, 50 Hz Lamppu, enintään 46 W (myydään erikseen) Kanta Virtajohto 1,8 m Leveys Korkeus Pituus Paino Huolto ja puhdistaminen Irrota pistoke pistorasiasta ennen puhdistamista. Pyyhi laite kevyesti kostutetulla pehmeällä liinalla. Käytä mietoa puhdistusainetta. Älä käytä vahvoja, hankaavia puhdistusaineita tai liuotinaineita. Kierrättäminen Tämä kuvake tarkoittaa, että tuotetta ei saa hävittää kotitalousjätteen seassa. Tämä koskee koko EUaluetta. Virheellisestä hävittämisestä johtuvien mahdollisten ympäristö- ja terveyshaittojen ehkäisemiseksi tuote tulee viedä kierrätettäväksi, jotta materiaali voidaan käsitellä vastuullisella tavalla. Kierrätä tuote käyttämällä paikallisia kierrätysjärjestelmiä tai ota yhteys ostopaikkaan. Ostopaikassa tuote kierrätetään vastuullisella tavalla. SUOMI ASIAKASPALVELU puh: kotisivu: sähköposti: osoite: Clas Ohlson Oy, Kaivokatu 10 B, HELSINKI

5 Tischleuchte Big Base Art.Nr , Modell OCC-751-Marble-BK, OCC-751-Marble-WH DEUTSCH Vor Inbetriebnahme die komplette Bedienungsanleitung durchlesen und aufbewahren. Irrtümer, Abweichungen und Änderungen behalten wir uns vor. Bei technischen Problemen oder anderen Fragen freut sich unser Kundenservice über eine Kontaktaufnahme. Sicherheitshinweise Das Produkt ist nur zur Verwendung in Innenräumen geeignet. Vor dem Austauschen des Leuchtmittels die Leuchte ausschalten, den Netzstecker ziehen und das Leuchtmittel abkühlen lassen. Warnsymbole Benutzung 1. Auf den Stromschalter drücken, um die Leuchte einzuschalten. 2. Den Stromschalter drehen, um zu dimmen. 3. Erneut auf den Stromschalter drücken, um auszuschalten. Nur für den Innengebrauch vorgesehen. Leuchte der Klasse II. Das Netzkabel regelmäßig auf Fehler überprüfen. Das Gerät nie benutzen, wenn das Netzkabel oder der Netzstecker beschädigt ist. Um Stromschläge oder Feuer zu vermeiden, das Netzkabel bei Beschädigung nur vom Hersteller, seinem Kundendienst oder qualifiziertem Fachpersonal austauschen lassen. Montage Leuchtmittel: V AC,, max. 46 W (separat erhältlich). 1. Das Leuchtmittel in den Sockel schrauben. 2. Den Netzstecker in eine geeignete Steckdose stecken. Technische Daten Betriebsspannung V AC, 50 Hz Leuchtmittel Mx. 46 W (separat erhältlich) Fassung Länge des Stromkabels 1,8 m Breite Höhe Länge Gewicht Pflege und Wartung Vor dem Reinigen stets das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose ziehen. Das Produkt mit einem weichen, leicht befeuchteten Tuch reinigen. Keine scharfen Chemikalien, Reinigungslösungen oder starke Reinigungsmittel verwenden. Dies kann das Produkt beschädigen. Hinweise zur Entsorgung Dieses Symbol zeigt an, dass das Produkt nicht gemeinsam mit dem Haushaltsabfall entsorgt werden darf. Dies gilt in der gesamten EU. Um möglichen Schäden für die Umwelt und Gesundheit vorzubeugen, die durch fehlerhafte Abfallentsorgung verursacht werden, dieses Produkt zum verantwortlichen Recycling geben, um die nachhaltige Wiederverwertung von stofflichen Ressourcen zu fördern. Bei der Abgabe des Produktes bitte die vorhandenen Recycling- und Sammelstationen benutzen oder den Händler kontaktieren. Dieser kann das Produkt auf eine umweltfreundliche Weise recyceln. DEUTSCHLAND KUNDENSERVICE Hotline: Homepage: Postanschrift: Clas Ohlson GmbH, Jungfernstieg 38, Hamburg

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Glass Tube Table Lamp

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Opal Table Lamp. Care and maintenance. Safety. Responsible disposal. Product description. Specifications. Installation ENGLISH

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GREAT BRITAIN CUSTOMER SERVICE Tripod Table Lamp/Floor Lamp --, -- Model UV-CO-B, UV-CO-W -0-, -0- UV-CO-B, UV-CO-W ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before use and then save it for future reference. We reserve


Disposal This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.

Disposal This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council. Elegant Table Lamp 18-1227-1, -2, 36-1131-1, -2 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Light Table and Wall Light

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120 cm Decorative LED Tree

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Picture Light , -2 Model PLED-15ZS-BK , -2 PLED-15ZS-WH

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Floor lamp assembly. Specifications. Table lamp assembly. English. Floor Lamp Height 148 cm Bulb Cable length

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Product description. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance

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ENGLISH. 1. Screw off the battery cover. 2. Replace the battery with a new type AG10/SR54 and screw back battery cover.

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ENGLISH. Do not shine the spotlight at anyone s eyes. Turn off the torch and let it cool completely before changing the battery or putting it away. ENGLISH Mini LED Torch 36-4839 Model M13A1 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Feather Ball String Light

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Globe Pendant/Table Lamp

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Short Cycle Timer, 0 60 min/0 6 hours

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Acacia. Care and maintenance. Disposal. English

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USB Fan. Safety. Use. Care and maintenance

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1. [ I ] On/off 2. Light intensity setting (5 stages)

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Care and maintenance. 1. Undo the latch and remove the solar light assembly from the diffuser.

Care and maintenance. 1. Undo the latch and remove the solar light assembly from the diffuser. Solar Globe Light,, Model TN-8088, TN-8089, TN-8091 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


LED Work Light Arbetsbelysning LED Arbeidsbelysning LED Työvalaisin LED LED-Arbeitsleuchte

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English. Connecting a computer to the AC router

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Sparkly Icicle String Light Extension

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GKX5 Gaming Keyboard. Programming the macro keys. Buttons and functions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. English

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Chain Link Remover. Product description. Removing pins. Inserting a new pin. Adjusting the chain. Responsible disposal. Art.

Chain Link Remover. Product description. Removing pins. Inserting a new pin. Adjusting the chain. Responsible disposal. Art. ENGLISH Chain Link Remover 31-867 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any


Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung

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Travel Toothbrush. Specifications Batteries: 1 x AAA/LR03 (included). Travel Toothbrush 34-3080-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Torkställning eluppvärmd Tørkestativ elektrisk oppvarmet Kuivausteline, sähkökäyttöinen

Torkställning eluppvärmd Tørkestativ elektrisk oppvarmet Kuivausteline, sähkökäyttöinen 34-7686 Torkställning eluppvärmd Tørkestativ elektrisk oppvarmet Kuivausteline, sähkökäyttöinen Modell/Malli: S825T/3 Nr/Nro: 34-7686 Svenska 3 Norsk 4 Suomi 5 Ver. 200709 Torkställning eluppvärmd,


ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.

ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council. ENGLISH Camping Table 31-1168 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio. Model: BS-320-UK/BS-320. Ver

ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio. Model: BS-320-UK/BS-320. Ver 18-8002 38-2080 AM/FM Radio AM/FM-radio ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: BS-320-UK/BS-320 Ver. 200802 AM/FM Radio Art no. 18-8002/38-2080 Model BS-320-UK/BS-320 Please read the entire


Cody Spotlight , , -1

Cody Spotlight , , -1 Cody Spotlight ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary


SVENSKA. FM-radio. FM-radio NORSK SUOMI. Model 38-3244 H5021A. Ver. 200902.

SVENSKA. FM-radio. FM-radio NORSK SUOMI. Model 38-3244 H5021A. Ver. 200902. FM-radio FM-radio SUOMI SVENSKA NORSK Model 38-3244 H5021A Ver. 200902 SVENSKA FM-radio 38-3244 Model: H5021A Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före användning och spara


Camping Chair. Safety. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. 31-1171 ENGLISH

Camping Chair. Safety. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. 31-1171 ENGLISH ENGLISH Camping Chair 31-1171 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Cordless Christmas Tree Candles with Remote Control

Cordless Christmas Tree Candles with Remote Control Cordless Christmas Tree Candles with Remote Control 36-6139 Model A3860 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve


Mini Tabletop Vacuum Model DCT-008

Mini Tabletop Vacuum Model DCT-008 Mini Tabletop Vacuum 44-2631 Model DCT-008 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or


Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness.

Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness. switch 36-2809 Model EFM700DB Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary


USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Responsible disposal. Specifications

USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Responsible disposal. Specifications USB Charger 2 18-8453 Model Vanson SP-10USBi-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


40 cm Crystal Pendant Light Model P14311B

40 cm Crystal Pendant Light Model P14311B 40 cm Crystal Pendant Light 36-6830-2 Model P14311B ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any


Alfa Q TW 56W Alfa Q 58W GLAQTW00056 GLAQ W 58 W 5300 lm 5400 lm

Alfa Q TW 56W Alfa Q 58W GLAQTW00056 GLAQ W 58 W 5300 lm 5400 lm Alfa Q TW 56W Alfa Q 58W GLAQTW00056 GLAQ00058 56 W 58 W 5300 lm 5400 lm Greenled Tarjusojantie 12-14 90440 Kempele FINLAND Turvallisuusvaroitukset: Ennen asennusta tai huoltotyötä kytke valaisin irti


SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan 2,3m lähempää.

SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan 2,3m lähempää. SIRIUS M * SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan 2,3m lähempää. SIRIUS luminaire should be positioned so that prolonged staring into the


SQUARE. Greenled Tarjusojantie Kempele FINLAND

SQUARE. Greenled Tarjusojantie Kempele FINLAND SQUARE 30x30 SQUARE 60x60 SQUARE 30x120 SQUARE 60x120 GLSQ00030x30_xx GLSQ00060x60_xx GLSQ0030x120_xx GLSQ0060x120_xx 18 W 28 W / 45 W 28 W / 45 W 55 W 1600 lm 2950 lm / 4700 lm 2900 lm / 4500 lm 5500


Cody Ceiling Spotlight

Cody Ceiling Spotlight Cody Ceiling Spotlight 36-6657 Model FCL70400v0-dm/WH ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any


Stege till uppblåsbar pool Bassengtrapp Portaat uima-altaaseen

Stege till uppblåsbar pool Bassengtrapp Portaat uima-altaaseen KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING Stege till uppblåsbar pool Bassengtrapp Portaat uima-altaaseen Ver. 00-000 Modell/Malli: AC-90 Nr/Nro: -9 SVENSKA Stege till uppblåsbar pool Artikelnummer: -9, modell AC-90 Läs


LCD/Plasma Screen Cleaning Kit

LCD/Plasma Screen Cleaning Kit LCD/Plasma Screen Cleaning Kit 38-4373 Model PT-9006 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug

Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug 8-0 Model EMD00A-UK 6-8 EMD00A English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


WiFi Smart Plug with night light Clas Ohlson Home

WiFi Smart Plug with night light Clas Ohlson Home WiFi Smart Plug with night light 18-2963 Model SP2 UK Please read the entire instruction manual before use and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


LED Party String Lights

LED Party String Lights LED Party String Lights 18-2297, -98 Model ZKU025-UK, ZKU026-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right


Stand for Log Splitter , ,

Stand for Log Splitter , , Stand for Log Splitter 18-3570, 40-9122, 40-9511 40-9363 1. lose the bleed screw. 2. Turn the log splitter upside down, detach the wheels and remove the plugs from the ends of the legs. 3. First


12 V LED Spotlight 36-1316 Model MF-3059

12 V LED Spotlight 36-1316 Model MF-3059 12 V LED Spotlight 36-1316 Model MF-3059 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in


Bathroom light Model OCL-744

Bathroom light Model OCL-744 Bathroom light 36-6616 Model OCL-744 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


ECO E II. Greenled Tarjusojantie Kempele FINLAND

ECO E II. Greenled Tarjusojantie Kempele FINLAND Greenled Tarjusojantie 12-14 90440 Kempele FINLAND IP44 Turvallisuusvaroitukset: Ennen asennusta tai huoltotyötä kytke valaisin irti sähköverkosta välttääksesi sähköiskun vaaran! Asennus / huoltotyön saa


Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm

Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm Furniture Set Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja eutsch English Svenska Suomi Norsk Model M6x25mm 3-75 335.83 Ver. 2050902 English Furniture Set 3-75 Model 335.83 Please read the entire instruction



LIMITED EDITION WORK LIGHT ART.NO MODEL: FWK70002V0-UK FWK70002V0 SIGNATURE COLLECTION LIMITED EDITION WORK LIGHT ART.NO. 18-1400 MODEL: FWK70002V0-UK 36-6710 FWK70002V0 SIGNATURE COLLECTION 2 Work light 18-1400 Modell FWK70002v0-UK 36-6710 FWK70002v0 English Please read the entire


Operating instructions

Operating instructions LED Star Lamp 36-6108 Model NL-CD-15001-48S Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


TV/Monitor Wall Bracket

TV/Monitor Wall Bracket English TV/Monitor Wall Bracket 38-5324 Model Wall mount 50/75/100 Read the entire instruction manual before use and then safe it for future reference. We reserve the right to make changes to text,


Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer

Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer Digital Timer 34-2361 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Morphea LED Desk Lamp

Morphea LED Desk Lamp Morphea LED Desk Lamp 18-1075/36-3347 Model Morphea LED English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We apologise for any text or


USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications

USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications USB Charger 2 36-5757 Model Vanson SP-10USBi English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Battery-Operated String Light

Battery-Operated String Light Battery-Operated String Light ENGLISH 36-5280 Model NL-LC-001 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any


Care and maintenance If the fan is not to be used for a long time, remove the batteries and empty the water out before putting the fan away.

Care and maintenance If the fan is not to be used for a long time, remove the batteries and empty the water out before putting the fan away. Mini Misting Fan -, -, -, -, - Model WF00 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making


TV/Monitor Wall Bracket

TV/Monitor Wall Bracket English TV/Monitor Wall Bracket. Drill holes in the wall using a suitable drill bit.. Screw the wall plate to the wall.. Fasten the bracket using the included bolts. - Model Wall mount 0//00/00


Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung

Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung 38-4641 Ver. 20130926 2 Wall Bracket 38-4641 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for


Wood/Metal Side Table

Wood/Metal Side Table Wood/Metal Side Table Sidobord trä/metall Sidebord tre/metall Sivupöytä puu/metalli Beistelltisch Holz/Metall Deutsch English Svenska Suomi Norsk Model 44-3343 KM-180319-1 Ver. 20180620 2 Wood/Metal


Digital Window Thermometer

Digital Window Thermometer Digital Window Thermometer 36-1270 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making


SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan DIM * lähempää.

SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan DIM * lähempää. SIRIUS FLOOD S SIRIUS FLOOD M SIRIUS FLOOD L GLFS 20W GLFS 40W GLFS 65W GLFM 88W GLFM 110W GLFL 134W GLFL 160W GLFL 182W DIM* 1.8m 2.0m 2.3m 2.8m 2.8m 6.5m 6.5m 6.5m * SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten,


3. Mount the aerial onto a mast (sold separately) or wall using appropriate fasteners for the mounting surface.

3. Mount the aerial onto a mast (sold separately) or wall using appropriate fasteners for the mounting surface. Outdoor Aerial 38-8756 Model DTVO-4 Refer to the instruction manual of your TV receiver to see if you have this option and if so, how to activate it. This feature may be found in your TV receiver


Battery-operated LED decoration

Battery-operated LED decoration Battery-operated LED decoration 36-5902 Model WX-LED20-20WW-1 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right


15 W LED Work Light. Assembly instructions Attach the bracket and the handle (3) to the base (1) using two locking screws (4). Specifications Voltage

15 W LED Work Light. Assembly instructions Attach the bracket and the handle (3) to the base (1) using two locking screws (4). Specifications Voltage W LED Work Light 8- Model HK-LBA-HWS(UK) -00 HK-LBA-HWS Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Switch to the next running PC [Ctrl + Shift + 1] Switch to PC 1 [Ctrl + Shift + 2] Switch to PC 2 [Ctrl + Shift + S]

Switch to the next running PC [Ctrl + Shift + 1] Switch to PC 1 [Ctrl + Shift + 2] Switch to PC 2 [Ctrl + Shift + S] 38-2525 Switch -omkopplare -omkobler -kytkin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model/Modell/Malli: 2180-1826 Ver. 200711 ENGLISH Switch, article number 38-2525 Please read the entire instruction


15 W Soldering Iron. Operation. Safety. Responsible disposal. Specifications. ,

15 W Soldering Iron. Operation. Safety. Responsible disposal. Specifications. , Soldering Iron 18-3282, 40-8220 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary


LED Torch. Specifications

LED Torch. Specifications LED Torch 36-6065 Model N-006 1 W Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


English. Multi-colour resolution indicator light: Red 400 DPI Orange 800 DPI Green 1600 DPI Blue 3200 DPI Purple 6400 DPI

English. Multi-colour resolution indicator light: Red 400 DPI Orange 800 DPI Green 1600 DPI Blue 3200 DPI Purple 6400 DPI English Optical Gaming Mouse 38-5533-1 Model GMX5 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in


Bright Solar Garden Light 36-6184, -85 Model ST1211 SOLAR BS, -CP

Bright Solar Garden Light 36-6184, -85 Model ST1211 SOLAR BS, -CP Bright Solar Garden Light 36-6184, -85 Model ST1211 SOLAR BS, -CP ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the


Digital Cooking Thermometer

Digital Cooking Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer 34-2149 Model WDJ7001-A Please read the entire instruction manual before use and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Shower Set. English. Assembly

Shower Set. English. Assembly Shower Set 40-7348 Model ST-RS06021-GAP10 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


Only use warm water to clean the product. Use vegetable oil to treat the mortar surface from time to time.

Only use warm water to clean the product. Use vegetable oil to treat the mortar surface from time to time. Mortar & Pestle 34-8508 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary
