Solar Cell Powered USB Charger

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1 Solar Cell Powered USB Charger Solcellsladdare USB Solcellelader USB Aurinkokennolaturi USB Solarladegerät USB Model GS-4935 English 2 Svenska 4 Norsk 6 Suomi 8 Deutsch 10 Ver

2 English 10 W Solar Cell Powered USB Charger Model GS4935 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary changes made to technical data. In the event of technical problems or other queries, please contact our Customer Services (see address details on the back). Safety Keep your power bank/mobile phone out of direct sunlight during the charging process; such devices can be damaged if they become too hot. Handy hint: Fold out the stand and place your device behind the charger. The charger will then provide a little shade to protect the device from direct sunlight (see the picture below). Keep the charger out of children s reach. The charger should be kept dry; keep it away from moisture/humidity and never immerse it in water or any other liquid. Do not subject the charger to impacts or shocks and do not expose it to extremely hot, cold or dusty environments. Do not attempt to open the housing of the charger or modify it in any way. Do not leave a USB cable plugged into the charger when the charger is not being used. Always disconnect the USB cable after charging. Operating instructions Note: The charger is primarily intended for charging so-called power banks during the daylight hours. At night, the power bank can then be used to charge your mobile phone, audio player, etc. Of course, you can also charge your mobile phone/audio player during the day directly from the solar charger. A charging current is only being delivered when the LED indicator on the USB socket shines steadily. In unfavourable lighting conditions, the LED indicator can flash quickly. If this happens the charging current output is not constant. Only charge your device when the LED indicator shines steadily. Bear in mind that the capacity of the charger is dependent upon the intensity of the sunlight (max 1.5 A charging current under optimum conditions). 2

3 English 1. Unfold the charger completely and place it where it will receive as much sunlight as possible. 2. If necessary, fold out the stand on the back of the charger and connect a USB cable to the USB socket on the charger and to the device that you wish to charge. Care and maintenance Wipe the charger with a soft damp cloth. Use only mild cleaning agents, never solvents or corrosive chemicals. Troubleshooting guide The connected device is not being charged. Is it sunny enough? Make sure that the LED indicator on the USB socket is lit. Is the USB cable intact and properly connected to the charger and to the device to be charged? Is the battery of the device to be charged in good enough condition that it is capable of receiving a charge. Disposal This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council. Specifications Solar Panel USB output Size Size 6.5 V/10 W 5 V/1600 ma Max 1.5 A under optimum conditions cm (folded) cm (unfolded) 3

4 Solcellsladdare USB 10 W Modell GS4935 Svenska Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före användning och spara den sedan för framtida bruk. Vi reserverar oss för ev. text- och bildfel samt ändringar av tekniska data. Vid tekniska problem eller andra frågor, kontakta vår kundtjänst (se adressuppgifter på baksidan). Säkerhet Skydda din powerbank/mobiltelefon från direkt solljus vid laddning, enheterna kan skadas om de blir för varma. Tips! Vik ut stödet och lägg din enhet bakom laddaren så skyddar du den från direkt solljus (se bild nedan). Håll laddaren utom räckhåll för barn. Håll laddaren på avstånd från fukt och sänk aldrig ner den i vatten eller annan vätska. Utsätt inte laddaren för slag och stötar eller extremt varma, kalla eller dammiga miljöer. Försök inte öppna höljet eller ändra laddaren på något sätt. Låt inte en USB-kabel sitta kvar i ladduttaget när laddaren inte används. Ta alltid ut kabeln ur uttaget när du laddat färdigt. Användning Obs! Laddaren är i första hand avsedd för att under dagtid ladda en s.k. powerbank. På natten använder du sedan din powerbank för att ladda din telefon/ musikspelare etc. Du kan förstås även ladda din telefon/musikspelare under dagtid direkt från solcellsladdaren. Laddström avges bara när LED-indikatorn på USB-anslutningen lyser med fast sken. LED-indikatorn kan under ogynnsamma ljusförhållanden blinka snabbt. Om den gör det avges ingen eller ojämn laddström. Ladda endast dina enheter när LED-indikatorn lyser med fast sken. Tänk på att laddarens kapacitet helt styrs av solljusets intensitet (max laddström 1,5 A vid optimala förhållanden). 4

5 Svenska 1. Vik ut laddaren helt och placera den så att den är optimalt solbelyst. 2. Fäll vid behov ut stödet på laddarens baksida och anslut en USB-kabel till laddarens USB-anslutning och till den enhet du tänker ladda. Skötsel och underhåll Torka av laddaren med en lätt fuktad trasa. Använd ett milt rengöringsmedel, aldrig lösningsmedel eller frätande kemikalier. Felsökningsschema Ansluten enhet laddas inte. Är ljuset tillräckligt starkt? Kontrollera att LED-indikatorn på USB-anslutningen lyser. Är USB-kabeln hel och ordentligt ansluten till laddaren och till den enhet som ska laddas? Är enhetens batteri i sådant skick att det kan ta emot laddning? Avfallshantering När du ska göra dig av med produkten ska detta ske enligt lokala föreskrifter. Är du osäker på hur du ska gå tillväga, kontakta din kommun. Specifikationer Solpanel Uteffekt Mått Mått 6,5 V/10 W USB 5 V/1600 ma. Max 1,5 A vid optimala förhållanden 28 20,5 3,5 cm (hopvikt) cm (utvikt) 5

6 Solcellelader USB 10 W Modell GS4935 Les brukerveiledningen grundig før produktet tas i bruk og ta vare på den for framtidig bruk. Vi reserverer oss mot ev. feil i tekst og bilde, samt forandringer av tekniske data. Ved tekniske problemer eller spørsmål, ta kontakt med vårt kundesenter. (Se opplysninger om kundesenteret i denne bruksanvisningen). Norsk Sikkerhet Beskytt powerbanken/mobiltelefonen mot direkte sollys ved lading. Den sterke varmen kan skade enheten. Tips! Brett ut støtten og legg enheten din bak laderen, så beskytter du den fra direkte sollys (se bildet nedenfor). Hold laderen utilgjengelig for barn. Hold laderen unna fuktighet og vannsprut. Den må ikke senkes ned i vann eller annen væske. Laderen må ikke utsettes for slag, støt, ekstrem varme/kulde eller oppbevares i støvete omgivelser. Produktets deksel må ikke åpnes og det må ikke foretas inngrep på noen måte. La ikke USB-kabelen bli sittende igjen i ladeuttaket når laderen ikke er i bruk. Ta alltid strømkabelen ut av uttaket når ladingen er fullført. Bruk Obs! Laderen er først og fremst beregnet til lading av f.eks. en powerbank på dagtid. På natten kan powerbanken brukes til lading av telefon/musikkspiller etc. Telefonen/musikkspilleren kan selvsagt også lades på dagtid direkte fra solcelleladeren. Når LED-indikatoren lyser med jevnt lys avgir den også ladestrøm. LED-indikatoren kan ved ugunstige lysforhold blinke raskt. Hvis den gjør det vil den ikke avgi noen eller kun avgi ujevn ladestrøm. Bruk kun laderen til lading når den lyser med jevnt lys. Husk at laderens kapasitet styres av intensiteten på sollyset (maks ladestrøm er 1,5 A ved optimale forhold). 6

7 1. Slå opp laderen helt og plasser den så den får optimalt med sollys. 2. Brett, ved behov, ut støtten på baksiden av laderen og koble en USB-kabel til laderens USB-uttak og koble til enheten din. Norsk Stell og vedlikehold Tørk av laderen med en lett fuktet klut. Bruk et mildt rengjøringsmiddel, aldri løsningsmidler eller etsende kjemikalier. Feilsøking Enheten lades ikke. Er sollyset sterkt nok? Kontroller at LED-indikatoren på USB-koblingen lyser. Er USB-kabelen hel og riktig koblet til laderen og til den enheten som skal lades? Er enhetens batteri i god stand slik at det kan lades? Avfallshåndtering Når produktet skal kasseres, må det skje i henhold til lokale forskrifter. Hvis du er usikker, ta kontakt med lokale myndigheter. Spesifikasjoner Solpanel Uteffekt Mål Mål 6,5 V/10 W USB 5 V/1600 ma. Maks 1,5 A ved optimale forhold 28 20,5 3,5 cm (sammenfoldet) cm (utslått) 7

8 Aurinkokennolaturi USB 10 W Tuotenro Malli GS4935 Lue käyttöohje ennen tuotteen käyttöönottoa ja säilytä se tulevaa tarvetta varten. Pidätämme oikeuden teknisten tietojen muutoksiin. Emme vastaa mahdollisista tekstitai kuvavirheistä. Jos tuotteeseen tulee teknisiä ongelmia, ota yhteys myymälään tai asiakaspalveluun (yhteystiedot käyttöohjeen lopussa). Suomi Turvallisuus Suojaa Powerbank-laturia/matkapuhelinta suoralta auringonvalolta latauksen aikana. Laitteet saattavat vahingoittua, jos ne kuumenevat liikaa. Vinkki Taita tuki auki ja laita laite laturin taakse, niin se on suojassa suoralta auringonvalolta (katso alla oleva kuva). Pidä laturi lasten ulottumattomissa. Älä altista laturia kosteudelle äläkä upota sitä veteen tai muuhun nesteeseen. Älä altista laturia iskuille, äärimmäisille lämpötiloille tai pölylle. Älä avaa koteloa, äläkä muuta laturia. Irrota USB-kaapeli latausliitännästä, kun et käytä laturia. Irrota kaapeli aina pistorasiasta, kun lataus on valmis. Käyttö Huom.! Laturi on tarkoitettu ns. Powerbank-akun lataamisen päivällä. Powerbank-akkua voidaan käyttää yöllä esim. puhelimen tai musiikkisoittimen lataamiseen. Voit myös ladata puhelinta/musiikkisoitinta suoraan aurinkokennolaturilla päivällä. Laturista tulee latausvirtaa vain, kun USB-liitännän merkkivalo palaa vilkkumatta. Merkkivalo voi vilkkua nopeasti, jos valaistus ei ole riittävä. Merkkivalon vilkkuessa laturista ei tule ollenkaan latausvirtaa, tai se on riittämätöntä. Lataa laitteita vain, kun merkkivalo palaa vilkkumatta. Ota huomioon, että laturin kapasiteetti riippuu täysin auringonvalon voimakkuudesta. Optimaalisissa oloissa suurin latausvirta on 1,5 A. 8

9 1. Taita laturi kokonaan auki, ja aseta se aurinkoiseen paikkaan. 2. Taita tarvittaessa laturin takana oleva tuki auki, ja liitä USB-kaapeli laturin USB-liitäntään ja ladattavaan laitteeseen. Huolto ja puhdistaminen Pyyhi laturi kevyesti kostutetulla liinalla. Käytä mietoa puhdistusainetta. Älä käytä liuotusaineita tai syövyttäviä kemikaaleja. Vianhakutaulukko Suomi Liitetty laite ei lataudu. Onko auringonvalo riittävän voimakasta? Varmista, että USB-liitännän merkkivalo palaa. Onko USB-laturi ehjä ja liitetty kunnolla laturiin ja ladattavaan laitteeseen? Onko laitteen akku siinä kunnossa, että se voi vastaanottaa latausta? Kierrätys Kierrätä tuote asianmukaisesti, kun poistat sen käytöstä. Tarkempia kierrätysohjeita saat kuntasi jäteneuvonnasta. Tekniset tiedot Aurinkopaneeli Lähtöteho Mitat Mitat 6,5 V/10 W USB 5 V/1600 ma. Enintään 1,5 A optimaalisissa olosuhteissa 28 20,5 3,5 cm (kokoontaitettuna) cm (avattuna) 9

10 Solarladegerät USB 10 W Art.Nr Modell GS4935 Vor Inbetriebnahme die Bedienungsanleitung vollständig durchlesen und für künftigen Gebrauch aufbewahren. Irrtümer, Abweichungen und Änderungen behalten wir uns vor. Bei technischen Problemen oder anderen Fragen freut sich unser Kundenservice über eine Kontaktaufnahme (Kontakt siehe Rückseite). Deutsch Sicherheit Die Powerbank/das Mobiltelefon beim Aufladen vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung schützen, die Geräte können sonst überhitzen. Hinweis: Den Ständer ausklappen und das Gerät hinter das Ladegerät legen, damit es vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt ist (siehe Abb. unten). Das Gerät außer Reichweite von Kindern halten. Das Gerät von Feuchtigkeit fernhalten und nie in Wasser oder andere Flüssigkeiten tauchen. Das Produkt keinen Schlägen und Stößen oder extrem warmen, kalten oder staubigen Umgebungen aussetzen. Niemals versuchen, das Gehäuse zu öffnen oder Änderungen am Gerät vorzunehmen. Bei Nichtgebrauch sicherstellen, dass kein USB-Kabel im Ladeausgang steckt. Nach Abschluss des Ladevorgangs stets den Stecker aus der Steckdose ziehen. Bedienung Hinweis: Das Gerät ist in erster Linie dafür vorgesehen, tagsüber eine sogenannte Powerbank zu laden. Nachts wird dann die Powerbank zum Laden des Mobiltelefons/MP3-Players usw. verwendet. Es ist natürlich auch möglich, das Telefon/den MP3-Player tagsüber direkt über das Solarladegerät aufzuladen. Es wird nur dann Ladestrom abgegeben, wenn die Indikator-LED am USB- Anschluss konstant leuchtet. Die Indikator-LED kann bei ungünstigen Lichtverhältnissen schnell blinken. Wenn dies passiert, wird kein oder nur unregelmäßig Ladestrom abgegeben. Geräte nur dann laden, wenn die Indikator- LED konstant leuchtet. Bitte beachten, dass die Kapazität des Ladegerät von der Intensität der Sonneneinstrahlung abhängt (max. Ladestrom 1,5 A bei optimalen Verhältnissen). 10

11 1. Das Ladegerät komplett ausklappen und so aufstellen, dass es optimal von der Sonne beleuchtet wird. 2. Bei Bedarf den Ständer an der Geräterückseite ausklappen und ein USB-Kabel an den USB-Anschluss des Gerätes sowie an das zu ladende Gerät anschließen. Pflege und Wartung Das Gerät mit einem leicht angefeuchteten Tuch reinigen. Ein sanftes Reinigungsmittel verwenden, keine scharfen Chemikalien oder Reinigungslösungen. Fehlersuche Das angeschlossene Gerät wird nicht geladen. Ist das Sonnenlicht stark genug? Sicherstellen, dass die Indikator-LED am USB-Anschluss leuchtet. Ist das USB-Kabel komplett und ordentlich an das Ladegerät und das zu ladende Gerät angeschlossen? Sicherstellen, dass der Akku des Gerätes in gutem Zustand ist und geladen werden kann. Deutsch Hinweise zur Entsorgung Bitte das Produkt entsprechend den lokalen Bestimmungen entsorgen. Weitere Informationen sind von der Gemeinde oder den kommunalen Entsorgungsbetrieben erhältlich. Technische Daten Solarmodul Sekundärspannung Maße Maße 6,5 V/10 W USB 5 V/1600 ma. Max. 1,5 A bei optimalen Verhältnissen 28 20,5 3,5 cm (zusammengeklappt) cm (ausgeklappt) 11

12 SVERIGE KUNDTJÄNST tel: 0247/ fax: 0247/ e-post: INTERNET BREV Clas Ohlson AB, INSJÖN NORGE KUNDESENTER tlf.: faks: e-post: INTERNETT POST Clas Ohlson AS, Postboks 485 Sentrum, 0105 OSLO SUOMI ASIAKASPALVELU puh.: sähköposti: INTERNET OSOITE Clas Ohlson Oy, Maistraatinportti 4 A, HELSINKI GREAT BRITAIN CUSTOMER SERVICE contact number: INTERNET POSTAL Market Place Kingston Upon Thames Surrey KT1 1JZ DEUTSCHLAND KUNDENSERVICE Unsere Homepage besuchen und auf Kundenservice klicken.

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Operating instructions

Operating instructions Battery Charger 8-846 Model V-3399AAUK 8-847 V-3399AAAUK 36-0 V-3399AA 36-0 V-3399AAA Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We


LED Party String Lights

LED Party String Lights LED Party String Lights 18-2297, -98 Model ZKU025-UK, ZKU026-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right


Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm

Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm Furniture Set Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja eutsch English Svenska Suomi Norsk Model M6x25mm 3-75 335.83 Ver. 2050902 English Furniture Set 3-75 Model 335.83 Please read the entire instruction


Surge Suppressor. Safety. Product description. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications

Surge Suppressor. Safety. Product description. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications Surge Suppressor 36-3390 Model EMP601SSP Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer

Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer Digital Timer 34-2361 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Digital Window Thermometer

Digital Window Thermometer Digital Window Thermometer 36-1270 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making


Only use warm water to clean the product. Use vegetable oil to treat the mortar surface from time to time.

Only use warm water to clean the product. Use vegetable oil to treat the mortar surface from time to time. Mortar & Pestle 34-8508 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary


ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.

ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council. ENGLISH Camping Table 31-1168 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung

Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung Wall Bracket Väggfäste Veggbrakett Seinäkiinnike Wandhalterung 38-4641 Ver. 20130926 2 Wall Bracket 38-4641 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for


Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug

Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug Floor Dimmer Switch with adaptor plug 8-0 Model EMD00A-UK 6-8 EMD00A English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


5200 mah Battery Pack 38-5588 Model WTD30552

5200 mah Battery Pack 38-5588 Model WTD30552 200 mah Battery Pack 38-88 Model WTD302 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


TV/Monitor Wall Bracket

TV/Monitor Wall Bracket English TV/Monitor Wall Bracket 38-5324 Model Wall mount 50/75/100 Read the entire instruction manual before use and then safe it for future reference. We reserve the right to make changes to text,


How to build a bird house. Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen

How to build a bird house. Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen How to build a bird house Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen a How to build a bird house: Use 20 thick wood. The kind of


Megaphone. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Use. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 38-4165 Model SD-16S

Megaphone. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Use. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 38-4165 Model SD-16S Megaphone 8-6 Model SD-6S Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary


Aerial amplifier, 2 way

Aerial amplifier, 2 way Aerial amplifier, 2 way 18-8011 Model EU-365A-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Battery-Operated LED String Lights Easy to set up. Not dependant on a power point. Automatic on/off. For indoor or outdoor use. IP44.

Battery-Operated LED String Lights Easy to set up. Not dependant on a power point. Automatic on/off. For indoor or outdoor use. IP44. String Lights 36-5350 Model XYLB-40L English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


TV/Monitor Wall Bracket

TV/Monitor Wall Bracket English TV/Monitor Wall Bracket. Drill holes in the wall using a suitable drill bit.. Screw the wall plate to the wall.. Fasten the bracket using the included bolts. - Model Wall mount 0//00/00


4000 mah Solar Charger

4000 mah Solar Charger 4000 mah Solar Charger 38-3 Model OY380-9 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or


1. [ I ] On/off 2. Light intensity setting (5 stages)

1. [ I ] On/off 2. Light intensity setting (5 stages) 8-800 Model SH0505-UK Glam Table Lamp -50 SH0505 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


QC 18 BATTERY CHARGER. Model 18-3531 KF15L-18V2500G-UK 40-8510 KF15L-18V2500G. Batteriladdare Batterilader Akkulaturi Akkuladegerät ENGLISH

QC 18 BATTERY CHARGER. Model 18-3531 KF15L-18V2500G-UK 40-8510 KF15L-18V2500G. Batteriladdare Batterilader Akkulaturi Akkuladegerät ENGLISH QC 18 BATTERY CHARGER Batteriladdare Batterilader Akkulaturi Akkuladegerät Important! Read the entire instruction manual carefully and make sure that you fully understand it before you use the equipment.


Mount the sensor in a suitable location on the ceiling (see last page, fig. 1).

Mount the sensor in a suitable location on the ceiling (see last page, fig. 1). Light Sensor 36-4908 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any


Solar Garden Light 2-pack

Solar Garden Light 2-pack Solar Garden Light 2-pack Garden Light, solar cell Trädgårdsbelysning, solcell Hagebelysning, solcelle Puutarhavalaisin, aurinkokenno ENGLISH SUOMI NORSK SVENSKA 36-4081 Ver. 200912 ENGLISH Solar


Stand for Log Splitter , ,

Stand for Log Splitter , , Stand for Log Splitter 18-3570, 40-9122, 40-9511 40-9363 1. lose the bleed screw. 2. Turn the log splitter upside down, detach the wheels and remove the plugs from the ends of the legs. 3. First


Switches your light on automatically at dusk and off at dawn. Fits most light fittings with DIN connectors. 12 24 V AC/DC. Max 3 A.

Switches your light on automatically at dusk and off at dawn. Fits most light fittings with DIN connectors. 12 24 V AC/DC. Max 3 A. Light Sensor 36-5514 Model JY-0073A English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Shower Set. English. Assembly

Shower Set. English. Assembly Shower Set 40-7348 Model ST-RS06021-GAP10 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


6 W Solar Powered USB Charger

6 W Solar Powered USB Charger English 6 W Solar Powered USB Charger 38-7362 Model GS-5016 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any


Trådlös laddstation QI. Langaton QI-latausalusta. QI Wireless Charging Pad

Trådlös laddstation QI. Langaton QI-latausalusta. QI Wireless Charging Pad Modell / Malli / Model: T511 99 940 84 SE BRUKSANVISNING Trådlös laddstation QI FI KÄYTTÖOHJEET Langaton QI-latausalusta EN INSTRUCTION MANUAL QI Wireless Charging Pad SE Innehåll Trådlös laddstation USB-kabel


Decorative LED Figures

Decorative LED Figures Decorative LED Figures 18-1411, 18-1412, 18-1415, 36-6738, 36-6739, 36-6740 Model XY800-56-26, XY800-48-62, XY800-48-61, XY800-56-26, XY800-48-62, XY800-48-61 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction


TSA Combination Wire Lock

TSA Combination Wire Lock TS ombination Wire Lock 40-7045 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any


15-metre synthetic winch rope

15-metre synthetic winch rope 15-metre synthetic winch rope 40-8674 English Mounting 1. Remove the battery leads. 2. Remove the old rope and brush the winch drum clean. 3. Remove the old fairlead and mount the new fairlead into


Automatic Hose Reel. Automatisk slangvinda Automatisk slangevinde Automaattinen letkukela Schlauchbox mit Aufrollautomatik 40-7913 HL-WA-20

Automatic Hose Reel. Automatisk slangvinda Automatisk slangevinde Automaattinen letkukela Schlauchbox mit Aufrollautomatik 40-7913 HL-WA-20 Automatic Hose Reel Automatisk slangvinda Automatisk slangevinde Automaattinen letkukela Schlauchbox mit Aufrollautomatik art. nr model 40-7913 HL-WA-20 Version 20140107 2 Automatic Hose Reel 40-7913


120 cm Decorative LED Tree

120 cm Decorative LED Tree 120 cm Decorative LED Tree 36-6398 Model WX-24VLED44-160WW-10-1 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right


Circle Tile Cutter. For maximum security. Disposal ENGLISH. Art. no

Circle Tile Cutter. For maximum security. Disposal ENGLISH. Art. no ENGLISH Circle Tile Cutter Art. no. 30-5045 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using and save it for future use. We apologise for any text or photo errors and any changes of technical


Wood/Metal Side Table

Wood/Metal Side Table Wood/Metal Side Table Sidobord trä/metall Sidebord tre/metall Sivupöytä puu/metalli Beistelltisch Holz/Metall Deutsch English Svenska Suomi Norsk Model 44-3343 KM-180319-1 Ver. 20180620 2 Wood/Metal


USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Responsible disposal. Specifications

USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Responsible disposal. Specifications USB Charger 2 18-8453 Model Vanson SP-10USBi-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI 36-1390. Headset. Headset Headset Kuulokkeet. Ver. 200802. Model: Lunar 600.

ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI 36-1390. Headset. Headset Headset Kuulokkeet. Ver. 200802. Model: Lunar 600. 36-1390 Headset Headset Headset Kuulokkeet ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: Lunar 600 Ver. 200802 Please read the entire instruction manual before using and save it for future use.


AC/DC mains adaptor with two USB ports (type A, female). For devices that are powered or charged via a USB port. Folding plug for ease of storage.

AC/DC mains adaptor with two USB ports (type A, female). For devices that are powered or charged via a USB port. Folding plug for ease of storage. USB Mains Adaptor 18-2636 Model SMP-600A005USB-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Push a pointed object into the hole on the back (under the measure button).

Push a pointed object into the hole on the back (under the measure button). IR Thermometer 36-2286 Model IR1-LS4 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any


Rear Rack Bike Light. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Assembly. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications ENGLISH

Rear Rack Bike Light. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Assembly. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications ENGLISH ENGLISH Rear Rack Bike Light 31-1927 Model Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Elektronisk Scart-växel SCART-kytkin äänelle ja kuvalle. KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNINGVers: 001-200405

Elektronisk Scart-växel SCART-kytkin äänelle ja kuvalle. KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNINGVers: 001-200405 Elektronisk Scart-växel SCART-kytkin äänelle ja kuvalle KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNINGVers: 001-200405 Nr/Nro: 38-1259 Modell/Malli: S-420R SE Användningsområde Med hjälp av scartväxeln kan du ansluta fyra


ENGLI SH. AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI. Model 18-8104 H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D. Ver. 200903. www.clasohlson.

ENGLI SH. AM/FM Radio. AM/FM-radio SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI. Model 18-8104 H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D. Ver. 200903. www.clasohlson. AM/FM Radio AM/FM-radio ENGLI SH SUOMI NORSK SVENSKA Model 18-8104 H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D Ver. 200903 ENGLISH AM/FM Radio 18-8104 Model H5004-BI 38-3245 H5004-D Please


Solar Table Lantern. Safety. Product description. Operation. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Model 412.

Solar Table Lantern. Safety. Product description. Operation. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. Model 412. Solar Table Lantern 36-4788 Model 412.463 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA

Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA 38-4121 Model ZH3519 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in


Network Tester. Product description. Operation. Disposal. Inspecting TP cable (RJ45) and ISDN cable (RJ11)

Network Tester. Product description. Operation. Disposal. Inspecting TP cable (RJ45) and ISDN cable (RJ11) Network Tester 38-3970 Model TCT-108 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for


Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy

Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy 34-7690 Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Modell/Malli: HP102-D4 Ver. 2007-01 SVENSKA Kokplatta, 34-7690, modell HP102-D4 Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före


Stylish products and accessories for your mobile living. The Isotech assortment is a hand picked selection of quality products for your mobile life.

Stylish products and accessories for your mobile living. The Isotech assortment is a hand picked selection of quality products for your mobile life. ST ONE User manual Stylish products and accessories for your mobile living. The Isotech assortment is a hand picked selection of quality products for your mobile life. Enjoy your mobile lifestyle! Stone-



PRO C1830 BATTERY CHARGER BATTERILADDARE BATTERILADER ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI DEUTSCH 18 V PRO C1830 BATTERILADDARE BATTERILADER AKKULATURI LADEGERÄT Viktig information: Läs hela bruksanvisningen noggrant och försäkra dig om att du har förstått den innan du använder utrustningen. Spara


Battery-operated LED decoration

Battery-operated LED decoration Battery-operated LED decoration 36-5902 Model WX-LED20-20WW-1 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right


Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness.

Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness. switch 36-2809 Model EFM700DB Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary


QC 18 BATTERY CHARGER. Model KF15L-18V2500G-UK KF15L-18V2500G. Batteriladdare Batterilader Akkulaturi Akkuladegerät ENGLISH

QC 18 BATTERY CHARGER. Model KF15L-18V2500G-UK KF15L-18V2500G. Batteriladdare Batterilader Akkulaturi Akkuladegerät ENGLISH QC 18 BATTERY CHARGER Batteriladdare Batterilader Akkulaturi Akkuladegerät Important! Read the entire instruction manual carefully and make sure that you fully understand it before you use the equipment.


Johanna. Model AW-1031B AW-1031B. Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI

Johanna. Model AW-1031B AW-1031B. Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Johanna Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin SUOMI ENGLISH NORSK SVENSKA Model 32-6506 AW-1031B 32-6507 AW-1031B Ver. 201107 Outdoor light 32-6506 Model AW-1031B 32-6507


Coat Stand. Assembly. Product description. Care and maintenance. Responsible disposal. Specifications. English B A

Coat Stand. Assembly. Product description. Care and maintenance. Responsible disposal. Specifications. English B A oat Stand 44-3103-1, -2 Model X-YOI ssembly nglish Please read the entire instruction manual before use and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri

Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri 38-1479 Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: NB-30 Ver. 200801 ENGLISH Wireless Optical Mouse art. nr:



18 V SERIES LITHIUM 18 V LXC QC / / FC BATTERY CHARGER ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI DEUTSCH 18-3629/41-1379 18 V LITHIUM SERIES BATTERY CHARGER 18 V LXC QC18 Important: Read the entire instruction manual carefully and make sure that you fully understand it before you use the equipment. Keep the


LED String Light Extension

LED String Light Extension LED String Light Extension 36-6684 Model WX-31VLED44-100WW-10-1 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for


Powerbank Modell HTD455100A

Powerbank Modell HTD455100A 38-856 Modell HTD55100A Please read the entire instruction manual before use and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary changes


ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968

ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968 ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968 SE Firewire PC-card 32-4968 Introduktion CardBus (Firewire) håller en säker plats som högeffektiv



BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE Ver. 001-200504 Firewirekort IEEE 1394 PCI Firewirekortti IEEE 1394 PCI Nr/Nro: 32-7172 Modell/Malli: FW3010 SE Presentation Firewirekort (IEEE 1394), snabb överföring upp till


Assembly Attach the winding handle by screwing it clockwise onto the screw on the side of the housing.

Assembly Attach the winding handle by screwing it clockwise onto the screw on the side of the housing. Ice crusher 34-1369 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. Description Simple, easy-to-use hand-powered ice crusher no batteries needed. Crushes ice


MHX10 Headphones. Safety. Care and maintenance. Operating instructions. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications

MHX10 Headphones. Safety. Care and maintenance. Operating instructions. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications English MHX10 Headphones 38-5774, 38-5775, 38-5776 Model VT-H63 RED, VT-H63 WHITE, VT-H63 PINK Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference.



INSTALLATIONSGUIDE ASENNUSOHJE. USB 2.0 kort. USB 2.0 kortti INSTALLATIONSGUIDE ASENNUSOHJE Ver. 001-200303 USB 2.0 kort Modell/Malli FT-UPC-124V Nr/Nro: 32-4468 USB 2.0 kortti SE Läs igenom anvisningen före installation. Vi reserverar oss för ev. text- och bildfel


ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI 36-1061. Door Sentinel. Dörrvakt Dørvakt Ovihälytin. Ver. 200801. Model: SH1010.

ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI 36-1061. Door Sentinel. Dörrvakt Dørvakt Ovihälytin. Ver. 200801. Model: SH1010. 36-1061 Door Sentinel Dörrvakt Dørvakt Ovihälytin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: SH1010 Ver. 200801 Door Sentinel Nr: 36-1061 model: SH1010 Door sentinel with two functions: Entry


Elastic Tow Rope. Safety. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications. Model DP9300IBL. English

Elastic Tow Rope. Safety. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications. Model DP9300IBL. English Elastic Tow Rope 35-1322 Model DP9300IBL English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text



KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING Campinglampa Campinglykt Retkivalaisin Ver. 001-200703 Modell/Malli: CC-2782 Nr/Nro: 36-2744 SVENSKA Campinglampa Artikelnummer: 36-2744 Modell: CC-2782 Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen


Operating instructions

Operating instructions LED Star Lamp 36-6108 Model NL-CD-15001-48S Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text
