Compressor 12 V. Description. Safety. Use. Disposal. Specifications

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1 Compressor 12 V Model GXM01028A English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary technical changes to this document. If you should have any questions concerning technical problems please contact our Customer Services. Description Compressor with load gauge for pumping car tyres, rubber boats, air mattresses, footballs etc. Two different nipples (for e.g. cycles and air mattresses) and a pump needle (for balls) included. The cord is equipped with plug which fits the cigarette lighter socket. Safety To avoid overheating, the compressor should not be used for more than 10 minutes without interruption during normal load. If you need to pump more you should wait 10 minutes before you start the compressor again. During heavy load (pressure over 5 bars), let the compressor rest after 7 minutes use. If the compressor still becomes overheated shut it off and let it cool for 30 minutes before you start it again. Use Pumping tyres 1. Attach the compressor to the car s cigarette lighter socket. Note that on certain types of cars the ignition must be turned on in order to supply power to the socket. 2. Press the pump nipple against the tyre valve and secure it tightly by folding the lever backwards. 3. Pump the tyre to the recommended pressure (see instruction book) and then pull the plug out of the car s cigarette lighter socket. Pumping of inflatable toys etc. 1. Choose a suitable nipple or pump needle and push the object which you want to pump into the valve. 2. Attach the compressor to the cigarette lighter socket to start the pumping. 3. Pull out the plug from the cigarette lighter socket when the desired pressure is reached. Note! Toys and air mattresses can tear if you pump them too hard! Be careful and always check the pressure of the object during the pumping. Never pump to a higher pressure than the one which is recommended. Disposal Follow local ordinances when disposing of this product. If you are unsure about how to dispose of this product contact your municipality. Specifications Power Supply Power use approx. 8 A Maximum pressure 17 bar (246 psi) Length of lead 2.8 m Air cord length Free air delivery GREAT BRITAIN CUSTOMER SERVICE tel: internet:

2 Svenska Kompressor 12 V Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före användning och spara den sedan för framtida bruk. Vi reserverar oss för ev. text- och bildfel samt ändringar av tekniska data. Vid tekniska problem eller andra frågor, kontakta vår kundtjänst. Beskrivning Kompressor med tryckmätare för pumpning av bildäck, gummibåtar, luftmadrasser, fotbollar mm. Två olika nipplar (för t.ex. cyklar och luftmadrasser) och en pumpnål (för bollar) medföljer. Sladden är försedd med stickpropp passande till cigarettändaruttag. Säkerhet För att undvika överhettning får kompressorn vid normal belastning inte användas i mer än 10 minuter utan avbrott. Behöver du pumpa mera bör du vänta i 10 minuter innan du startar kompressorn igen. Vid hög belastning (tryck över 5 bar), låt kompressorn vila efter 7 minuters användning. Skulle kompressorn ändå överhettas, stäng av den och låt den svalna i 30 minuter innan du startar den igen. Användning Pumpning av däck 1. Anslut kompressorn till bilens cigarettändaruttag. Tänk på att tändningen måste vara påslagen på vissa bilmodeller för att det ska finnas ström fram till uttaget. 2. Tryck pumpnippeln mot däckets ventil och lås fast den genom att vika spaken bakåt. 3. Pumpa däcket till rekommenderat tryck (se bilens instruktionsbok), och drag sedan stickproppen ur bilens cigaretttändaruttag. Pumpning av uppblåsbara leksaker mm. 1. Välj lämplig nippel eller pumpnål och för in i ventilen på det som du vill pumpa. 2. Anslut kompressorn till cigarettändaruttaget för att starta pumpningen. 3. Drag ur stickproppen ur cigarettändaruttaget när önskad hårdhet är nådd. OBS! Leksaker och luftmadrasser kan spricka om du pumpar dem för hårt! Var noga med att hela tiden kontrollera hårdheten under pumpningen. Pumpa aldrig till högre tryck än vad som rekommenderas. Avfallshantering När du ska göra dig av med produkten ska detta ske enligt lokala föreskrifter. Är du osäker på hur du ska gå tillväga, kontakta din kommun. Specifikationer Strömförsörjning Effektförbrukning Max tryck Sladdlängd Luftslangens längd Fri avgiven luftmängd ca 8 A 17 bar (246 psi) SVERIGE KUNDTJÄNST tel. 0247/ internet fax 0247/ e-post

3 Kompressor 12 V Norsk Les nøye igjennom hele bruksanvisningen og ta vare på den til senere bruk. Vi reserverer oss mot ev. tekst- og bildefeil, samt forandringer av tekniske data. Ved tekniske problemer eller andre spørsmål, ta kontakt med vårt kundesenter. Beskrivelse Kompressor med trykkmåler for pumping av bildekk, gummibåter, luftmadrasser, fotballer etc. To forskjellige nipler (for f.eks. sykler og luftmadrasser) og en pumpenål (for baller) følger med. Ledningen er utstyrt med støpsel som passer til sigarettenner. Sikkerhet For å unngå overoppheting må kompressoren ved normal belastning ikke brukes i mer enn 10 minutter uten avbrekk. Hvis du skal pumpe lengre, bør du vente i 10 minutter før du starter kompressoren igjen. Ved høy belastning (trykk større enn 5 bar), la kompressoren hvile etter 7 minutters bruk. Dersom kompressoren allikevel overopphetes, steng den og la den avkjøles i 30 minutter før du starter den igjen. Bruk Pumping av dekk 1. Koble kompressoren til bilens uttak for sigarettenner. Husk at tenningen må være skrudd på på visse bilmodeller for at det skal være strøm fram til uttaket. 2. Trykk pumpenippelen mot dekkets ventil og lås den fast ved å bøye spaken bakover. 3. Pump dekket til trykket er som anbefalt (se bilens instruksjonsbok), og dra deretter støpselet ut av bilens sigarettenner. Pumping av oppblåsbare leker etc. 1. Velg en passende nippel eller pumpenål og før den inn i ventilen på det som skal pumpes opp. 2. Koble deretter kompressoren til sigarettuttaket for å starte pumpingen. 3. Dra stikkontakten ut av støpselet når ønsket hardhet er oppnådd. OBS! Leker og luftmadrasser kan sprekke dersom du pumper dem for hardt! Vær nøye med å hele tiden ha kontroll på hardheten mens du pumper. Pump aldri til høyere trykk enn det som anbefalers. Avfallshåndtering Når du skal kvitte deg med produktet, skal dette skje i henhold til lokale forskrifter. Er du usikker på hvordan du går fram, ta kontakt med lokale myndigheter. Spesifikasjoner Strømforsyning Effektforbruk Ca. 8 A Maks. trykk 14 bar (200 psi) Lengde på ledning Luftslangens lengde Fritt avgitt luftmengde NORGE KUNDESENTER tel internett fax e-post

4 Suomi Kompressori 12 V Tuotenro Malli GXM01028A Lue käyttöohjeet ennen tuotteen käyttöönottoa ja säilytä ne tulevaa tarvetta varten. Pidätämme oikeuden teknisten tietojen muutoksiin. Emme vastaa mahdollisista teksti- tai kuvavirheistä. Jos laitteeseen tulee teknisiä ongelmia, ota yhteys myymälään tai asiakaspalveluun. Kuvaus Kompressori ja painemittari auton renkaiden, kumiveneiden, ilmapatjojen, jalkapallojen ym. täyttämiseen. Pakkauksessa kaksi eri suutinta (esim. polkupyörille ja ilmapatjoille) ja yksi pumppuneula (palloille). Johdossa on pistoke savukkeensytytinliitäntään. Turvallisuus Vältä kompressorin ylikuumeneminen äläkä käytä sitä yhtäjaksoisesti yli 10 minuuttia normaalissa käytössä. Mikäli sinun tarvitsee pumpata yli 10 minuuttia kerrallaan, pidä 10 minuutin tauko välissä. Mikäli kompressoria kuormitetaan paljon (yli 5 baarin paine), anna kompressorin jäähtyä 7 minuutin käytön jälkeen. Mikäli kompressori kuitenkin ylikuumenee, anna sen jäähtyä puolen tunnin ajan ennen kuin käynnistät sen uudelleen. Käyttö Renkaiden täyttäminen 1. Liitä kompressori auton savukkeensytytinliitäntään. Ota huomioon, että tiettyjen autojen sytytyksen tulee olla päällä, jotta pistokkeessa on virtaa. 2. Paina pumpun suutin renkaan venttiiliin ja lukitse se kääntämällä kahvaa taaksepäin. 3. Pumppaa renkaaseen suositeltu paine (katso auton ohjekirjasta) ja irrota pistoke auton savukkeensytytinliitännästä. Ilmatäytteisten lelujen tms. täyttäminen 1. Valitse sopiva suutin tai pumppuneula ja aseta se täytettävän laitteen venttiiliin. 2. Liitä kompressori savukkeensytytinliitäntään aloittaaksesi täyttämisen. 3. Irrota pistoke savukkeensytytinliitännästä kun kohteessa on haluttu määrä ilmaa. Huom.! Lelut ja ilmapatjat saattavat puhjeta, mikäli niitä täytetään liikaa! Tarkkaile kohteen kovuutta koko pumppauksen ajan. Älä ylitä koskaan suositeltua painetta. Kierrätys Kierrätä tuote asianmukaisesti, kun poistat sen käytöstä. Ota yhteys kuntasi jäteneuvojaan, mikäli olet epävarma. Tekniset tiedot Virtalähde Tehonkulutus Suurin paine Johdon pituus Ilmaletkun pituus Tuotto vastapaineella Noin 8 A 17 baaria (246 psi) SUOMI asiakaspalvelu puh kotisivu sähköposti

5 Kompressor 12 V Art.Nr Deutsch Vor Inbetriebnahme die komplette Bedienungsanleitung durchlesen und aufbewahren. Irrtümer, Abweichungen und Änderungen behalten wir uns vor. Bei technischen Problemen oder anderen Fragen freut sich unser Kundenservice über eine Kontaktaufnahme. Beschreibung Kompressor mit Druckmesser zum Aufpumpen von Autoreifen, Schlauchbooten, Luftmatratzen, Fußbällen etc. Zwei verschiedene Nippel (für z. B. Fahrräder und Luftmatratzen) und eine Pumpnadel (für Bälle) werden mitgeliefert. Das Kabel ist mit einem Stecker zum Anschluss an den Zigarettenanzünder versehen. Sicherheitshinweise Zur Vermeidung von Überhitzung darf der Kompressor bei normaler Belastung nicht mehr als 10 Minuten ohne Unterbrechung in Betrieb sein. Soll mehr aufgepumpt werden, 10 Minuten warten, bevor der Kompressor wieder gestartet wird. Bei hoher Belastung (Druck über 5 bar) den Kompressor nach 7 Minuten Betrieb unterbrechen. Sollte es dennoch zu einer Überhitzung kommen, den Kompressor ausschalten und vor dem nächsten Start 30 Minuten abkühlen lassen. Gebrauch Aufpumpen von Reifen 1. Den Kompressor an den Zigarettenanzünder des Fahrzeugs anschließen. Dabei muss bei manchen Fahrzeugmodellen die Zündung eingeschaltet sein, damit die Buchse mit Strom versorgt ist. 2. Den Pumpennippel auf das Reifenventil drücken und durch Zurückbiegen des Hebels befestigen. 3. Den Reifen mit dem empfohlenen Druck (siehe Betriebsanleitung des Fahrzeugs) füllen und anschließend den Stecker aus dem Zigarettenanzünder des Fahrzeugs ziehen. Aufpumpen von aufblasbarem Spielzeug etc. 4. Einen passenden Nippel oder Pumpnadel wählen und in das Ventil des aufzupumpenden Objekts stecken. 5. Den Kompressor an den Zigarettenanzünder anschließen, um den Pumpvorgang zu starten. 6. Nachdem die gewünschte Härte erreicht ist, den Stecker aus der Zigarettenanzünderbuchse ziehen. Achtung: Spielzeug und Luftmatratzen können bei zu hartem Aufpumpen reißen. Daher den Pumpvorgang und die Härte ständig im Auge behalten. Die empfohlenen Druckwerte dürfen niemals überschritten werden. Hinweise zur Entsorgung Bitte das Produkt entsprechend den lokalen Bestimmungen entsorgen. Weitere Informationen sind von der Gemeinde oder den kommunalen Entsorgungsbetrieben erhältlich. Technische Daten Stromversorgung Leistungsaufnahme Max. Betriebsdruck Kabellänge Länge des Luftschlauchs Abgabeleistung ca. 8 A 17 bar (246 psi) DEUTSCHLAND KUNDENSERVICE Unsere Homepage besuchen und auf Kundenservice klicken.

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Stand for Log Splitter , ,

Stand for Log Splitter , , Stand for Log Splitter 18-3570, 40-9122, 40-9511 40-9363 1. lose the bleed screw. 2. Turn the log splitter upside down, detach the wheels and remove the plugs from the ends of the legs. 3. First


SVENSKA. FM-radio. FM-radio NORSK SUOMI. Model 38-3244 H5021A. Ver. 200902.

SVENSKA. FM-radio. FM-radio NORSK SUOMI. Model 38-3244 H5021A. Ver. 200902. FM-radio FM-radio SUOMI SVENSKA NORSK Model 38-3244 H5021A Ver. 200902 SVENSKA FM-radio 38-3244 Model: H5021A Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före användning och spara


Battery-Operated LED String Lights Easy to set up. Not dependant on a power point. Automatic on/off. For indoor or outdoor use. IP44.

Battery-Operated LED String Lights Easy to set up. Not dependant on a power point. Automatic on/off. For indoor or outdoor use. IP44. String Lights 36-5350 Model XYLB-40L English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Camping Chair. Safety. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. 31-1171 ENGLISH

Camping Chair. Safety. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. 31-1171 ENGLISH ENGLISH Camping Chair 31-1171 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer

Digital Timer. Operating instructions. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications. 34-2361. Battery. Using the timer as a timer/egg timer Digital Timer 34-2361 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


1. [ I ] On/off 2. Light intensity setting (5 stages)

1. [ I ] On/off 2. Light intensity setting (5 stages) 8-800 Model SH0505-UK Glam Table Lamp -50 SH0505 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors



GREAT BRITAIN CUSTOMER SERVICE Solar Railing Lights 36-4789-1, -2, -3 Model 413.360 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness.

Dimmer switch. Operating instructions A short press on the dimmer knob turns the light on and off. Turn clockwise to increase brightness. switch 36-2809 Model EFM700DB Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary


ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.

ENGLISH. This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council. ENGLISH Camping Table 31-1168 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


LED Rechargeable Front Bicycle Light

LED Rechargeable Front Bicycle Light ENGLISH LED Rechargeable Front Bicycle Light 31-5526 Model FF-240 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any


Network Tester. Product description. Operation. Disposal. Inspecting TP cable (RJ45) and ISDN cable (RJ11)

Network Tester. Product description. Operation. Disposal. Inspecting TP cable (RJ45) and ISDN cable (RJ11) Network Tester 38-3970 Model TCT-108 English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for


120 cm Decorative LED Tree

120 cm Decorative LED Tree 120 cm Decorative LED Tree 36-6398 Model WX-24VLED44-160WW-10-1 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right


Chain Link Remover. Product description. Removing pins. Inserting a new pin. Adjusting the chain. Disposal. Art. no ENGLISH

Chain Link Remover. Product description. Removing pins. Inserting a new pin. Adjusting the chain. Disposal. Art. no ENGLISH ENGLISH Chain Link Remover Art. no 34-8708 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


12 V LED Spotlight 36-1316 Model MF-3059

12 V LED Spotlight 36-1316 Model MF-3059 12 V LED Spotlight 36-1316 Model MF-3059 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in


USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications

USB Charger 2. Safety. Charging. Care and maintenance. Troubleshooting guide. Disposal. Specifications USB Charger 2 36-5757 Model Vanson SP-10USBi English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Mount the sensor in a suitable location on the ceiling (see last page, fig. 1).

Mount the sensor in a suitable location on the ceiling (see last page, fig. 1). Light Sensor 36-4908 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any


Mobile Telephone Holder

Mobile Telephone Holder 36-2948, 36-2947 Mobile Telephone Holder Mobiltelefonhållare Mobiltelefonholder Matkapuhelinteline Nr/Nro: 36-2947, 36-2948 English 2 Svenska 4 Norsk 6 Suomi 8 Ver. 001-200705 ENGLISH Mobile Telephone


ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI 36-1061. Door Sentinel. Dörrvakt Dørvakt Ovihälytin. Ver. 200801. Model: SH1010.

ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI 36-1061. Door Sentinel. Dörrvakt Dørvakt Ovihälytin. Ver. 200801. Model: SH1010. 36-1061 Door Sentinel Dörrvakt Dørvakt Ovihälytin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: SH1010 Ver. 200801 Door Sentinel Nr: 36-1061 model: SH1010 Door sentinel with two functions: Entry



BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE Ver. 003-200311 Nr/Nro: 32-6826 Multiport USB-2.0 för 2,5 HDD USB 2.0 Multiportti 2,5 HDD -asemille Modell/Malli: FT-KUH-K36G SE Beskrivning: Du har nu köpt en produkt som står


Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy

Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy 34-7690 Kokplatta Kokeplate Keittolevy SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Modell/Malli: HP102-D4 Ver. 2007-01 SVENSKA Kokplatta, 34-7690, modell HP102-D4 Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen före


Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri

Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri 38-1479 Wireless Optical Mouse Trådlös optisk mus Trådløs optisk mus Langaton optinen hiiri ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Model: NB-30 Ver. 200801 ENGLISH Wireless Optical Mouse art. nr:


Elastic Tow Rope. Safety. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications. Model DP9300IBL. English

Elastic Tow Rope. Safety. Operating instructions. Disposal. Specifications. Model DP9300IBL. English Elastic Tow Rope 35-1322 Model DP9300IBL English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


Battery-operated LED decoration

Battery-operated LED decoration Battery-operated LED decoration 36-5902 Model WX-LED20-20WW-1 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right


Morphea LED Desk Lamp

Morphea LED Desk Lamp Morphea LED Desk Lamp 18-1075/36-3347 Model Morphea LED English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We apologise for any text or


Johanna. Model AW-1031B AW-1031B. Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI

Johanna. Model AW-1031B AW-1031B. Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Johanna Outdoor light Utomhusbelysning Utendørslampe Ulkovalaisin SUOMI ENGLISH NORSK SVENSKA Model 32-6506 AW-1031B 32-6507 AW-1031B Ver. 201107 Outdoor light 32-6506 Model AW-1031B 32-6507


For maximum battery life, the torch should be recharged after minutes of continuous use.

For maximum battery life, the torch should be recharged after minutes of continuous use. Spotlight Torch 18-1074, 36-3381 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Assembly Attach the winding handle by screwing it clockwise onto the screw on the side of the housing.

Assembly Attach the winding handle by screwing it clockwise onto the screw on the side of the housing. Ice crusher 34-1369 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. Description Simple, easy-to-use hand-powered ice crusher no batteries needed. Crushes ice



KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING Campinglampa Campinglykt Retkivalaisin Ver. 001-200703 Modell/Malli: CC-2782 Nr/Nro: 36-2744 SVENSKA Campinglampa Artikelnummer: 36-2744 Modell: CC-2782 Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen


3. Pull the valve cap out. 4. Insert the nozzle of the pump into the valve and inflate.

3. Pull the valve cap out. 4. Insert the nozzle of the pump into the valve and inflate. Inflatable Sofa Bed 31-5483 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Surge Protector. Specifications Max load 230 V AC, 50 Hz, 16 A (3680 W) Protection Class. 18-2042 Model EMP415TV-UK 36-1259 EMP415TV

Surge Protector. Specifications Max load 230 V AC, 50 Hz, 16 A (3680 W) Protection Class. 18-2042 Model EMP415TV-UK 36-1259 EMP415TV Surge Protector 18-2042 Model EMP415TV-UK English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and



BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE Ver. 001-200504 Firewirekort IEEE 1394 PCI Firewirekortti IEEE 1394 PCI Nr/Nro: 32-7172 Modell/Malli: FW3010 SE Presentation Firewirekort (IEEE 1394), snabb överföring upp till


USB 3.0 PCI Express. Installing drivers. Safety. Product description. Disposal. Installation. Specifications. English

USB 3.0 PCI Express. Installing drivers. Safety. Product description. Disposal. Installation. Specifications. English 38-4115 Model PU3020N2 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any necessary technical


Rear Rack Bike Light. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Assembly. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications ENGLISH

Rear Rack Bike Light. Safety. Product description. Buttons and functions. Assembly. Care and maintenance. Disposal. Specifications ENGLISH ENGLISH Rear Rack Bike Light 31-1927 Model Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968

ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968 ver. 001-2006 -11 INSTALLATIONSANVISNING/ ASENNUSOHJE Firewire PC-card Tiedonsiirto-ohjain Artikelnr/nro 32-4968 SE Firewire PC-card 32-4968 Introduktion CardBus (Firewire) håller en säker plats som högeffektiv


Wall clock Väggklocka DST Veggklokke Seinäkello DST

Wall clock Väggklocka DST Veggklokke Seinäkello DST 31-3771, 31-3772 Wall clock Väggklocka DST Veggklokke Seinäkello DST ENGLISH SVENSKA NORSK SUOMI Ver. 25-07 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using and save it


English. Follow local ordinances when disposing of this product. If you are unsure about how to dispose of this product contact your municipality.

English. Follow local ordinances when disposing of this product. If you are unsure about how to dispose of this product contact your municipality. English Swim Goggles 31-4514-02, 34-9007 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making


Switches your light on automatically at dusk and off at dawn. Fits most light fittings with DIN connectors. 12 24 V AC/DC. Max 3 A.

Switches your light on automatically at dusk and off at dawn. Fits most light fittings with DIN connectors. 12 24 V AC/DC. Max 3 A. Light Sensor 36-5514 Model JY-0073A English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Surge Protector. Safety. Operation. Disposal. Specifications. 36-5994 Model 54100

Surge Protector. Safety. Operation. Disposal. Specifications. 36-5994 Model 54100 Surge Protector 36-5994 Model 54100 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images


Screen cleaning kit with sponge and cloth

Screen cleaning kit with sponge and cloth Screen cleaning kit with sponge and cloth 38-5951 English Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors


Sun Chair. Solstol Aurinkotuoli Sonnenstuhl. Fully adjustable

Sun Chair. Solstol Aurinkotuoli Sonnenstuhl. Fully adjustable Sun Chair Solstol Aurinkotuoli Sonnenstuhl BLACK Fully adjustable 1 2 Sun Chair 31-4678 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve



PAINEILMALETKUKELA-AUTOMAATTI AUTOMATIC AIR HOSE REEL MAV4 MAV5 MAV6 PAINEILMALETKUKELA-AUTOMAATTI AUTOMATIC AIR HOSE REEL Käyttöohje Instruction manual HUOMIO! Lue käyttöohjeet huolellisesti ennen laitteen käyttöä ja noudata kaikkia annettuja ohjeita. Säilytä


Decorative LED Figures

Decorative LED Figures Decorative LED Figures 18-1411, 18-1412, 18-1415, 36-6738, 36-6739, 36-6740 Model XY800-56-26, XY800-48-62, XY800-48-61, XY800-56-26, XY800-48-62, XY800-48-61 ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction


Nätverkskabel USB 2.0 Verkkokaapeli USB 2.0

Nätverkskabel USB 2.0 Verkkokaapeli USB 2.0 KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING Nätverkskabel USB 2.0 Verkkokaapeli USB 2.0 Modell/Malli: USB-NL2 Nr/Nro: 32-8825 Vers: 002-200312 SE Beskrivning Nätverkskabel för enkel filöverföring mellan datorer med USB


12-Litre Garden Spreader

12-Litre Garden Spreader -Litre Garden Spreader -00 Parts Assembly English Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and


Roller/Ball Bearing Work Stand

Roller/Ball Bearing Work Stand Roller/Ball Bearing Work Stand 40-804 Model YH-RS007 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text


Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm

Furniture Set. Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja Ver English. Svenska. Norsk. Suomi. Deutsch. M6x25mm Furniture Set Möbelset Møbelsett Kalustesarja eutsch English Svenska Suomi Norsk Model M6x25mm 3-75 335.83 Ver. 2050902 English Furniture Set 3-75 Model 335.83 Please read the entire instruction


Inserting batteries. 1. Press [ HOUR ] to set the hours. 2. Press [ MINUTE ] to set the minutes.

Inserting batteries. 1. Press [ HOUR ] to set the hours. 2. Press [ MINUTE ] to set the minutes. Waterproof Clock 36-4597 Model 0506 Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any


How to build a bird house. Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen

How to build a bird house. Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen How to build a bird house Så bygger du en egen fågelholk Hvordan bygge en fuglekasse Rakenna oma linnunpönttö Ein Vogelhäuschen selber bauen a How to build a bird house: Use 20 thick wood. The kind of


LED String Light Extension

LED String Light Extension LED String Light Extension 36-6684 Model WX-31VLED44-100WW-10-1 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for


Glass Tube Table Lamp

Glass Tube Table Lamp Glass Tube Table Lamp 18-1391 Model OCC-752-Marble-BK-UK ENGLISH Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and then save it for future reference. We reserve the right for


Remote Control Switch Fjärrströmbrytare Fjernstyrt bryter Kaukokytkin

Remote Control Switch Fjärrströmbrytare Fjernstyrt bryter Kaukokytkin Remote Control Switch Fjärrströmbrytare Fjernstyrt bryter Kaukokytkin ENGLISH SVENSKA SUOMI NORSK 18-2035 Ver. 200811 2 Remote Control Switch Article number: 18-2035 Please read


Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA

Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA Docking Station, 3.5 /2.5 HDD SATA 38-4121 Model ZH3519 Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference. We reserve the right for any errors in


Gigabit nätverkskort Gigabit verkkokortti

Gigabit nätverkskort Gigabit verkkokortti KÄYTTÖOHJE BRUKSANVISNING Gigabit nätverkskort Gigabit verkkokortti Nr/Nro: 38-1505 Modell/Malli: SOHO-GA1200T Ver: 001-200510 2 BRUKSANVISNING Läs igenom hela bruksanvisningen fö re användning och spara
