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1 CD/DVD Repair Kit Art.no Model PC-789 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary technical changes to this document. If you should have any questions concerning technical problems please contact our Customer Services. Buttons and functions Operation Step : Buffing. Open the lid and place the buffing pads (pink) into the left and right holders. 2. Insert the CD/DVD and press the on/off button. The process takes about 2 3 minutes and stops automatically. 3. Open the lid and remove the disc before proceeding to step 2. English Safety Step 2: Repairing. Place the repair pads (yellow) into the right and left holders. 2. Apply two small drops of the repair fluid (small bottle) to the right hand repair pad. 3. Insert the CD/DVD and press the on/off button. When the process has automatically stopped, remove the disc to finish. 4. Always brush the buffing pads with the mini-brush after use. 5. Repeat steps and 2 if the problem persists. 6. Change pads once they have been worn and do not give the desired results. Do not press the on/off button when there is no disc in the unit. Do not use the unit for more than 30 minutes at a time. Do not use more than 2 drops of repair fluid. Shake the bottle well before use. Product description Repairs CD/DVDs in three easy steps. Polishes away scratches and lays down a new protective coating. Cleans dirty CD/DVDs quickly and effectively. Comes with buffing, repair and cleaning pads along with cleaning and repair fluids and brush. Repair fluid for up to 50 uses. 230 V mains operated. NOTE: The unit should not be used as a preventive measure. Specifications Width Height Mains adaptor 60 mm 2 V DC, 500 ma. Power socket 2. On/off button 3. Open button 4. Buffing pads (pink) 5. Mains adaptor 6. Mini brush 7. Repair pads (yellow) and cleaning pads (blue) 8. Cleaning fluid (large bottle) 9. Repair fluid (small bottle) Cleaning and repair fluid caution: Avoid all contact with your eyes. If contact occurs, rinse your eyes under running water for 5 min and contact a doctor immediately. Step 3: Cleaning. Place the cleaning pads (blue) into the right and left holders. 2. Apply two small drops of the cleaning fluid (large bottle) to the right hand pad. 3. Insert the CD/DVD and press the on/off button. When the process has automatically stopped, remove the disc to finish. 4. Repeat the process if you are not satisfied with the results. Disposal This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local authority. GREAT BRITAIN customer service tel: customerservice@clasohlson.co.uk internet:

2 CD/DVD reparationssats Art.nr Modell PC-789 Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före användning och spara den sedan för framtida bruk. Vi reserverar oss för ev. text- och bildfel samt ändringar av tekniska data. Vid tekniska problem eller andra frågor, kontakta vår kundtjänst. Knappar och funktioner Användning Steg : Slipning. Öppna locket och placera sliprondeller (rosa) i den vänstra och högra hållaren. 2. Sätt i CD/DVD-skivan och tryck på av/på-knappen. Processen stannar automatiskt efter 2 3 minuter. 3. Öppna luckan och ta ur skivan för att gå till steg 2. Svenska Säkerhet Tryck endast på av/på-knappen när en CD/DVD-skiva finns i apparaten. Använd inte apparaten längre än 30 minuter i sträck. Använd aldrig mer än 2 droppar vätska. Skaka flaskan väl innan användning. Produktbeskrivning Reparerar dina CD/DVD-skivor för musik, dator och film. I tre enkla steg slipas repor och hack ned och ny skyddsbeläggning läggs på. Rengör snabbt och effektivt smutsiga CD/DVD-skivor. Levereras med sliprondeller, reparationsrondeller, rengöringsrondeller, rengöringsvätska och borste. Vätskan räcker till ca 50 repareringar. Drivs via 230 V nätadapter. OBS! Produkten ska ej användas i förebyggande syfte. Specifikationer Bredd Höjd 60 mm Nätadapter DC 2 V, 500 ma. Strömuttag 2. Av/på-knapp 3. Knapp för att öppna locket 4. Sliprondeller (rosa) 5. Nätadapter 6. Miniborste 7. Reparationsrondeller (gula) och rengöringsrondeller (blå) 8. Rengöringsvätska (stora flaskan) 9. Reparationsvätska (lilla flaskan) Angående rengöringsvätskan och reparationsvätskan: Undvik kontakt med ögonen. Vid kontakt, skölj ögonen med rinnande vatten i femton minuter. Kontakta läkare. Steg 2: Reparation. Placera reparationsrondellerna (gula) i den vänstra och högra hållaren. 2. Applicera 2 små droppar reparationsvätska (lilla flaskan) på den högra reparationsrondellen. 3. Sätt i CD/DVD-skivan och tryck på av/på-knappen. Processen stannar automatiskt, ta ur skivan för att slutföra. 4. Rengör alltid sliprondellerna (rosa) med miniborsten efter användning. 5. Upprepa hela steg och 2 om problemen kvarstår. 6. Byt ut rondellerna om de har blivit slitna och inte ger önskat resultat. Steg 3: Rengöring. Placera rengöringsrondellerna (blå) på i vänstra och högra hållaren. 2. Applicera 2 små droppar rengöringsvätska (stora flaskan) på den högra rengöringsrondellen. 3. Sätt i skivan och tryck på av/på-knappen. Processen stannar automatiskt, ta ur skivan för att slutföra. 4. Upprepa processen vid extra besvärliga fall. Avfallshantering När du ska göra dig av med produkten ska detta ske enligt lokala föreskrifter. Är du osäker på hur du ska gå tillväga, kontakta din kommun. SVERIGE kundtjänst tel. 0247/ fax 0247/ e-post kundservice@clasohlson.se internet

3 CD/DVD reparasjonskit Knapper og funksjoner Bruk Norsk Art.nr Modell PC -789 Les nøye igjennom hele bruksanvisningen og ta vare på den til senere bruk. Vi reserverer oss mot ev. tekst- og bildefeil, samt forandringer av tekniske data. Ved tekniske problemer eller andre spørsmål, ta kontakt med vårt kundesenter. Trinn : Sliping. Åpne lokket og plasser sliperondeller (rosa) i den venstre og høyre holderen. 2. Plasser CD/DVD-platen i holderen og trykk på av-/på-knappen. Prosessen stopper automatisk etter 2 3 minutter. 3. Åpne luken og ta platen ut for å gå videre til trinn 2. Sikkerhet Trykk kun på av-/på-knappen når den er en CD/DVDplate i spilleren. Apparatet bør ikke brukes i mer enn 30 minutter i strekk. Bruk aldri mer enn 2 dråper væske av gangen. Rist flasken godt før bruk. Produktbeskrivelse For reparasjon av CD/DVD-plater med musikk, film og for data. Riper og hakk repareres i tre trinn og ny beskyttelseshinne legges på. Rengjør raskt og effektiv tilsmussede CD/DVD-plater. Leveres med sliperondeller, reparasjonsrondeller, rengjøringsrondeller, rengjøringsvæske og børste. Væsken er beregnet å holde til ca. 50 reparasjoner. Drives med 230 V strømadapter. OBS! Produktet må ikke brukes som forebygging. Spesifikasjoner Bredde Høyde 60 mm. Strømuttak 2. Av/På-bryter 3. Knapp for å åpne lokket 4. Sliperondeller (rosa) 5. Strømadapter 6. Minibørste 7. Reparasjonsrondeller (gule) og rengjøringsrondeller (blå) 8. Rengjøringsvæske (den store flasken) 9. Reparasjonsvæske (den lille flasken) Trinn 2: Reparasjon. Plasser reparasjonsrondellene (gule) den venstre og høyre holderen. 2. Appliser med 2 små dråper reparasjonsvæske (den lille flasken) på den høyre reparasjonsrondellen. 3. Plasser CD/DVD-platen i holderen og trykk på av-/påknappen. Prosessen stopper automatisk. Ta ut platen. 4. Rengjør alltid sliperondellene (rosa) med minibørsten etter bruk. 5. Gjenta trinnene og 2 hvis problemet fremdeles ikke er løst. 6. Skift rondellene hvis de er slitt eller ikke gir ønsket resultat. Trinn 3: Rengjøring. Plasser rengjøringsrondellene (blå) i den venstre og høyre holderen. 2. Appliser med 2 små dråper reparasjonsvæske (den store flasken) på den høyre rengjøringsrondellen. 3. Plasser platen i holderen og trykk på av-/på-knappen. Prosessen stopper automatisk. Ta ut platen. 4. Gjenta prosessen dersom det er behov for det. Nettadapter 2 V DC, 500 ma Vedrørende rengjøringsvæsken og reparasjonsvæsken: Unngå kontakt med øynene. Ved kontakt, skyll øynene med rennende vann i femten minutter. Kontakt lege. Avfallshåndtering Når produktet skal kasseres, må det skje i henhold til lokale forskrifter. Ved usikkerhet, ta kontakt med lokale myndigheter. NORGE kundesenter tel fax e-post kundesenter@clasohlson.no internett

4 CD-/DVD-levyjen korjaussarja Tuotenro Malli PC-789 Lue käyttöohjeet ennen tuotteen käyttöönottoa ja säilytä ne tulevaa tarvetta varten. Pidätämme oikeuden teknisten tietojen muutoksiin. Emme vastaa mahdollisista teksti- tai kuvavirheistä. Jos laitteeseen tulee teknisiä ongelmia, ota yhteys myymälään tai asiakaspalveluun. Turvallisuus Paina virtakytkintä vain silloin, kun laitteessa on CD-/DVD-levy. Älä käytä laitetta yhtäjaksoisesti pidempään kuin 30 minuuttia. Älä koskaan käytä enempää kuin 2 tippaa nestettä. Ravista pulloa hyvin ennen käyttöä. Tuotekuvaus Korjaa esim. musiikkitiedostoja ja elokuvia sisältävät CD-/DVD-levyt. Naarmut ja lovet hioutuvat ja päälle levittyy uusi suojakerros yksinkertaisesti kolmessa vaiheessa. Puhdistaa nopeasti ja tehokkaasti likaiset CD-/DVD-levyt. Mukana hiomalaikkoja, korjauslaikkoja, puhdistuslaikkoja, puhdistusnestettä ja harja. Neste riittää noin 50 korjaukseen. Virtalähteenä 230 V:n muuntaja. HUOM. Tuotetta ei saa käyttää ennaltaehkäisevässä tarkoituksessa. Tekniset tiedot Painikkeet ja toiminnot. Virtaliitäntä 2. Virtakytkin 3. Luukun avauspainike 4. Hiomalaikat (roosan värisiä) 5. Muuntaja 6. Miniharja 7. Korjauslaikat (keltaisia) ja puhdistuslaikat (sinisiä) 8. Puhdistusneste (iso pullo) 9. Korjausneste (pieni pullo) Käyttö Vaihe : Hionta. Avaa luukku ja aseta hiomalaikat (roosan väriset) vasempaan ja oikeaan pidikkeeseen. 2. Aseta CD-/DVD-levy laitteeseen ja paina virtakytkintä. 3. Poista levy laitteesta. Jatka vaiheeseen 2. Vaihe 2: Korjaus. Aseta korjauslaikat (keltaiset) oikeaan ja vasempaan pidikkeeseen. 2. Lisää 2 pientä tippaa korjausnestettä (pieni pullo) oikeaan korjauslaikkaan. 3. Aseta CD-/DVD-levy laitteeseen ja paina virtakytkintä. Poista levy laitteesta. 4. Puhdista hiomalaikat (roosan väriset) miniharjalla käytön jälkeen. 5. Toista vaiheet ja 2, jos ongelma jatkuu. 6. Vaihda laikat, jos ne ovat kuluneet, ja jos niiden käyttö ei johda toivottuun tulokseen. Vaihe 3: Puhdistus. Aseta puhdistuslaikat (siniset) vasempaan ja oikeaan pidikkeeseen. 2. Lisää 2 pientä tippaa puhdistusnestettä (iso pullo) oikeaan puhdistuslaikkaan. 3. Aseta CD/DVD-levy laitteeseen ja paina virtakytkintä. Poista levy laitteesta. 4. Toista nämä toimenpiteet erityisen hankalissa tapauksissa. Suomi Leveys Korkeus Muuntaja 60 mm DC 2 V, 500 ma Tietoa puhdistusnesteeseen ja korjausnesteeseen liittyen: Vältä ainetta joutumasta silmiin. Jos ainetta joutuu silmiin, huuhtele juoksevalla vedellä 5 minuutin ajan. Ota yhteys lääkäriin. Kierrätys Kierrätä tuote asianmukaisesti, kun poistat sen käytöstä. Tarkempia kierrätysohjeita saat kuntasi jäteneuvonnasta. SUOMI asiakaspalvelu puh sähköposti asiakaspalvelu@clasohlson.fi kotisivu

5 CD/DVD-Reparaturset Art.Nr Modell PC-789 Vor Gebrauch die komplette Bedienungsanleitung durchlesen und aufbewahren. Irrtümer, Abweichungen und Änderungen behalten wir uns vor. Bei technischen Problemen oder anderen Fragen freut sich unser Kundenservice über eine Kontaktaufnahme. Tasten und Funktionen Handhabung Schritt : Polieren. Die Abdeckung öffnen und die Polierscheiben (rosa) in den linken und rechten Halter einsetzen. 2. Die CD oder DVD einlegen und die Ein-/Aus-Taste betätigen. Der Vorgang stoppt automatisch nach 2 3 Minuten. 3. Die Abdeckung öffnen und die Disc herausnehmen, um mit Schritt 2 fortzufahren. Deutsch Sicherheitshinweise Die Ein-/Aus-Taste nur betätigen, wenn sich eine CD/DVD im Gerät befindet. Das Gerät nie länger als 30 Minuten am Stück einsetzen. Nie mehr als 2 Tropfen Reinigungsflüssigkeit verwenden. Die Flasche vor Gebrauch gut schütteln. Produktbeschreibung Zur Reparatur von CDs und DVDs. In drei einfachen Schritten werden Kratzer beseitigt und eine neue Schutzschicht aufgebracht. Reinigt verschmutzte CDs und DVDs schnell und effektiv. Im Lieferumfang sind Polier-, Reparatur- und Reinigungsscheiben, Reinigungsflüssigkeit und Bürste enthalten. Die Flüssigkeit reicht für etwa 50 Reparaturvorgänge aus. Betrieb über 230-V-Netzadapter. Hinweis: Das Produkt darf nicht vorbeugend eingesetzt werden. Technische Daten Breite 60 mm. Stromanschluss 2. Ein-/Aus-Taste 3. Taste zum Öffnen der Abdeckung 4. Polierscheiben (rosa) 5. Netzadapter 6. Minibürste 7. Reparaturscheiben (gelb) und Reinigungsscheiben (blau) 8. Reinigungsflüssigkeit (große Flasche) 9. Reparaturflüssigkeit (kleine Flasche) Schritt 2: Reparieren. Die Reparaturscheiben (gelb) in den linken und rechten Halter einsetzen kleine Tropfen Reparaturflüssigkeit (kleine Flasche) auf die rechte Reparaturscheibe geben. 3. Die CD oder DVD einlegen und die Ein-/Aus-Taste betätigen. Der Vorgang stoppt automatisch. Zum Fertigstellen die Disc herausnehmen. 4. Die Polierscheiben (rosa) nach Gebrauch stets mit der Minibürste reinigen. 5. Sollten die Probleme bestehen bleiben, sind die Schritte und 2 zu wiederholen. 6. Die Scheiben austauschen, falls sie abgenutzt sind und nicht mehr das gewünschte Ergebnis liefern. Schritt 3: Reinigen. Die Reinigungsscheiben (blau) in den linken und rechten Halter einsetzen kleine Tropfen Reinigungsflüssigkeit (große Flasche) auf die rechte Reinigungsscheibe geben. 3. Die CD oder DVD einlegen und die Ein-/Aus-Taste betätigen. Der Vorgang stoppt automatisch. Zum Fertigstellen die Disc herausnehmen. 4. Bei besonders hartnäckigen Fällen den Vorgang wiederholen. Höhe Netzadapter DC 2 V, 500 ma Reinigungs- und Reparaturflüssigkeiten: Kontakt mit den Augen vermeiden. Bei Kontakt die Augen 5 Minuten lang unter fließendem Wasser spülen. Einen Arzt aufsuchen. Hinweise zur Entsorgung Bitte das Produkt entsprechend den lokalen Bestimmungen entsorgen. Weitere Informationen sind von der Gemeinde oder den kommunalen Entsorgungsbetrieben erhältlich. DEUTSCH Kundenservice Unsere Homepage besuchen und auf Kundenservice klicken.

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Only use warm water to clean the product. Use vegetable oil to treat the mortar surface from time to time.

Only use warm water to clean the product. Use vegetable oil to treat the mortar surface from time to time. Mortar & Pestle Art.no 34-8508 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary


Digital Window Thermometer

Digital Window Thermometer Digital Window Thermometer Art.no 36-1270 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making


Surge Suppressor. Safety. Product description. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications

Surge Suppressor. Safety. Product description. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications Surge Suppressor Art.no. 36-3390 Model EMP601SSP Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Screen cleaning kit with sponge and cloth

Screen cleaning kit with sponge and cloth Screen cleaning kit with sponge and cloth Art.no 38-5951 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Shower Set. English. Assembly

Shower Set. English. Assembly Shower Set Art.no 40-7348 Model ST-RS06021-GAP10 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


Expandable LED String Light

Expandable LED String Light Expandable LED String Light Art.no 36-5663, 36-5664 Model WX-LED44-50WW ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the


Switch to the next running PC [Ctrl + Shift + 1] Switch to PC 1 [Ctrl + Shift + 2] Switch to PC 2 [Ctrl + Shift + S]

Switch to the next running PC [Ctrl + Shift + 1] Switch to PC 1 [Ctrl + Shift + 2] Switch to PC 2 [Ctrl + Shift + S] 38-2525 Switch -omkopplare -omkobler -kytkin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model/Modell/Malli: 2180-1826 Ver. 200711 www.clasohlson.com ENGLISH Switch, article number 38-2525 Please read the entire instruction


Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung

Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung Patent by Multibrackets Art.no. 38-4637 Ver. 20130926 2 Wall Bracket Art.no. 38-4637 English Please read the entire instruction manual before


Push a pointed object into the hole on the back (under the measure button).

Push a pointed object into the hole on the back (under the measure button). IR Thermometer Art.no 36-2286 Model IR1-LS4 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any


Rotary Grater Universalrivare Universalrivjern Yleisraastin Universalreibe

Rotary Grater Universalrivare Universalrivjern Yleisraastin Universalreibe Rotary Grater Universalrivare Universalrivjern Yleisraastin Universalreibe ENGLISH SVENSKA DEUTSCH SUOMI NORSK Art. No: 34-2258 English 2 Svenska 4 Norsk 6 Suomi 8 Deutsch 10 Ver. 20130429 ENGLISH Rotary


USB 3.0 PCI Express. Installing drivers. Safety. Product description. Disposal. Installation. Specifications. English

USB 3.0 PCI Express. Installing drivers. Safety. Product description. Disposal. Installation. Specifications. English Art.no 38-4115 Model PU3020N2 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary technical


10 40 kg Hand Grippers

10 40 kg Hand Grippers ENGLISH 10 40 kg Hand Grippers Art.no 31-5077 Normal use Exercises From a standing position Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve


12 V LED Spotlight Art.no 36-1316 Model MF-3059

12 V LED Spotlight Art.no 36-1316 Model MF-3059 12 V LED Spotlight Art.no 36-1316 Model MF-3059 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in


Elektronisk Scart-växel SCART-kytkin äänelle ja kuvalle. KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNINGVers: 001-200405

Elektronisk Scart-växel SCART-kytkin äänelle ja kuvalle. KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNINGVers: 001-200405 Elektronisk Scart-växel SCART-kytkin äänelle ja kuvalle KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNINGVers: 001-200405 Nr/Nro: 38-1259 Modell/Malli: S-420R SE Användningsområde Med hjälp av scartväxeln kan du ansluta fyra


TV/Monitor Wall Bracket

TV/Monitor Wall Bracket English TV/Monitor Wall Bracket Art.no 38-5324 Model Wall mount 50/75/100 Read the entire instruction manual before use and then safe it for future reference. We reserve the right to make changes to text,



GREAT BRITAIN CUSTOMER SERVICE Solar Railing Lights Art.no 36-4789-1, -2, -3 Model 413.360 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Chain Link Remover. Product description. Removing pins. Inserting a new pin. Adjusting the chain. Disposal. Art. no ENGLISH

Chain Link Remover. Product description. Removing pins. Inserting a new pin. Adjusting the chain. Disposal. Art. no ENGLISH ENGLISH Chain Link Remover Art. no 34-8708 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Wall clock Väggklocka DST Veggklokke Seinäkello DST

Wall clock Väggklocka DST Veggklokke Seinäkello DST 31-3771, 31-3772 Wall clock Väggklocka DST Veggklokke Seinäkello DST ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Ver. 25-07 www.clasohlson.com ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using and save it


Switches your light on automatically at dusk and off at dawn. Fits most light fittings with DIN connectors. 12 24 V AC/DC. Max 3 A.

Switches your light on automatically at dusk and off at dawn. Fits most light fittings with DIN connectors. 12 24 V AC/DC. Max 3 A. Light Sensor Art.no 36-5514 Model JY-0073A English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


TV/Monitor Wall Bracket

TV/Monitor Wall Bracket English TV/Monitor Wall Bracket. Drill holes in the wall using a suitable drill bit.. Screw the wall plate to the wall.. Fasten the bracket using the included bolts. Art.no - Model Wall mount 0//00/00


TSA Combination Wire Lock

TSA Combination Wire Lock TS ombination Wire Lock rt.no 40-7045 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any


Mobile Telephone Holder

Mobile Telephone Holder 36-2948, 36-2947 Mobile Telephone Holder Mobiltelefonhållare Mobiltelefonholder Matkapuhelinteline Nr/Nro: 36-2947, 36-2948 English 2 Svenska 4 Norsk 6 Suomi 8 Ver. 001-200705 ENGLISH Mobile Telephone


ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio. Model: BS-320-UK/BS-320. Ver

ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio. Model: BS-320-UK/BS-320. Ver 18-8002 38-2080 AM/FM Radio AM/FM-radio ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: BS-320-UK/BS-320 Ver. 200802 www.clasohlson.com AM/FM Radio Art no. 18-8002/38-2080 Model BS-320-UK/BS-320 Please read the entire


Assembly Attach the winding handle by screwing it clockwise onto the screw on the side of the housing.

Assembly Attach the winding handle by screwing it clockwise onto the screw on the side of the housing. Ice crusher Art.no 34-1369 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. Description Simple, easy-to-use hand-powered ice crusher no batteries needed. Crushes ice


Battery-operated LED decoration

Battery-operated LED decoration Battery-operated LED decoration Art.no 36-5902 Model WX-LED20-20WW-1 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right


15-metre synthetic winch rope

15-metre synthetic winch rope 15-metre synthetic winch rope Art.no 40-8674 English Mounting 1. Remove the battery leads. 2. Remove the old rope and brush the winch drum clean. 3. Remove the old fairlead and mount the new fairlead into


Soldering/Branding Kit

Soldering/Branding Kit Soldering/Branding Kit Art.no 18-3006, 30-9936 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making


Circle Tile Cutter. For maximum security. Disposal ENGLISH. Art. no

Circle Tile Cutter. For maximum security. Disposal ENGLISH. Art. no ENGLISH Circle Tile Cutter Art. no. 30-5045 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using and save it for future use. We apologise for any text or photo errors and any changes of technical


Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer

Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer Digital Timer Art.no 34-2361 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung

Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung Art.no. 38-4641 Ver. 20130926 2 Wall Bracket Art.no. 38-4641 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for


Aerial amplifier, 2 way

Aerial amplifier, 2 way Aerial amplifier, 2 way Art.no 18-8011 Model EU-365A-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images



INSTALLATIONSGUIDE ASENNUSOHJE. USB 2.0 kort. USB 2.0 kortti INSTALLATIONSGUIDE ASENNUSOHJE Ver. 001-200303 USB 2.0 kort Modell/Malli FT-UPC-124V Nr/Nro: 32-4468 USB 2.0 kortti SE Läs igenom anvisningen före installation. Vi reserverar oss för ev. text- och bildfel


Camping Chair. Safety. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Art.no: 31-1171 ENGLISH

Camping Chair. Safety. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Art.no: 31-1171 ENGLISH ENGLISH Camping Chair Art.no: 31-1171 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy

Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy 34-7690 Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Modell/Malli: HP102-D4 Ver. 2007-01 www.clasohlson.com SVENSKA Kokplatta, art.nr 34-7690, modell HP102-D4 Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före


ENGLI SH. AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI. Art.no. Model 18-8104 H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D. Ver. 200903. www.clasohlson.

ENGLI SH. AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI. Art.no. Model 18-8104 H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D. Ver. 200903. www.clasohlson. AM/FM Radio AM/FM-radio ENGLI SH SUOMI NORSK SVENSKA Art.no. Model 18-8104 H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D Ver. 200903 www.clasohlson.com ENGLISH AM/FM Radio Art.no. 18-8104 Model H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D Please


Solar Garden Light 2-pack

Solar Garden Light 2-pack Solar Garden Light 2-pack Garden Light, solar cell Trädgårdsbelysning, solcell Hagebelysning, solcelle Puutarhavalaisin, aurinkokenno ENGLISH SUOMI NORSK SVENSKA Art.no. 36-4081 Ver. 200912 ENGLISH Solar


LED Rechargeable Front Bicycle Light

LED Rechargeable Front Bicycle Light ENGLISH LED Rechargeable Front Bicycle Light Art.no 31-5526 Model FF-240 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any


Pizza Stone. Safety. Product description. Baking pizza in a standard oven. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Art.

Pizza Stone. Safety. Product description. Baking pizza in a standard oven. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Art. Pizza Stone Art.no 34-3867 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary


Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug

Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug Art.no 8-0 Model EMD00A-UK 6-8 EMD00A English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


How to build a bird house. Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen

How to build a bird house. Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen How to build a bird house Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen a How to build a bird house: Use 20 thick wood. The kind of


1. [ I ] On/off 2. Light intensity setting (5 stages)

1. [ I ] On/off 2. Light intensity setting (5 stages) Art.no 8-800 Model SH0505-UK Glam Table Lamp -50 SH0505 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Elektronisk rörelsevakt med PIR-sensor. Elektroninen liiketunnistin PIRtunnistimella. Electronic Motion Detector with PIR Sensor KÄYTTÖOHJE

Elektronisk rörelsevakt med PIR-sensor. Elektroninen liiketunnistin PIRtunnistimella. Electronic Motion Detector with PIR Sensor KÄYTTÖOHJE Direkt inkoppling / Suora kytkentä / Direct connection MJ-JZ/JA-140206 13 000 00 Bruksanvisning Elektronisk rörelsevakt med PIR-sensor KÄYTTÖOHJE Elektroninen liiketunnistin PIRtunnistimella Instruction


ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.

ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council. ENGLISH Camping Table Art.no 31-1168 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm

Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm Furniture Set Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja eutsch English Svenska Suomi Norsk rt.no Model M6x25mm 3-75 335.83 Ver. 2050902 English Furniture Set rt.no 3-75 Model 335.83 Please read the entire instruction


Rear Rack Bike Light. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Assembly. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications ENGLISH

Rear Rack Bike Light. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Assembly. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications ENGLISH ENGLISH Rear Rack Bike Light Art.no 31-1927 Model Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968

ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968 ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968 SE Firewire PC-card 32-4968 Introduktion CardBus (Firewire) håller en säker plats som högeffektiv



PAINEILMALETKUKELA-AUTOMAATTI AUTOMATIC AIR HOSE REEL MAV4 MAV5 MAV6 PAINEILMALETKUKELA-AUTOMAATTI AUTOMATIC AIR HOSE REEL Käyttöohje Instruction manual HUOMIO! Lue käyttöohjeet huolellisesti ennen laitteen käyttöä ja noudata kaikkia annettuja ohjeita. Säilytä


Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness.

Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness. switch Art.no 36-2809 Model EFM700DB Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary


120 cm Decorative LED Tree

120 cm Decorative LED Tree 120 cm Decorative LED Tree Art.no 36-6398 Model WX-24VLED44-160WW-10-1 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right


Globe Pendant/Table Lamp

Globe Pendant/Table Lamp Globe Pendant/Table Lamp Art.no 18-1280, 18-1281, 18-1282 Model OCL-573-BR-UK, OCL-573-CU-UK, OCL-573-SILV-UK ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it


ARM-519 ARM-520. Fixed wall mount. User guide. Användarhandledning. Käyttöohje. Brugervejledning. Brukermanual

ARM-519 ARM-520. Fixed wall mount. User guide. Användarhandledning. Käyttöohje. Brugervejledning. Brukermanual ARM-19 ARM-20 Fixed wall mount EN SE FI DK NO User guide Användarhandledning Käyttöohje Brugervejledning Brukermanual EN User guide SE Användarhandledning For mounting on concrete and wooden walls, please


1 5 9 13 19 2 14 20 6 10 15 3 21 7 16 11 4 8 17 12 18 Ver. 20150316

1 5 9 13 19 2 14 20 6 10 15 3 21 7 16 11 4 8 17 12 18 Ver. 20150316 1 5 9 13 19 2 6 10 14 20 15 3 21 7 11 16 4 8 17 12 18 Accessory Set Art.no 30-9462 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve



PSSA-8/PSSA-8UK OWNERS MANUAL PSSA-8/PSSA-8UK OWNERS MANUAL LED indicator Test Button Art. 36.3066 / Art. 8.40 GB Power Switch (PSSA-8 / PSSA-8UK) Identifying the parts LED indicator Test Button Getting Started Plug the Power Switch


Stand for Log Splitter , ,

Stand for Log Splitter , , Stand for Log Splitter 18-3570, 40-9122, 40-9511 rt.no. 40-9363 1. lose the bleed screw. 2. Turn the log splitter upside down, detach the wheels and remove the plugs from the ends of the legs. 3. First


Network Tester. Product description. Operation. Disposal. Inspecting TP cable (RJ45) and ISDN cable (RJ11)

Network Tester. Product description. Operation. Disposal. Inspecting TP cable (RJ45) and ISDN cable (RJ11) Network Tester Art.no 38-3970 Model TCT-108 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for


Solar Table Lantern. Safety. Product description. Operation. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no Model 412.

Solar Table Lantern. Safety. Product description. Operation. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no Model 412. Solar Table Lantern Art.no 36-4788 Model 412.463 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


GPS Receiver Back Track Quick-start Guide GPS-mottagare Back Track Snabbguide GPS-mottaker Back Track Hurtigguide GPS-vastaanotin Back Track Pikaopas

GPS Receiver Back Track Quick-start Guide GPS-mottagare Back Track Snabbguide GPS-mottaker Back Track Hurtigguide GPS-vastaanotin Back Track Pikaopas GPS Receiver Back Track Quick-start Guide GPS-mottagare Back Track Snabbguide GPS-mottaker Back Track Hurtigguide GPS-vastaanotin Back Track Pikaopas ENGLI SH SUOMI SVENSKA NORSK Art.no. Model 36-3761


Digital AM/FM Radio. Digital AM/FM-radio Digital AM/FM-radio Digitaliinen AM/FM-radio 32-6921. Ver. 200801. Model: COBY CX9. www.clasohlson.

Digital AM/FM Radio. Digital AM/FM-radio Digital AM/FM-radio Digitaliinen AM/FM-radio 32-6921. Ver. 200801. Model: COBY CX9. www.clasohlson. 32-6921 Digital AM/FM Radio Digital AM/FM-radio Digital AM/FM-radio Digitaliinen AM/FM-radio ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: COBY CX9 Ver. 200801 www.clasohlson.com ENGLISH COBY CX9 Digital AM/FM Radio


Surge Protector. Safety. Operation. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no 36-5994 Model 54100

Surge Protector. Safety. Operation. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no 36-5994 Model 54100 Surge Protector Art.no 36-5994 Model 54100 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Våffeljärn Coline Dubbelt Vaffeljern Coline Dobbelt Vohvelirauta Coline, kaksinkertainen

Våffeljärn Coline Dubbelt Vaffeljern Coline Dobbelt Vohvelirauta Coline, kaksinkertainen Våffeljärn Coline Dubbelt Vaffeljern Coline Dobbelt Vohvelirauta Coline, kaksinkertainen Modell/Malli: NW-12B Nr/Nro: 34-7177 Svenska 3 Norsk 7 Suomi 11 Ver. 001-200701 2 Våffeljärn Coline Dubbelt Art.nr


Johanna. Art.no. Model AW-1031B AW-1031B. Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI

Johanna. Art.no. Model AW-1031B AW-1031B. Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Johanna Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin SUOMI ENGLISH NORSK SVENSKA Art.no. Model 32-6506 AW-1031B 32-6507 AW-1031B Ver. 201107 Outdoor light Art.no 32-6506 Model AW-1031B 32-6507


USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications

USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications USB Charger 2 Art.no 36-5757 Model Vanson SP-10USBi English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Elastic Tow Rope. Safety. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no Model DP9300IBL. English

Elastic Tow Rope. Safety. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications. Art.no Model DP9300IBL. English Elastic Tow Rope Art.no 35-1322 Model DP9300IBL English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


Mount the sensor in a suitable location on the ceiling (see last page, fig. 1).

Mount the sensor in a suitable location on the ceiling (see last page, fig. 1). Light Sensor Art.no 36-4908 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any


Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA

Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA Art.no 38-4121 Model ZH3519 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in


SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan 2,3m lähempää.

SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan 2,3m lähempää. SIRIUS M * SIRIUS valaisin on asemoitava siten, ettei pitkäaikaista katsomista valaisimeen voi olettaa tapahtuvan 2,3m lähempää. SIRIUS luminaire should be positioned so that prolonged staring into the


Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri

Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri 38-1479 Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: NB-30 Ver. 200801 www.clasohlson.com ENGLISH Wireless Optical Mouse art. nr:


34-9208-2. Trolley Case. Resväska Trillekoffert Matkalaukku. Push-button locking tele scopic handle. Four 360 multidirectional wheels

34-9208-2. Trolley Case. Resväska Trillekoffert Matkalaukku. Push-button locking tele scopic handle. Four 360 multidirectional wheels 34-9208-2 Trolley Case Resväska Trillekoffert Matkalaukku Push-button locking tele scopic handle Four 360 multidirectional wheels Trolley Case Made of polycarbonate. Push-button locking telescopic handle


Surge Protector. Specifications Max load 230 V AC, 50 Hz, 16 A (3680 W) Protection Class. Art.no 18-2042 Model EMP415TV-UK 36-1259 EMP415TV

Surge Protector. Specifications Max load 230 V AC, 50 Hz, 16 A (3680 W) Protection Class. Art.no 18-2042 Model EMP415TV-UK 36-1259 EMP415TV Surge Protector Art.no 18-2042 Model EMP415TV-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


LED Rectangular Downlight/s (LED-spotlight/s)

LED Rectangular Downlight/s (LED-spotlight/s) LED Rectangular Downlight/s (LED-spotlight/s) Art.no. 8-76 Model XH-B00-UK 8-7 XH-B000-UK 6-759 XH-B00 6-86 XH-B000 6-494 XH-B00 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save
